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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm


    imp: lightly spiced lavender. wet: all lavender. i'm not catching a hint of any ohter notes. dry: still all lavender. i wish the spiciness was present becasue this smelled lovely in the imp. but on me it's just straight lavender.
  2. hkhm

    The Isles of Demons

    imp: wet greenery. i can't place any specific notes this just smells like lush, wet greenery. wet: yum! fruity florals and wet greenery. i can't get even a whiff of musk here (which is odd as it's usually the first thing i smell). this is really nice! dry: this just stays as a fruity floral. i think i'm gonna get a bottle or two of this one. quite sweet and feminine smelling.
  3. hkhm


    imp: sort of an amber with a warm, yet soft, spicy floral. this reminds me of an incense that i used to buy years ago. wet: warm, rich spices. this has a very soft and warm feel to it. the spices are not overpowering at all. it feels like being in a warm cozy bed when you first wake up to sunlight streaming into the bedroom. dry: even a bit spicier! i'm not getting burned so it's probably not cinnamon but there's gotta be some serious spice in here.
  4. hkhm


    imp: minty lavender. is this what pennyroyal smells like? sharp, clear mint...? i think i've found a new favourite note! wet: very strong mint and lavender. the minty smell gives it that tingly, cold feeling which shoots the lavender straight up my nose. dry: this fades quickly and the lavender just vanishes. which is fine, i'm not terribly fond of lavender and i get to sniff pennyroyal all afternoon. i can't believe i didn't know pennyroyal smelled this minty good! yum!
  5. hkhm


    imp: musk. and lots of it. wet: this has a smokey, gritty tone with the musk. i think of gravel, or gravel mixed in with dirt. that's what this belnd reminds me of. dry: the musk faded to something more subtle, though there is still a faintly gritty feel to this scent. i'll toss it on my husband's imp pile and see what he thinks.
  6. hkhm


    imp: almonds and musk. wet: the sandalwood and musk blend together nicely here while the almond stays in the background. i think i'm also getting just a touch of jasmine... dry: musk and jasmine. the musk stayed pretty constant the whole time.
  7. hkhm


    imp: i smell chocolate and lots of florals. wet: chocolatey floral booze. the boozey note comes through quite nicely here, then fades back behind the chocolate. dry: the chocolate and booze mix lto something like a chocolate wine while there are soft florals all around. quite unusual.
  8. hkhm

    Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple

    bottle: fresh sliced apples dripping with caramel. wet: whoa! apple overload! there is a nice faint caramel scent that is quite yummy-smelling. dry: this mellows out to a nice crisp apple. there is still a hint of the caramel/sugar note as well. this is a fantastic blend. i only wish i had a few more bottles... i swapped my bottle of pumpkin cheesecake for this scent and i am so glad that i did. this smells way better on me than pumpkin cheesecake (which is saying a lot because it smelled pretty good).
  9. hkhm

    Dragon's Musk

    imp: this has an almost sweet floral note with i first give it a sniff. weird. wet: musky and floral dragon's blood. this is quite strong but not headachy. dry: this almost smells like lilacs... a very sweet floral. it's like the musk and dragon's blood just vanished.
  10. hkhm


    imp: carnation and amber. very strong. wet: yikes, the myrtle jumps out and leaves everything else in the dust! dry: the myrtle is still going strong. hmmm... myrtley. it's not a bad scent just not one i'd go crazy for. myrtlicious.
  11. hkhm


    The overwhelming agony of passion crystallized into a singularly dark and magnetic blend: bittersweet neroli, black patchouli and black musk, gilded by apple, bergamot, blood red rose, teak, and vanilla. imp: i'm getting patchouli, musk and a hint of vanilla. thrre is also a faint woodish aroma. wet: whoa! musk! i'm sure there were other notes here but they seem to all have been gobbled up by musk! dry: okay, the musk has been tamed a bit and a nice, rich vanilla scent is dominant. the patchouli is soft and there is still just a hint of wood.
  12. hkhm


    imp: ah, apple! my first love... ah, rose! my old nemesis... ah, lemon! to whom i am fairly indifferent... wet: rosy apples with a hint of citrus. oops... well, the apple is fading fast only to go strait to... soapy rose. dry: alas... soapy, soapy rose.
  13. hkhm

    Baobhan Sith

    imp: grapefruit and ginger, very crisp and clean. wet: very strong grapefruit. it smells like i've been rubbing grapefruit zest on my arm, it's that strong. dry: the grapefruit is still brisk and bright and i'm catching notes of ginger and tea, but there is still no hint of the apple blossom though.
  14. hkhm

    Phantom Queen

    wet: strong orchid. the other notes all seem to be in the background. wet: this is another floral that goes to the supermarket-isle-perfume scent that some of the others do. the florals are overpowering and jarring, not sweet or pretty at all. dry: the florals go a bit sweeter near the end but not soon enough and not sweet enough. and there was never any hint of apple blossom. sigh.
  15. hkhm

