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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by linaerys

  1. The most noticeable note for me is mulled wine, but it definitely has something herbal and dark underneath it. The leather isn't something I can really pick out, but it deepens the overall impression. It is a spicy winey cidery scent to me, but not too alcoholic like Centzon Totochin or Wanda.


    I guess it is a little Christmasy, but it is also kind of woodsy. I think this is one of the best-crafted scents the lab has created--everything balances perfectly!

  2. On me it reminded me of Hurricane, with the aquatic notes, and the slightly rotten note of vetiver. Once I'd worn it for a while I started to get some spice but still had the murky aquatic flavor underneath.


    I liked it reasonably well, but not sure I liked it well enough to keep.

  3. I suprised myself by falling completely in love with this. So weird because I usually like sexual warm scents. To me it seems a little citrusy, but while "real" citrus scents never stick around on me, this one lasts for a few hours. So the floral note is a clean, lemony floral note, and the earthiness just deepens and saddens it without making it smell dirty.


    Also it makes me peaceful, mournful and a little lethargic. This is a languid, but not sexual scent.

  4. It took me a long time to warm up to O. I needed to smell more BPAL before I realized how much I liked this scent, if that makes sense. I needed to educate my nose.


    Now I have a 10mL on order, because wow amazing. Also, I want to try it under/over some other scents as posters have suggested. I think there are a lot of things it would warm up.


    I'm not sure I get as much sex from it as other people do. I just get warmth, like golden sun through a window in winter. Like a orange cat taking a nap on your feet.

  5. Skadi is perfect. It's festive and wintery, and it manages to be both warm *and* cold.


    That's just how I feel. It starts off piney and fruity, but it is frozen fruits, and pine like being in a pine forest, not like artificial pine at all.


    After a few minutes it goes to a very generalized spice on me, but still with a hint of coolness underneath. I really like it in both stages, but wish the wet stage stuck around longer.


    All in all, I am in lurve. :D :D :P :D :D

  6. First Impression: wow, vetiver and blood. love!


    On skin in first few minutes: wow, cough syrup. I hope that goes away soon, although it isn't as much of an assault as Red Queen was. I get whiffs of something sweet and cherry, but if I hold my nose right to my wrist I get the bitter edge of cough syrup or Campari.


    Thirty Minutes in: Some spice coming out. That must be the cloves. Yum, but still some Campari in there.


    1 hour in: I had to wash this off. The Campari smell was just getting worse. I'm going to give this as a present instead.


    Between this and Red Queen, I think I need to steer far away from Cherry. I love vetiver, though (I know I'm in the minority there).

  7. I didn't find this so perverse as all that. This seems warm and comforting to me--it starts out sweet, probably from the chardonnay, but deepens to a perfect blend of vanilla, smoke and spicy leather. Loviatar's leather is a hard slap, but this is the soft comfortable leather of a old brown worn leather jacket.

  8. This reminds me slightly of Intrigue, my favorite scent ever. The Raspberry leaf gives it some of the same rich, cool, sweetness, and both have a woodsy undertone.


    I don't get any note overpowering the others.


    I am actually rather angry today, so this is a perfect scent. It is buried, banked anger, but yes, never ceasing.


    I think this is going to find a place among my other favorites.
