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Posts posted by donkehpoo

  1. Wet: Strong lemon and mint.


    Dry: It's like someone coated a leather jacket with a lemony-mint perfume. It's not terrible by any means, but for me, the combination isn't really doing anything for me.


    If you like lemon scents it may be worth picking up, since the lemon is still pretty strong. The leather just isn't working with the lemon for me, though; it's reminding me of a lemon cleaning spray a little.

  2. Wet: Sweet, thick raspberry jam.


    Dry: Some of the sweetness has died off, and some of the dough scent has come out! It's not necessarily reading as a jelly donut to my nose, but it's still something... edible. :P


    There were a couple of moments through the dry down where I thought it may turn plastic-y (as raspberry tends to do on my skin), but I think the dough note may have stopped it from going there.


    I think I prefer Blackcurrant Sufganiyot, but this is still really yum!

  3. Wet: Lots and lots of sugary apples!


    Dry: A tango of apple, sweet pea, and.. I think vanilla cream. I wish the guava or passionfruit came out more, but I still like this! It's a very delicate fruity-floral. I just wish the throw was a little bit greater.

  4. Wet: An herbal-like dragon's blood.


    Dry: Honey has appeared! The herbal quality from the wet stage has died off(or the honey notes suffocated it, either way I'm happy), and now this is like a honeyed dragon's blood scent. Definitely similar to both Dragon's Milk and Kwamie Cotton, on my skin at least(though I think I prefer those, as they're sweeter). I was hoping to get some vanilla orchid, but I'm still content with the dry-down. ;)

  5. Wet: Sweet pea, and musky peach. I liked this as soon as I opened the imp! I'm a total sucker for pear and moonflower, so I can't believe I haven't tried this yet.


    Dry: Well. The wet stage was fantastic, but unfortunately.. another case of my skin eating a scent. :( This is another one where I think I'll try turning it into a room scent, or add it to a leave-in conditioner, or SOMETHING. The imp I have is pretty new, so I'll try to re-test in a few months to see how it does after it's been sitting for a bit. I WANT this to work!

  6. Wet: I don't know what the heck I'm smelling, but I do not like it. It's like medicinal cologne.


    Dry: .. in short; it's a no from me, dawg. It's like someone is wearing that same medicinal cologne, while standing in the middle of some chopped down trees.

  7. Wet: Musky florals; nothing that is strong enough for me to identify. Light throw.


    Dry: The smallest amount of fruity-sweetness has come out, so it's more of a light musky-peachy-floral now.

    I wish the throw on this was greater, because it's so dang hard to get a good sniff of. I won't be needing a bottle, but I do think this is a nice scent. I may try and mix it with a leave-in hair conditioner, and see how that works!


    I think if you're afraid of florals, this might be a nice entry scent for you.

  8. Wet: Sweet, fruity, syrup-like honey. I definitely agree with previous reviews about blackberry being in this. Lots of throw.


    Dry: Still a syrupy honey kind of scent, with just a touch of blackberry thrown in. Average throw. I like it!

    I don't think I'll need a big bottle, since I'm not usually drawn to this type of scent, but I'll definitely keep my imp and use it up.

  9. Wet: Lots and lots of honey and carnation. Strong throw, too!


    Dry: Pretty similar to the wet stage, only with the addition of cardamom now. The throw has calmed down a little, but it's still on the stronger side.


    I'm actually not as crazy about this one as I thought I'd be. It's nice, definitely wearable, but something about it isn't really wow-ing me.

  10. Wet: Frostbitten fruity flowers. Yes yes yes.


    Dry: Cold flowers. The drydown isn't what I would describe as fruity, but it's definitely sweet-smelling.


    For someone who's not a huge floral fan, I think this is quite nice! The fruit seems to keep it from going into soapy-flower territory.

  11. (For the Resurrected version)


    Wet: You know at the fair when you're walking down Fried Food and Diabetes Alley? Yep. That, in a bottle. A little bit of cotton candy, a little bit of fried dough, some overall sugary sweetness, and a whole lot of mouth watering.


    Dry: Mostly cotton candy, with a hint of funnel cakes. Divine.

  12. How... have I never reviewed this?!


    Wet: Almond, a little citrus, and a little Snake Oil. Delicious, basically.


