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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    I ignore the "e" when I say it -- so it's one syllable and comes out more like "Zanth". --M i sort of exhale the 'e' sound. hard to explain, it's the same sort of sound i make for the name sethe. it's almost two syllables like "zan-th".
  2. hkhm


    imp: light musk and floral. wet: this is very sharp, almost astringent once applied. it smells like sweet fruit over very fragrant, freshly crushed medicinal herbs. dry: this ends up smelling almost like leather. not the usual leather scent, but what leather really smells like, with a dried fruit scent alongside. interesting. i may need to test this a few times to decide if a i need a bottle.
  3. hkhm


    imp: i'm mostly smelling light, sweet frankincense here. this is much sweeter than frankincense usually smells to me. wet: very sweet, slightly powdery violet over frankincense. the cinnamon is absent, i get no burn from it and can't smell even a hint of it. dry: the frankincense is most dominant. the violet is sweet, but far in the background, making it more of an afterthought. nice.
  4. hkhm


    bottle: rich, sweet myrrh. wet: myrrh and clove. this is like a lighter version of mort de caesar on my skin. there is absolutely no hint of cinnamon here to burn me or even make me a teensy bit pink. (whew!) dry: this dries to an intense and beautiful sandalwood and myrrh scent. i am so happy i took a chance on this scent!
  5. hkhm

    L'Ecole des Filles

    imp: very faint orange and orris. wet: this smells almost juicy once applied. i'm not getting any rose, just delicious soft florals and delectable light fruit. dry: thank goodness the rose was nowhere to be seen here. i'm mostly smelling orris and orange blossom which is fine, they smell wonderful together. a dusty orange/violet scent. very demure.
  6. hkhm


    imp: very pungent bergamot. wet: i was expecting the rose to be overpowering but it's not, it's the saffron that's ruining this scent on my skin. dry: very different once dry. the amber is warm , sweet and golden. coupled with the saffron it produces a scent that really puts me in mind of magnificent autumn sunsets.
  7. hkhm


    imp: i mostly smell the orris here, it's quite lovely. wet: sadly, the rose and jasmine are drowning out everything that could make this scent work on me. dry: oh, how i want to love this scnet. if it were not for the rose and jasmine i'd likely be buying a bottle. the scent behind the rose and jasmine is incredible... i just can't ignore either of those notes long enough to really enjoy this scent on my skin. oh well...
  8. hkhm

    Calico Jack

    imp: irish spring. most aquatics smell that way in the imp to me. wet: super bright, fresh aquatic. it's not soapy or cloying, very crisp and tangy. dry: the bright, crisp tangy beauty of this quickly faded and has died back down to smelling like most aquatics do on my skin. like i just took a bath with some irish spring. alas.
  9. hkhm

    Centzon Totochtin

    imp: excellent bitter chocolate liquers. very chocolatey and lightly boozy. wet: this reminds me a great deal of godiva liquer. it's more wine/booze than chocolate, however the chocolate is evident as an afterthought. dry: this may be one of the very few chocolate scents that i can wear. the booze has almost completely disappeared and the chocolate has a dry, restrained quality that is wonderfully dusty and sweet... and, for one, actually smells like chocolate to me.
  10. hkhm

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    there have been plenty of times i've ordered from ccnow and didn't get an e-mail. sometimes it came 12+ hours later, sometimes it never showed up at all. i don't worry as you can look up the order details online.
  11. hkhm

    What Scent Is This?

    ( sorry, wrong thread! )
  12. hkhm


    imp: i get the same sort of cherry scent as i do from kabuki, with clove instead of star anise. wet: overall, this is very similar to kabuki on my skin. but the musk base in kabuki is richer than the dragon's blood base here. this blend is sweeter and lighter (feeling-wise). the scent itself has quite a bit of throw. dry: unfortunately, all the other notes vanish and leave only dragon's blood. and while not bad, it's not what i was hoping for.
  13. hkhm


    imp: a jumble of florals with light fruit. wet: the florals go a bit sharp, it is not at all pleasant on my skin. dry: oh, YUM! the florals really fade into the background and this becomes a creamy plum scent. exceptional.
  14. hkhm

