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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm


    imp: this is soft leather and rosewood. very nice. wet: the leather becomes a bit sharp as it hits my skin but it's really softened by the incense. dry: leather incense. this is smooth and a bit smoky, nicer than i was expecting.
  2. hkhm

    Leanan Sidhe

    imp: this is a wet, greenish/aquaticish scent. something sort of smells like heather. wet: irish spring. it's a dead ringer. dry: after a few minutes this settles back down, it smells sweet and green, like fresh-cut grass and flowers after a nice sprinkling of rain.
  3. hkhm


    imp: jasmine and soft tangerine. wet: just a hint of soapiness from the rose but it's the jasmine that is really overpowering this blend on my skin. dry: the florals really start to behave after about five minutes, the rose is behaving mush better than usual and the jasmine has settled to let some of the other scents have a chance.
  4. hkhm


    imp: sweet florals. there is one note in particular which is flowery and strong. it just impales my nostril with scent. wet: i wish i knew what floral i was smelling here, it's terribly strong (almost too strong). anyway, it's totally honey dipped floral. dry: this has an almost candy-ish/floral scent once dry, so much nicer than the wet phase. not honey at all.
  5. bottle: this smells a lot like the tikis, fizzy fruit cocktail. wet: this smells like a cross between blue fire and the hamptons. very sparkling and fruity. dry: this is a lot like the tikis on the drydown, a soft sparkling fruit drink.
  6. hkhm

    Lawn Gnome

    bottle: mostly the currant and vanilla cream, but i can sense the moss and patchouli in the background. wet: what a jumble of scents, yet they blend so well together i can't distinguish them to comment. the fruitiness of the currant is there but it's curranty-ness is really tamed by the moss and patchouli. i'm not really getting anything that makes me think of molasses (certainly nothing like kill-devil) but there's thick, deep, earthy background scent that is likely the molasses. dry: this dries to something incredible. the currant softens the stronger notes while the vanilla cream adds (what else?) creaminess. the molasses, patchouli and moss have blended into the most wonderful scent, playful and dark and just weird. i love it and will be buying another bottle.
  7. hkhm

    Plastic Pink Flamingo

    bottle: it smells like pink. just... pink. wet: this scent is amazing. it does not smell at all like marshmallows to me, it's a sweet, light fruit/sugar scent with a teensy smidgen of greenery. i wouldn't call it dandelion or sap but that's definitely the feel. so pretty and girly, i adore it and will very likely be buying another bottle. dry: the greenery scent is a bit stronger once dry but it does nothing to displace the scent of pink. it's pretty in a bottle.
  8. hkhm

    Smoky Moon 2009: Tristesses de la Lune

    bottle: sandalwood and orris. wet: this is all sweet strong orris on my skin. a touch of soapiness as well. dry: it calms back down to a smooth orris with a hint of sandalwood. the other notes are completely absent on my skin.
  9. bottle: dusty, spiced cocoa powder. wet: this reminds me of the coco note in midnight kiss, other than that: it smells just like dark hot chocolate with cinnamon and cayenne. i don't have a pink welt, so it must not be too much cinnamon and it's sweet-spicy rather than dusty-spicy. dry: this is much sweeter once it dries. it's terribly sweet spices with a cocoa backdrop. i didn't think i'd like this blend quite as much as i do.
  10. hkhm

    Labores Solis

    bottle: all glorious amber and heliotrope. so warm and pretty. wet: i'm getting a warm, sweet chamomile scent here. it's mixing with the amber and making me smile and huff my arm and sigh with happiness. dry: the frankincense finally appears, making this a warm golden incense scent. so lovely.
  11. hkhm

    Jolly Roger

    imp: very brisk aquatic. wet: leathery aquatic. nicer that it sounds, those notes are usually terribly sharp on me but they're blending and the scent smells almost christmas-y. dry: this is probably my favourite aquatic yet. i don't care for aquatics and leather rarely works on me so this is a treat. it smells like wet, salty leather.
  12. hkhm