    Dry: This is... perfection. My absolute favorite form of Snake Oil, that I enjoy more than just plain S.O.

    My best description would be snake oil with almond cookies, and just a touch of the mandarin. It's so, so amazing, and the first bottle I ever finished. :heart:

  13. Wet: Definitely leather and ozone, but the ozone is much stronger than the leather.


    Dry: Still much more ozone than leather; the ozone is coming off more sweeter than the wet stage.

    As someone who's not fond of leather scents, this is probably the nicest leather blend I've ever tested. I think if you're a fan of leather, this is worth trying out. (That being said, I still don't really like leather, and this really isn't a scent for me.)

  14. Wet: WOOO SUGAR! Lots, and lots of sugar, and lime. If you hate sweet scents, I don't think you'll be able to make it through this stage!


    Dry: Lots of sugar and lime still, with some guava finally peeking out! Little bit of rum coming through as well.

    If this was an actual drink, I would gladly suffer through a gnarly hangover for it.


    This is the DragCon blend I was most excited to try, and it did not disappoint. I don't have anything in my collection like this, and I may need a backup.

  15. Wet: Hm. A very, very dark scent(and I'm not just talking about the oil color). Lots of patchouli. I'm also getting some woods here, which I'm guessing is the oudh. It reminds me of cedar a bit. I'm hoping I get some cacao on the drydown.


    Dry: Errrrrr no. The oudh amped on my skin enough to drown out just about every other note in this blend. The throw on this is pretty average, but still enough for me to want to wash this off immediately. (Not a fan of anything woodsy!)

  16. Wet: An oddly clean skin musk. Not what I expected!


    Dry: My skin pretty much ate this. :huh?: I legit pressed my nose to where I applied this, and I can smell something vaguely musky and sweet, but that's about it.

    I think this would be fine to wear around people who have sensitive noses(or at work, if you work around people), but there's just too little throw for me.


    I may try to combine this with other scents as recommended, but by itself, I'm pretty "eh" about it.

  17. Wet: This makes sense in my head, though it may not to others; a cleaner version of the ocean.


    Dry: A very light, sweet, musky aquatic. As Aveya mentioned above, it's comforting, and I don't think I've been able to describe any aquatic scent that way before.

    I didn't think I'd enjoy this as much as I do... and now I have to decide whether the decant will be enough, or if I should grab a full size bottle!

  18. Wet: Whiskey and cardamom! The cardamom is coming off very creamy. I wasn't sure how I would like the whiskey, but it's really nice.


    Dry: Everything is balanced pretty evenly here, and it works. It's a little foodie, but not a heavy foodie; whether you're a fan of foodie scents or not, I think this scent would appeal to all different types of people. It's... just... good.

    I think I'll need to upgrade my decant to a bottle! A surprise hit for me.

  19. Wet: Citrus and booze. Something a little soapy as well.


    Dry: This blend can definitely hold its' own; it's still plenty strong after the wet stage. It's a little fizzier than the wet stage, but overall pretty similar.. which includes the note I'm reading as soapy.

    It's an okay blend, but there's plenty of other boozy scents I prefer over this one.

  20. Wet: Mostly oak bark. There's something powdery, yet fresh, as well. It's fairly pleasant.


    Dry: Oak bark, and a tiny bit of apple that adds some sweetness to the blend. I like it! Oak/woods notes typically aren't my thing, but it's really nice in this blend.

    I'll use up the imp I have, but I don't think I'll need to hunt for a bottle of this.

  21. Wet: Light peach, and amber.


    Dry: Very, very faint musky peach; borderline powdery peach. This stays very close to the skin.

    I think the wet stage was really nice, and I actually might add the imp to a leave in conditioner or something. For a perfume, though, it's just too light for me.

  22. Yum! This is mostly red musk and pomegranate. The throw on this can be overwhelming, so keep in mind that a little goes a long way. ;)


    I think this is a little heavy for summer, but I’m going to really love using this in fall and winter.

  23. Wet: Peach wine, and amber. Really nice.


    Dry: Darn, this has significantly faded, and the amber has made this a bit powdery smelling now. :(

    There's still some sweetness, but the wet stage was so much nicer than the drydown.
