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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Death Adder

    bottle: because there is vetiver and coconut, this ends up smelling like dried coconut on first sniff. wet: sweet vetiver with a dollop of snake oil dusted with a light topping of coconut shavings. dry: so now this smells like coconut snake oil being slowly boiled down to something thicker. the vetiver smells just exactly how i always want it to: smoky without being chokling. this is so delightfully mysterious.
  2. hkhm

    Temple Viper

    bottle: snake oil with... with... grapes? wet: this smells like sweet snake oil incense. this is so beautiful. dry: this dries to a thick, sweet incense smell. the best bpal incese scent i've yet tried.
  3. hkhm

    Western Diamondback

    bottle: raw leather with herbs. wet: very sagey and leathery. makes me want to visit the old west. there is a nice hint of snake oil in the background. dry: ah, there's the snake oil. it's a bit light behind the leather but very nice.
  4. hkhm


    bottle: very light linden and passion flower. wet: beautiful! the linden and the passion flower warm up and jump out making me smell like a tropical paradise! dry: no snake oil in sight, just tropical flowers. this is very girlie and beautiful.
  5. hkhm


    bottle: very green, pretty sure it's the bamboo i'm smelling... wet: bamboo and musk. there is a bare hint of snake oil in the background. this is definitely one that will have to age a bit. dry: bamboo with very light musk. i like it okay now, but am looking forward to how it might age.
  6. hkhm

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    bottle: cinnamon! and a little bit of ginger mixed with snake oil. wet: as soon as it's applied it becomes a cinnamon spice dream. however, even on the least sensitive testing place i could find, this burns a bit. dry: very cinnamon/gingery. i don't really get any snake oil from this but it's quite nice nonetheless.
  7. hkhm

    Asp Viper (2006)

    bottle: almond and myrrh. wet: almondy snake oil. now that is the snake oil for me! dry: sweet, tender almonds doused in snake oil. beautiful.
  8. hkhm

    Banded Sea Snake (2006)

    bottle: light snake oil. i can't really smell any mosses... wet: there they are. the mosses are still farily light and there's a very strong snake oil back. dry: the mosses are more evident once dry. the snake oil is quite tame yet rich at the same time.
  9. hkhm

    King Cobra (2006)

    bottle: i don't smell the orris but i smell the frankincense, copal and snake oil. wow! wet: the frankincense is heady and strong as soon as i apply this oil, while the copal and snake oil stay just behind. so beautiful. dry: the snake oil comes through a bit more once this blend dries but the frankincense and copal are still around. wonder what happened to the orris? (edited for spelling idiocy)
  10. hkhm


    imp: this smells like... limes? it must be the bergamot from the earl grey but still... limes? wet: still limes. not even getting a hint of leather. dry: okay... the limes are getting sweeter, almost honeyed. there is a touch of leather but's it's in the background. interesting.
  11. hkhm

    The Deep Ones

    imp: a sweet, light grapefruity aquatic. this is far prettier than the notes would ahve led me to believe. wet: odd. the grapefruit/cirtus scent turns evil on me, an evil citrus aquatic. and while that's a very accurate scent interpretation, it's smells just weird on my skin. dry: okay, maybe it's a bit less evil once it's dry... still, it smells like a menacing citrus aquatic. edit: okay, now that it's dried even further, i'm thinking a bottle may be in order. it's changed to malevolent citrus aquatic and i'm loving it.
  12. hkhm


    imp: salty, rotted wood and weeds. wet: this goes to that irish-spring-soap smell so many aquatics go on me. this ends up smelling like generic men's cologne. dry: once dry, this smells more like old wood and ocean spray. still a little too masculine for me though.
  13. hkhm


    bottle: this is the first bpal chocolate scent that has approached actually smelling like chocolate to me. this smells almost just like rich, spicy dark chocolate. wet: now, this smells like rich, dark, spiced, unsweetened chocolate powder. this is a dark, dry chocolate scent on me skin. dry: this is the first of the snake pit blends that i can actually smell the snake oil in. it's faint but it's there and it mixes very well with the cocoa note. (edited for spelling idiocy)
  14. hkhm

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    bottle: açai and neroli with a teensy hint of amber. wet: the açai is the strongest note here but i can still detect that nose-tingling sting of neroil. this smells light and happy. dry: the açai is a bit lighter and i can just detect the cardamom. lovelovelove.
  15. hkhm

