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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm


    imp: gentle rose and tea. i don't get so much as a hint of the carnation. wet: this is a very nice blend. the rose has more of a rose-hips scent and the tea smells herbal. there's also a faint citrus-sort of scent. i'm still not gatting any carnation. dry: soft floral tea. i finally smell the carnation though it is faint, as is the rose. this is a far nicer blend than i expected it to be.
  2. hkhm

    Lady MacBeth

    imp: whoa! very heady currant wine! wet: juicy, wet, red booze. there is no other way to describe it. dry: almost like a sweet, light floral wine. very nice. i'm considering a bottle.
  3. hkhm

    Snake Oil

    imp: almost like a creamy, vanilla sandalwood. with amber. and some spice... wet: this almost smells like a vanilla dragon's blood. very rich and sweet with a nice after spiciness. dry: why have i not bought a bottle of this yet? i remember when i first got the imp i thought it just wasn't right for me. now that i'm traying it again i'm loving it. it dries down to a very creamy, spicy vanilla. sublime.
  4. hkhm

    Black Phoenix

    imp: like a hard cherry and plum candy, nice and boozy. wet: whoooo! very strong cherry brandy. there's a sort of powdery scent behind it though. let's say it's the scent of cherry brandy talc if it existed. dry: after a while this smells like sweet cherry roses. i'm just not a rose person. oh well.
  5. hkhm

    Forbidden Fruit

    As light and innocent as your first time should have been. The fresh scent of lotus hidden behind lightly scented flowers, amber, and citrus. imp: amber with light florals and something else... strangely enough, this does have a scent that makes me think of sex... wet: there's an almost candy-sweet note to the florals here. my husband thinks it smells kinda like juicy fruit gum. dry: long gone are the sweet notes, here to stay is the lotus. lots and lot of lotus. overpowering lotus. lotus.
  6. hkhm

    Jezirat Al Tennyn

    imp: a nice sweet 'n' herby dirt scent. not at all what i was expecting but quite nice! wet: there's something that smells smoky or crumbly here... the only image i have in my head is of weeds growing on a crumbling brick or concrete wall... i smell greenery and someting else... very intriguing! dry: the dirt smell comes to the fore. there is still that sweet herby note but it's faint. there's almost a watery scent here as well. looks like the description was dead on!
  7. hkhm


    imp: smells like yummy baking pumpkin. i think it's the peach that's making it smell extra-sweet. wet: very spicy! the pumpkin gets a much warmer scent while the spices take center stage. i think i can still detect the peach but just for it's sweetness. dry: alas, the pumpkin does a disappearing act... but what's left is the peach and spices! so i'm left with a super-sweet spicy perfume. i'd overlooked this blend for a while because i thought it smelled way too sweet in the imp. now that i've tried it i think it's going on the bottle list. after all, i just can't resist pumpkins.
  8. hkhm


    imp: this smells like mango to me. mango with a nice hit of pine and a faint touch of coconut. very alluring! wet: bright, sweet, piney goodness. the sweetnesss that was initially mango has spread out to be kinda berryish, but mostly just a vague sweetness. very nice, can't stop sniffing myself! dry: oooh! the mango is back! faint, sweet piney mango. there is still that very faint touch of something coconut-like. what an interesting scent.
  9. hkhm


    imp: is this what ylang ylang smells like? i'm only asking because so many people have mentioned it and i have no idea what to call this scent other than the sort of waft i get from a way-over-air-freshened ladies room. at least now i know i do not like the smell of ylang ylang. wet: i think i'm getting more florals, possibly jasmine, here which is not a good thing. it smells more and more like some terrible air freshener of doom. dry: urgh. this is probably the first bpal scent i actually dislike. i think on the right person it would smell good but to me (and on me) it's not working at all.
  10. hkhm


    imp: i don't smell anything like leather, just strong roses. wet: almost a rose soap smell. there's a sort of citronella scent behind the rose that makes me think of guest soaps. dry: by the end this has a rich, deep, sultry rose smell. once upon a time this would ahve been my most favourite oil ever, but this scent probably isn't right for me anymore. too bad, it's a lovely blend.
  11. hkhm

    Loup Garou

    imp: eucaluptus with a hint of juniper. wet: very green. the eucalyptus always overshadows everything when i wear it. this has a very nice piney aroma though. dry: by the end this was a rich, yet soft, pine scent. it really made me think of the smell of pine branches that had fallen off the tree after a good downpour. i still haven't decided whenther or not i'll buy a bottle. my husband on the other hand is giving my arm little sniffs of approval so i've popped the imp onto his pile for his testing...
  12. hkhm

