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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm


    bottle: this has a slightly sour seaweed scent to me, there is a background sweetness so i hope that amps once it's applied... wet: phew! this goes to sweet, green seaweed as soon as it's applied. there is also a light boozy sort of feel that would not be out of place in the bar scents. very pretty. dry: this dries almost fruity! a very green, lush scent that is perfect for warm, breezy summer nights.
  2. hkhm

    Boo Bam

    bottle: hibiscus! wet: this is a very leafy hibiscus scent, almost like a nice hibiscus green tea scent if you squint... dry: this dries to a very tangy hibiscus. this is my favourites of the flotsam so far.
  3. hkhm


    bottle: this is mostly plumeria and pikaki with a hint of earthy sandalwood. wet: this is sharp wet flroals once applied. bt there is a nice sweet hint underneath that i'm hoping will develop... dry: this is a very tangy, sweet floral when dry. not usually my sort of scent but i can't stop sniffing my arm.
  4. hkhm

    Tiki King

    bottle: lemons and coconut, this definitely smells like the beach. wet: much more lemony, but a creamy suntan oil lemon. the coconut is an afterthought very light yet persistent. dry: the woodsiness comes out a bit as this one dries, i'm thinking i'll age this one up a bit and see how it's matured.
  5. hkhm

    Tiki Queen

    bottle: this smells just like candy. spree or nerds of any of those fruity candies. wet: no! this smells exactly like gummi worms! that's it! this is gummi worms in a bottle! dry: this has a slightly floral drydown but it is still mostly candies on me. i love, love, love this scent.
  6. hkhm


    imp: this is a very dusty, musky smell. wet: this is ultra-sharp opium on my skin and nothing but. and whoa is it ever strong. dry: well, it's a bit of a spicy opium/musk mix but i'm just not accustomed to that.much.opium. way to strong for me.
  7. hkhm

    Dragon Moon 2008

    bottle: an effervescent green scent, i know i smell the bergamot and sage most strongly yet this feels light. wet: wow. the sweetgrass amps instantly and smells both warm and sweet the dragon's blood is not nearly as floral as usual and the rest of the notes give this a nice, sinuous green feel. dry: the dragon's blood dries sweet while the other notes (mainly the sage, mint and sweetgrass) give this a sunny, warm feel. love.
  8. hkhm

    Dragon's Bone

    imp: sweet, tangy orris and sandalwood. wet: the floweriness of the dragon's blood mixes quite nicely with the orris and sandalwood. this has a dusty feel to it, very nice interpretation. dry: this is so heady as it dries, almost dizzingly sweet.
  9. hkhm


    imp: vetiver and cinnamon. wet: super-dark patchouli and vetiver with a sweet musky scent. this smells sweet and burnt all at once. dry: this is a little too dark and burnt but if you love vetiver, this is for you. if the vetiver was a touch lighter i might buy a bottle but the imp will be enough for me.
  10. hkhm

    Blood Pearl

    imp: musky coconut. i can alerady tell i need a bottle of this. wet: the orris and coconut are just wonderful together and the musk makes it dark and yummy. dry: this is such a yes. sweet and creamy coconut.
  11. hkhm


    imp: blech! lavender and jasmine at their worst. wet: jasmine hell. i mean it, this is the very worst that jasmine can smell on me. times ten. jasmine lovers with be in ecstacy though. dry: this dries to a sharp, fresh lavender scent. not for me.
  12. hkhm


    bottle: juniper, black pepper and cardamom. wet: this is very wet, spicy and green. this is all spicy mosses on my skin, so pretty. dry: this dries to a sweet green scent, still with that wonderful peppery tang. i am in love, i will need another bottle of this someday.
  13. hkhm

    MVJBA: Spring Training 2008

    bottle: very caramelly. this almost has a light boozy note to it, caramel booze... wet: this smells exactly like caramel corn when wet. exactly. i don't get anything peanutty yet, just crunchy caramel corn. dry: huh. this smells like the container that the caramel corn came in, the one that's all empty 'cause you gorged on caramel corn. i think i need another bottle of this scent. it is wonderfully realistic and fun.
  14. hkhm

    Phoenix Steamworks

    bottle: very metallic, like a men's cologne with lots of sage. wet: far more lovely wet, the sage and incense drown out the metallic tang and make this more soft and sinuous. dry: this has a clean, almost sweet, drydown. it's almost an aquatic but stops just short. so glad i took a chance and ordered it.
  15. hkhm


    imp: this is one seriously dark, opressive scent. wet: this has the sour-sweetness of over-fermented wine, it's a dusty, wine scent. there is almost a myrrh-like scent. no florals whatsoever. dry: this is so dark and unusual. it's not bad but i can't see myself ever wearing this again. on the right person, in the right mood, sheol would be awesome.
  16. hkhm

    Egg'd Mailbox

    bottle: very eggy, spicy custard scent with a distinct metallic note. my husband made a face that warned me i'd better not wear this around him too much. i, however, find it quite pleasant. wet: this is less eggy once applied, though still a sweet, perhaps vanilla custard scent. the metallic note is faint but still present. absolutely excellent interpretation! dry: this has the same drydown as midway on my skin. there is that same unusual sweet note that is threatening to ruin the whole effect.
  17. yep, it totally does. even when i sniff my bottles side by side they are incredibly close. yummy melon goodness.
  18. hkhm

    Mary Read

    imp: a very bright, pungent aquatic. wet: i don't get anything but a sweet, grassy aquatic. no aged patchouli, no musk, no sarsaparilla. just sweet, bright, green aquatic. dry: the grassy note fades and leaves a pure, crisp sweet aquatic. this is once of the best aquatics i've tried.
  19. hkhm

    The Black Tower

    imp: lightly sweet ozone. wet: this goes to metallic and ozone and something dry and burnt. it's an excellent interpretation just not my usualu sort of scent. dry: there's the leather. this is a very dry, dusty leather scent. very little metallic and no ozone. much nicer once dry.
  20. hkhm


    imp: rose and a little bit of wine. wet: there is a bit of myrrh warming up but it's still mostly rose (which is starting to go soapy) and wine. dry: soapy rose with myrrh.
  21. hkhm


    Ylang ylang, honey, Egyptian and Arabian musks and labdanum. imp: ylang ylang and honey... and something grapey? wet: whoa! that is some seriously strong scent! the honey and ylang ylang go right up my nose, the honey now smells more like honeycomb or beeswax. this is tremendously strong. dry: this is more musky honey once dry. this is incredibly strong even when dry.
  22. hkhm

    Pine and Evergreen goodness

    knecht ruprecht is awesome as is capricorn. i'm also an old moon, moon of ice and hexennacht lover. thanatopsis is good for general catalog pininess (i'm getting a bottle in my next order).
  23. hkhm

    Juke Joint

    imp: sugary, boozy mint. wet: this is less sugary and more dry boozy once applied, still quite minty. dry: well, the sugar is back, this really does smell like sugar syrup in bourbon with lots of mint. the bourbony booze scent is pretty light but present nonetheless.
  24. hkhm


    imp: strong musk and amber. wet: this is far nicer once applied. the amber and cedar blend nicely wile the musk provides the background and the saffron adds a nice warm spiciness. dry: this is sorta sweetish once dry, like a sweet amber and saffron scent. the musk is very light and the cedar has pretty much disappeared.
  25. hkhm

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    imp: sweet pea with very light amber. wet: this is a vanilla, sandalwood, amber mixture with a bare waft of sweet pea as an afterthought. the vanilla is steadily amping on my skin. dry: the vanilla amps a little too much on me but it is nice with the sandalwood and amber, the sweet pea disappeared without a trace.