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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm


    imp: sharp and green , like grass and herbs. wet: green but covered by smoke. quite nice despite how unusual it smells. dry: no more smoke, just a sharp, green scent.
  2. hkhm

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    here is a link to my photo of the four lunacy oils. i simply love them all.
  3. hkhm

    Capricorn 2007

    bottle: rich, fresh-cut pine. wet: very strong, sweet pine. dry: a bit less strong once dry, but still pine. pine, pine, pine... seems i have the perfect pince scent!
  4. hkhm


    bottle: this smells just like fresh-cut mango! wet: this smells like fresh, sweet fruit with all sorts of spring-blooming flowers. why didn't i order a few more bottles of this scent? dry: sweet, ripe fruits and soft, sweet florals. incredibly lovely!
  5. hkhm

    Hony Mone

    bottle: strong fig and honeysuckle. wet: the jasmine comes out much more flowery than usual on me. i can also pick out the lovely spiciness of carnation. dry: sweetened jasmine and honeysuckle with a bare breath of carnation.
  6. hkhm


    imp: cherries, apples, almonds, spice... wet: sweet and rich and warm. a very nice cake and fruit scent with a warm hint of spice. if i could order up a bottle or two right now, i would. dry: the fruits are back, apples and cherries with something more earthy... fig perhaps? still that warm cake and spice scent. double yum.
  7. hkhm

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    here's the other two phoenixes.
  8. hkhm

    Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent

    Salty ocean spray, red kelp, black plum, lychee, sea moss, green musk, hachiya, plum blossom, and matcha. imp: tea, musk and plums. lots and lots of plums. wet: the aquatic comes out once applied and blends well with the intense sweetness of the plum. this is like a wonderful light plum aquatic on my skin, sweetly soft and bright. dry: an aquatic that is making me close my eyes and inhale deeply. this is a very sweet, light aquatic on my skin and along with the tea and plum this makes for a pleasantly sweet, light scent.
  9. hkhm

    Itasô Kansei Nenkan Jorô No Fûzoku

    imp: i smell the tea most strongly with a hint on honey and sugar. wet: the tea note is quite strong on me skin and is all i can smell while this is still wet. dry: i can finally smell the hibiscus along with the honey and tea. soft and pretty.
  10. imp: musk, incense and light florals. wet: a very musky tea scent. unusual and lovely. dry: still musky tea. this is a lighter, sweeter musk than i'm used to and the tea scent is soft. very nice.
  11. hkhm

    Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree

    imp: honey and lilacs and something extra-super-syrupy sweet (probably the pear). wet: super sweet, lilacs with honeyed fruit. dry: once dry this smells just like the scent on lilacs being carried on the wind. it it truly the scent of spring.
  12. hkhm

    The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa

    imp: minty florals with a very faint tea scent. wet: sweet, sweet mint and florals. dry: soft florals with a bare hint of mint. if this had just a little bit more staying power i'd be buying a bottle but it fades far too quickly on my skin. it is quite lovely though.
  13. hkhm

    The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child

    imp: jasmine and tea. this does remind me of the times i've stuck my nose into my canister of jasmine pearls and taken a great, big sniff. wet: jasmine with a faint hint of tea. dry: once dry this is extremely beautiful. the soft, sweet scent of tea mingles with the jasmine (which is blessedly tame on my skin for once).
  14. hkhm

    Judith Victorious

    imp: hazelnut musk. wet: sweet, nutty musk with just a hint of fresh oranges. dry: nutty, orangey musk. this does fade pretty quickly but it's quite nice while it lasts.
  15. hkhm

    Schlafende Baigneuse

    imp: amber with mixed florlas. wet: rose. the rose is not quite as soapy as it could be, but it's pretty close. however, it's very sweet soap. dry: thankfully, the rose faded almost completely (that's a first!) and i'm left with soft, sweet florls.
  16. hkhm

    Carceri d'Invenzione

    imp: tobacco and rich, creamy sandalwood. wet: sandalwood with tobacco and frankincense. this is very creamy, not a hint of the pepper to my nose. dry: sandalwood and frankincense mixed. this is creamy and heady and still pretty strong.
  17. hkhm

    Satan And Death With Sin Intervening

    imp: orangey tea. wet: very bright, strong citrus. there is another creamier, golden scent but i don't know for certain which note it is. dry: a sweet, golden, coft citrus floral. quite light and pretty.
  18. hkhm


    imp: very sharp floral/gteen scent, smells very similar to irish spring to me. wet: nicer once applies, a strong herby floral. i can't pick out any distinct notes. dry: this still has a sharp, green, herbal bite to it along with the florals.
  19. hkhm

    Philosopher in Meditation

    imp: grapes and old woods. wet: this is smoky without the vetiver scent of smoke. and the woods are wonderfully old and rich. there is just a tiny hint of something resinous and sharp. dry: whatever that bit of sharpness was, it's long since faded leaveing only a sweet, deep wood scent.
  20. hkhm

    Love and Pain

    imp: tobacco and musk. wet: the musk is primary here while the tobacco and vanilla are the background notes. i can't smell even a hint of lavender. dry: the lavender has finally come out and is the topnote. the musk is present as well but i don't relly care for the mix of these two scents.
  21. hkhm

    Sunrise With Sea-Monsters

    imp: amber and pear. wet: this has a very nice salt-water scent with the amber and pear. the salt is faint but the water scent is dominant with the amber. the pear is mainly just a faint syrupiness. this is quite crisp and bright. dry: lovely. salt-water and sweet pear. this is really quite lovely.
  22. hkhm

    Cloister Graveyard in the Snow

    imp: musk, frankincense and minty ozone. this smells very cold and reminds me of the snow storm. wet: icy, minty ozone. this is a terribly cold belnd on my skin. it's shivery from the mint and the ozone scent reminds me of the chill clarity of the air after the snow has stopped falling. dry: clear, cold minty ozone.
  23. hkhm


    imp: i'm getting iris and woods on the first sniff. wet: the violet warms up instantly along with the most sour part of the mandarin. this smells very sharp and poisonous. dry: this is a strong violet with a touch of amber and woods.
  24. hkhm


    imp: blue musk and green tea. wet: i'm getting faint florals with the tea scent. the musk has faded a bit while the peach is barely detectable. still, this is so light it's difficult to pick out the notes. dry: the green tea note has remained constant along with the faintest breath of florals. very soft.
  25. hkhm

    The Penitent Magdalen

    imp: sandalwood and honey with a breath of amber. wet: lillies. no more sandalwood or honey or amber and no sign of musk. this is all lily on me. dry: the lilies just continue to get stronger as this dries until my whole left side is one big waft of lilies. i'm starting to think i amp lily.