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Posts posted by FallDaze

  1. In the imp it's cherry cough syrup through and through.


    Wet it's now more like a cherry gummy candy. As it dries though, it's changing into a lighter, nicer scent. And now it's going, going, GONE!


    What the hell?? Less than an hour later there is absolutely no hint of this scent at all! I couldn't even find the application spot on my hand.

  2. Truly the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein.

    In the imp all I get is dark damp leaves and patchouli. No warm pumpkin, no fir, no apple, no nothing!

    Wet the fir is coming out and it now smells like wet wood shavings. Fun!

    As the day goes on, I get a very nice whiff of a scent I can only describe as fall, and underneath that more wet wood shavings. Without the shavings, this would be a perfect scent for me.

  3. In the imp it is surprisingly unapplearing. Sharp, and with a bite of cleaning supplies. Slightly apple scented cleaning supplies, tart and harsh.


    Wet it's more like apple shampoo. Not unpleasant anymore, but not something great either.


    Sadly the shampoo scent sticks with me throughout the day. I had really high hopes for this one, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed :(

  4. In the imp it's a slightly spiced muted apple scent. Quite enchanting.


    Wet it is a pretty and warm spicy scent. The apple seems to fade a little bit on the skin and the spice takes over.


    As it dries that gorgeous spiced apple scent is back. Deliciously fall-like. In the locket it is much sweeter than the spicy apples on my skin.


    After a while the clove starts to kick in. A very nice mulled cider scent. It smells like autumn incarnate! Keeper!

  5. In the imp it's an interesting scent to be sure. Slightly foody with a hint of alcohol and a smokey incensy background.


    Wet yuck! Bitter, funky stale food and cleaning supplies! A weird plastic type thing. Man my skin chemistry just completely butchers this scent!

  6. In the imp I get a very heavy floral. No leaves, no incense, no food stuffs, just heavy florals. Looks like I'm gonna pass on this one as a locket tester as well.


    The heavy florals start disappearing. In fact, wet, almost the whole scent stats disappearing! Now it's a very , very light semi sweet food floral scent.


    Bizarre! After a few hours it's an incensy, almost honey like plastic. Blah. I'm not seeing any great redeeming transformations here, honestly. The honeyed plastic, if anything, becomes more pronounced.

  7. Devil's Night 09


    In the imp it's very musky and muggy. Hmm...not my usual type, so I think I'm gonna pass on my locket testing this time.


    It's smokey and musky and spicy on, but the musk is mellowing nicely. Oh now damn it! It's softened to a pretty, smokey, incense-y scent. Not too heavy on the incense though. Like a fragrant bonfire on a cool night.


    Why? Why Weenies?? Why you gotta do this to me? You know I'm poor right now! The smokey part reminds me of October. Which is why even though I enjoy this scent a whole lot and will most likely keep the imp, however I think I'll have to pass on a bottle.

  8. In the imp it's a smattering of scents. I can clearly pick out the caramel, the apples and the coconut swirling about.


    Wet it's a like a sharp boozy apple. Like an appletini if you will. In the locket the caramel stays more true and its not near as boozy.


    Well damn it, I was all set not to like this one but it's dried beautifully! A soft, sweet apple scent that is just perfect for fall! Barring some horrible transformation, this one will most likely be a keeper! In the locket, the caramel is running rampant and just isn't doing it for me at all.


    I think this is the first time that I've had a scent that works on my skin but doesn't ring my bell in the locket! Thankfully the gorgeous sweet apple scent stays pretty true! :yum:

  9. In the imp, it's very sharp and lush and green. I can pick out what I think is the ivy and rowan, the sage, thistle and possibly the heather. They all swirl together vying for top note position.


    Wet it's still very sharp but almost immediately starts to calm down and soften up. It's still a bit sharp but no where near as in your face about it. Still very green. In the locket it's more of an almost dried, herbal green than the sharp wet green in the imp.


    As it dries on my skin it's turning into a very soft but soapy green herbal scent. A pleasant bar of soap if you will.


    Unfortunately it seems to stay in this soapy stage for the rest of the day :(

  10. In the imp, it's very sweet and very creamy in a buttercream frosting kind of way.


    Wet the sweet cream scent disappears almost immediately, but I expect that with cream notes. It's still slightly sweet but in a "slightly sweet scented old dried out playdough" way. In the locket though its still that sweet cream scent but its not as strong/cloying as it was in the imp.


    After a while it's rather burnt plastic on my skin. Not very appealing honestly. In the locket it's not as sweet and creamy and it seems like the cotton is also coming out. Very faint and soft though.


    In the locket at the end of the day Boo smells like sweet and slightly creamy cotton candy. It's a very light and soft scent though.


