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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Death of the Grave Digger

    imp: dirt and myrrh. this is incredibly lovely. wet: the dirt note is lighter here than in, say, zombi. the piney scent mixed with the dirt and myrrh makes this wonderful. dry: light pine and dirt with a nice undercurrent of myrrh. excellent interpretation of the painting.
  2. hkhm

    Milk Moon 2005

    bottle: slightly fermented honeyed cream. of course, the fermented scent might just be due to the age of the bottle... wet: there is an interesting herbal scent below the milk and honey that has a rich, green-ness to it. but mostly, this is sweet milk and honey on me. dry: super sweet! the honey seems to have amped a bit once dry so a sweet herbal scent with milk and super-sweet honey.
  3. hkhm

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    Why waste time chanting her name in the mirror 13 times? Bedevil your next slumber party the easy way! Chunky, glistening red fruits with sweet cream accord, black clotted cherry, and powdered sugar! bottle: tart cherry and perhaps plum? this are very sharp fruit scents. wet: this is tart, almost sour, cherries with spices and cream all over the top. very strong throw. dry: no more vanilla or spices, just strong fruits. mainly cherry i suppose, but there is a nice hint of plum and maybe pomegranate. very red.
  4. hkhm

    Snake Charmer

    imp: this reminds me a great deal of imp, except minus the peach and add a bit of coconut. very pleasing amber and musk scent. wet: this reminds me even more of imp (which is my absolute favourite general catalog scent). this is a very beautiful musky amber scent and i can understand why it's so sought after but i still prefer imp. dry: this is more musky and less sweet than imp, if this were still available i would be buying a few bottles.
  5. hkhm

    The Death Of Sardanapal

    imp: cassia and honey. to me, this is the waft of chai tea. wet: there's the myrrh! myrrh blended with cassia and covered in honey. this is an incredibly rich and think perfume. dry: honey and cassia (not cinnamon, cinnamon burns me while cassia does not) with a sort of black tea scent that is separate. beautiful.
  6. hkhm

    The Sailor's Den

    imp: linen and woods. wet: wow! coconut, tobacco, leather... this is wonderful! somehow, this reminds me of ventriloquist's dummy (must be the woods). but only if he put on some chaps and started smoking a cigar while sipping a pina colada. dry: tobacco and leather with some well-worn woods scents.
  7. hkhm

    Resurrection of the Flesh

    imp: frankincense with something wonderfully sweet added. wet: a deep, sweet incense smell. the throw on this is pretty intense. dry: this even dries to a wonderful incense smell! like right after the incense has burned out and the whole room is just full to brimming with frangrant smoke. that's what this smells like on me.
  8. hkhm


    imp: lavender with a bit of jasmine and amber. wet: this is pretty strong lavender on my skin. there do seem to be other notes in the background but i can't quite pick them out. dry: like an herbal lavender blend over a bed of mixed florals.
  9. hkhm

    Three Brides

    imp: orange and carnation with a sweet, creamy amber. wet: rose has crashed the party. again. this is all soapy, nasty rose on me. and i didn't even catch a hint of rose when i was sniffing the imp. dry: the rose has finally cleared somewhet and i can catch hints of other florals but the rose is still a disaster on me.
  10. hkhm

    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt

    imp: cypress with a hint of myrrh. wet: myrrh. there is a lovely undercurrent of the amber, musk, sandalwood and frankincense but it's mostly myrrh on me. dry: myrrh, musk and sandalwood. this is a very dark, deep frangrance. very nice scent for the painting.
  11. hkhm


    imp: amber and musk with plenty of other florals. wet: honeysuckle and musk. sweet and pretty with something that almost smells like a sweet aquatic. dry: that sweet almost-aquatic scent is all that remains, i wonder which note that could be?
  12. hkhm

    The Great He-Goat

    imp: vetiver. sweet and smoky but still just vetiver. wet: vetiver and patchouli. this is sweet and strong and dark, very nice interpretation of the painting. dry: much more smoky once dry, this is very strong vetiver on me.
  13. hkhm


    imp: spicy, ripe grapes. wet: intensely beautiful patchouli, sweet grapes and incense. dry: patchouli with a hint of grapes and a swirl of incense smoke. another one i'm popping onto my husband's imp pile to see what he thinks.
  14. hkhm