    Green Tree Viper

    bottle: mint! i'm sure there are other notes here but... mint! wet: oh wow! this is mint, with a sweet, light bergamot chaser. i.am.in.love. dry: the mint and bergamot are almost perfectly balanced and i can just barely smell the tea. really quite beautiful. and minty!
  16. hkhm

    The Death of Autumn

    bottle: amber and vetiver. and since i don't see vetiver listed in the notes i wonder what could be smelling like it...? wet: ooooh! this smells of deep amber and clove on my skin! this is just as dark and dirty as, say, goblin, but without patchouli. lovely! dry: the smells like a slighty sweet vetiver and spice once dry. normally, i don't care for strong vetiver scents like this but i'm really liking this one.
  17. hkhm

    The Perilous Parlor

    bottle: ripe sliced pears sitting atop scoops of vanilla ice cream. wet: pear! pear! pear! pear! pear! pear! i'm sure there's some vanilla in here somewhere but it's being overpowered by pear of glory! dry: once dry i can smell a touch of the vanilla, it's just turns the pear sort of creamy and yummy. a new love.
  18. hkhm


    imp: caramel, brown sugar, light sandalwood and snake oil. wet: add butterscotch and maple syrup to the above notes and that is what this smells like on my skin. this is incredible! dry: whoa! this smells like there's honey in there too! so we've got caramel, brown sugar, butterscotch, maple syrup, honey, sandalwood and snake oil. i would so buy a bottle or two (or three or four) of this is i could. wow.
  19. hkhm

    Archangel Winter

    imp: glassy ozone is right. all i smell is the scent of silver white winter night. wet: this is sharp and brisk once applied, almost astringent. it's like breathing in that piercing, chilling air that is only present right before a hard snowstorm. this smells almost desolate, very lonely and beautiful. dry: this is stark and chilling once dry. very well-represented scent.
  20. hkhm

    Port Royal

    imp: wood and spice and... rubbing alcohol? wet: that's better! woods and spices and booze and cloves. this is manly. i may have to try it on my husband... dry: this has dried to clove and salty wood. excellent. i'll be ordering a bottle for myself and we'll see if my husband wants some as well.
  21. hkhm


    imp: lilacs? hyacinth? bluebells? what is this... it smells like a sweet bouquet of flowers. wet: there's a spicy feel once this is applied, a sweet, spicy floral. absolutely beautiful. dry: i'm not a big floral person but this is incredibly sweet, playful and beautiful.
  22. hkhm

    Long Night Moon

    bottle: honeysuckle and musk. wet: the honeysuckle flares up for an instant before fading . now i'm getting the thyme and mint and musk and some ofther soft, luminous florals. so pretty. dry: there's something, probably the mint, that smells like a faint, sweet sort of cucumber aquatic. it's very soft and pretty. this is a keeper.
  23. hkhm

    Treat #2

    imp: i'm getting the orange rind, clove and cardamom. wet: i'm not getting the milk chocolate (which is good because it normally smells awful on me) but i am getting the coconut and bourbon in addition to the orange and spices. this smells like one very decadent dessert. dry: this dries to light orange, faint mint and brisk spices. quite nice.
  24. hkhm

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    whoa...if this is an accurate representation of imp, i MUST have it immediately! nephilim and lucifer going onto my list as well. thanks! i wear imp about every other day so i get used to smelling it. but then i'll get caught up in my new scents and it'll sit for a week or so before i wear it again. then bam: dark and sinuous and yes, very much like dirty canned peach syrup. the peach is almost like an afterthought. every once in a while i just won't smell the peach at first. then a few hours into wearing it the peach will hit me and i'll think: mmmm... sticky, dirty yum. god, it's lovely. nephilim is one my husband wears but i had tried it and ordered a bottle for myself. once it arrived i gave it a sniff again and thought: "what the hell...? why did i order this for myself?!" and i put it aside. after a while, i happened to see it sitting alone and unloved and slathered a bit on. then i remembered why i ordered a bottle for me. i still think it smells best on my husband but it's quite dark and beautiful on me as well. can i squee for verdandi as well? i love, love, love apple scents and poisoned apple, verdandi & the hesperides are made of apple-y win.
  25. hkhm

    The Perfumed Garden

    bottle: apple and citrus and musk. this smells quite familiar... wet: the jasmine comes out but it's manageable, this is sweet and pretty. the citrus and quince are in the background. dry: this dries to a nondescript fruity floral. i'm not sure if the bottle i'm testing is from 2006 or 2007. (edited for spelling idiocy)