    Not bad, but I think Bite Me can meet my sweet creamy Halloween scent need better, especially because I can wear it on my skin :)

  11. In the imp the almond is the predominant note with a soft smattering of cream in the background.


    Wet it smells kind of...not as tasty anymore. It goes all clinical cleaning supplies as it dries. Not very appealing at all. In my scent locket though, it seems to have gotten more mouth watering. A delicious creamy almond pastry. Yum yum yum!


    After a couple of hours on my skin, the clinical smell is gone. Now it smells like almond incense, if there is such a thing. A very dry, slightly smokey and sweet smell. In the locket it's faded a bit in the pastry department. It's mostly an almond with a slight hint of cake batter in the background. Still scrumptious smelling though.


    After even longer, it smells of marshmallows, and not the sickeningly sweet ones either. It's soft and rather muted. At the same time the locket is starting to turn to the incense-y almond that I got a while ago on my skin.


    Over all it's a win!

  12. JUNE GLOOM 2009
    It’s May in Los Angeles, and we’re baking slowly as the weather hits the low 100’s…
    Here at the Lab, we are praying for a little June Gloom.

    Bright summer flowers, fresh herbs, and a bit of citrus rind dampened by the scent of morning mist and rain.

    This is the 2009 version.

    ~ In the bottle - Love. This. A gorgeous sweetly floral aquatic with a slight underhint of citrus. It's not overly herbal or overly aquatic either. A truly gorgeous blend and I can only hope it stays this lovely on my skin. For some reason it reminds me of jasmine.

    ~Wet - Soft, light, floraly aquatic. It's very subtle. Almost the kind of scent that you don't notice when it's there but you definitely notice it's absence. Very nice. I have a feeling all of these would be great
    summer blends.

    ~Dry down- That lightly floral aquatic seems to be fading into something a little less pleasant. I'll probably end up keeping this one though just because of how it smells in bottle. Thank god for scent lockets! It seem sto be getting darker and dirtier as time goes on.

    ~After a while - This has definitely gotten down and dirty with time. I prefer the fresher scent myself, so this will probably get a lot of use in the old scent locket :)

  13. Midsummer, Ukon Juhla, Alban Heruin, the Light of the Shore. This is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, marking the sun's highest path across the sky. The Sun God and the Lord of the Forest are at the apex of their strength, and the Holy Day itself is a celebration of light's triumph over darkness. The world around us is teeming with light and life, and on this day fertility rituals for both the land and its people are observed. Golden honey and moss, with honeysuckle, chamomile, parsley, white gardenia, frankincense, carnation, vervain, gum arabic, yarrow, and liquid copal.

    I've got the 2009 version, for what it's worth.

    ~ In the bottle - A sweet, herbal scent. Very green. Reminds me of what it might smell like to fall asleep in a vibrantly green field under a blooming tree on a hot day. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet though.

    ~ Wet - Sweet carnation and a summer field. Deliciously green and fresh. The parsley is starting to come out and is adding a little sharpness. Not at all the hot, humid and sweltering summer scent I was anticipating.

    ~Dry down- A grassy, herbal summer scent. As it's dried, it seems like the grasses that I'm detecting have dried a bit as well. It might be going a little plasticy, but I can't be sure. It might just be a case of over-sniffing though. I'll see how it goes.

    ~After a few hours - a sweet honeyed grassy scent. Slightly herbal, but it definitely reminds me of summer.

    I'm a little iffy on this one, but I'm going to hang on to it and see where it goes.

  14. ~In the bottle - warm, tropical and fruity. I keep catching whiffs of different notes vying for the top. First it was vanilla, then it was the pineapple and papaya, then the coconut. It just keeps changing every sniff I take.


    ~ Wet - warm, tropical vanilla slathered fruits, delicious and golden. The scent itself reminds me of some shampoo I used to use though. Hopefully that association will fade though.


    ~Dry down- A very light tropical vanilla with a muted hint of bright fruits. It might be too much vanilla for me and not enough fruits. I'll give it a little longer and see if those fruits make a comeback.


    ~After some hours, it's practically nothing but sweet vanilla at this point. Probably going to try to rehome the bottle.

  15. ~ In the bottle it's a super sweet strawberry bubble gum. Very sugary and slightly sharp. I hope this softens down a bit...


    ~ Wet - the sweet strawberry bubble gum scent is still there. The grasses are starting to come through as well as what I think is the dandelion sap. The bubble gum is still way too sweet and dominant.


    ~ Dry down - It's lost that bubblegum sweetness and has taken a greener turn. Now it's more reminiscent of strawberry fields in the sun. Extremely light, and extremely subtle. At first I thought it had disappeared completely, and it was only when I had my hand all the way up to my nose that I was able to detect it.


    Sadly, it's gone soapy. It just makes me think of strawberry field scented shampoo. :(

  16. In the imp-> An interesting blend of coconut and lilac. Usually coconut doesn't do too well on me, but this one seems a little different somehow. A little smoother, I think.


