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Everything posted by FallDaze

  1. FallDaze

    Bruised Violet Compound

    Well I like violets so I have pretty high hopes for this one! imp -> a rather tart violet wet -> A very strong and perfumey violet. A little over powering. Makes my head ache slightly when I sniff too close. Reminds me of a woman my mom used to know. Dark and powerful with a small dose of mystery. after a while-> This softens into a light powdery violet. Unfortunately it's more powder than violet.
  2. FallDaze

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    I'm expecting this one to be super spicy! Snake Oil doesn't work on me, but maybe some of the Snake Pits will imp-> Cinnamon! Reminds me of some spicy baking going on. The ginger is also pretty prominent. Oh yeah, and have I mentioned that it's spicy? wet -> It's odd...the spicy quality dies down quite a bit. It's still quite spicy, don't get me wrong, it's just that the initial IN YOUR FACE cinnamon has mellowed out to more of a "Hey, how's it going? My name is Cinnamon" cinnamon. after a while -> Pure spice. Too much spice for my personal tastes. Also it makes the inside of my nose tingle in a not too pleasant manner when I sniff too close. However it seems very fitting for it's namesake! Or...dare I say it... name-snake! Wow I'm horrible.
  3. Initial thoughts-> Hopefully the dust doesn't take over. imp-> a very sharp aquatic, but I can easily detect a swirling cloud of incense and dust in the background. wet-> the incese is definitely making it's presence known. Still very aquatic and almost lemony. Oh, and still sharp. after a while-> the rain note is still the top note. The incense adds a soft and smokey-ness which tries to soften the edge of the rain note. The rain does eventually lose it's sharpness though, and the end result is very, pretty.
  4. FallDaze

    On Darkness

    Initial thoughts-> I'm not quite sure what to expect from this at all. Possibly a smokey lavender? imp-> The lavender is obviously dominating, but there is something underneath that I can't pin down that is sweetening it up and adding a smokey flavor to it. wet-> The lavender goes a bit sour on, which is usually doesn't on me. I can definitely detect the black poppy and rose geranium. The incense is adding a smokey feel to it. Very nice after the intial sourness. after a while-> It seems like the lavender could actually be the deal breaker in this one, which quite surprises me. Lavender usually works beautifully on me. It's not as sour as before, but is definitely remaining quite tart. after an even longer while-> the lavender finally softens down, and this is a soft and slightly smokey scent. Gorgeous. Will definitely be keeping my decant, but due to the long sour phase in the middle I probably won't be getting a bottle.
  5. FallDaze

    Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills

    Initial thoughts-> I'm excited about this one! Skin musk and frozen blackberries imp-> The cedar is all up in your face. I was not expecting it to be this strong... There is a hint of something else, but the cedar stamps it out so quick that I can't identify it. wet-> At first the cedar amps like crazy, but as it dries it's starting to calm down. The musk and sandalwood are slowly swirlying around and are starting to hedge out cedar for the No. 1 note. after a while-> And the cedar is back! And not in a good way... It reminds me of the shavings we used to line our guinea pig's cage with. If I could just manage to get that scent association out of my head, this would be a wonderful blend for me!
  6. FallDaze


    Initial thoughts -> I'm expecting something spicy/smokey with some desert bloom-ish qualities going on. imp-> The poppy is quite pronounced, but mixes gorgeously with the prickly pear and an undercurrent of sage. wet-> On it smells exactly like it smelled in the imp. Mainly poppy and sage with the prickly pear swirling about. No amber to mess everything up! yay! Rich, warm and exotic. after a while -> It's very soft and exotic, but it starts going dusty...
  7. FallDaze

    Snow Bunny

    Initial thoughts -> Hopefully it smells exactly like the description imp-> The girlie perfume is stronger than I anticipated. Very sweet and airy though. I think I'm detecting a hint of super sweet evergreen? wet-> The piney note immediately takes center stage. Thankfully the sticky-sweet aspect of that note has faded. The light perfume takes on almost a behind the scenes roll. after a while -> It's nice, but I get a slight headache from this. The scent is very light, so I have to do up close sniffs to even catch a whiff, and that resulted in a headache. Not really the fault of the oil though
  8. FallDaze


