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Posts posted by donkehpoo

  1. Wet: Syrupy blueberries! A liiiiittle bit of pie crust in the background.

    Dry: Very similar to the wet stage. Some of the syrupy quality has worn off, and I’m not getting any type of “cream” note.
    That being said, I’m a sucker for blueberry scents, and this is quite nice!

  2. Wet: A very patchouli-heavy Snake Oil.

    Dry: The dragons blood has come out, and the heaviness from the wet stage has disappeared! Snake Oil and dragons blood, with some sweetness that original SO doesnt possess. The honey, maybe?

    Delicious blend, and I cant wait to see how it ages. Its not my favorite SO blend(that goes to Womb Furie), but absolutely worth trying to get your hands on if SO plays well with your skin chemistry.

  3. Wet: Musky vanilla.


    Dry: Mmmmmm. People have described this as an "ethereal vanilla", and I'd have to agree. Warm vanilla, lightly touched by florals.

    If floral perfumes aren't your thing, I would recommend this; floral notes are notorious for smelly soapy on my skin, and this one doesn't. It's so, so pretty.


    If you were lucky enough to try the discontinued scent Moon Rose, that's like a sister scent to Zorya P. Same type of "ethereal" vibe, which I'm guessing is the moonflower.

  4. Wet: Know what an orange creamsicle smells like? Add some orange blossom to that. It's a floral creamsicle. I dig it.


    Dry: Very similar to the wet stage, only lighter. The strawberry never came through at all for me. This is a sophisticated creamsicle... quite pretty!

  5. Wet: Much lighter than I anticipated! I can't actually smell Snake Oil at all. This is mostly honeycomb and vanilla.


    Dry: The Snake Oil has come out, but not as strong as sniffing just straight Snake Oil; it's more a background note than front and center. Honeycomb is the most prominent note on my skin.

    I like it, and will continue to wear it, but it's not one of my favorite Snake Oil blends.

  6. Wet: Okay, it’s not a note listed, but I swear I smell lemon in this. This is Dorian, with a hint of lemon. I’m guessing my nose thinks pink pepper = lemon?

    Dry: There’s the Antique Lace! The lemon I was smelling earlier has disappeared. This is mostly AL with a hint of Dorian. There’s not much throw to this; I’ll dedinitely have to slather this one.

    This is a no-brainer to try out if you like Antique Lace and Dorian. So, so pretty.

  7. Wet: A very light dead leaves scent. A little cologne-y, but it's not very bold.


    Dry: Ohhh, this is much prettier than I thought it would be. A very light dead leaves scent, with a delicate floral undertone. I can't smell any coconut.


    I'm glad I have a decant of this, but I don't think I'll need a big bottle.

  8. Wet: Fruity, sweet and... metallic? Very strong throw; I can smell this with my hand at my side!

    Dry: Very similar to the wet stage, though the metallic scent has morphed into something slightly astringent now.

    The dry down isn’t horrible, but it’s not something I’m too fond of smelling like. I hope this ages well, because there’s some fantastic notes in this!


    edit: retested this, and it's much less astringent now.

  9. Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

    Fear not: the hens triumph in the end. Feathery bourbon vanilla, Siamese red benzoin, petitgrain, vengeful red currant, and a drop of vetiver.

    Wet: Whoa! Hello, vetiver! Definitely more than “a drop”! Was not expecting that. Hoping that the other notes(ANY other notes) come through on the dry down.


    Dry: Nope, nope, nopity nope, I said nope nope nopity nope.


    Still all vetiver, all the time. :(


    What’s going on with my skin! Where are all those other amazing notes?!


    Disappointing. I’m really hoping the other notes come out with age, otherwise this will be off to my sales page.





    edit: retested this, and the vetiver has definitely calmed down some.

  10. Wet: Marshmallows! Something "fuzzy" about this as well. Like.. marshmallows that are wrapped lightly in cotton?


    Dry: Mmmmm. Marshmallows. More of a store-bought marshmallow than ones made from home, but still yummy. There's still something "fuzzy" about the blend, but it's not as prominent as the wet stage.


