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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm


    bottle: patchouli and cedar. so sharp and tangy! wet: stronger patchouli and cedar. it's almost overpowering. dry: very woodsy and crisp. this does not fade at all on me, it stays quite strong. this is another of my husband's scents. it's not great of me but it's awesome on him. (edit: this scent stays on me even after a quick shower! now that's some staying power!)
  2. hkhm


    bottle: frankincense, patchouli and oakmoss. what a mysterious scent! wet: i'm developing a serious addiction for all of the moss scents and this blend is no exception. i don't know what it is but there is something intensely sweet behind the patchouli, perhaps it's the fig... whatever it is this blend comes off as wet, spicy and lush. dry: oh it's definitely the fig that brings the sweetness to my skin! this is such a heady, sexy blend... i can still smell the mossy patchouli scent with something else that smells quite woodsy. this is one of my husbands scents and i had to pilfer the bottle to get a test done.
  3. hkhm


    imp: minty, gingery grapefruit. wet: very, Very, VERY citrusy. i still get that minty note from somewhere but for the most part this is strong citrus. dry: this almost reminds me of a citus soap, there's a very clean, almost astringent smell behind the citrus. like citronella.
  4. hkhm


    imp: i can only smell violets and a bit of musk. and strongly at that. wet: boy, this is very reminiscent of something that i can't quite place... it's still musky violets but richer somehow. dry: very nice, fades to a very soft musky violet then the musk fades altogether. i remember: it remindes me of an antique store i used to frequent as a little girl. they sold a victorian violet perfume and this is what the whole store smelled like.
  5. hkhm

    Devil's Claw

    imp: this almost has a sweet woody smell to it... like the scent of freshly sharpened pencils. wet: there is a faint sweetness being swallowed up by sharp, smoky scents. dry: the violet is gone to be replaced by a sweet smoky scent. this is a very dramatic blend.
  6. hkhm


    imp: like a sultry violet. wet: this at once smells like an herb shop i visited when i was about five. it smells like violets but with a strange mix of spicy, herbal medicine behind it. dry: the violet has a bit of staying power in this one, almost too much. i don't think this blend is quite right for me but it's stunning nonetheless.
  7. hkhm


    imp: buttery, boozy coconut. must remember not to lick self after application. wet: i almost get a toasted (nearly burnt) coconut scent. it reminds me of coconut donuts for some reason. dry: that odd burnt scent is still lingering. it's not exactly unpleasant just... strange.
  8. hkhm


    imp: minty, lemony anise. but faint and sweet. not at all like the absinthe that i've tried which always smells far more acrid and anise-steeped. wet: whee! lots of herbal scents with a nice sweet lemon. it almost smells like a sweet, floral herbal tea. dry: hmmm... i'm thinking this smells more like mint juleps made with lots of lemon twists. nice and sugary and lemony.
  9. hkhm


    imp: lavendar with some faint citrus. wet: nice! suddenly, more citrusy than lavendary. and when they find that nice balance this scent reminds me of the rose gardens in may. it's like the smell of vibrant greenery after a shower. how grand! dry: the citrus (smells most like lime) is most prominent. very nice blend.
  10. hkhm

    Hymn to Proserpine

    bottle: this smells like a mix between amber and sandalwood on first sniff. wet: at first, still a strong amber and sandalwood scent. then, fruits start to come forward. lots of fruits. dry: the sandalwood fades but the amber remains with a nice fruity back. love this scent.
  11. hkhm

    Kumari Kandam

    imp: my very first sniff made me think of the overly-perfumed bath products isle at a supermarket: cheap and cloying. wet: this starts to remind me of the sea a few moments after i put it on. the differeing scents start to blend rather than compete with each other. i am put in mind of mediterranean towns touched by a seabreeze. dry: the same as when wet, just lighter and lighter and lighter until it's gone.
  12. hkhm


    bottle: all i can smell is the uber-fruity huckleberry and currant. almost painfully sweet. wet: it'a almost jarring when i sniff this scent wet. the huckleberry and currant are so sweet and the neroli is so sharp. dry: the neroil fades away quickly and the fruits mellow out to something more soft and relaxed.
  13. hkhm


    bottle: peachy, amber sandalwood. this smells so heady and amazing! wet: this smlles like a strong peach wine. the effect is quite fruity but with something strong behind it. dry: golden amber, warm peach and mellow vanilla. a fantastic blend.
  14. hkhm


    imp: this smells wet and very faintly smoky. it's like i can't quite place what this smells like. wet: i sorta get a smoky olive scent. very unique smelling. dry: this gets much sharper as it dries in me. like a sharp, smoky musk.
  15. hkhm


    bottle: sexy, peachy patchouli. my husband hates the smell of peach but he doesn't seem to be noticing it here. yet. wet: the smell of white peach and patchouli is strong but i think the musk has poked out a bit as well. the amber is the warm background here so i really get the impression of summer dusk. dry: this goes a bit more peachy and ambery. the patchouli fades out with the musk. however, when this gets on my clothes and dries, the patchouli stays put and seems to keeps all the other scents together. imp is tied with shango for my most favourite scent. i swoon every single time i sniff it.
  16. hkhm

