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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. Accords of peach kernel, hemlock, aconite, and belladonna, with bitter almond, saffron, honey, myrrh, hyssop, frankincense, and palm. imp: i can't pick out a single specific note here. this smells like a very sweet, very poisonous dessert. wet: there is a sharp, pungent something that comes out as soon as it's applied. i'm getting a warm, honeyed saffron scent that is unusual and pleasing. this is spicy without being warm, herby without being wet. this is the most complex bpal oil i've tried. dry: soft and dusty spicy herbal scent, like peeping into a spice cupboard full out out-of-date hebs and spices. this is really a work of art all on it's own.
  2. imp: the sweet pea is strongest but there are lots of sweet woods as well. wet: this is more woody once applied. there is a very sweet, soft feel to these woods. dry: this ends up like a sweet aged wood, like an old heirloom chest. it's soft and lovely. (edited for spelling)
  3. hkhm

    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil

    imp: very boozy vanilla, like a very strong vanilla extract with a light hint of florals. wet: the smells more like a floral vanilla liquor, lika a dessert cordial. dry: this dries to a very faint vanilla.
  4. hkhm

    Monna Vanna

    imp: very faint rose with a light mixture of other florals. wet: rose. rose going soapy in a flash. there is a teensy hint of other florals i can almost detect as an afterthought but the rose is drowning everything out pretty completely. dry: rose. though this is a softer, gentler rose, not quite as soapy as usual, it is still soapy on me.
  5. hkhm

    Garden Path With Chickens

    imp: the only way i can describe this scent is that it's the scent of lightly crushed stems from fresh spring plants. it has a fresh, green springy scent. wet: there's something sharp, something sweet, something fresh but everything is quite green. something gives it a faint aquatic feel but more like the water in a creek or brook rather than anything salty. this really puts me in mind of overgrown victorian gardens. dry: unfortunately, the most prominent note smells very sharp, like dandelion greens. i'm also getting a nice grassy scent but the sharpness above it will keep me from buying a bottle.
  6. hkhm

    The Isle of the Dead

    imp: sweet pine (probably the best possible mix of cupress and juniper) with a definite aquatic feel. a very bright green scent. wet: the aquatic is much stronger once applied though this scent has a very subdued feel. still quite green but not as bright. dry: this has a sweet finish, like a very sweet, soft pine floral. it's lovely once it's dried down and the notes have blended. still green too.
  7. hkhm

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    oooh! thanks! i like the look of the new label. i have two bottles coming in my next order and cannot wait to slather myself in it!
  8. hkhm


    imp: sweet pea with some vague fruits. wet: the fruits are a bit stronger and sweeter but it's still the sweet pea that i smell most strongly. dry: sweet pea with syrupy fruits. unfortunately, this is exactly what the bath and body shop smells like to me and it tends to give me a headache. i think it's the sweet pea that's doing it. oh well.
  9. hkhm


    imp: this smells like a sweet, buttery toffee just loaded with chunks of hazelnut. wet: i get more almond once it's applied, a buttery, almondy booze. double yum. dry: the boozy scent evaporates and leaves only a sticky, buttery scent. i think i can catch the barest hint of almond but no more hazelnut.
  10. hkhm


    imp: orchids and cedar. wet: i'm not a fan of geranium but i have to admit it's not too bad in this scent. it takes center stage and the other notes are all hovering behind. dry: what a change, the orchid and lily have overpowered the geranium! this is a beautiful floral scent. i don't even catch a hint of the cedar.
  11. hkhm


    imp: citrusy musk with a touch of sandalwood. wet: musk and sweet sandalwood, possibly the vanilla is making it sweet. dry: no more citrus to speak of, simply and soft, sweet, musky sandalwood.
  12. hkhm


    imp: sweet, juicy lime. yum. wet: lime musk. these are not two scents i would have thought went well together but they do. dry: lime with soft musk and florals. very nice!
  13. hkhm


    imp: sharp sweet florals. wet: the rose is going soapy very quickly here but i'm catching a whiff of the berries adn woods too. dry: wow, for once the rose did not ruin the whole scent! i smell soft berries and woodland scents, this is really quite pretty!
  14. hkhm

