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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Green Party

    imp: very green. hard to put my finger on what this scent is, it's very familiar though. wet: this reminds me of cucumber and ferns. very dark and damp and green. dry: faintly grassy/cucumbery with a soft, damp feel. i really love this scent.
  2. hkhm


    imp: soda. wet: citrus soda. there's also a faint tea-ish scent behind it. dry: less fizzy, but very warm and lemony. edit: i can still catch a faint lemony whiff the next morning. it's faint but it's there.
  3. hkhm

    Santa Muerte

    imp: all vetiver. very strong. wet: all smoky, dark vetiver and soapy rose. dry: well, the vetiver overpowers the rose but it's far too strong. i didn't smell any chrysanthemum or cactus flower.
  4. hkhm


    imp: all aquatic. wet: very sweet quatic but no florals. as aquatics go though, it's very nice. dry: this reminds me a bit of the drydown for 51, it's that super-sweet aquatic that almost smells like delicate fruit.
  5. hkhm

    Blood Countess

    imp: plum and berries with some undefined florals in the background. wet: i'm getting tremendous berries, some plum and a bit of gardenia. dry: this dries to mostly gardenia with a sweetish fruit scent in the background.
  6. hkhm


    imp: lavender with a bit of rosemary and verbena. wet: this goes way more sweet floral when i apply it, the verbena and neroli are very sweet and light. dry: this dries to verbena with a nice hint of rosemary and neroli.
  7. hkhm


    imp: dirt and wine. wet: this is herbal dirt with some sweetness left from the wine. dry: sweet dirty wine. that sounds terribly but it's actually quite sweet and almost pretty. i may get a bottle of this because i'm a sucker for the dirt scents.
  8. hkhm

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    imp: musk anf something spicy. probably the pepper. wet: this is very musky... there is only a faint hint of florals and a nice sprinkle of pepper. dry: light perppery herbal musk, the musk is quite tame.
  9. hkhm

    Nuclear Winter

    bottle: peppermint snow. this is what i thought numb was going to be. but no, here at last is my perfect winter scent! wet: slushy, mushy dripping wet snow with a stab of sweet peppermint. this is so pretty, so breathtakingly pretty. dry: snow scents always do well on me and this is no exception. this is lovely minty snow. it's sticks around for quite a while too.
  10. hkhm

    Jacob's Ladder

    bottle: amber. lots of warm, rich amber with some benzoin and tonka. wet: very golden amber... somehow, this reminds me of the steamworks scents. it's not metallic of anything but it's shiny and golden smelling. dry: amber and benzoin.
  11. hkhm

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    bottle: cypress, clove and musk. this is far stronger than the original version. i'm not sure if it's just because my other bottle is older, but this one is much more pungent. wet: this is pine, just pine and spices. i can't pick the individual spices out though i really think it's the clove that's trying to take control. dry: this turns to a smoky pine and nutmeg scent as it dries. (this is for the 2008 version, my review above is for the 2006 version)
  12. hkhm

    Sugar Cookie

    bottle: wow! is this ever strong! this smells just like snickerdoodle cookie dough, just before you roll it around in cinnamon. wet: this is so sweet. and a little stays a very long while on my skin. this is creamy and sweet and buttery without making me sick (for once). dry: this is more tame than butter rum cookie when dry in that i don't think that people across town can smell my perfume. it still smells exactly like snickerdoodle dough on me which really makes me want to bake up some cookies.
  13. hkhm

    Snow Bunny

    bottle: certainly snow, but there is a citrusy scent'feel here. whatever the girlie perfume here is, it's very pretty! wet: this is soft, snowy pine with a very feminine perfume feel. it's like the feel of jailbait without smelling like it at all. dry: of the snowy scents in my collection, this is bound to be a favourite. it's wonderfully pretty, all sweet soft snow and that pale, cold perfume that smells like grapefruit.
  14. hkhm

