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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    White Phoenix

    I should have trusted my instincts and bought a bottle of this when it came out! It's so pretty and just about the most comforting BPAL blend around. Definitely getting frangipani, davana, vanilla, magnolia, and sugar cane...lots of clean, white notes. This is gorgeous! I'll be getting a bottle at the next given opportunity!
  2. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    Oooohh, I like this a lot. Top notes of vanilla, lavender, carnation, and sage, with a solid foundation of luscious musk with a hint of leather that isn't overpowering, and the lightest whisper of cedar. Sweet and spicy and sexy. Yum! Plus, it really is gender neutral, so my man and I can share it!
  3. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I'm glad the vetiver burns out of the top notes of this blend pretty quick because at first it's quite overpowering. After a while it just sorta anchors itself in the background adding an earthy, murky, and somewhat sinister tone to the whole affair. The china rain is gorgeous in this...the combination really conjures up visuals of hurricane weather, rain and ozone gone awry. I actually really like this for the scent experience, but I can't think of when I would wear it as a perfume. Hmmm...perhaps more time to bond will clarify my feelings about this blend. It's intriguing, that's for sure!
  4. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Thank you to the wonderfully generous forumite who frimped me this decant. You rock my socks!! This is so much better than I even thought it was going to be, and I expected it to be good to begin with. I don't really smell any snake oil resemblance in this blend aside from the spiciness, as this is all spicy and juicy and exotic. It's juicier than snake oil, and the spices seem hotter somehow. The vanilla is amazing in this blend and doesn't turn cloying or plastic. I can't pick out a single note, but this is just absolutely gorgeous! Lush, exotic, spicy, juicy and voluptuous. I'm going to need a big bottle of this baby! :love!:
  5. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    This is pretty good. It's my second favorite of this year's Shungas next to Couple Consulting an Enpon, but I still don't know that I would need more than a decant. The rice smells disconcertingly buttery to me...as a vegan if I were eating it I'd need to double check the ingredients, for sure. The plum is gorgeous and creamy, the first BPAL plum to win my heart, and of course the vanilla sandalwood is OMG orgasmic! The longer it's on, the more I like it, but I just can't shake off the sneaking suspicion that somebody's been slathering my rice in butter behind my back...Mom, is that you? No, Mom, I do not have a protein deficiency. There's not even protein in butter anyway, Mom, God! I know butter when I smell it, and besides will you please get outta my perfume of edo period porn and stop putting beef in my vegetables and trying to tell me it's frickin broccoli?!? Ahem.
  6. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    As per usual, I really wish I got more cream from this blend. The apple blossom is STRONG and a bit bitter, but...I'm nitpicking here because this is good, and it's hard to come up with solid critique. Overall, this is a scrumptious blend of seriously sexy caramel and apple blossoms with the heated skin musk of a glowing goddess. Hot!
  7. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    What the...Even through the tape of this decant I could tell this was true love. I was a little apprehensive, though, when I first put it on and it smelled Gnarles in Charge. Like, some seriously scorched car tires slathered in sugary butter. Once that burned off it's all buttery funnel cake with powdered sugar. My only complaint is that it's so hard to smell. I love it anyway, though. So yeah, basically if anybody has any of this and needs, I dunno, a kidney, then hit me up because I have gotta get more! Viva la Carnaval!!!
  8. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I made the crucial mistake of letting my guy smell this one. He took one sniff and yelled, "GIVE IT TO ME!!!" I was so taken aback by his uncharacteristic BPAL enthusiasm that I complied, and he proceeded to dance around the house clutching it like his precioussss and then came back into the room bragging about how his little BPAL box is now all full. I'm just sayin, if you want to keep this one, you might not want to share it with any boys, because it smells really good and gender neutral and they will probably want to steal it from you like mine did. From the brief encounter I did have with this blend, it smelled really gunmetal grey and glittering, like the asphalt street that's in front of the convention center in downtown Seattle that sparkles so hard it will make you barf if you walk over it with a hangover...especially if it's one of those rare sunny Northwest days, too. Um, except that...this won't make you barf, I promise. Even if you are really hungover. This would probably make you feel better, because it smells really amazing and I'm going to have to get more now and hide it far away from my SO.
  9. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Fenris Wolf

    Ooooohhh, I love this! It's like the masculine counterpart to Khrysee...golden, warm, amber deliciousness, but with an added earthiness and animalistic quality that is pretty effin fantastic. This is a definite keeper. Can't wait to slather it on my guy, but he can't have this one for keeps - it's mine!
  10. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Lilith Victoria

    So glad I took a gamble on this one! It's the best of Dorian meets the best of Snake Oil plus LAVENDER! I love this. It's comforting, sweet, and (dare I say) a bit slinky, too. So very wearable and delicious! LOVE THIS!
  11. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa

    I really love the artwork for which this fragrance was created, and I've had such good luck with all the other Asian inspired BPALs, but this one was the exception apparently. The black tea in here was just a bit too sharp and a bit too masculine for me. I didn't get as much mint as I'd hoped, and there's something fuzzy smelling that I'm not crazy about. It's not bad, though, it's just not top ten hoarding material for me, and the bottle artwork on mine is so dark that I can barely see it. Swaps.
  12. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    This is...strange. The description is so appropriate - this is sweet and sociopathic! I don't get any cream at all from this one, which is a huge bummer for me because that's what I was really after...I have a bit of an obsession going with the lab's cream note. You could say that it's a creamy blend, but I don't get that wonderful cream note that I know and love. The carnation in this is nice, as is the orange blossom, but something is going a bit sharp and sour and high-pitched. It smells like plum, though I know there's no plum listed in here, but this is exactly what happened on my skin with the plum blossom from Peony Moon. Anyway, I wanted to love it, but it's not to be. ETA: I had to edit this, because after trying it on today I am IN LOVE! This scent is so awesome, all sweet cream with carnations soft spice and an eery undercurrent of floral. It's absolutely amazing. I tried this on the first time when I was really sick and had just regained the usage of one single nostril. I thought I had Zarita pegged, but either my sense of smell was wonky or my skin chemistry was all screwy due to illness. In any case, let it be known for the record - I adore this!
  13. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    Vanilla, red ginger, oakmoss, palm date, and oud. This starts off kinda cakey with a weird undernote, but ends up being nothing but the cloying sugary sweetness that went bad on me from Dark Choc w Pepper Smoked Caramel, plus a strange dustiness. I was really afraid that I had made a mistake in passing this one up, so I got a decant, and upon closer inspection it turns out my first instincts were correct. Not for me.
  14. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree

