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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Pumpkin Patch I (2005, 2006)

    bottle: pumpkins and apples. this smells so incredible! wet: sweet, spicy pumpkin with a sweet, rich cider along for the ride. i really can't tell if this is more pumpkiny or appley but it doesn't matter as i adore both of those scents and to have them vying for dominance on my skin is pure heaven! dry: still can't decide between pumpkin or apple, the spice is warm and rich and (for once) is not burning me at all! i'm in love! i can't tell whether my bottle is from 2005 or 2006, if there is a way to tell them apart i'd love to know for sure.
  2. for a church scent, i like penitence. i would also suggest gingerbread poppet for a spicy, christmasy scent. personally, my favourite sweet, girly scent this year is fruit of paradise though midwinter's eve is lovely as well.
  3. hkhm

    Seasonal Affective Disorder

    for me, it's scents with grapefruit or linden. there's just something about those that makes me think of spring and summer. the unicorn is the first one that pops into my head but i know that there have been a few other scents that made me think of summer when i applied them.
  4. hkhm

    Thirteen (13): July 2007

    bottle: chocolate and fruit. it's probably the peach but it just smells ripe and juicy, not really peachy. wet: definitely peach now! there's still that chocolatey undertone but it's primarily fruit on me. dry: peachy with a slight glint of spicy chocolate. yumyumyumyumyum.
  5. hkhm


    imp: yep. frankincense and myrrh. wet: i just love myrrh, that sweet, tangy, spicy goodness always makes me smile. i think it might be a bit stronger than the frankincense but the blend is absolutely beautiful. dry: myrrh. this almost smells like a single note on my skin (which is fine by me). lovely.
  6. hkhm


    bottle: quite boozy, sort of a sour boozy smell. wet: very strong booze with a sort of tart-sour apple smell. dry: vague fruity booze. i think i still prefer swank for it's boozy scent but this is pretty good too.
  7. hkhm

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    Menacing, maniacal, and slick with the one-liners ... this guy does it all with a wink and a smile! Savage apricot, depraved dry woods, and psychopathic patchouli covered by a disarmingly sweet mishmosh of caramel, brown sugar, hazelnut, and butterscotch. Be warned: this oil will instigate possession in most puppets, including some marionettes and the occasional finger puppet. bottle: strong patchouli, lots of old woods and interesting spices. wet: very woody, but also spicy sweet. this is like a very woody patchouli with something syrupy sweet behind it. this is certainly one of my more unusual scents but i am lovin' it. dry: dry, sweet woods with just a hint of patchouli. i have a new favourite!
  8. hkhm


    imp: lavender and musk. wet: very thick musk with a hint of berries. even though the musk is quite strong it still has a "light" feel if that makes any sense. dry: this dries to a pleasant musk scent. there is still a hint of the juicy berries but it's mostly all musk.
  9. hkhm


    Curiouser and curiouser. Milk and honey with rose, carnation and bergamot. imp: honeyed rose and carnation. wet: rose and carnation and that milky scent which always smells slightly spicy to me. this isn't bad but rose and carnation are not my two best notes. after only a minute the rose has already started to turn soapy. dry: pure soapy rose. oh well.
  10. hkhm


    imp: vanilla with the faintest trace of musk and... cologne? wet: very musky with something like a lightly floral men's cologne. a very unusual scent to be sure. dry: this dries to a quite lovely men's cologne that is far less harsh than most and has a playful, sweet quality.
  11. hkhm

    Cheshire Cat

    imp: bright, crisp grapefruit. wet: lavender and grapefruit, though the grapefruit is fading fast into the realm of vague citrus. dry: lavender citrus. i wish the currant had come out at all, i think it might have been bottle-worthy if it had.
  12. hkhm


    imp: this deosn't really smell like chocolate to me. perhaps an artificially flavoured chocolate-hazelnut powdered cocoa mix but not milk chocolate like when you dump a bag of chocolate chips into a recipe and then stop because you're too busy huffing the bag (not that i've ever done that). wet: this does smell more chocolate hazelnut or chocolate caramel than straight chocolate, what it most reminds me of the chocolate scented scratch 'n' sniff stickers i had in grade school. this smells exactly the same. it actually does smell a lot better once applied than in the imp. dry: faint chocolate hazelnut caramel. sort of all three but the chocolate is faintest.
  13. hkhm