    Mag Mell

    imp: a gingery, grassy aquatic. wet: this is a bright grassy aquatic. i'm not exactly amazed how well these scents work together, i'm just amazed by how much i like it. dry: still bright and grassy with a nice, shimmering aquatic. both of these scents are smooth and lovely in this blend, not sharp at all.
  15. hkhm


    imp: patchouli and spicy woods. my husband took one sniff of this and says he's trying the imp next. wet: deep, rich musk with thick patchouli and an amazing wood scent. good on me, this will be great on my husband. dry: the woods are foremost here, old and spicy with an amazing undercurrent of patchouli and musk. incredible.
  16. hkhm


    imp: lemon. wet: lemon and neroli. that neroil bite goes right up my nose. this reminds me a great deal of savoring particularly tart lemon drops. dry: lemon and jasmine. this is very light and pretty, a very spring to summer scent.
  17. hkhm

    Dragon's Tears

    imp: that sweet, floral dragon's blood scent with an aquatic note. wet: the salty aquatic scent comes out more once applied. unfortunately on my skin, that with the dragon's blood florals smells exactly like an ancient public toilet where someone has sprayed lots and lots of air freshener. dry: the scent fades to a more tame version of itself but i don't think i could sit through that wet phase again. darn.
  18. hkhm

    Come to Me

    imp: a very strong, old-fashioned cleaning powder scent. wet: this smells like an over-sweet boquet of flowers. very fresh and clean and sweet. dry: light, sweet florals. there's something crisp and green-smelling underneath which still gives it that boquet feel.
  19. hkhm


    imp: boozy violets. wet: sweet wine with violet and some sort of fruit and a very soft leather scent. this sort of reminds me of a less bawdy version of bordello. dry: still like a softer version of bordello, like turning down the volume on bordello and adding a whiff of leather. very, very nice.
  20. hkhm

    Lucy's Kiss

    Created to represent the essence of Bram Stoker's tragic heroine, Lucy Westenra. Seductive, wanton and deadly, but underscored with a soft, wistful innocense. The gentle scent of rose and a blend of Victorian spices. imp: not being a fan of rose scents in general, i must say that the first sniff of this imp is an extremely pleasing rose. wet: soap. as usual, my skin has turned rose into a sharp, guest-soap rose scent. dry: this is the worst end of what my skin can to to rose, it's all soapy and sharp without any sweetness.
  21. hkhm


    imp: woody frankincense. wet: very woody, like old dusty woods. there is a hint of florals in the background but they are quite faint on me. dry: sweet, old woods perfumed by decades of incense smoke. this is quite lovely.
  22. hkhm

    Rose Cross

    A profound symbol of an individual’s personal initiatic process, spiritual refinement and evolution, synthesis, grace found as a result of trial and suffering, and the alchemical process by which we transform the raw essence of our souls through light in extension. This is a holy oil, a representation of the triumph of spirit over matter: purest rose with sacred frankincense. imp: an incensey rose. wet: the frankincense warms instantly while the rose threatens to turn soapy. dry: the frankincense wins out and keeps the rose in check. this smells like a dusty, dried rose on my skin.
  23. hkhm


    bottle: mainly musk with a hint of leather. wet: leather and woods. the musk has, thankfully, remained more tame in the blend. dry: wow! musky leather and woods. this is going to smell awesome on my husband... (this is for the 2007 version)
  24. hkhm


    bottle: pastries and moss. an unusual but interesting scent. wet: sweet, piney moss. i can catch a faint sweetness but this is really all pine and moss and plants. very nice on me. dry: this fades a bit quickly but i love what's left: sweet, soft pines, mosses and florals. (this is for the 2007 version)
  25. hkhm

    Snow White

    bottle: like a sort of super-sweet coconut floral. not what i was expecting in the least. wet: this really smells like coconut and almond flowers. like if the flowers were growing right out of the nuts themselves. i don't know how else to describe this scent. dry: finally the nuttiness has faded to leave a very clean floral scent. what a morph! interesting enough to keep. (this is for the 2007 version)