    Coral Snake (2006)

    wet: a nice hit of snake oil and apples. wet: this is a very spicy apple scent, like a clove-studded apple swimming in booze. this is spicy without burning my tender skin. yet another carnaval diabolique oil to stock up on. dry: the apple fades back a bit and i'm surrounded with that deep, sweet snake oil smell. though not as strong (and sometimes headachy) as straight snake oil, this is very, very nice.
  16. hkhm

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    Guava, orange peel, white pepper, spun sugar and apple blossom. bottle: apply-orangey. sort of like a light summer cocktail. this smells so pretty. wet: there's a sugary-sweet soft-spiciness with the apple/orange/fruit note. this is fantastic! how have i gone on for so long without a bottle of this...? dry: sweet, spicy, floral, fruity... i can't categorize this scent exactly... except to say it's one of my new favourites!
  17. hkhm

    Cupid Complaining to Venus

    bottle: apple and peach. wet: apples, figs and peaches. all fresh-cut fruits and sweet florals, this smells like springtime. dry: rich, honeyed fruits. now the fruits smells sweeter, like they're heavy on a tree that's just sagging under their weight. i'm getting the barest breath of sandalwood as well. i think i'll need another bottle soon.
  18. hkhm


    bottle: honeyed apples and almonds. this smells like some wonderful coffee cake. wet: there's something tangy next to the almond that smells almost like lemon or orange zest. there's also a sweet swell of florals mixing with the apple. this is really nice smelling! dry: this is a more refined apple fragrance, more 'autumn apple' than 'spring apple-blossom'. this goes to soft apple with a scent that feels like warm evenings spent inside reading and snuggling under afghans. kind of spicy and incensey.
  19. hkhm

    Sugar Skull

    bottle: maple syrup, buttery toffee, melty caramel and gooey marshmallow. the smell alone is making my teeth ache! wet: there's is the faintest hint of spices behind the sugar, like those in cookies or cakes set out to cool at the back of the candy shop. other than that, this is pure sugary goodness! it smells like toffee hard candy. wonderful! dry: there's a bit more spiciness with a yummy caramel scent. this has a warm, homey aroma that makes me want to go bake up some more cookies and halloween snacks. a definite yum.
  20. hkhm

    Rose Moon

    bottle: honeyed, lightly spiced roses. perhaps a sort of honeyed rose-hip and rose scent. wet: there's lots of rose (which is turning a bit soapy as usual) but there's also a lilacish scent with the spiciness. dry: the soapiness isn't as bad as usual but is still present. the other florals seem to be doing their part to help. this blend fades to a nice, faint scent that smells sort of antique. i like it even though it doesn't smell great on me. (edited for spelling)
  21. hkhm


    bottle: musk and leather. this smells quite manly. wet: wow! there's a woodsy note along with some patchouli and that initial scent of musky leather. this is so... suggestive... dry: a woody, leathery patchouli. this is one of my husband's bottles and it suits him quite well.
  22. hkhm


    bottle: dirt. fresh, crumbly, wet dirt. wet: wet dirt. i can almost get a hint of the dried flowers but it's mainly a dirt scent. this might be the first rose scent i can wear! dry: dirt. that lovely, post-rain, digging in the garden smell. i remember the first time i smelled this blend. it was a frimp from the lab. i opened it and took a sniff and thought: "hmmm. dirt." i thought the description of the scent was spot-on but couldn't imagine buying a bottle. i decided to let my husband take a sniff and he told me to order a bottle that night. he wears this scent every day, it's one of his favourites (and smells really, really good on him!) and he just came in to rescue his bottle from me since he was wanting to apply some.
  23. hkhm

    Vampire Tears

    imp: this smells like honeyed grapefruit. i think i'm also gatting a hint of... of... iris? not sure. wet: sweet and sharp gingery grapefruit. this blends smells very yellow to me. like brilliant august afternoons that are more warm and comfortable than hot and tiresome. dry: softer citrus, still a lemony grapefruit but less sharp.
  24. hkhm


    imp: apple! i'm a nut for apples anyway (poisoned apple and the hesperides are two of my favourites) but this is truly fantastic. i've placed it at the top of my bottle list and it will be in the next order. wet: apple with just a touch of hyacinth. this is apple blossom heaven. i could bathe in this scent. [/gush] dry: sweet, apply florals. let's see... i'll need at least two bottles added to my next order...
  25. hkhm


    imp: cinnamon and clove, this is gonna burn. i'd better apply this someplace less sensitive than my inner arm... wet: this smells just like fresh cinnamon sticks. or those cinnamon pinecones you can get around the holidays. with the peppercorn in there it reminds me of an excellent chai i've had that had a lot of fresh cracked black peppercorns. this smells wonderful! dry: cinnamon, allspice and cloves. this smells like mulling spices minus the dried orange peel pieces. since i applied this to my knee, i did not get burned. i don't know if my chemistry is different on my knee as opposed to my inner arm but i'm just too sensitive to cinnamon oil to risk it anywhere tender. and anyway, i ordered this imp for my husband so i'll pop it onto his imp pile to see what he thinks. (edited for spelling)