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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Pumpkin II (2008)

    bottle: pumpkin with woodsy, musky leather. what is this pumpkin into? wet: the leather and woods come to the fore and leave the pumpkin in the background. i never thought a pumpkin scent could be so sexy! dry: this is sweet, leathery pumpkin with a hint of musk. i think this might make it into my top ten.
  2. hkhm

    Pumpkin I (2008)

    bottle: wow. pumpkin, persimmon, mango, coconut & myrrh. i can smell them all. wet: this is very pumpkin and coconutty when applied. though the background is a very fruity scent. dry: this dries more myrrh and light pumpkin. what a morph. very pleased with this pumpkin.
  3. hkhm

    Graveyard Dirt

    bottle: dirt. wet: dirt. dry: dirt. seriously, i was expecting this to be just like zombi. but now that i can smell them side by side, i can really tell that zombi has moss and dried rose and this is just plain ol' dirt. wet, fresh dirt in a bottle. incredible.
  4. hkhm

    Hellhound on My Trail

    bottle: this smells like a very boozy drink. very smooth vanilla and booze. wet: oh my. the tabacco warms instantly and mixes with the boozy vanilla... this is incredible! dry: now i'm getting the bay rum scent. the vanilla is much lighter and creamy-sweet in the background. is there pepper here? i get the same peppery feel i get from aries.
  5. hkhm

    To Autumn

    bottle: very nutty! i get lots of moss and woodsy scents and... nuts. wet: this is very sweet without being cloying. it's like the sweetness of taking a deep breath after the rain has stopped. the moss is very green! dry: the nuts are back! with a very fresh, very accurate smelling apple scent. and a nice wash of green on everything. beautiful!
  6. hkhm

    Fearful Pleasure

    bottle: hello apples! hello cider! hello orange! very bright and crisp. wet: this is gorgeous spiced cider! seriously, it is incredible how realistic this scent is. the cinnamon is giving me a slight pinkness but it's not as bad as inferno or jailbait. dry: i swore myself off of second bottles... but this? my goodness! how can i not order a second bottle of the most divine spiced cider scent ever?
  7. hkhm


    bottle: this has a sweet cut fruit and vegetables feel to the scent. the carrot is glorious! wet: this is all wet fruits and grain. sort of like when you add lots of yummy, fresh-chopped fruits to oatmeal. this is a very bright, nice scent. dry: getting more oats and wood when dry. however, there is still a nice vegetabley/fruity feel in the background. very impressed with this scent.
  8. hkhm

    Harvest Moon 2008

    bottle: the first sniff smell much like both october and novermber smelled to me, that acrid leafy scent. wet: very nice herbal leafy scent. perhaps still a bitt sharp, but very nice overall. dry: the acrid leafy scent is much nicer than october/november. this is a very autumnal scent. (edited because while i was reviewing the notes, i was reading the wrong ones!)
  9. hkhm

    Sticky Pillowcase

    bottle: this is the exact same candy-sweetness as la befana to me. wet: this is wet strawberry sugary candy. there's a hint of something else kinda salt-water taffy smelling too. dry: this does fade pretty quickly and still gives me the impression of la befana lite.
  10. hkhm

    Huesos De Santo

    bottle: sweet, citrus cake. this really smells like a bakery quality holiday cake. wet: sweet, iced orange cake. i would swear that there is a cake just sitting on my counter waiting to be devoured. dry: i swore off buying backup bottles... but this... this sweet, cakey goodness is sorely tempting that rule... absolutely gorgeous!
  11. hkhm

    Needle in a Haystack

    imp: a very sunny, hay-like wheaty scent. wet: ooooohhhhh... yummy warm pumpkin and hay. this is the glorious scent of a warm autumn afternoon. dry: well, there's the metal scent. very, very faint... but there. and still that warm pumpkin and hay scent. how i wish i could have a whole bottle of this!
  12. hkhm


    imp: roses and lillies. wet: a sweet, soapy rose disaster. dry: while far sweeter and, dare i say, prettier than all the other rose scents i have tried... still, it's all soap on me.
  13. hkhm

    Horn of Plenty

    imp: musk, vetiver... maybe tobacco? wet: cherry with the smoky vetiver scent... still a bit musky and a bit spicy... unusually beautiful. dry: this smells like very sweet tobacco and musk on my skin. i will be needing a bottle of this.
  14. hkhm

    Schwarzer Mond

    bottle: patchouli! with a bit of amber, musk and myrrh in the background. mush stronger than the original version. wet: deep, spicy patchouli with a hint of musk. everything else has receded. dry: this dries more ambery than before. i will let this one age for at least a year before i try it again.
  15. hkhm

    Snow, Glass, Apples

    bottle: apple. lighter than verdandi, less woodsy than the hesperides. wet: this is like a watery, light version of poisoned apple. not quite as poisonous, more snowy and cool. perhaps the lighted touch of mint. not really a mint smell, more of a mint feel. dry: the apple is very sift adn sweet but this scent mostly feels like cool, sweet water with a hint of apple blossom.
  16. hkhm

    Lune Noire

    bottle: i get pear, amber, musk and tonka. so sweet and pretty. wet: this is like bright pear candy. the gardenia appears but has a very pleasant, soft scent. dry: very light gardenia and tonka. not anything like i was expecting but very beautiful.
  17. hkhm

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    i would not be terribly concerned. it's most likely just batch differences. there have been times when the lab has sent me duplicate frimps in the same order and they have had substantial differences in colour.
  18. hkhm

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    totally off topic but: tsuki is also the word for "thrust" and it is the word we kiai when hitting the throat in kendo. it always amuses me to think i'm screaming the word "moon" rather than "thrust" when i'm tagging someone in the throat.
  19. hkhm


    i totally second shango and kill-devil (two of my bottle-worthy scents) for general catalog sugary-ness. it seems to me, though, that i have a lot more le sugar scents. one you might try is sugar skull. it's a halloweenie and i think it's been available every year and man is it sugary. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's available again this year because my bottle is almost gone.
  20. hkhm


    imp: a sharp generic perfume (it's impossible for me to detect any specific notes here or even give a "feel"). wet: this has a pulpy, wet green scent on my skin. like the insides of a cactus or something. this is not dry and dusty at all, but rather clean and brisk. dry: this still has a squishy, wet scent to me. hard to describe what i'm smelling but it's nice.
  21. hkhm

    The Apothecary

    imp: a very dusty moss and herb scent. wet: this gets sweet and grassy when i apply it and i can catch a hint of the ginger as well. dry: this just goes sweeter and sweeter as it dries. very fresh grass and ginger with tea in the background.
  22. hkhm


    imp: amber and sage with a nice hint of something sweet and fruity (pickly pear perhaps?) wet: this is all sweet fruity amber once applied. far prettier than i would have expected. dry: very sweet fruity scent with a spicy amber backdrop. i'll be getting a bottle of this one.
  23. hkhm


    imp: light, almost sweet orchid. wet: well, as with 99% of rose scents on me, this has instantly turned to soap. dry: how odd. this smells like rose soap and, of all things, black olives.
  24. hkhm

    Event Horizon

    imp: opium. wet: very heavy opium and orchind. this is thick and very strong. dry: this dries to one of the strongest opium scents i've every tried. and it stays strong for hours.
  25. hkhm

    High John the Conqueror

    imp: a grapey scent with a strong/sharp herby floral note. wet: the grape scent stays put but the insane, strong herby/floral scent amps like crazy. dry: no grape anymore just an old perfumy scent.