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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Tiger Lily

    imp: sweet florals. wet: sweet florals with a sharp tang of something. maybe it's lillies that don't like me... dry: the florals are more mellow and creamy. nicer once it's dried but not for me.
  2. hkhm

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    imp: minty, apply lime! i'm in love! wet: much more aquatic apples. and very, very light. i think i would like for this scent to be a wee bit stronger. dry: the apple has almost faded completely and this now smells like a gentle floral aquatic.
  3. hkhm


    imp: neroil and bergamot. very strong, almost bitter. wet: this smells like thick, soapy lather. to be sure it is good-smelling soap, but soap all the same. not quite what id' expect a succubus to smell like. dry: i can pick out the clove a bit but the soapy scent lingers.
  4. hkhm


    imp: lots and lots of florals. i don't catch a hint of violet so let's hope this one works out on me (fingers crossed). wet: the violet does rear up in this a bit but stays a bit subdued thanks to all the other florals. i still think the violet is ruining it for me. dry: the violet faded a bit but i'm still catching it as a jarring note. i love the scent of violets so much, why can't it smell good on me?
  5. hkhm


    imp: clovey patchouli with fig. this is quite strong and slluring. wet: urg. here comes the ylang ylang which always smells so awful to me. if only this did not have ylang ylang it would smell perfect. my skin seems to amplify this scent and i just loathe the scent of it. dry: i still can't get past the ylang ylang. i just do not like the scent of it. too bad. i would have loved to have told someone that my perfume was 'hetairae'. oh well. other than that: the honeyed, clovey patchouli is gorgeous.
  6. hkhm

    Titus Andronicus

    imp: amber and sandalwood with a hint of musk. wet: musky frankincense with orange (it's likely the bergamot i'm picking up). this reminds me of a less creamy version of snake oil. dry: spicy amber. amber always has a long staying power on me and this one in particular seems to stay put for a good long while. very nice.
  7. hkhm


    imp: yum! this smells like some rich apricot and plum cobbler! wet: musky, perfectly ripe fruits. there is a wonderful richness to this blend. and no rose to speak of! dry: i'm catching a bit more plum and pomegranate with the rich florals. this smells wonderful on me. yet another addition tot he bottle list for teh next order.
  8. hkhm


    imp: rose hips. very spicy rose hips. wet: this blend does not do well on me at all! it ends up smelling like (brace yourself) overcooked broccoli. it's the oddest thing and it took me twenty minutes to figure out what it reminded me of. i know rose isn't great on me but both the sandalwood and patchouli should have come to the rescue! dry: the broccoli has faded and it smells more lemony/spicy. i can not for the life of me figure out why this blend smells as it does on me.
  9. hkhm

    Wings of Azrael

    imp: myrrh with violet and a piney scent i suppose is probably juniper. wet: the myrrh jumps to the fore and stays there. i can still catch a faint whiff of florals but it's faint and difficult to name. no violet to speak of (which is probably good because although i love the smell of violet, violet doesn't love me back). there's still a nice sharp piney smell, more like pine sap than pine needles. dry: this almost dries down to a candied myrrh on my skin. it smells far sweeter than myrrh usually does. very mysterious scent. i'm really tempted to buy a bottle.
  10. hkhm

    The Unicorn

    imp: mmmmm... i smell linden! i love linden in soaps and detergents, let's see how it does on my skin. wet: linden and herbs. still a very fresh laundry scent. very clean. dry: yay! sweet linden. no herbiness left at all and i'm all happy feeling fresh and clean and warm. i think this blend was quite aptly named.
  11. hkhm


    imp: nice, crisp men's cologne. this smells like a minty moss without the mint. like if there was no minty smell but that same chilling tingle you get from mint. like that. i don't get even a hint of carnation. wet: there's almost (and i mean almost) an almondy citrus note hanging out with the non-minty moss. perhaps it's the carnation appearing but it's rather unlike any carnation i've ever smelled before. i can't decide it this is more for the gents or more for the ladies. dry: okay this is a more masculine scent. it dries to a very creamy men's cologne. it's not for me but i'll be popping it onto my husband's imp pile to see what he thinks.
  12. hkhm


    imp: i'm getting strong orange and copal which, at first sniff, smelled just like freshly-ground nutmeg. wet: very crisp and clean. there is a strong spicy/creamy/floral scent that makes me think of cakes baked in early spring. like a lemon cake with vanilla spice frosting that's sitting next to a huge boquet of fresh-cut flowers. dry: this dries to something exceptionally crisp and clean. like sun shining over rain-wet leaves. this is like no other blend i've ever smelled. i don't know if it's something i'll get a bottle of, but it's one i certainly want to try a bit more of.
  13. hkhm

