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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hkhm

  1. hkhm

    Toad Hall

    bottle: clean aquatic over light wood. wet: the aquatic is not sharp, very clean almost floral smelling aquatic over well-scrubbed woods. this really smells like the same sort of aquatic as in sturgeon moon. dry: the woods are more prominent as this dries. still a hint of fresh aquatic hanging over it all. so glad i finally snagged a bottle of this.
  2. hkhm

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    yes. please. i have one bottle of la befana left, it is so incredibly beautiful. interestingly enough, the raven is also my 2nd choice. Are we scent sisters, I wonder? i was also wondering this...
  3. hkhm

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    yes. please. i have one bottle of la befana left, it is so incredibly beautiful. interestingly enough, the raven is also my 2nd choice.
  4. hkhm


    imp: warm, golden lemony amber. wet: the citrus is pretty strong while this is wet, it doesn't both me at all but it is quite a strong lemon scent. dry: i get a lot more verbena dn lemon once this dries, the amber is in the background. this conjures up a mental image of when i was freshly bathed as a child and wearing something perfectly clean and crisp. this scent is wonderfully clean and innocent and warm.
  5. hkhm

    Erebos Atmosphere Spray

    this does really smell very similar to tko. perhaps a bit more flowery but not by much. the lavender is the most dominant and i feel it's blended perfectly to spray on sheets before climbing into bed (which is what i'll be doing tonight). very impressed with this scent.
  6. hkhm

    Alchemical Laboratory

    a spicy incense scent at first. mellows out a bit to a little sweeter spice scent with the daemondrops in the background. this might be the first scent i order in a full-size bottle.
  7. hkhm

    A Bold Bluff

    bottle: vanilla tobacco. wet: almost a hint of rosewood under a very sweet swirl of tobacco smoke. this smells lighter and more feminine than i would have expected. dry: this has turned to a honeyed vanilla tobacco scent. no cherry to speak of, just sweet tobacco. lovely.
  8. hkhm

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    my husband's current selection of 11 scents are thus (in order of preference): satyr zombi umbra himerus (he admits he only wears this as often as he does because i love it on him) banana peel in a graveyard depraved crowley de sade port royal al-shairan nephilim the only one here that we both wear is depraved, though we each have our own bottles.
  9. hkhm


    imp: pungent rosemary. wet: i don't get any rosemary, orange blossom or rose here. this smells like eucalyptus! and it is incredibly strong. dry: the curse of the soapy rose has settled. all i smell is sharp, soapy rose.
  10. hkhm


    imp: this is a lighter and fainter version of numb to my nose. where numb was sharp, almost soapish, violet/lily, this is hazy and soft. wet: yep, this smells just like numb on my skin. just softer. very faint lily, perhaps a touch of rose since it has a soapiness to it. dry: once dry, this is incredibly pretty. the soapiness has vanished, the florals are soft and translucent. this scent sticks close to the skin and has a very intimate feel. i may have to test it again to decide if i need a bottle. regardless, it's lovely.
  11. hkhm

    New Orleans

    imp: honeysuckle and jasmine. ironically, this is exactly how i would envision an old new orleans brothel to smell. wet: insane jasmine. dry: the jasmine has thankfully faded, this is much more a honeysuckle blend, which suits me well. i can't pick out either lemon or spice but there is something bright and clean in the background. nicer than i would have expected.
  12. hkhm


    imp: i mostly smell cedar but there is a touch of sage. wet: this is very fresh cedar once applied, almost like freshly split wood with a dribble of sap. no sage or bay to speak of. dry: this is still freshly cut wood, but the sap is not quite as gooey, it's more soft. no sage and a backnote like dried bay leaves. very subtle once dry.
  13. hkhm

    The Witch's Garden

    imp: the sage just jumps out at me! there is sweet vegetable leafiness and blooms but the sage is amazing. just like fresh sage when you bruise the leaves. wet: sage over overgrown vegetable greenery and antique blooms. this scent is just on the edge of being too floral for me, it's the sage that keeps it in check. dry: this dries more floral that i was expecting, it must be the morning glory. my beloved sage has vanished. still, this is a nice scent.
  14. hkhm

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    (DLXXII - 572 - received a decant from my switch witch) imp: very light, slightly sweet honey ozone. wet: the ozone is really trying to go all soapy on me but the honey is overpowering it. the honey scent is nicely sweet, like a light floral honey, the ozone provides a nice contrast. dry: this is that scent when you're walking through a fields of dried grasses and wildflowers. where there are just a few flowers still in bloom here and there, swaying in the warm end-of-summer breeze. this is both sweet and sharp, honey over ozone, but neither is overpowering the other. beautiful.
  15. hkhm

    The Two-Headed Goat

    imp: a sharp, earthy, musk scent. almost bitter. wet: intense musk and petitgrain. very strong considering the tiny drop i put on my wrist. dry: this dries to a very deep green scent, probably mostly moss. it's smoother once dry but not really a good scent for me. i may have to try to get my husband to test it.
  16. hkhm