    This is a must try if you're a foodie, or enjoy vanilla scents. So good! I've enjoyed layering this, as well. ;)

  11. Wet: Rum and caramel. Yum! No berries upon initial application.


    Dry: This has turned a liiiiittle bit plasticy. It's a lightly carmelized rum, with a hint of plastic now.


    The wet stage was really nice, but wasn't too fond of the drydown. I don't think I'll be needing a bottle.

  12. Wet: Not what I expected! This is sparkling cider, and wisteria. I'm not smelling any cake.


    Dry: Pretty similar to the wet stage, just a bit lighter. I'm pretty disappointed that the cake didn't make an appearance.

    It's a nice scent, just not for me. ;)


    If you enjoy florals and champagne scents, you'd probably enjoy this!

  13. Wet: Champagne, just poured and still fizzing.


    Dry: The fizz has disappeared, but the strawberry has come out. Strawberry champagne.

    A nice, fun scent, but not one that I'm in love with.


    If you're into champagne scents, definitely try this!

  14. Wet: There's a lot going on here, and it's hard to pick out certain notes. A mix of... herbal, floral, and spice.


    Dry: My skin has mostly eaten this. There's something warm and floral going on, but no particular note is standing out.

    Decent, just not for me.

  15. Wet: Creamy vanilla and... root beer?


    Dry: Very similar to the wet stage. I'm not sure how I'm still getting root beer, it's boggling my mind a bit.


    I bought this mostly for layering purposes, so I'll have to do some mixing and see if the root beer scent still comes out!

  16. Wet: Mostly lime, with a liiiiittle bit of tobacco.


    Dry: A warm, boozed up lime. The lime is definitely not as prominent as it was in the wet stage, but it's still noticeable.


    I was hoping for the sugar cookies to make more of an appearance, but this is still a lovely scent that stays close to the skin.

  17. Wet: This is a delicate floral scent. Very soft, "clean", and inoffensive to someone who doesn't typically like florals. ;)


    Dry: Pretty much exactly the same as the wet stage. This didn't turn into baby powder or soap on my skin, so I consider that a win!


    I bought this mostly for layering purposes, and I think it'll be lovely for that.

  18. Wet: Chocolate! Not white, though; it smells like milk chocolate to me. No pear yet.


    Dry: THERE is the white chocolate! A light white chocolate with a bit of juicyness in the background; it's not really translating to pear on my skin, but it's still nice.

  19. Wet: Berry pancakes! Yum. Not getting any pumpkin yet. The berries almost have a lightly floral tone to them, but not in an overwhelming way.


    Dry: The berry scent has faded a bit, this is mostly just pancakes now. There's some warmth to this that wasn't present during the wet stage, which I think is the pumpkin peeking it's way through.


    I look forward to how this ages, and hopefully the pumpkin comes out a bit more!

  20. Wet: Apples and STRONG cinnamon.


    Dry: This stays very similar to the wet stage. Strong cinnamon, and apples. Where's the strawberry cream? The scent is very nice, but I was really hoping for some strawberry thrown into the mix.


    Be cautious if you have any issues with skin sensitivity; my skin turned quite red where I applied this oil.



    A nice foodie scent, but not what I was expecting.

  21. Wet: Not getting much of a raspberry ice cream scent. This is.. sweet plastic? Must be the "lip gloss". Not a fan so far.


    Dry: This is still not awesome on me. :( Do you remember those plastic dolls back in the 90's that would be scented with fruit? This reminds me of that. Sweet, plastic raspberries. :cry2:


    I'm hoping that with some aging this bottle will morph into something better, but right now it's not a winner.

  22. Wet: Some kind of sweet floral and... baby powder. I'm going to blame that on the rose.


    Dry: Yep. Powdered florals. That's about right for my skin.


    If florals play nice on your skin, you would most likely enjoy this. It's very "fresh" smelling, and it's not soapy at all.
