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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm


    imp: a very burnt scent. like burnt water if that makes any sense. wet: lemony smoke. i don't get too much ozone just a very lemony smoke scent. far prettier than the initial sniff would have led me to believe. dry: the smoke is a little more pronounced once this dries but the lemon is still there.
  2. hkhm

    Wolf's Heart

    imp: this smells like a slightly spicy, slightly floral dragon's blood scent. wet: sort of a dragon's blood incense, not burning incense, but when you open the package of incense and take a sniff. dry: this dries to a sweet, floral dragon's blood. it's a bit richer and full-bodied than usual dragon's blood. very nice.
  3. hkhm


    bottle: honeyed musk. very honeyed musk. wet: wow. musk and moss covered with honey. i would have felt this was far too masculine for me but i'm lovin' it. i think i can catch a hint of juniper every once and a while but it's faint. this is incredibly nice on my skin. dry: moss and juniper with a teensy bit of musk.
  4. hkhm

    Pisces 2008

    bottle: i don't know if it's the wisteria or the passion flower i'm smelling. this is a very sassy floral scent. wet: sarsaparilla! hemp! moss! this is a very heady blend. the florals are not overpowering and give this a gentle feel i wasn't expecting. dry: moss and poppy. i've really enjoyed every stage of this blend, it's put me in such a good mood.
  5. hkhm

    Lunar Eclipse

    bottle: this takes me to another place... opening my mom's ancient oak desk drawers and smelling that dusty scent of old pressed flowers and wood and letters. this smells dark and forgotten but no less loved. wet: vetiver and lavender and light musk... very light myrrh. this is all darkness and shadows and dreamless sleep. perfect interpretation. dry: the vetiver faded very quickly and it seems to be the lavender and myrrh which remain most strongly with a nice after scent of spice.
  6. hkhm

    Moon of Ice

    bottle: sweet, icy snow. this is a wet, chilly scent like twinkles on just-melting snow. wet: this is wetter than both the snow storm and old moon. the pine is more faint but somehow a bit clearer than both of those. very pretty. dry: this dries very similarly to old moon, a very soft pine and snow scent. the main difference is the eucalyptus, which i can detect now that it's dried.
  7. hkhm

    Windward Passage

    imp: i don't know what to make of this one. on the one hand, it smells like a soapy clean aquatic. on the other hand, there's this unusual stink that smells like unwashed bodies... i'm almost afraid to try this one. wet: thank god that whatever the stinky bit was faded and vanished after touching my skin. this is now a squeaky-clean, almost lime, aquatic. very crisp, bright and clean. dry: this dries to a very simple aquatic with a bare hint of it's lime-soap cleanliness. almost a spicy after-scent as well. my imp will be more than enough for me. (edited for spelling idiocy)
  8. hkhm


    imp: straight-up gardenia. wet: still gardenia... and rose. urg. gardenia and rose guest soaps. dry: at least the rose fades a bit and leaves me with... gardenia. i suppose if you really like gardenia then this is for you.
  9. hkhm

    Black Pearl

    imp: strong iris and musk. i get no coconut of hazelnut from this at all. wet: this reminds me a little bit of a murder of crows but i like it better. a floral i actually like sniffing! dry: deep iris with a swish of musk. yet another i think i'll be needing a bottle of...
  10. hkhm


    imp: the lab's chocolate note always smells far too synthetic to me so it smells like chocolate-flavoured something rather than chocolate. in this case, it's artificially flavoured chocolate cherries. wet: dark, congealed cherry syrup. at least the chocolate makes this just seems dark and gooey rather than fake. dry: well, this dries much nicer than it starts out. a nice cherry and orange scent.
  11. hkhm

