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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    March Hare

    imp: whoa! apricot! a very spicy apricot. i've already added this one to the "to-buy" bottle list, it's that yummy. wet: very strong and sweet apricot and clove. yum. dry: this stays much more apricot-y than clove-y but that's fine, i'm a big fan of apricot.
  2. hkhm

    Golden Wave

    bottle: passion fruit, guava and tangerine. wet: this is all fruits, no hint of the gin or tonic. very guava-y and tangerine-y with a fleeting back of passion fruit. beautiful. dry: this dries to fruits with... greenery? it doesn't smell like gin to me but there is a very green feel to this scent. like all the fruits still have their stems and leaves attached. still, it's incredible. i can't stop sniffing myself.
  3. hkhm

    Blue Fire

    bottle: a fizzy blueberry booze drink with lots of lemon-lime soda. wet: i can smell every note here. this is fresh blueberry and papaya with gin and a twist of lemon. dry: the blueberry fades a bit but it's still blueberry syrup in gin with a generous splash of lemon-lime soda. nice.
  4. hkhm

    Te Po

    bottle: almods and cherries, kinda fizzy. wet: lime and cherry and vodka! this smells very similar to the hamptons at first, but then the almond makes it a bit more warm. dry: i get a lot more lime and mint once this dries, and almost a spicy scent. this is really nice on me, a nice summer date scent.
  5. hkhm

    Rangoon Riptide

    bottle: there's that weird pineapple scent again, it just smells scary! i can also catch whiffs of the orange and passion fruit. wet: whoa! this smells like boozy life savers candy! image whay plunking a whole roll of those into a rum drink would smell like. dry: the fruitiness fades a bit and this smells like a very sweet, slightly fruity rum drink. yum, yum, yum!
  6. hkhm

    Screeching Parrot

    bottle: strongest is the grapefruit and rum with everything else dancing in the background. wet: this like a grapefruit fruit punch with tons of booze in it. very happy and bubbly. dry: this is all sweet, sparkly grapefruit on my skin. love it.
  7. hkhm

    Upa Upa

    bottle: rum! but with that bizarre scent that spiked punch had that smells... vinegary... i suspect it is the pineaple... wet: yum! this reminds me of a tropical version of creepy. this is all coconut, vanilla pineapple rum. i am so in the mood for an umbrella drink right now. dry: this is increduble! it smells just like a pina colada on my skin. a definite keeper.
  8. hkhm

    Worm Moon 2008

    bottle: dry dirt. this is zombi's more distinguished cousin. wet: this is more flowers and dirt as opposed to roses and dirt (zombi). and it has a much drier feel. i am in love. dry: i'm just starting to get a hint of those "overripe red fruits" and coupled with the dusty dirt scent, this is pure win on my skin.
  9. hkhm

    Hexennacht (2008)

    bottle: amber and musky pine. wet: very piney, reminds me a great deal of old moon and moon of ice, but in a less snowy way... dry: this is just like old moon on me one it dries, very piney and pretty.
  10. hkhm


    bottle: wrigley's spearamint gum with the slightest hint of cucumber. wet: ooooooohhhhhhhh yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh... minty, peppery, cucumbery goodness. can i live inside this bottle? seriously, how much of this would i need to scent all of my linens, my soaps and shampoos, my candles, diffusers...? dry: this is exquisitely mintywith a nice smooth cucumber coolness and a peppery bite.
  11. hkhm

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    bottle: cypress & balsam, myrrh & nutmeg, clove, rosewood, musk... i think i can smell almost everything here. wet: the orange warms up and goes sweet as soon as it touches my skin, mixing with the spices and greenery and a very light smokiness. dry: this is sweet and spicy greenery once dry. love, love, love.
  12. hkhm

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    bottle: soft, powdery musk. very sweet and innocent. wet: i think it's the clover i'm smelling, something green and sweet along with the powdery sweet musk. dry: this is so intensely sweet and powdery on the dry down, i have to keep it a bit further away from my nose. a teensy bit of this stays on my skin forever and has a tremendous throw. this is a beautifully innocent scent that feels so feminine and happy.
  13. hkhm


    imp: this smells exactly like dried rose leaves. wet: this is dry, dusty rosewood. this is the rose i have been searching for! this is lovely yet sad. a perfect interpretation! dry: very dry, old woods with a dusting of crushed, dried roses. i cannot normally wear rose at all (zombi is the exception) and i'm seeing that the dried/crushed rose scentis the one gleaming ray of hope in my otherwise rose-free world.
  14. hkhm

    Les Infortunes de la Vertu

    imp: leather and... well, leather. wet: leather and moss and a smoky incense smell. dry: this reminds me of de sade but with moss added; hot, smoky leather with a green mossy scent.
  15. hkhm


    imp: musk and cedar. wet: lilac, lime, cedar... ooh! there's the musk. this is really unusually pretty, very light and springy. dry: dries to a very soft scent, but there is the light aura or something pretty hovering all around. very nice.
  16. hkhm


    imp: grapefruit, lemon, mint and... that scent that is supposed to be tea. wet: this goes to citrus hell on me, super-strong concentrated citrus hell. dry: the citrus mellows out but i'm left with that "tea" scent which does not smell good with the leftover citrus. oh well.
  17. hkhm


    imp: pepper, amber, passion flower, honeysuckle... there will be a bottle of this in my next order. wet: peppery passion flower! dry: this reminds me a little bit of tweedledee from the pepper but it is much more glowing than that. it's a warm, ambery pepper with sweet flowers.
  18. hkhm

    Schwarzer Mond

    bottle: amber, patchouli and musk. very murky and dark. wet: heavy patchouli and myrrh. not dirty patchouli, just very thick and dark. dry: the amber re-appears once this dries, mixing with t e patchouli myrrh. this is dark, sexy yum.
  19. hkhm

    Sugar Moon 2008

    bottle: i get a whole range of notes on first sniff but the two that stand out are a slightly carmelized sugar and a violet similar to la befana's. wet: this is like a muskier, sweeter version of la befana on my skin. there is also a fresh, clean scent here... not an aquatic, but very clean. dry: the drydown in incredible! super light, sweet violets. this is sweet, sexy, playful, flirty... a yummy spring scent.
  20. hkhm

    Spice me, baby! The spiciest BPAL blends

    inferno is the most spicy scent i've tried yet. red phoenix, plunder and bengal are also up there.
  21. the two oils that i get the most attention from are bordello (which has a medium throw for me) and kabuki (which has an insane, can you smell me on the other side of the supermarket kind of throw on me). people will just randomly walk up to me while i'm wearing kabuki and tell me how awesome i smell.
  22. hkhm


    jester has huckleberry in it as well and as kenjari pointed out, huckleberry smells a lot like blueberry. also, if you can get your hands on some, to me crumpet rebellion smelled like blueberry jam on crumpets.
  23. hkhm

    Sea of Glass

    imp: generic aquatic. wet: this has a watery, wet feel but ultimately, it's just an aquatic and turns sharp on me. dry: this is much nicer in the dry phase, a lightly floral aquatic that feels clean.
  24. hkhm


    imp: musk and tobacco. wet: this smells like a sweet, smoky musk. i was not expecting sweetness. dry: this dries to pure tobacco on me. very nice.
  25. hkhm

    Mort de Cesar

    bottle: clove! yummy, spicy, warm clovey clove! wet: clovey musk. this reminds me of the taste of clove cigarettes. dry: yup, clove cigarettes. this is a keeper.