    Belle Vinu

    imp: rosewood, vanilla and a hint of fruit that is likely peach. it's that same wonderful rosewood scent as in séance. wet: rosewood and sandalwood. this is rich, yet dry, and woodsy. dry: much more peachy as it dries. it's not a syrupy peach though, more like the peach in the cup of death. very lovely.
  13. Metallic notes with Indian musk, tobacco flower, and African balsam. imp: this smells like some generic bathroom cleaner. wet: this doesn't smell clean at all to me... i suppose it still smells like some sort of cleanser, but the background scent is... unpleasant. dry: this smells like soap. not the kind of floral soap that rose smells like, i mean like i've unwrapped a bar of ivory and have begun to lather up. i don't know why this smells so strange on me, but sadly, it's a "no".
  14. hkhm

    Love's Torments

    imp: vetiver. wet: nice, the neroli jumps out and blends very nicely with the sandalwood. the vetiver is definitely in the background here. much nicer than i expected. dry: this is neroli and vertiver once dry, an unusual combination to be sure. strangely interesting.
  15. hkhm

    Dove's Heart

    A gentle, healing love blend, often used to help mend a broken heart. Brings peace of mind, soothes the sting of loss, and aids in finding closure. imp: very light florals, perhaps lily? wet: i'm pretty sure there's some rose in this as it's turning soapy... but it does also smell a bit like jasmine and a bit like lily. not really my thing. dry: the florals are just getting more cloying as this dries.
  16. hkhm


    imp: frankincense and sage. wet: this is bright and fresh when applied, like fresh sage and basil and something else... dry: this dries so soft and beautiful, such a difference from sniffing the imp. i may consider a bottle.
  17. bottle: gingerbread with a nice, musky background. wet: this smells a lot more like fruitcake with gingerbread when applied. the musk is still a backnote. not really getting much rum, but i suspect that's because these scents are blending so well together i just can't pick it out of the lineup. dry: this dries to a very spicy, gingery musk. i absolutely love this blend. (edited for spelling idiocy)
  18. hkhm


    imp: vetiver, smoky and smooth. wet: the etiver is not exactly strong, perhaps dominant but not overpowering. there is another scent here, something crisp and brilliant... it reminds me of the way wintergreen feels on my skin... dry: this mellows very well, it's still smokey, but it's a fresh smoke from a campfire made of fresh-cut wood. far nicer than i was expecting.
  19. hkhm

    Velvet Cthulhu

    bottle: sweet green tea and fresh sage. wet: hmmmm... this smells like a minty, spicy tea. i don't know what's causing the "mint" scent, but it's nice. dry: this dries to a bright green tea scent. there might be a hint of coriander here but it's very light.
  20. hkhm

    Velvet Bandito

    bottle: cedar and sweet tobacco. wet: this is the most accurate cedar i've smelled from the lab yet, it smells like fresh-cut wood with a touch of dust and a bit of tobacco. dry: this almost reminds me of a christmas scent, the cedar is spicy that way. i like this blend way more than i thought i was going to.
  21. hkhm

    Planting Moon

    bottle: bright, crisp greenery. wet: wow. this smells just like fresh beans snapped in half. i don't get dirt of tomato leaves of anything... just fresh beans. dry: the dirt note has finally appeared, but it's the softest i've ever encountered, the fresh vegetable leaf scent is primary. very evocative.
  22. hkhm


    bottle: a strong tart scent, i know i'm smelling the rhubarb but there is an undertone of something mushroom-y. wet: this scent is very unusual, the mushroom gives this bright, tart scent an earthy feel. that fades after a few minutes and i'm getting a warm champaca scent in it's place. dry: tart champaca. though this doesn't really smell like rhubarb, it has a rhubarb tartness. very playful.
  23. hkhm


    bottle: fig and pear with a nice bright wood note. wet: this is faintly metallic when wet, but very softly so. the fruit has vanished, in it's place is moss and musk and patchouli. dry: this dries to a very golden fruit and metallic scent. the metal is soft and shiny, not brash.
  24. hkhm


    bottle: musk and sage. wet: this is a very nice musk with a bit of currant and sage. i'm not really getting any frankincense. dry: this is so lovely! the sage is fresh, not dried or incensey but lively, while the musk is in the background.
  25. hkhm


    imp: fresh, sweet sage. wet: very green. bright sage and sweet pea. this puts me in mind of frsh cut grass and rolling meadows on sunny mornings. dry: this is light sweet pea and warm tonka once dry, very different from the wet stage but i think i like it even more.