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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Spiked Punch

    bottle: what?! this smells like sickening, gross plastic! ugh! wet: thank god. whatever that was it's gone and this smells like sweet, boozy fruit punch. dry: boozy fruit and boozy candy with booze. i like this a great deal.
  2. hkhm

    TP'd Trees

    bottle: a sweet, effervescent green scent. far lighter and sweeter than i would have expected. wet: still sweet, effervescent and green... though a light, luminous green. i did not expect to like this one as much as i do! dry: toilet paper! this is a crisp, clean scent that i am so glad to add to my collection.
  3. hkhm

    Earth Rat

    bottle: i'm sure there's other fruit in here but all i smell is melon. this reminds me a great deal of yemaya. wet: very melony. a super-sweet dripping melon. luckily, i love melon scents. but this still smells quite similar to yemaya, perhaps a bit more bitter. dry: melon. there is a bare whiff of other fruits but this is a melon orgy. melon! (edited for spelling idiocy)
  4. hkhm


    bottle: grape. pure grape. almost like a grape sn. wet: much better! the plum comes out with the amber and gives this a much more boozy feel. very bawdy. dry: the musk has warmed and along with the amber and plum, this smells divine. might have to get another bottle...
  5. hkhm

    Men Ringing Bell with Penises

    bottle: sandalwood and moss with a hint of sake. wet: the tea appears once applied, tea and sandalwood with an almost minty touch. dry: this smells very green. moss, tea, sake and green sandalwood the only thing i can't quite catch is the tonka.
  6. hkhm

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    bottle: very creamy amber with a hint of woodsiness. wet: very creamy, very sweet wood and amber scent. this is very rich and sweet without making me sick. impressive! dry: creamy woodsy amber. perhaps a touch lighter once dry but still incredibly beautiful.
  7. hkhm

    Ebisu Making Love As Two Octopuses Look On

    bottle: mossy tangerines. not two notes i would ever have figured could smell so fantastic together. wet: incredibly sweet tangerines. the musk and moss make this feel very sexy and the fruit fells playful and tipsy. incredible. dry: this fades only slightly to a sweet, fruity musk. i'm in love.
  8. hkhm

    The Spell of Amorous Love

    bottle: i can smell every single note from the description in this first sniff. if i had to put it bluntly: this smells of very floral sake. wet: red currant and sake and tea are the most primary notes once this hits my skin. this really has the scent and feel of a wonderfully drunken party in early springtime sunshine. dry: this gets more boozy as it dries. plum blossom sake with a hint of green tea, very well captured scent.
  9. hkhm

    Butterflies and Plovers

    bottle: patchouli, violet and amber. this is deep and heady. wet: wow! patchouli and vetiver and violet times ten. i'm thrilled because violet so rarely works on me and this works like magic! dry: this is an amazing zingy violet that seems to be infusing everything. it is the violet i have been searching. i will need at least two more bottles of this scent.
  10. hkhm


    bottle: ginger and honey and musk. wet: this is super sweet... something... it's like i can't place my finger on what this smells like exactly... except it's very sweet and it's very sexy. dry: there is almost a faint aquatic note here swirling aound the honeyed sex. this is utterly gorgeous!
  11. hkhm

    The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife

    bottle: honeyed mint. this has a very herbal tea scent to my nose. wet: seaweedy with a strong wash of herbal mint. very wet and green. dry: this is a far drier aquatic than i'm accustomed to, the honey is a hint and the mint has gone cool and distant. very, very nice.
  12. hkhm

    Lover's Parodies of Sumo Holds

    bottle: tangerine and sharp fruits. wet: tangerine and... tangerine. there is a slightly flowery scent which i suspect is the pikaki. this smells very tropical. dry: tangeriney flowers. utterly sweet and light. i need another bottle of this.
  13. hkhm

    notes listed according to their percentage?

    it does seem like the first notes listed are the ones i smell in the bottle while the other notes come out more once applied. with certain exceptions, of course. rose anywhere in a blend will jump out when i apply it. doesn't seem to stop me from vainly trying to find a rose blend that works on me...
  14. hkhm

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    this totally made me laugh because i remember wondering the same thing when i finished my first bottle. i doubt i would ever throw a bottle away (little bottles of stuff just fascinate me). i have kept bottles for imp purposes (there was this run of orders where, by the end, i had a grand total of 9 imps of aglaea and i already had two bottles!) but i most usually send them off to other forumites who might want to sniff them (especially if they're general catalog). i hang on to my empty le bottles just so i can sniff my past loves but if i have extras i usually swap those.
  15. hkhm

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    my quickest: i went through a bottle of bordello in four months. usually: it takes me about seven or eight months of use to go through a bottle. but as i collect more and more scents that seems to be slowing. i remember a time when i had less than a dozen bottles and when they got low, i bought a new one. now that i have over a hundred bottles (with a whole bunch more on the way) i think it will take me a lot longer to go through any one bottle.
  16. hkhm

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    i agree about tweedledum, it's very crisp and fruity with just a touch of patchouli woodsiness. i actually don't even smell the green tea in it. and, yeah, nephilim is very dark and dirty. it's one my husband wears very frequently.
  17. hkhm

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    after sniffing through my gc bottles i'm struck by hymn to proserpine and a deep, dark, dirty fruit scent. perhaps dirty isn't the right word... perhaps decayed or mummified? also, while i don't find shango particularly "dirty", it is a very dark fruit scent. ditto for kabuki.
  18. hkhm

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    depraved was the first bpal scent i ever smelled and the first bottle i ever bought. the only other dark, dirty fruit i love is imp, my absolute all-time favourite bpal scent.
  19. hkhm

    Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal

    bottle: this smells like caramel covered fruit of some sort. very creamy/fruity to my nose. wet: okay, i am officially resisting the urge to nibble my wrist. the fruits are light and sweet, the cream is creamy and the pink pepper and ginger are spicy. if this was a dessert, i'd be on my third helping by now. dry: creamy citrus fruits with a nice spike of spices. i'm off to buy a few more bottles i think...
  20. hkhm

    I Married a Vampire from Planet X

    bottle: a soft, herby musk scent.. wet: whoa! musk and leather and sage and citrus. this is awesome on my skin. dry: this dries very leathery and musky with a hint of sage. nice.
  21. hkhm

    Tiresias, the Androgyne

    bottle: patchouli, sandalwood, tobacco... wet: this is creamy caramel smeared over cigar-smoke. i like this so much better than i ever thought i would. intensely beautiful! dry: there's more fruity sweetness here, possibly the currant, with the smoky caramel scent. so incredibly sexy.
  22. hkhm


    imp: spicy grapefruit aquatic. wet: the grapefruit here is swoon-worthy! it's spiced and rich and wonderful. dry: grapefruit spiked with spices. two bottles are going into my next order.
  23. hkhm

    I Died For Beauty

    imp: violet and frankincense. wet: there is a creamy scent here that is mixing with both the frankincense and violet. i wish this had more of a dirt scent from the grave loam, it really smells like a dessert scent on me. dry: this dries to a super-sweet, creamy-thick frankincense with a light hint of violet. i think a bottle is in my future.
  24. hkhm

    Vicomte de Valmont

    imp: sharp men's cologne. wet: quite sharp, very aquatic. this is relaly not for me but it would be great on the right guy. dry: still sharp and nose-grabbing. kind of like and amped-up irish spring.
  25. hkhm

    The Red Queen

    imp: cherry and some woodsy scents here and there. wet: nice! the woods warm up and mix with the cherry scent to make it less syrupy. i'm really liking this! dry: this has gone straight to a pure wood-scent. it smells mostly like cedar but it's difficult to tell for certain.