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    imp: super-sweet fruits and punch and lollipops. kinds like a less-sexy version of jailbait. wet: sweet fruits, a slight bubblegum scent, fruit punch, candies. this is making me smile. i forsee a few bottles here... dry: this dries soft and sweet and pretty. this will be my fragrance for this coming summer.
  12. hkhm


    imp: as usual, when here's vetiver in a blend it's all i can smell when i give it a sniff. wet: myrrh and clove smoldering along with the vetiver. this is quite intense but not really my sort of scent./ i think this would smell wonderful on my husband though. dry: very rich, deep, smoky myrrh and clove and something almost lethally sweet underneath. very brooding.
  13. hkhm


    imp: imagine mixing jasmine flowers into vanilla icing and this is the scent you'd get. wet: gah! rose and jasmine on a roadtrip to hell. this smells so awful on me the saints are crying. dry: still jasmine and rose. total bleh on me.
  14. hkhm


    imp: sandalwood and something sort of green and woodsy. wet: this is quite lovely, a crisp and sweet sandalwood scent. dry: this fades to a soft sandalwood. very lovely.
  15. hkhm

    Strangler Fig

    imp: earthy fig with something light and green. there's also something that smells almost of patchouli in the background. wet: this is one of the most "living" green scents i've smelled in a while. it's like sticking your face up close to a plant and sniffing it. dry: a sweet fig dirt scent with still a sort of growing, green plant scent. hard to describe but very pretty.
  16. hkhm

    Opium Poppy

    imp: um... bandaids? like bandaids with smoke and metal. wet: this smells very perfumey along with smelling very acrid. there is still that unusual bandaid scent. dry: still bandaids and perfume, though less smoky.
  17. hkhm

    Dian's Bud

    imp: sweet, almost aquatic, herbal scent. wet: it's a very light aquatic, sort of like that watery scent you get from watermelon or cucumber. very cooling. dry: definitely reminds me of cucumber once dry, a light cucumber aquatic. this is a very light, pretty, springtime scent.
  18. hkhm

    Dragon's Heart

    imp: dark, musky fruits. wet: i can smell the dragon's blood better once applied. it's a dark, rich scent. dry: musk and dragon's blood and fruits. this sorts reminds me of a lighter version of kabuki.
  19. hkhm

    Red Lantern

    bottle: spicy-sweet amber with a nice hint of caramel-covered coconut. (this is the 2008 version) wet: the caramel and coconut come out in a blast and mixed with the amber, this is heady stuff. this really puts me in mind of men smoking expensive, elegant cigars, sipping aged brandy and eating some sort of over-sugarded confection while they watch a burlesque show. dry: i love how decadent this smells once it's dry. this definitely has the scent of idle, bored wealth taking in all of life's vices at once.
  20. hkhm


    bottle: sweet and boozy musk, exactly like the description. (this is the 2008 version) wet: this is really like being hit in the face with musk. tipsy, wobbly, flirty musk. super-sexy. dry: this dries sweet and boozy and slightly musky. more like the after-feel of really satisfying sex.
  21. hkhm

    Beaver Moon 2007

    bottle: like the insides of chocolate-covered cherries. that vanilla-creamy-goo with cherries. wet: this is like creamy vanilla frosting covering a mega-sweet pink strawberry cake with a dripping red cherry on tom. my teeth hurt just sniffing this, it's so damn sweet! dry: the cream note fades to a simple sweetness while the fruit stays put. this is more teenager sexy than womanly sexy but i still love it.
  22. hkhm

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    yeah, my bottle of smut has a different picture. i'll have to take the photo tomorrow though. now neat to have so many different styles.
  23. hkhm


    bottle: amber and musk. two of my most favourite scents. wet: this almost has a leathey scent that remids me of krampus or crowley or de sade. very sexy leathery, musky amber. dry: this is uber-sexy once dry. it's the musk that is most pronounced and boy does it smell sexy.
  24. hkhm

    La Vita Nuova

    bottle: sweet apple blossoms and other assorted soft springy/fruity/flowery scents. wet: crappy guest soapy rose. dry: i had to try this one since it had apple blossom but i think i've finally learned my lesson. if it has rose, it's repellent on me.
  25. hkhm

    The Flower Song

    bottle: pomegranate wine is a good way to describe the first sniff. it's like a less tart version of fruit of paradise. wet: sweet, spicy pomegranate with somethine woodsy/earthy... probably the reeds. dry: dries to an even more woodsy pomegranate. it now reminds me more of the pomegranate in aquarius. nice.