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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by desertwaya

  1. desertwaya


    My first Samhain (2010) & i was a bit afraid of it since the notes seemed very strong but it turned out just fine. I didn't smell any of the pumpkin sadly (this was the reason i picked this particular scent since no pumpkin patch this yr ) and no apples right out, what i got was damp woods at night w/ a slight mellow sweet scent. So im guessing the sweet mellowness was the pumpkin & apple, just not very obvious. This is a great scent & glad i picked it up though.
  2. desertwaya

    Punkie Night

    This is my fav scent out of this yrs Halloweenies! (also my first year of halloweenies lol) In the bottle i smell yummy crisp apples. But on my skin wet & dry it smells more like an apple orchard, not foody apples. Crisp, clean with nights dew barely starting to cover them. I don't get any berries sadly, BUT I STILL LOVE IT! Can't stop sniffing my wrist
  3. desertwaya

    Halloween: New Orleans

    My first order of Halloweenies & you just had to put a southern smell into the mix! I adore the south & got my first visit to New Orleans just a few wks ago. And to be honest this is the scent that pushed me into an order This doesn't smell like New Orleans to me but thats a good thing because when we went it smelled of horse droppings & alcohol. This reminds me of sitting in a field of flowers on a beautiful spring morning. On me wet & dry its very lemony floral, which strikes me as odd considerng the notes given in the listing. Maybe its the olive doing it? I am a bit dissapointed it didn't smell more "earthy" but i really like this & am glad i bought it. When i wear this it perks me right up & puts a smile on my face
  4. desertwaya

    De Sade

    raw leather it is,but not the kind i care to smell like. i liked western diamondback and quincy morris better. i even liked whip better! i got this imp for my husband which also felt the same,its just too sharp. although someone else might like it..if their into SnM.
  5. desertwaya


    this is so very nice,again one of the few imps i horded during swap time. everything just blended well w/ my chemistry. apparently id buy a bigger bottle if i held onto this imp. i do rem it gave me a warm spicy feeling,just cant rem from wet to dry down.
  6. desertwaya


    i know this is one i loved.( im writing reviews from months ago that i forgot to do) this was one of the few imps i horded during swaps. im guessing plum and wine are my fav bpal scents,well i should say my skins favs. they stay the truest on me and dont over power. since i kept this imp im assuming i wanted another bigger bottle. im going to try it again to make sure though.
  7. desertwaya


    i horded this imp for myself during swap sessions. i dont smell the leather at all on me (which seems to be a trend w/ leather BPAL scents) but the roses are simply beautiful. i love roses so id probably buy/swap for a larger bottle of this.
  8. desertwaya

    Western Diamondback

    i can smell the leather in this but its not as strong as quincy morris which is what i was trying to duplicate. i like thid better on myself then my husband & told him im going to steal it lol. although hes putting up a fight cause he likes it too. this is a sweet smelling leather, i wasnt expecting it really. when its drying down i dont smell the leather much anymore on me. i can smell it on my husband though,leather is his scent that comes out strong..lucky him. so i ended up buying a large bottle of this cause its a mellow scent and very pleasant.
  9. desertwaya

    Quincey Morris

    i LOVE this scent more than any of the BPALs weve tried between us! after getting an imp i just had to get the bigger bottle for my husband which wasnt easy since its discontinued. but finally i got it and i drool everytime he wears it. its all leather on my husband,not sharp whip kind of leather but soft brown cowboy leather. i never liked cowboys till i smelled this stuff.
  10. desertwaya

    Blood Countess

    first off im not fond of florals they drive my allergies crazy! out of the bottle-total florals but nice. on wet-ooooo very pretty,i smell the roses the most (which is my fav flower). i had my husband sniff me and he liked it too. dry down-i can smell the plum and berrys now. still very nice. conc-id deff buy a bigger bottle of this for when im feeling girly n feminine.
  11. desertwaya

    Blood Kiss

    hhmm what to put. well in the bottle it smelled awesome but on wet it stank! i think it was the vetivert or musk or something. dry down-ok now its way better i dont smell cherries or clove but atleast i dont smell that musky stench. this is ok but ill have to try it again before i make any deff decisions.
  12. desertwaya

    im in love with QUINCEY!

    im having a love affair with Mr. Quincey Morris! i ordered my husband an imp of this scent,it just sounded so nice and oh my god it is better then what i expected! i cant wait to have him put it on this weekend,bet ill be staying close to him the whole time hes home. i ordered my husband a large bottle of WesternDiamondback hoping it will be as wonderful as quincey (it was suggested by several ppl). man if it is ill be in heaven everytime hes around me! So...if anyone has some of this Lust in a Bottle (QUINCEY MORRIS) for sale..PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW. thanks
  13. desertwaya

    im in love with QUINCEY!

    thanks for the suggestion! i do hope they bring this scent back or something very similar to it,i was told Western DiamondBack was similar..so i bought my husband a bottle of it. (waiting on it to come in).
  14. desertwaya

    How to remove scents from your skin

    hey guys guess what?! i found a way to get the BPAL oil off your skin w/ out harsh chemicals or chewing your arm off! youll never guess what it is. give up,ok its simple baby wipes!! i used my sons Huggies brand baby wipes to try to get one of the sample imps off my arm and it worked. i just had to smell like baby wipes for a few minutes and whalla no more bpal! hope this helps some of you that have had not so nice experiences with the oils and had to live with it the whole day. dont worry...i still love u Black Phoenix!
  15. desertwaya

    Blood Pearl

    blood pearl reminds me of a GRANDMA! one of those lil old ladies that slather themselves in perfume and u can smell them a mile away. im sorry to say that but thats the impression i got when i put it on. i love lots of the other scents from BPAL, i guess this one just doesnt love me this is deff. a swap or sale!
  16. desertwaya


    very strong smell to this in the bottle and the smell stayed as strong on my husband wet. as it dried though it mellowed some and was quite nice,he really liked this scent and is thinking about a bigger bottle of it. my opinion...this is deff a mans oil thats for sure. very manly and powerful,but dont put a lot on or it will give you a headache id say its a keeper though because it does die down to a nice smell and it lasts all day.
  17. desertwaya

    Midnight Kiss

    this might sound bad but,there really is no words to describe this oil on me. although my husband did love it and that is a plus for me. in the bottle:strong strange scent on me wet: ok this isnt so bad,kind of like the how the oils blend together. on me dry: love this scent,what ever it is! the mix is awesome w/ my chemistry. over all a deff. keeper,but not sure if ill buy a larger bottle. up next is blood kiss!
  18. desertwaya

    Dragon's Musk

    Dominant, passionate, devastating. Dragon’s blood and five deep musks. we got some of our imps in! dragons musk was one of them. my husband loved it,personally it was a bit strong w/ all those musks' but i guess thats the idea. in the bottle: wwweeewww strong musky scent. on him wet: still very strong and musky. on him dry: the musk died down a bit and let the dragons blood come out. was very pleasant after that,i kept sniffing him through out the day lol. over all we both say its a keeper and possible large bottle option.