    Shadow Witch Orchid

    imp: a very deep, somber orchid. wet: this is a thick, sweet, viscous orchid that sort of seeps in and sticks around for a long, long time. dry: i can only describe this as the darkest, most somber orchid i've ever smelled. this has a dark elegance i've not quite found anywhere else.
  15. hkhm

    La Belle Dame Sans Merci

    imp: a crisp, green floral with a hint of earthiness. wet: this must have rose in it beacuse it's turning soapy almost instantly. dry: soapy rose disaster. oh well.
  16. hkhm

    Destroying Angel

    imp: this smells almost exactly like both october 2007 and november 2007 smelled to me. that sharp, nose-tingling scent. wet: this is like a slightly sweeter version of october on my skin. like if october has some faint, sweet florals added. very earthy. dry: like and earthier version of october. still quite sharp, but more earthy.
  17. hkhm

    Queen Mab

    imp: sandalwood, orchid and musk. this is a very light, sweet floral. wet: jasmine and orchid. this has a faintly aquatic feel to it, not really an aquatic scent but a feel. dry: still that unusual aquatic feel, very soft sandalwood with light florals. this is a very light, springy scent.
  18. hkhm

    Blood Kiss

    imp: vetiver drenched musk. wet: vetiver. this smells more smoky than usual, sweeter too. but the only thing that i can pick out with certainty is vetiver. dry: sweet, almost carmelly, vetiver. of all the scents that have vetiver in them, this one is the smokiest and the one that reminds me most of the halloweens of childhood.
  19. hkhm

    The Phantom Wooer

    imp: myrtle and lillies. lovely in a sad sort of way. wet: very lemony, i wonder what that is? i still smell the myrtle faintly but it's mostly lemon. dry: soft lemon with a faint trace of myrtle.
  20. hkhm

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    imp: carnations and plums blended together to smell like bubblegum. not the way lotus smells like bubblegum but like super-sweet strawberry bubblegum. wet: the musk has been amped up to maximum on my skin, the carnations have put out their spicy sweetness and the plum is presiding over the whole thing. this smells like christmas from my childhood, like sweet christmas punch next to the lovely floral centerpiece. this does smell like there's some cinnamon in there but i'm glad there isn't any (otherwise i'd be a ball of pink pain). dry: spicy, fruity sweetness. this doesn't smell like plum or carnation anymore, just an indistinct spicy sweetness that has a festive feel to it.
  21. hkhm


    imp: orange with... orange. there is just the faintest hint of pine as an after thought here. wet: the eucalyptus comes out strong but the orangey-pine scent is still there as well. this is a quite unusual scent, though quite nice. dry: this fades to a sweetish pine. no hint of orange or eucalyptus remain. oh well.
  22. hkhm


    this smells like rich dark cherries with a nice hit of anise in the backgound. no musk at all to my nose. wet: now i know i amp musk and it was faint when i straight sniffed the imp but once applied: cherry musk doom. the anise is still in the background while the cherry and musk have a deathmatch to see who comes out on top. i barely applied any and i can smell this all over the place! dry: of all unaccountable things: the anise comes out the strongest once dry, while the cherry and musk are in the background. this is a gloriously beautiful blend, sweet, spicy and sexy all in one.
  23. hkhm


    imp: violet with mint... then eucalyptus... then more violet... it's like it's changing as i'm sniffing. wet: mint and eucalyptus. the violet is definitely in the background. dry: eucalyptus and light violet with that chilly tingle (rather than scent) of mint.
  24. hkhm

    Black Lace

    bottle: a very sweet, musky incense. wet: i know i amp musk but whoa! this is musky. it's quite sweet though, a very sweet, very strong musk. dry: this has a dusty, faint vanilla scent that is extremely lovely. the musk is still the most dominant note on me but the way it's mixing with the vanilla is swoon-worthy. lovely.
  25. hkhm


    imp: all almond. wet: i can just barely smell the musk behind all of the almond, no hint of the myrrh at all. dry: still very strong almond. i'm starting to think almond is another note that i amp like crazy because almost all almond scents smell too almondy to me. not bad just too almondy for me.