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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm


    bottle: wisteria. wet: wisteria and sakura. dry: this dries to pure sakura, i never get a hint of the ume.
  2. hkhm

    Knecht Ruprecht

    bottle: everygreen and almond. wet: light and fruity pine. dry: this dies to a very sweet pine. i'd hoped there would be more apple but i'm still quite pleased with this scent.
  3. hkhm


    bottle: powdery florals. wet: this does have a scent that reminds me of soap, but not in the soapy sense, in the everything is super-squeaky-clean sense. it has the feel of clean sheets and soft breezes and quiet conversation. it doesn't actually feel cold to me, it feels much more like lazy spring afternoons spent in the backyard. dry: this has a faint violet scent once it dries. i don't know how often i'll wear it, but i'll likely be keeping it.
  4. hkhm


    imp: violet softened with chamomile and primrose. very feminine. wet: this all goes horribly wrong once applied. the florals are all jarring and a bit soapy and this ends up smelling like some horrid store perfume. dry: a little less horribly wrong, but the notes are all wrong on my skin. oh well.
  5. hkhm

    The High Priest Not To Be Described

    imp: leather and chamomile and pepper and musk. this is such a yes. wet: this is peppery-sweet leather and musk on my skin. another of the rare leather scents i can wear, the incense is so nice in the background. dry: much more incensey once dry, sweet peppery musk and very light leather. off to add this one to my to-buy general catalog bottle list.
  6. hkhm


    imp: first sniff says "ugh!" i love patchouli, musk and myrrh but ylang ylang and i do not play nice. wet: urk, all icky dirty ylang ylang. this is so horrid on my skin. dry: sadly, this is such a bust on my skin i must go wash it off.
  7. hkhm


    bottle: patchouli and musk with a hint of woods. this feels like a halloweenine blend, sorta like samhainophobia. wet: this is very slightly boozy with a hint of woods, lightish "dirty" patchouli with a smooth musk back. i'm glad the rose makes no appearance, it usually amps like crazy on me. this has a masculine feel to it but i know i'll be wearing it pretty often. dry: this dries as a more bay rum and patchouli scent. there is a woodsy sweetness once this is dry that makes it seem flirty. definite keeper.
  8. hkhm

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    bottle: musk and cardamom with the same dusty cocoa scent that was in boomslang. wet: there's musk in here right? because all i smell is cardamom and vanilla and caramel. this smells like cinnamon rolls! dry: this is terribly yummy cardamom and vanilla. i wish it were a bit more musky or chocolatey but it's darn yummy in it's own right.
  9. hkhm

    Trick or Treat

    bottle: this smells exactly like egg nog with whipped cream and a dash of nutmeg on top. not a hint of candy corn. wet: this smells like a cross between sugar cookies, gingerbread cookies, egg nog and candy carnds. this is super-sweet yum on my skin. dry: this ends up smelling like a cinnamony sugar cookie. not exaclty what i was expecting but so yummy i'm delighted just the same.
  10. hkhm

    Enraged Orangutan Musk

    bottle: musks and amber. wet: very, very musky. there is a very nice background hint of orange here. dry: very nice musks with that enduring hint of orange.
  11. hkhm

    Red Phoenix

    bottle: this is all cassia upon first sniff. wet: very strong cassia once applied. after a few moments, the musk and a hint of patchouli. dry: once this dries, it is far more complex. i'm getting a hint of the plum with lots of spice and a bit of musk. very lovely.
  12. hkhm


    imp: acrid cologne. wet: acrid cologne. dry: acrid cologne. this smells exactly the same in every stage, it just won't work for me though.
  13. hkhm

    Queen Alice

    imp: florals and molasses. this is awesome! wet: i know it's treacle and not molasses (even though they're quite similar) but it still smells like when i open the molasses jar. unusually beautiful. dry: this is drying to the strongest sugar note i get from sugar skull with very light florals in the background.
  14. hkhm


    imp: lime and lilac and perhaps lavender. wet: this is all men's cologne on me. dry: once dry, this is much nicer. the lime and lilac are both much stronger and very nicely blended.
  15. hkhm

    The Lion

    imp: cinnamon and amber with orange, perhaps? something light and citrusy. wet: must be cinnamon, i'm getting a little burned, but the amber is quite light and pretty. dry: this dries to a very light cinnamon amber. it fades a little too quickly for me but it is quite nice while it lasts.
  16. hkhm


    imp: sandalwood and amber. wet: a wonerful myrrh/frankincense note mixed with amber. dry: this dries to a nice myrrh and amber scent.
  17. hkhm

    Mad Hatter

    imp: ah, pennyroyal... my first and truest mint-love. wet: this is all lavender and pennyroyal. so pretty and crisp. dry: this really smells like some sort of expensive after-dinner mint. very herbal minty. nice.
  18. hkhm

    Grand Guignol

    imp: yup, that's apricot brandy all right. yum. wet: wow! the apricot is a little more subdued but this really smells like brandy. yet another entry on my to-buy bottle list... dry: this dries to smelling like some sort of fruit brandy, not strictly apricot. very yummy.
  19. hkhm


    imp: pine, juniper and musk. yup, i've aready added this one to my to-buy bottle list. wet: very piney, and very junipery with a nice undertone of musk. this is such a yes. dry: this dries to the best juniper and musk scent ever! ever!
  20. hkhm

    The Brides of Dracula

    imp: honey and lillies. wet: very floral, probably the plum blossom playing nice with the lilliies... and all dipped in honey. very sweet. dry: between the musk and the florals and the honey, this is heady, sweet stuff. very pretty and feminie without being cloying.
  21. hkhm


    imp: orange, cinnamon and cardamom. wet: this really smells like a orange spice tea. very soft and pretty. dry: a very light orange spice tea. must hunt down a bottle...
  22. hkhm

    Sagittarius 2007

    bottle: chamomile and sage. wet: the clove makes this feel warm without being spicy. mainly, this is a spicy dandelion and chamomile acent. dry: the clove stays put and gets a bit spicier and clovier as it dries. a very clovey chamomile.
  23. hkhm

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    ccnow has done the same thing to me. there was this run of orders i placed in late december and early january which were all declined because the cvv number (apparently) didn't match. no matter that this is the same card i've been using for years and that all of my trading post orders went through just fine... when i tried to use the re-order link on the order page, they were all declined all over again. also, i hadn't gotten an e-mail telling me that they were declined so i was just going along waiting for my cns, i was dumb luck that i even checked the ccnow order page and saw they'd been declined. i just thank my lucky stars that bill was so helpful and patient with me while i re-placed all of my orders for the le's that had been in those orders. and don't even get me started on ccnow's "customer service" when i tried to contact them about this problem...
  24. hkhm

    Serpent's Kiss

    imp: i don't smell any dragon's blood just vetiver and spice. wet: whoa... this smells like barbeque sauce on me! seriously, between the smoky scent of vetiver and the spices... i smell like barbeque sauce. dry: there must be some cinnamon in here 'cause i'm getting burned but there is still that strange barbeque scent. interesting.
  25. hkhm


    imp: greenery, herbs and pine. wet: this goes a little sharp once applied, very pungent and green... wondering if there is a grass note in here? dry: this dries to a softer, herby scent, still plenty green and grassy though.