    Penny Dreadful

    bottle: spicy dirt. this has a nice earthy aroma. wet: nice, wet earth as after a good downpour. there is something vaguely floral as well but it's faint. dry: dirt. i had never thought that dirt could smell so good. whatever the spice is, it's quite nice. this bottle was an accident that the lab sent me. how nice that it's something that turned out to smell great on me!
  17. hkhm


    imp: menthol and eucalyptus. very strong. i can see this easily clearing up any sinus troubles. wet: whoa. MENTHOL and EUCALYPTUS. even in the tiny bit i applied this is quite strong. my sinuses were fine but now they feel even clearer. dry: this fades to something that smells like neither menthol or eucalyptus. kindy minty or piney... sort of like laundry that's been dried in the afternoon sunhine. i think i may purchase a bottle.
  18. hkhm


    imp: lavender, pure and simple and strong. wet: a very smooth lavender. i don't know if there is any other scent in this oil, i certainly don't get a hint of anything else. dry: fades to soft lavender and then disappears completely. i might actually use this one while traveling as i have difficulty sleeping in strange beds.
  19. hkhm


    bottle: i can smell everything from the description here. foremost is probably the kumquat and pepper. wet: strong orange and kumquat with a pungent spiciness from the pepper. dry: nice, spicy pepper. everything else is a sweet backdrop. a favourite of mine.
  20. hkhm


    bottle: mango and patchouli. the patchouli is not as strong in my nose as it is in other blends. wet: fig and mango with just the barest hint of the patchouli. dry: this ends up being something like a soft, sweet floral scent. one of my favourites.
  21. hkhm


    bottle: this is quite acrid to me. very sharp and almost antisceptic. wet: at first, still quite acrid. far too sharp to be pleasing. but after a few moments it begins to develop, not into crispy dead autumn leaves, but into vibrant brightly coloured leaves. there's a citrusy sort of tang with them that puts me in mind of warm sunlight behind a tree in a blaze of autumn colour. dry: still a teensy bit citrusy. i like this scent because it smells crisp and clean to me. like a good, brisk walk on a crisp october morning.
  22. hkhm


    bottle: the fir is strongest on first sniff. but it's a very complex scent, it doesn't smell precisely like anything but it seems very familiar at the same time. wet: oh... oh my... fir... and patchouli... and... something sweet and spicy and creamy and... yummy. dry: oh well. the patchouli and fir went away. but the remaining scent is a stronger sweet, creamy spice. very pleasing.
  23. hkhm

    Pumpkin V (2007)

    bottle: oh my. this smells like many of the pumpkin items i like to bake. pumpkin cinnamon rolls, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin waffles... wet: the citrus and vanilla and pumpkin are all right there! dry: as with all the other pumpkins, the pumpkin has faded to nothing (or near enough not to matter). the remianing citrus scents have a very warm spicy waft. i think i may need another bottle of this one.
  24. hkhm

    Pumpkin IV (2007)

    Pumpkin with cactus blossom, sage, and sweetgrass. bottle: it sort of smells like a pumpkin liquor. wet: now i can smell the sage. sagey pumpkin. dry: the pumpkin is gone and all that remains is the sage and a very soft bit of what is most likely the sweetgrass. this is a much crisper scent than i was expecting, pumpkin usually smells very creamy on me.
  25. hkhm

    Pumpkin II (2007)

    bottle: flowering pumpkin. i think it's the carnation i'm smelling and it smells quite good with the pumpkin. wet: the florals have come out to play! the pumpkin has definitely taken the backseat to all the other scents. dry: i'm getting a lot of carnation from this, the pumpkin has gone and left sticky florals behind. too bad i'm not terribly fond of carnation. (edit: i'm suddenly struck by the fact that tobacco is an ingredient in pumpkin 2 but it's pumpkin 3 that smells like tobacco smoke to me)