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Posts posted by hkhm

  1. Gently carved wood warm with a maternal love that reaches beyond death: rose-infused amber and soft golden sandalwood.

    imp: this smells like rosewood.

    wet: very woodsy, like a cross between rosewood and sandalwood. this is the smell that an old desk-drawer has after it's held faded rose potpourri long past it's prime. it's that exact smell.

    dry: this is one of the rare rose scents that has not gone all sharp soapy awfulness on me. it's a rich rose and wood scent, sort of like a lighter version of séance.

  2. imp: musk, basam of peru and fir.


    wet: minty pine over musk. i rather like this.


    dry: this dries to a very rich musk scent. there is pine but it is really a supporting scent here.

  3. imp: fresh water and light cream. interesting.


    wet: there is something fresh and almost green-smelling here. the effect is to really make one think of spring water. the cream is very light and i'm not getting much else aside from an indistinct sweetness.


    dry: this sorta reminds me of a lighter version of dirty, slightly sweeter and creamier though.

  4. imp: musk and, oddly, nicotiana. it's usually not a note i can smell so strongly.


    wet: this is sweet and sharp all at once. the caramel is softening the nicotiana and musk but there's still a jagged scent behind it all.


    dry: this is a sweetened black musk and nicotiana scent, kinda like a male version of black temple burlesque troupe.

  5. imp: heliotrope with a bitter citrus scent, likely the orange blossom.


    wet: very bright and strong lemon verbena with the heliotrope and orange blossom in the back.


    dry: this dries to a dusty, pretty heliotrope. very similar to sol invictus.

  6. imp: very, very, very strong frankincense and myrrh.


    wet: this is all frankincense during the wet phase. not bad, i love frankincense, but very strong.


    dry: the frankincense does fade a bit, though barely. it's still the strongest note on my skin, i can't smell anything else.

  7. imp: i know there's no patchouli listed in the notes, but it has that same wonderful gritty, smoky scent that all the old, resinous patchouli bottles have.


    wet: hmmm, the sweetness of grapes without the fake kool-aid grape scent. and a pervasive smoke scent. no rose and no liliy for me either...


    dry: i would not say this is a grape scent once dry, there is a fruity sweetness but it's not grape anymore. the opium smoke is very lovely over the sweet, fruity base.

  8. imp: beautiful champaca and sandalwood. very incens-y.


    wet: there is a hint of orange blossom but it's faint and quickly fades. this is straight-up champaca incense on me.


    dry: this is a little more sandalwood as it dries but it still smells strongly of incense. i like this blend far more than i expected to.

  9. wet: this is lovely! it's a total memory flashback for me, to a very exciting and fun time in my life. very fresh lime and musk.


    wet: this is a very bright green tea and musk scent with a zingy overlay of lime. this reminds me of my beloved pumpkin 3 from 2007 so i will be buying a bottle or two.


    dry: this dries so refreshingly clean and pretty, it smells like clean laundry and fresh spring sunshine and happiness all rolled up together.

  10. imp: whoa oleander. i can barely smell the honey, this is strong.


    wet: this goes somewhat soapy on my skin with very little added sweetness.


    dry: well, it's gone full soap on me, i didn't realize that oleander turned this sharp on my skin.

  11. imp: hmmm... just like the scent hemlock but with an added dose of honey.


    wet: yep, this is a sweeter version of hemlock, which is fine with me, hemlock is a bit too strong on me.


    dry: this dries to be a fainter, sweeter version of hemlock.

  12. imp: bright and green with a juicy undertone. oh, and some honey.


    wet: this is very pretty! a very strong and sweet honey scent with the snap of greenery behind it keeping it from being too sweet.


    dry: an almost flowery honey scent. i like this way more than i was expecting, this may be a bottle purchase...

  13. bottle: totally creamy. hints of coconut, vanilla (probably tonka) and the ginger cream.


    wet: very soft and creamy, the spice is soft and rich but somehow subdued. i love scents like this, so well-blended that the different notes mingle so they are hard to distinguish singly.


    dry: i get a little more amber (odd, since i usually amp it) and a bit of tobacco with the softly spicy cream. yum, yum, yum.

  14. país de la canela isn't cinnamony on me at all! it is spicy but it doesn't burn the hell out of my skin.


    the one that does: jailbait! smells so good but is just cinnamon-lollipop-agony on my skin. ditto my most recent bottle of the dodo, the cassia is crazy-strong.

  15. So, anyone with a bottle of Shub care to comment? Has the blend become more cinnamon-y over time?


    well, my current in-use bottle is from august of 2008 and it's incredibly gingery/spicy on me. cinnamon burns me horribly so i would definitely notice if it was strengthening. my blend has become stronger (i have a much younger bottle that i just gave a quick sniff to) but not cinnamon-stronger.

  16. Penny Dreadful smells like a vitamin or a health food shop. Also kinda like tahini. You know how a medicine cabinet has that musty, medicinal smell? It's kinda like that.


    I don't like it, but maybe somebody out there would find it comforting. :D


    wow. penny dreadful smells like spicy, dusty dirt on my skin.


    i was going to recommend hemlock but silvertarna beat me to it.