    Wet-> A smooth lilac and vanilla blend with an undercurrent of coconut. As it dries though it seems to take on a slightly plasticy coconut scent.


    Dry-> The lilac is by far the dominating note. Surprisingly though, it's not a cloying lilac. It's more like a sharp, fresh wild lilac. I rather like it so far, but I'm not sure if I would wear it.


    After a while-> It's softened up a bit into a light vanilla-lilac with a hint of coconut and a slightly note underneath. A light, slightly dusty exotic scent. I still really like it, but I still haven't decided if it's something that I would actually wear. I may have to re-test this one to decide.

  17. In the imp -> Warm, spicy mulled grape cider. Heavy on the cinnamon and spice. I'm liking the cider aspect, but the spices might be a bit too much for me if they stay at their current strength.


    Wet-> A burnt spicy plastic. I think it's the dragon's blood resin, that usually tends to go wonky on me.


    After a while -> The spice is still super prominent, but that plastic scent is gone, thankfully. There's also a bit of plummy incense there as well.


    Overall, a nice scent, but I can't see myself wearing this one often.

  18. In the imp-> Dry florals. Very sweet and a little shampooesque.


    Wet-> The florals seem to be drying down and the sweetness is kinda softening. It's still shampoo like though. I think I'm getting a dry plum maybe?


    Dry down-> It's definitely more fruity in the dry down stage. Still a dry, slightly grainy or harvesty fruit though.


    After a while-> Slightly smokey plummy shampoo.

  19. Imp-> A faintly sharp, masculine scent. Very well blended. I can't really pick out any individual notes.


    Wet-> Clean male. Like a guy who has just stepped out of the shower after washing a guy smelling soap *marvel at my descriptive abilities <_< * Very nice and it seems to have a slight metalic tang to it. I like this a lot more than I was expecting.


    After a while-> It stays in the nice, clean and slightly sharp phase for a little while, but eventually it turns to soap on me. A rich lather of boy soap, that's what my oh so wonderful skin chemistry turns this into.


    I would love to try this on my guy, though I would have to ninja it on him and then come up with a satisfactory excuse as to why I'm huffing him like crazy if it works out nicely on him.

  20. Imp-> This is a warm and golden scent. A slight hint of incense and an undertone of florals.


    Wet-> The a warm bouquet of florals! Very nice. The incense is present as is the sandalwood, but surprisingly they aren't jumping to the forefront. This could be nice...


    After a while-> For a while this smells like a rich bouquet on my arm. Very pretty. After about 3 hours however, the florals are but a soft whisper of what they once were and the sandalwood has decided that it wants to shine. I was so very pleased with the floral stage though....

  21. imp-> Rich, rich chocolate. This reminds me a lot of Bliss, but it's a bit...more.


    wet-> Oh sweet rich chocolate! It smells like chocolate cake batter! Creamy and rich and so good you don't even want to wait until it's cooked to dig in :)


    After a while-> Sadly, as this dries to starts to take on a plastic tone with me. Before it gets completely plastic, it disappears completely! No hint of yummy chocolate, or anything else for that matter. Not even a whiff!

  22. In the imp-> Dark and sensous plum wine.


    Wet-> The same plum wine scent but with a little bit on spice in the background. This reminds me very much of Blood Phoenix. It has that same dark red vibe to it.


    After a while-> Not a real big morpher, this one. The scent stays the same for the most part, with the exception of the sandalwood. The sandalwood doesn't take over, but it is present. Very nice scent.

  23. Imp-> Sandalwood and a hint of what smells like amber. Not what I was hoping for at all.


    Wet-> The orange blossom and blackberry are starting to emerge. Still mostly sandalwood though. It does seem like the orange blossom and blackberry are starting to temper and soften the sandalwood. A rick and complex smelling scent.


    After a while-> I think this is the first scent with sandalwood in it where the sandwalwood hasn't blatantly beat down all of the other notes. I get a hint of blackberries and a smige of the blossoms all mixed together so nicely. It's a bit resiny, a bit floraly sweet. Very nice.

  24. Imp-> Peachy with a touch of carnation and what I think is the wood violet....


    Wet-> Starting to lose that heady peach scent almost immediately. It's still there, but it's become al ittle more an earthy/woodsy scent.


    After a while-> A subtle peach-scented lipstick on me. I'm so disappointed with how my skin butchered this bright cheery scent that was in the imp :cry2:

  25. Imp-> The frankincense and myrrh are very prominent. I'm not getting an pomegranate or even rose absolute right now.


    Wet-> Soapy amber-rose incense. Starts out sharp but is beginning to soften slightly as it dries.


    After a while-> A musky incensy rose. Still no hint of pomegranate, just dusty roses.