    The Dodo

    imp: i mostly just smell the cassia. wet: this is sweet, smooth cassia. none of the other notes are clearly distinguishable. dry: this smalls like indistinct sweet, spiced fruit. i can still clearly smell the cassia but it has mellowed. these notes are very well-blended.
  15. hkhm


    imp: wet, sharp greens. not the usual sort of aquatic scent. wet: this has an almost bitter aquatic scent once it hits my skin, but the greenery part keeps it from being unpleasant. it is very sharp though. the greenery almost has a faint grassy feel. dry: this is very nice once dry, the aquatic is faint, the greenery is lush and there is almost a faint whiff of tobacco. i think i'd like to test this on my husband.
  16. hkhm

    The Knave of Hearts

    imp: i don't get roses at all, just a yummy baking pastry scent. wet: whoops, nope, it's got rose in it. it's a battle between the yummy pastry scent and the soapy rose scent. alas. dry: well, this all faded pretty quickly. i'm still getting the light pastry scent but it's outmatched by the rose. might make a nice room scent though.
  17. hkhm


    imp: gin and melon. wet: this is a very sparkling gin scent with a teensy hint of melon and a nice swirl of thick honey. this is the most accurate honey scent i've smelled in a while. this does smell very male, i don't get even a whiff of tobacco but the feel is there somehow. very intriguing. dry: this gets a bit spicier as it dries, perhaps the chili pepper, but it's still thick and sweet and lightly alcoholic. a very different sort of scent. (edited for spelling idiocy)
  18. hkhm

    'Tis The Voice Of The Lobster

    imp: hyper-sweet fruit. the mandarin stands out over the rest of them. wet: the gardenia amps up at once, mixing with the fruits and making this an in-your-face cute scent. i could see this scent working really well on a cute little flower-girl. dry: i suppose if i really liked gardenia, i'd get a bottle of this. i'm not terribly fond of gardenia but i do like this blend. however, this imp will last me a long, long time (it's that strong).
  19. hkhm

    Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat

    imp: melon! like the melon in yemaya. wet: this is very, very similar to yemaya, what with the melon and grape being very strong. but where yemaya is also very sweet, this has a nice little edge to it. i think it's the lime rind and/or the lemon balm but it's a nice counterpoint to the melon/grape scent. dry: once dry, this is almost identical to yemaya. i'm getting a bit of the tea with the melon/grape but otherwise, it's very similar.
  20. hkhm

    Snooty Rose

    imp: reading the notes i can't believe that there is anything in this other than rose. and i don't mean the usual perfume rose, i mean the way rose-red smells, minus the greenery. like a real rose. wet: for once, a rose scent that doesn't send me running to scrub it off. this is like burying your face in one of those huge old-world rose and inhaling as deeply as you can. it's that sumptuous. dry: this smells like a faded rose once dry. it's tangy and aromatic.
  21. hkhm

    High-Strung Daisies

    imp: sugary flowers. wet: this does have a slight agapē feel to it, must be the carnation, but less fruity. dry: yep, even dry this smells somewhat like agapē, it's sweet and rich without being cloying.
  22. hkhm

    All In The Golden Afternoon

    imp: well i know it's got pineapple in it because there is that bizarre chemical scent that always scares the crap out of me. wet: citrus flowers drenched in fruit syrup. this is a blindingly bright blend. no tobacco at all. dry: this smells like the tiki bar scents once dry, that indistinct light boozy scent with random fruits. the flowers have all but disappeared.
  23. hkhm

    Alice's Evidence

    imp: this smells like marmalade while it's still being cooked. wet: this is dead-on spiced quince. this smells so incredible i can't believe it. dry: the quice scent fades until it's very light but the rich spices more than make up for it. i will be getting a bottle of this scent.
  24. hkhm


    imp: lush, loamy soil. this smells more wet than dry to me. wet: something spicy mixed with the dirt. this reminds me of a wetter, less spicy version of penny dreadful. i will be getting a bottle of this. dry: as this dries, the scent itself smells drier. spectacular. this dirt scent is sweeter than zombi and richer than graveyard dirt. (edited for spelling idiocy)
  25. hkhm

    Brusque Violet

    imp: wow! bright, purple violets with greenery! wet: very strong and almost sharp greenery make this a wonderfully commanding scent. dry: this is a pollen feel here as well, like you are actually huffing a violet that has just been picked. very realistic.