    Initial thoughts -> I'm hoping that this is dark, but not too heavy if that makes sense. imp -> very masculine. Not as aquatic as I envisioned, but definitely dark. wet-> it softens nicely and becomes a lot less masculine, but it's still quite a dark scent. Brooding and churlish if you will. After a while -> This ends as a soft and wispy dark, almost but not quite floral aquatic. A soft and sinister mist encroaching upon a field of flowers. Definitely keeps that dark, wet feeling base through it's morphs.
  9. FallDaze

    Nuclear Winter

    Initial thoughts - hmm...I wonder what nuclear devastation smells like? imp -> I get an oddly herbal mint. The mint is very sharp as opposed to a sweet, sugary mint. That makes since though, since I don't expect anything having to do with devastation to be sweet Wet -> It smells barren. Still herbal and not as minty as I was expecting. Rather like a cleaning agent of some sort. Reminds me of walking into a clean kitchen or a room that has just been dusted. After a while-> Eventually this turns to soap on me.
  10. FallDaze

    Sugar Cookie

    In the imp -> A slightly boozy and very strong vanilla extract and butter. It's almost the same butter note that I get in the lab's pumpkin blends. Wet-> Reminiscent of white cake batter. Tasty, tasty cake batter After a while -> As with Butter Rum Cookie, this goes to plastic, sugar coated plastic.
  11. FallDaze

    Butter Rum Cookie

    In the imp -> RUM! That's about all I get from this. I sure hope it calms down... Wet -> It's definitely spicier, but the rum is still top note here. Reminds me a little of gingerbread. Very sharp cinnamon. After a while-> It stays boozy, but my skin turns it into something plasticy.
  12. FallDaze


    Imp -> Slightly masculine. This is actually quite hard for me to pick individual notes out of. Wet-> A very fragrant Christmas tree! The same sweetness as Frau Holle, but not as in your face. Definitely more subdued. After a while -> Oh the violet is peeking out! This blends so nicely! A little on the sweet side though. I'll definitely be keeping my decant, but not sure if I love it enough to warrant a bottle.
  13. FallDaze


    Imp -> Pure milk chocolate. Warm, golden and glowing, which is the amber coming into play. Wet -> Powdered chocolate now. A warm dusting of cocoa powder indeed. After a while -> That warm chocolately glow gives way to pure amber in a big way.
  14. FallDaze

    Frau Holle

    In the imp -> Strong, sweet pine. Almost a mascline scent, but not quite there yet. Wet-> It smells like a sticky sweet pine forest. If you can't tell, the pine note completely dominates on me. No herbs, no musks, just pure pine. After a while -> The herbs eventually come out to play, lending a bit of sharpness to the pine. That sharp phase is quickly absorbed by the sweetness though. A bit too sticky sweet for me.
  15. FallDaze


    Imp -> It has a slightly medicinal quality. Reminds me of liquid cold medicine. Wet -> It's a heavy, floral perfume. Still has that slight cherry medicinal scent to it. After a while -> The medicinal quality has died down. Lef in its place is a rich, velvety, voluptous floral. A rich red color association is what I get with this one. Definitely very intense.
  16. FallDaze

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    In the bottle -> This smells like strawberry cake, pure and simple, and it is delicious! Wet -> The strawberry note starts coming out more. It's almost a green strawberry... I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but there is definitely a slight green/herbal note here. After a while -> NO! Where did my strawberry cake go?? It's as if my luscious strawberry cake has transformed into a plastic image of itself.
  17. In the bottle -> Spicy, gingerbready goodness Positively nom-a-licious. Wet-> My spicy gingerbread is bravely fighting for it's life against the musk! Go gingerbready goodness, go! After a while -> *sniffle* The musk won...
  18. FallDaze

    Miskatonic University

    Imp -> Delicious creamy coffee with a hint of wood in the background. So yummy smelling, I hope it stays like this! Wet -> The cream backs off a bit but the coffee note is still relatively strong and the wood note becomes more pronounced. It's like the cream and oak switched places from what I got from the imp. After a while -> So far so good! It get's a touch too sweet for me at times though. It's also super good layered with Villainess's Ginger Snapped. Eventually though the wood notes takes almost complete control here. I'll definitely keep the imp but I probably won't need a bottle
  19. FallDaze