    This is very soft and pretty and evocative of springtime! The lavender honey is gorgeous in this blend and really compliments the cherry blossoms, lilacs, and gentle florals. This blend is delicate! Soft, wistful florals that never go soapy! A very accurate olfactory rendering of the ukiyo-e print! Adore this!!!!
  15. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Wow, this is very sophisticated. Definitely evokes the energy of Roman times! I also really love the way these strong notes balance each other in this blend, because each individual note is quite a powerhouse on its own and can be oftentimes overpowering. Together they become something well-rounded and thoroughly wearable. So wonderful for spring. This is an energetic and completely unique planty floral blend. I'm a definite fan!
  16. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Hmmm, inneresting! Lush jungle blooms and incense. This blend would be awesome for summer wear, it's jungly and dark and mysterious! I'll definitely be getting more for when the weather warms up!
  17. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    First on the skin, this is all sexy honey musk with a swirl of incense smoke, a touch of spice, and the lightest breath of chrysanthemum flowers. This is lovely, seems totally appropriate for year round wear, but will be especially suited for springtime. I was expecting this to be much more of a hardcore, dark resiny type of opium blend, when in reality it's really quite light and pretty....As it dries I get predominantly dried flowers and honey with a whisper of incense smoke. This is a definite keeper! So glad I scored a bottle, have you seen how pretty it is?!?
  18. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Grass, amber, and musk with a hint of leather and the faintest reminder of something a bit citrusy...like a hint of lime in there somewhere. Overall very warm and comforting. A definite keeper!
  19. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Lotus Moon 2006

    To start, let me just say that my boyfriend says that this smells, "like ninjas! It's beautiful and dangerous, like a female assassin." That's pretty much my assessment, too. I am so glad that I gambled on this one and bought a bottle unsniffed. Lotuses are my favorite flowers after all! This, however, is not your average lotus blossom fragrance...this is lotuses with opium smoke and incense and international intrigue! Definite win!
  20. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Thanks, that was super helpful. The yummy Inez decant I have was actually from you! In fact, all of the decants I've ever gotten from you were fabulous, which is kind of what I'm getting at...there have been one or two other sellers in the past where everything I've bought from them smelled a little....off...even things like Crypt Queen where it's obviously been aged...and I wonder why. Storage differences, perhaps? Testing methods? Not rolling the bottles before decanting? It's a mystery.
  21. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    This has been really frustrating for me. Being an imp fiend I have multiples of many scents that I love but haven't acquired bottles of yet, or am looking for empties/partials for said imps to live in. Anyway, it happens so often that two imps of the same fragrance smell radically different. I have one Inez imp (my original) that smells like toasted almonds drizzled with honey, amber, and myrrh, like a spicy, incensey baklava. The other one smells like ivory soap with a light film of resins. I have an imp of Chimera which is deliciously spicy, and a partial bottle of Chimera that has virtually no spice in it at all. I never know which one I'm going to get when buying a bottle (which is compounded by my cheap-skate ramen-eating financial aid and grant loving grad student tendencies towards buying partials rather than lab fresh.) It makes me wonder, when I've been stupefied in the past by the lackluster qualities of scents that everyone else was blown away by...did I just get a bunk decant?
  22. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Juke Joint

    Ooooohhh, yummy! Not what I was expecting at all! In the imp all I get is blindingly strong booze, but once on my skin the mint and sugar comes out making this the most wearable booze scent on me since Jazz Funeral. Minty without being excessively so, boozy without any sharp bite, and sugared without being remotely cloying. Perfection! A keeper!
  23. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Les Fleurs du Mal

    What a gorgeous floral! Lush, warm, womanly, softly spicy goodness! I'm not a floral gal myself, so I probably won't be needing a bottle any time soon, but this is really exquisite and I will cherish my impfull! If I ever were to get a bottle of something strictly floral, this would probably be it! Beautiful!
  24. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    When I first put this on I hated it. I compared it to baby powder and car tires, I believe. Khrysee ultimately proved me wrong, though, and my bank account balance is crying at the prospect. To me, this dries down to snake oil deluxe edition! Golden, spicy, exotic and evocative of a lighter, brighter, sunnier snake oil, but without any of the weird plastic or cloying notes that I get from actual snake oil. It's a miracle. I can see now why this one is so popular. I am going to need a bottle of this before it goes away...ugh, this is true love!
  25. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Peony Moon

    In the beginnings it's all pretty pink powdery florals over aquatics, before the bright fruity juice note comes out. What is that juicy note? Plum blossom, perhaps? Or some other tangy fruit note? The tangy fruit note makes this just almost too sweet...I'm not sure. I've been excessively sensitive to sweet notes lately. I'll have to bond with this blend a bit more before I make my final verdict. I do love the watery peony blossoms, though, and I'm leaning towards adoring this!