    Black Dahlia

    imp: amber with (i think) orchid. the other florals are somewhat smoky. wet: what happened?! everything just disappeared in a burst of smoke! it's like someone razed this garden to the ground. dry: okay, much better. soft, smoky florals that remind me more of incense or resin. quite nice once i get through the wet phase.
  14. hkhm


    imp: deep violet with light hints of other florals. lovely. wet: very, very violet but just a hint of the lilac is starting to ease in. dry: i'm beginning to think that no matter how much i love the smell of violets, they will never, ever work on me. this scent is a disaster. i smell like some sort of cheap, violet/flower soap. i suppose i can content myself with sniffing the imp.
  15. hkhm

    Dragon's Eye

    imp: lilac and lillies. i don't get even a hint of dragon's blood. very floral. wet: still very floral. i think the lilac is winning out here. very nice though not quite what i was expecting. dry: the florals become a bit more tame and i think i can catch the barest hint of dragon's blood.
  16. hkhm


    imp: lavander and...? something else i can't quite place. wet: strong, sweet lavender. i prefer my lavender more crisp than sweet but this is nice and relaxing. dry: a bit crisper lavender than before, much more what i like. i normally drink an infusion of lavender when i'm having trouble sleeping so i may buy a bottle of this to augment those times. very nice blend.
  17. hkhm

    Eat Me

    imp: berries and cake. this reminds me of when i bake blueberry buckle. very yummy. wet: sweet, spiced cakes with lots of different fruit toppings or fillings. this smells so good. dry: almost an orangey, spiced cake. this is not for everyday, just for those days when i'm in a mood. yet another one for the bottle list.
  18. hkhm

    Drink Me

    imp: sweet, fruity vanilla. this smells exactly like a super-sweet cupcake. i could be happy sniffing this imp for a long, long while. wet: whoa, this is sweet. it's a sort of almond, vanilla, fruity flowery smell. strong and yummy smelling. dry: i'm getting an almost toasted almond and sweet floral scent. like marzipan? i can't place what this smells like (besides yum). like i need anymore bottles...
  19. hkhm

    The Great Sword of War

    imp: musky, lemony cocoa. very pungent and nice. wet: citronella musk. it's a very different scent than i was expecting but still pretty nice. i keep getting little hints of the saffron but as i try to sniff harder to pick it up it seems to fade back. dry: this mellowed out into a lemon zest chocolate sort of scent. i do not normally like chocolate or cocoa scents but this is awesome.
  20. hkhm

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    imp: i can detect very faint sage and cedar. this scent is extremely light to me. wet: leathery and herbal. still very light. i don't get so much as a whiff of carnation or lavender. dry: very leathery. not normally a scent i'd like but this one has it's allure.
  21. hkhm


    imp: eucalyptus. if there is anything else in this blend i can't smell it. wet: still all eucalyptus. i've rubbed some on the back of my neck which is just a little sore from sleeping on it incorrectly. dry: the scent vanishes almost instantly leaving a very faint sweetness on my skin. my neck feels a little looser and less achy.
  22. hkhm


    imp: sweet, orange patchouli. this patchouli is far lighter than usual. wet: i get a weird medicine smell when i put this on. i can start to smell the ginger after a few moments but it doesn't smell like fresh ginger (almost sweet-burning lemony) but more like dried, powered ginger. unfortunately, that doesn't smell very good on me. dry: this smells almost like ginger and amber. alas, this scent and i were not meant to be.
  23. hkhm


    imp: honeyed, orangey roses. i normally dismiss rose blends pretty quickly but this one has my attention. wet: just honeyed oranges. this is almost too sweet, but i'm loving every sniff! dry: this scent teetered between honeyed oranges and honeyed roses as it faded. and it faded far too quickly.
  24. hkhm


    imp: very strong rose. i can catch a hint of sandalwood but it's faint. wet: the rose is being dragged down into something far more tame, the patchouli and sandalwood meld into a most enticing scent. this is way better than i though it was going to be! dry: very sweet sandalwood and patchouli with a vague floral. this smells wonderful and lasts for a while one me.
  25. hkhm


    imp: very herbal and strong. almost with a citron spike. wet: like a very strong herbal, cintronella soap. this smells very clean to me and, therefore, very calming. dry: this stays a sharp, crisp herbal citrus throughout. it just fades in intensity. the first time i ever smelled this blend was on my boss, the one who introduced me to bpal in the first place. it smelled way different on her than it does on me but it really seems to work. yet another one for the bottle list.