    Mourning Moon

    bottle: this is very faint. a faint wood scent with some herby or floral note. almost too faint to tell. wet: musk and grapefruit. a very unusual combination. dry: this dries to a soft, almost woodsy grapefruit. grapefruit almost never stays on me so this is quite a pleasant surprise.
  15. hkhm

    Frau Holle

    bottle: snow and pine. this reminds me of a slightly more tame, more sweet version of the snow storm. wet: kinda like a mix between the snow storm and hexennacht, very snowy, but the pine is sweet, new pine and there are flowers everywhere. dry: like all snow scents, it dries to that lovely snow scent with all the other notes staying in the background. love it.
  16. hkhm

    The Gaoler's Daughter

    bottle: this has that exact same super-sweet honey scent as cupid complaining to venus. this is all honey and sweet fruit. wet: this is incredibly sweet and very sexy. gardenia is more prominent along with the peach and honey. dry: honeyed peaches with a distant hint of florals.
  17. hkhm

    Butter Rum Cookie

    bottle: this reminds me of the boozy caramel scent from creepy, except there's no apples. wet: this is sinnamon and butterscotch schnapps. the cinnamon is not burning me so perhaps it's cassia. dry: wow. just wow. this really smells like i've been baking cookies. like snickerdoodles.
  18. hkhm

    Le Père Fouettard

    bottle: leather and licorice. i get that same coal scent i get from la befana as well. wet: who would have thought that leather and black licorice smelled so good together? this is delightful. dry: this is more licorice than leather when dry, but i'm still getting a nice waft of leather when i sniff close to the skin. a new favourite.
  19. hkhm

    Lick It Like You Mean It

    bottle: way more sugary than last year's lick it one more time. this reminds me a lot more of lick it again. wet: yup, this is lick it again, much more sugar than peppermint. dry: i smell like a candy cane.
  20. hkhm


    imp: olive leaf and raspberry leaf. there is not a hint of vetiver or cedar. plus, this reminds me of something from my childhood. i was simply flooded with memories as soon as i took a sniff of this scent. it's incredible. wet: i'm getting a touch of cedar but it's so faint it's almost a general woodsy scent. the raspberry leaf is far stronger than the olive leaf and the vetiver is no where to be found. i'll be buying a bottle of this. dry: the raspberry leaf fades a teensy bit so this is almost 50/50 raspberry leaf and olive leaf. which i'm loving. will be buying a bottle.
  21. hkhm

    Les Bijoux

    imp: orange blossom and frankincense with a dollop of honey. there is a general fruitiness to this scent but i can't tell if it's more peachy or appley. wet: the rose is just determined to ruin this scent on me. if not for the rose, i would be buying a bottle of this scent with my next order. however, for the rose-lovees, this is all honeyed roses and peaches on my skin. if i didn't turn rose all soapy, i would be swooning. dry: once dry, this is very similar to cupid complaining to venus, it's all honeyed apples... just a bit less strong.
  22. hkhm

    Lick It Again

    bottle: very sugary pepperminty goodness. wet: aaaahhhh... just like a perfect peppermint candy cane. dry: this lasts a remarkable amount of time on my skin. very festive. having only tried lick it one more time previously, lick it again is much more sugary which is precisely what i wanted.
  23. hkhm

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    crowley is one of my husband's favourite scents, he wears it almost daily. the only other scent w/ vanilla he's shown any interest in was mme. moriarty. i was trying some on my wrist and he smelled it from across the house, came over to me, sniffed my wrist for about 30 seconds and said: "i could wear this. i really could."
  24. bottle: sweet incense. wet: this is sweet, dried flowers and incense. dry: this dries to something like sweetgrass, flowers and incense.
  25. hkhm

    MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast

    bottle: creamy, cakey caramel. wet: this is more cakey on me than anything else. i don't get butter or boysenberries or syrup. just cake. dry: the cake is doing that weird synthetic plastic thing it sometimes does on my skin. drat. i'll just content myself with sniffing the bottle.