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Posts posted by donkehpoo

  1. Wet: This stage screams "crystalline vanilla" to me. Even though it's not a note listed, there's something that smells like white tobacco in here. Definitely reminds me a little of Zorya P. (Maybe not exactly a sister scent, but like cousins at this point.)


    Dry: The red benzoin has come out swingin', and it definitely smells different than Zorya P. now. Prominent red benzoin, with some of the crystalline vanilla scent in the background.


    While I like this scent, I don't love it, but I think with aging this will smell fantastic. ;)

  2. Wet: For some reason, I've always had a hard time picking out the pink pepper note in scents. Here, however, I KNOW I'm getting a blast of pink pepper! It's almost a little smokey smelling. Definitely some cotton candy in the background as well, but the pink pepper is dominating.


    Dry: I've seen a lot of people comparing this to a creamsicle, but I'm not getting that all! This is still prominently pink pepper on me with a hint of sweetness now.


    (Side note: for a creamsicle scent, I love Fortuna Liberum.)


    I'll hold on to this for a while to see if it ages, but I'm not really in love right now.

  3. (Side note: can't remember what the original smelled like, so I can't compare to that.)


    Wet: Whoa! Hit right off the bat with lots of citrus from the mandarin and bergamot. On second sniff I'm getting a small bit of a musky rose. It's a lot nicer than I anticipated!


    Dry: The citrus has stuck around and is still going strong, and some amber has popped out. The rose is much more prominent on the dry-down, but it's a liiiiittle soapy now.



    Rose doesn't usually play well on my skin, so I'm not too surprised about the soapy bit. If rose works for you though, I think this is something a lot of people would enjoy!

  4. (Side note: never tried the original, so I can't compare to that.)


    Wet: Dark berries, with jasmine and something "green". Even though it's not a note listed, this comes off a little ozone-y to me.

    I'm trying to figure out the berry scent, but I can't put my finger on it. It doesn't smell like raspberry, strawberry, blackcurrant, redcurrant, cranberry, OR blueberry. It's almost like a blackberry, but minus the tartness?


    Dry: Powdery, sweet jasmine, with a smidgen of lime and the berry scent from earlier. Low throw on me.


    I was worried about the jasmine, and while it did turn powdery on me, dare I say I actually kind of like it? I'll definitely hold on to my imp, but not sure if I need a big bottle.

  5. These long-dead scents are back for a limited time in a slightly tweaked form!

    A raven-haired Fairy Queen of Ireland.

    One of her eternal duties dictates that she must hold a midnight court every season and hear the pleas of married Irishwomen. The court serves only to determine whether or not husbands are adequately serving their wife's sexual needs. A judicious yet powerfully sensual blend, a mingling of justice and sexuality: sage, sweet pea, bold pale musk and warm tonka.

    (Side note: I haven't tried the original, so I can't really do a comparison.)

    Wet: Sweet, warm musk, and hint of sage. This is very light on the skin; I had to do multiple swipes with the imp wand to get a good sniff.

    Dry: I don't think I would describe this as a "warm" musk anymore; it's very clean smelling. It's mostly musk, and sage on me. Sweet pea is a note I really enjoy, but I'm not getting any from this. :( I'm not sure where the tonka is hiding, either. (This is still incredibly light on the skin, btw.)

    I'll set this aside to re-test in a few weeks, but it's not really working for me right now.

  6. These long-dead scents are back for a limited time in a slightly tweaked form!

    As light and innocent as your first time should have been. The fresh scent of lotus hidden behind lightly scented flowers, amber, and citrus.

    (Side note: can't remember what the original version smells like, so I can't do a comparison.)

    Wet: First hit with LOTS of amber! It's a very fresh, "green" amber, as odd as that may sound.
    Pretty strong throw, I almost knocked myself out sniffing my wrist!

    Dry: Very, very similar to the wet stage. Still a fresh, "green" amber scent. There's a light floral background note, but it's not strong enough for me to figure out. Kind of reminds me of a lily, but don't take my word on that! Not getting any citrus, unfortunately. The throw has calmed down to what I would call average.

    I'm glad I tried this out, but I won't need to upgrade to a big bottle.

  7. Golden-brown and sugar-dusted, plump with sweet blackcurrant jelly.


    Wet: Blackcurrant jelly! Very tart.


    Dry: Getting a dough note now, but this is still mostly blackcurrant jelly! Definitely a deeper scent than Raspberry Suf(I haven't tried the strawberry version to compare them).


    edit: after trying the Strawberry Suf scent as well, I still agree. Blackcurrant Suf is a deep, dark berry scented suf. It's not the same type of sweetness of Raspberry or Strawberry Suf.

  8. ETA: this is the old teal label version.


    Wet: Cognac, incense, and tobacco. There's a small bit of sweetness here as well.


    Dry: Much sweeter than the wet stage. This is a sweet musky-tobacco-incense, with maybe the smallest trace of vanilla. There's something slightly "clean" about this scent as well.