    The Unicorn

    In the imp -> fresh and clean with just a small hint of light florals. Reminds me of freshly washed clothes hung out to dry with a slight plastic undertone. Wet -> It's a very light and pleasant floral. Not overly strong and heavy like most florals turn out on me. I believe it's the linden blossoms that I'm smelling. After a bit -> The sweet herbs have come out of hiding and blend quite nicely. Oddly enough this is slightly reminiscent of...coconut? to me. Overall, very light and sweet and ethereal, and I quite like it.
  20. FallDaze


    In the imp is smells like an adult cherry lollipop. Full, bold and very sweet. Not really spicy though. Wet the wine note becomes more pronounced. This is almost sickeningly sweet and cloying on me. Ack after a while this has turned into thicky cherry cough syrup. This makes me so sad! I had such high hopes for this!
  21. FallDaze

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    In the imp, a very warm and bitter scent. Slightly smokey. I can definitely pick out the balsam, myrrh and smoke notes. Definitely not what I would usually consider a happy Yule scent, which I guess fits the bill! Wet it turns musky and immediately spicier. If the musk would die down this would be awesome. It softens out quite nicely, but unfortunately, like any other musk/incense scents, they just don't work quite right on me. *sigh* When will I learn?
  22. FallDaze

    Poisoned Apple

    In the imp it's a gleaming red apple, fresh and juicy, with just a hint of darkness. A smidge of smokey flavoring in the background which I'm guessing is the opium. Wet it keeps that super fresh apple scent, but I seem to be detecting a hint of spice. This scent seems to disappear into almost nothingness on my skin... Hopefully it's just a phase and will pop back later After a while it's a slightly astringent apple. Still very faint though. Oddly enough, after about three hours of a faint wafting apple scent, I start to get... lipstick... Dang! I bet this would do lovely in a locket for me though
  23. FallDaze


    In the imp I can definitely pick out the lilac and leather. Upon closer sniff, I get a bit of an herbal scent, but not a whole heck of a lot of plum juice. Wet the leather keeps this from becoming TOO sweet. It smells like a clean man. Like a guy who just took a shower or bath and used his girlfriend's soap. Still smells like a man but with a little girly scenting on top. After a while the leather completely takes over, leaving nothing but the faint whiffs of lilac in its wake. And not a hint of plum juice or any more herbs apart from the first initial sniffs. Very interesting indeed.
  24. FallDaze

    Nowhere in Particular

    In the imp I get a dusty scent with a hint of....lemon? Well, I guess lemons do grow on trees so technically it could be a lemon orchard they're talking about in the description, but somehow I don't think so. Maybe that's the ozone peaking out. Wet - Yep, definitely the ozone. So far it's a clean, ozoney scent. I guess the dust got blown away. It starts going a little soapy though if I sniff too much or right up on where I applied, but I get the loveliest wafting scent of apple trees now. It actually smells like a moonlit apple orchard! A few times it seems to get a bit chemical-y, but only every now and then.
  25. FallDaze

    E Pluribus Unum

    Out of many, one: a bouquet of the States' flowers. In the bottle - soft florals, very well blended. It's impossible for me to pick out any separate notes in this. Like a bouqet of wildflowers. Wet this takes a sharp green turn. A giant bouquet of notes, to my nose. This reminds me of when I went to the Yankee Candle factory up in New England. A bunch of tasty scents all jumbled togethr so you have a hard time distinguishing them accompanied by a faint background of candle wax. After a while this still kind of reminds me of a candle shop. The waxy factor is not too prominent to ruin it, though. It's a nice, soft, light floral. ADDED Jan. 19: Bottle-> Soft florals, very well blended. I can't pick out any separate notes. It really is like a bouquet of wildflowers. Wet-> it takes a sharp green turn. It reminds me of when I went to the Yankee Candle factory a few years ago in New England. A bunch of tasty scents all jumbled together so you have a hard time distinguishing them and then with a faint background of wax. After a while-> It sticks with that candle shop scent. Probably going to pass this one on.