Woo! My first BPAL scent as well! At first this was not on my list o'wants because I wasn't quite sure how the pumpkin would work out on me. But I got Jack as a frimp in my very first order, and after sniffing it, I decided that I wanted this to be my first official BPAL try, and I have to say, I'm really glad that my skin didn't turn this into something icky!
Upon first sniff I get a nice warm autumn day where someone is baking yummy pumpkin cookies. Really pretty.
I put it on, and the pumpkin and nutmeg just kinda popped out on my skin, and no peach or clove to be found.
As time went on, the pumpkin and nutmeg stayed pretty prevalent, but now I keep catching underlying whiffs of the aforementioned hidden peach.
Overall an absolutely yummy and relaxing scent, very comforting and foody A complete winner in my book!