    The Vortex

    imp: lemon and something else that is quite herby (perhaps it is just straight lemongrass). wet: smells much more like lemongrass once applied but there still a hint of some other herbiness here. dry: still that lemon-herby scent.
  14. hkhm


    imp: frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh... this smells fantastic! wet: i'm getting sandalwood and a touch if lavender most strongly, but there is that slight bubblegum aroma of lotus as well. dry: the myrrh has come out most strongly with that sweet lotus scent lightly mixing.
  15. hkhm

    Mata Hari

    imp: rose and jasmine and a touch of coffee. wet: rose. a sort of bubblegum rose with a dousing of jasmine. i find myself wishing it was all coffee and fig and vanilla because this doesn't smell very good on me. dry: the good news is that the rose did not go soapy on me. the bad news is that rose and jasmine just do not smell very good on me.
  16. hkhm


    imp: spiced woods. this is a different sort of spice than usual, sort of creamy and sweet as well. wet: sweet spiced cedar and sandalwood. theres also a menthol sort of scent as well. dry: this dries to a simple spiced cedar. sort of like the inside of a cedar chest that's got all the christmas sweaters in it.
  17. hkhm

    Brown Jenkin

    wet: a musky coconut incense.. wet: the sandalwood comes out beautifully when applied and the way it mixes with the coconut is simply lovely. dry: this dries to an absolutely divine sandalwood scent. the coconut is not distinct but i can smell where it's blended with the sandalwood to make this a truly wonderful blend.
  18. hkhm

    All Night Long

    imp: pure cinnamon. i'll have to try this someplace less lender than my inner arm. wet: sort of a smokey, earthy cinnamon. dry: this dries very smokey. there is a hint of spice but it's not nearly as strong as it was.
  19. hkhm


    imp: anise and some sort of woodsy scent. wet: anise and cedar with just a bit of sandalwood. there are other notes here but i can't quite pick them out. dry: the anise is the most dominant scent in the end, there are other notes but they're too faint for me to name.
  20. hkhm


    imp: lemon and... myrrh? wet: much more lemony once on but i'm still getting a whiff of something like frankincense or myrrh (or both). dry: this dries to a much sweeter lemon, probably the nicest bpal lemon i've tried yet. the other notes are all a backdrop to this lovely citrus.
  21. hkhm

    Hunting for the ultimate _____ blend

    i'm looking for the ultimate apple + mint scent. i can't decide what mint i would like most but i can't help dreaming about apple + pennyroyal.
  22. hkhm


    imp: there is something intensely sweet in this blend but i can't pin it down. wet: whatever the sweetness is from, it's being gobbled up by rose because i'm turning soapy. dry: this is primarily soapy rose but there is still that faint hint of something else that is quite sweet.
  23. hkhm


    imp: very sharply spicy with a thick waft of smoke. wet: sharp spice with something terribly sweet all covered with a heavy layer of smoke. this has an almost regal feel to it. dry: ths stays sharply spicy, terribly sweet and heavily smokey. it's not fading at all. this would make an interesting incense.
  24. hkhm


    imp: smokey aquatic. this is quite an unusual scent. wet: smoke. there's no aquatic on me at all, just smoke. dry: sour smoke. this does not smell at all nice on me but i think it would be great for a mood scent, perhaps for a costume.
  25. hkhm

    Dragon's Claw

    imp: sandalwood and... flowers? does dragon's blood always smell like flowers to me? wet: lovely, rich sandalwoods. the floral feel of dragon's blood is there as well but the primary scent here is sandalwood. dry: there's a bit more dragon's blood coming out to lightly mix with the sandalwood. this is a really lovely sandalwood scent.