    Lots of different layers to this scent, and I really enjoy them all. ;)

  9. Wet: Dorian, but extra sweet.


    Dry: Hm, I'm not really getting cotton candy from this, but I AM getting a lot of sweetness. Like an extra sweet Dorian.

    The cotton candy note in Midway I can definitely smell, but I don't think this is the same.


    This might need to rest a little longer for the cotton candy to come out, as stated by previous reviewers; I'll try it again in a week or so and update this if it's different!

  10. Wet: Lots of acai berry and neroli! This is very bright, fresh, and a little "green" smelling. Not getting any Snake Oil yet.


    Dry: Welcome to the party, Snake Oil! Snake Oil, with a little bit of acai berry and a little bit of smokey something. (Not really reading as smoked vanilla to me, but something in it DOES seem smokey.)


    While I think it's nice, it's not one of my favorite SO blends, and it's probably time to let this go to a better home. ;)

  11. I can't believe I never got around to doing these.. whoops!


    Original AL


    Wet: Warm vanilla, and a kind of clean linen smell.


    Dry: Borderline-buttery vanilla, the faintest whiff of flowers, and a little bit of that clean linen smell. It is.. so stunning. :heart:


    This was one of my first 5ml purchases from the lab, and I'll be so sad when it's gone; I'm down to half a bottle!



    2017 AL


    Wet: Much fainter than the original version. This is more like a vanilla musk.


    Dry: Very faint vanilla musk, and a touch of clean linens.


    I probably won't wear this again until my original bottle is all gone, and hopefully by then, it'll have aged into something stunning. ;)

  12. Wet: This scent reminds me of something.. but I have NO idea what. This is mainly sugared apples.


    Dry: The vanilla cream has come out, and is the prominent scent! The sugared apples are in the background, but still hanging around enough to KNOW that they're there. Yum!


    I need to do some comparisons with scents I already have; the wet stage reminds me of another scent, but the dry-down does not.

  13. Wet: Pink musk. It's almost like a candied musk, it's very sweet(thanks to the vanilla sugar).


    Dry: Pink, candied musk, and sweet pea. It's like Mouse's Long and Sad Tale's super girly cousin... who also eats a lot of sugar. Very happy I was able to snag this one!

  14. Wet: Very white, clean-smelling florals. Similar to other reviews; I'm not getting any tobacco, bourbon vanilla, or tonka.


    Dry: Count me in as another person with still no tobacco, bourbon vanilla, or tonka appearing on the skin. I was hoping those notes would ground the floral notes, but no such luck. Still all flowers, all the time; almost identical to the wet version, which is rare!


    I was hoping the moonflower would be more prominent (my favorite floral note!), but I can't seem to pick it out either. However, if you're a floral lover, I don't think you'd be disappointed by this! Just not a scent for me.

  15. Wet: Amped up pie filling(everything but the crust), with a touch of rum! This is warm, buttery, spicy, and delicious.


    Dry: Something has turned that delicious pie filling stage into plastic. :| Basically it's a hint of pie filling now, heavy spices, and plastic.


    Can I blame the vanilla cream? ... Because I blame the vanilla cream. Curse you!

  16. Wet: In order of strongest to least; tuberose, violet, lilac. It's reminding me of Daddy-O Shampoo by Lush. (Disclaimer: it's been several years since I smelled it.)


    Dry: This is practically a violet single note on me now; I'm not sure where the tuberose or the lilac went. Apparently violet kicked their butts and ran them out of town. There is a faint powderyness that may be from the tuberose in the background, but otherwise.. violets on top of violets on top of violets.

  17. Wet: Minty frankincense; very strong on the mint!


    Dry: The mint has finally chilled out. This smells like a mint-flavored marshmallow, with just a liiiittle frankincense in the background to add some depth.


    It's surprisingly nice! I think my decant will be enough, though. ;)

  18. Wet: Musky vanilla tuberose. A bit strong on the rose for me.


    Dry: Oohhhhh... okay... now I'm understanding the love for this.


    The tuberose has calmed down a bit; it's still there, but it's no longer the dominant note. It's a lot of warm musky vanilla, with a touch of rose. I can't identify the almond or the mandarin, but they may just be adding to the sweetness of this blend.


    I like this much more than I thought I would. If you're afraid of anything rose-related the way I am, I would still recommend hunting down a decant of this; you may be surprised!

  19. Wet: Lots of toasted coconut, and some creaminess from the honeyed almond milk.


    Dry: The toasted coconut overthrew all the other notes, basically. :lol: There's definitely still a sweetness to the blend, but I would say this is 95% toasted coconut, 4% honeyed almond milk, and 1% plastic on me. Disappointed the fig never made an appearance!


    If you like coconut, you should grab this. It's definitely registering as more of a foodie coconut on my skin, like what I'd smell on a German chocolate cake. (Just, you know, minus the chocolate. ... Though if you want that, you could probably layer with Bliss!)