    Pickled Imp

    Cinnamon, clove, vanilla, and pine sap. imp: wow! sweet pine and spices. this is much nicer than i was expecting! wet: the cinnamon is pretty pungent, the only part that's burning is my nose where i pressed up against my wrist to huff this scent. the sweet vanilla pine is definitely in the background, but this is a very pretty blend. dry: the cinnamon fades after a while (thankfully) and this is back to how it smelled in the imp: sweet, creamy pine with a hint of spice. bottle-worthy.
  17. hkhm

    Pumpkin Queen

    imp: ginger, orange and pumpkin over amber. i'm already in love. wet: this is sweet, warm pumpkin and sharp, spicy ginger backed with orange (which smells tangy enough to be closer to oragne zest) while the amber ties it all together. i now understand why everybody loves this scent. dry: this gets warmer and warmer, making it the epitome of a warm, spiced autumn drink. it's almost like fearful pleasure with pumpkin instead of apple. now i need to hunt down a bottle...
  18. hkhm

    Lilith vs. the Giant Crab

    bottle: tangerine and pear with a dribble of cream behind. this smells yummy. wet: tangerine-y with something like a bubblegum sweetness behind. this is my favorite of the birthday scents. dry: this dries to the most delicious orange fizzy aquatic scent. i will be needing another bottle.
  19. hkhm

    Cake Smash

    bottle: snake oil and cakey sweetness. wet: this is all cupcakes once applied. the cream cheese note is so realistic i'm shocked. cupcakes with cream cheese icing, spot on. dry: as this dries, you can start to pick out the snake oil, the dorian and a whiff of doc constantine. it's still mostly cupcakes though.
  20. hkhm

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    bottle: incense and musk mostly. this really is mme. moriarty lite. wet: coconut and cypress with musk and a teensy swirl of sweet incense. this doesn't have the same nite that mme. moriarty has, this is sweet smiles and soft, rosy cheeks. dry: this dries to a sweet musk and incense scent. very similar to mme. moriarty, the concept is translated well in this perfume. i think this scent will age wonderfully.
  21. hkhm

    Hideous Heart

    bottle: all cherries. like a freshly opened jar of black cherries with some booze in the syrup. wet: cherry and licorice. this is very similar to kabuki, just minus the red musk. very tangy cherry with a licorice waft at eh end. the cinnamon is not burning my skin (i feared it would) and the whole thing smells very much like a spiced cherry dessert. dry: the cherry has vanished! this is all licorice and cinnamon. there is a sweetness that i would likely attribute to the cherry but the cherry-ness is completely absent. interesting, i like it very much.
  22. hkhm

    Detestable Putrescence

    bottle: vanilla and... something. it's creamy but not ice cream creamy. though it's been so long since i had ice cream perhaps that is what it smells like... wet: vanilla and an almost coconut scnet int he backdrop. there is a faint bit of plactic tot eh vanilaa/sugar part but it's only if i press my nose up against my wrist to huff it. dry: the plastic scent has remained unfortunately. so it's vanilaa and coconut at a distance, but plastic when sniffed up close. darn.
  23. hkhm

    my very first igi post!

    oh wow! i got witched! my witch must have heard the crazed squeeing, the frantic sprint i did back to my house, the shrieks of delight... but, as this is my very first igi post, i want to do the thing properly, so this will be as detailed as i can make it. so let me set the scene: i was waiting for the post since i knew that both my bpal order and my bindi would be here today. so i was keeping an extra-vigilant outlook. suddenly, there he was. so i skipped down to the mailbox to get my packages. i told him i had two and he quickly produced two packages with the bpal orange tape. i was so confused, but said: "well there should be one more, kinda small." yep, he retrieved my bindi and while i was turning to walk back, it hit me: i'd been witched! now normally i would have been tearing into my bpal order at the speed of light but no, i had to know what was in this mystery box so cleverly disguised as a bpal order! my hands were shaking with so much excitement i confess it took far longer than it should have to get the tape off. yes, i was that giddy. kids at christmas have nothing on me. so the very first thing i spotted was this: my heart was instantly warm. a note and some autumny leaves made me feel so warm and loved. i did not immediately read it, i had to arrange everything contained in the box: wow. vintage mystery books? like the ones i read when i was little? oh my god witch, you are awesome, you have no idea how much i love these kinds of books. cute pencils? another fave i forgot to even mention on my questionnaire! and imps/decants galore. some are imps of my favoritest gc scents, others are ones i've not yet tried like pickled imp (can't wait to try this one) and PUMPKIN QUEEN! so i finally opened the note, though with some difficulty because, well, i was still pretty excited and i also have a cat who decided to "help": the note indicated that the books were from tartchef and the imps/decants were from my witch. but who i ask, who were the pencils from? witch (and tartchef), you made my day. no week. this was totally surprising and so uplifting. this day started out a bit meh, but now... i can't remember the last time i've had such a sudden positive change of mood! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!
  24. hkhm

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    it would be closer to "eye-zehn". the vowel sound for e is closer to "eh" than the a in "date". many, many people mispronounce the "e" sound and say things like sah-KAY (for sake) when it is more properly pronounced sah-keh. the long a sound is a common mutation (even among some japanese) but it is far more pronounced in people learning the language. so i pronounce it ki-tsu-neh. other than this very minor difference, i concur with your guide.
  25. hkhm

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    i just uploaded a photo of the pumpkin patch. just in case anyone was curious.