    #20 Love Oil

    A potent, enticing love formula, favored among Louisiana courtesans. imp: a very floral almond scent. reminds me of almond poppyseed poundcakes with sugared violets. wet: wow! spicy, sugary almonds. this really smells like some delightful, almondy baked good. dry: the almondy scent has vanished and there's something almost woodsy with the spiciness. quite nice. (edited to add scent description)
  13. hkhm


    imp: overwhelming hibiscus and strawberry. i think i can detect the carnation as well. wet: the strawberry scent mixes with the carnation and gets sweeter and sweeter. reminds me of what those strawberry shortcake dolls smelled like in the '80's. dry: fades to a soft, yet far-too-sweet strawberry floral. i would have loved this as a little girl but it's far too sweet for me nowadays.
  14. hkhm


    imp: strong, wonderful minty goodness. i already use mint extracts for headaches but i'm thinking a bottle of grr might be just the thing to augment it. wet: pure, chilling mint. i love that wonderful cooling feeling that mint gives my skin. that shivery, chilly tingle. dry: the test spot on the inside of my arm has retained that chilly feeling for a while. even the tip of my nose has it from sniffing it so often. i'm adding a bottle of this to my next order.
  15. hkhm


    imp: deep juniper and patchouli. this smells lovely... i don't think it's going to be great on me but it's going onto my husband's imp pile as soon as i'm done with it. wet: the patchouli is gone but the juniper is warming up nicely. i can smell very vague florals hovering near the back. this doesn't really smell like dirt to me (not like zombi anyway) but more like being out in the cemetery after the rain. dry: what's this? the patchouli has reappeared! very faint but there. i'm getting more of the florals and less of the juniper.
  16. hkhm


    imp: i absolutely love blends like this! i can smell every note and the neroli just attacks my nose. if i had to condense it: spicy, orangy almond yum. wet: this smells like the very best sugar cookies with that wonderful tang of baking spices. dry: dries down to a crisp spice, the memory of cookies long gone. i really love this belnd but i don't think it works well enough on me to buy a bottle.
  17. hkhm

    Lilium Inter Spinas

    wet: tha sandalwood and lily of the valley are almost overpowering. i can barely detect the other notes. wet: creamy sandalwood with lots of florals. i wish i could smell the apple better because i'm sure if i could, i would have already ordered a bottle. dry: sandalwood always stays pretty strong on me and this blend is no exception. i almost wish it were a wee bit more subdued so i could really appreciate the other notes.
  18. hkhm

    lovin' the moss!

    moss scents are one of the main deciding factors in oils my husband orders. his first whiff of zombi and he told me to add a bottle to my next order. now i'm going through the catalog and getting ready to order imps of all the mossy scents he hasn't tried yet. yay moss!
  19. hkhm

    Recommending a BPAL pumpkin blend...

    pumpkin 1 followed by pumpkin 5. i think pumpkin 3 was the only one that didn't work quite right on me.
  20. hkhm

    Sri Lanka

    imp: cedar incense. i think i can catch the faintest whiff of patchouli. wet: oh WOW! smoky patchouli and cedar with a nice hit of sandalwood! i may have to slip this into my husband's stash and see if he likes it! dry: very rich and cedary. this is not for me but i think there may be a bottle for my husband in the future.
  21. hkhm


    imp: a blast of jasmine and amber. i'm not sure this is going to go well on me... wet: ick. i smell like the purfume section at fred meyer. none of the notes are blending, it's a jarring mish-mash of over-loud fragrances. dry: well, the scent finally blended and gave a warm, soft jasmine scent that i liked a bit. this blend is fine it's just not for me. oh well... i'll see if aging it a bit helps...
  22. hkhm


    imp: sweet key lime. wet: lime popsicles. or key lime pie. something sweet and limey. dry: goes a bit more lemony-lime on me, still quite popsciley. a very cheerful blend.
  23. hkhm


    bottle: clovey musk. this is the last of my husband's bottles, probably my favourite on him. wet: deep, wet cloves. not as sharp as sniffing the spice directly, more like a pungent cake. dry: i think i smell other spice notes as well. almost a cinnamon waft... while this lasts for a fair while on me it lasts forever on my husband. and that clovey/spicy note is erally brought to the fore. like many other have noted, this is a very masculine scent.
  24. hkhm


    bottle: strong, sweet lilac and orchid. i think it's the rosewood giving it that nice woodsy back. wet: oh goodness... that juniper is mixing with the sweet florals and making me feel tipsy! i cannot stop sniffing myself! dry: well, well, well... the bergamot has arrived at last. the lilac has stayed all the way through and i still get the faintest whiff of juniper. i'm almost through testing all of my husband's scents. he's commenting about me 'stealing' them while i maintain that if it hadn't been for me, he never would have sniffed them in the first place.
  25. hkhm


    bottle: soft cinnamon and clove. not as strong as sniffing a spice bottle, very soft and sweet. wet: i get very faint patchouli with the spices. i am put in mind of pomanders, those groovy clove-studded oranges that you hang in the coat closet. dry: this has a somewhat sharp, citrsy spice left. very nice. this is yet another of my husband's oils that i've jacked to test and review. i'm also chuckling becasue it has peach in it and he absolutely hates that scent/fruit/idea.