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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Wow, I would have never suspected the notes listed in this blend based on just smelling it. I got a powdery opium-like resin with a watered down Jazz Funeral-ish bay rum and some non-descript old lady-like floral. It went through this whole crazy morph arch, where it started out just okay, became amazing - all spicy and resinous and delicious - for about fifteen minutes and then turned into watered down powdery purple floral. Swaps, sadly.
  2. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This started out so delicious...all orange blossom and carnation-y. Alas, the drydown turned this into patchouli single note. Drats!
  3. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Dogs Playing Poker

    When I smell this I hear Snoop Dogg, and then I picture George Clinton licking my hand, saying, "It's just the dog in me, baby!" like on PCU, which was on basic cable the other day and is a really stupid movie that rekindled my love of Parliament Funkadelic and P-Funk All-Stars...errr...where was I? Oh, yes! Dogs Playing Poker...ooohhhh lala! This smells better than Miskatonic and Pinched With Four Aces put together. I know! Sacrilege! I'll be burnt at the stake for saying it, but on my skin it's true! Miskatonic on me for some reason turns into vomitous cloying high pitched sweetness, and Pinched is cozy but kinda boring, like my Grandpa's den...This is Snoop Dogg and George Clinton playing poker and smoking blunts with a bunch of sexy b*tches...Ummm, what I mean to say, is that this is Dogs Playing Poker remixed: sexy, funky style. Love it, and I NEED a bottle right now! Finally, a BPAL coffee scent I can wear!
  4. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Nudie

    I hear this is similar to Giant Vulva. Yep, this is why I bypassed that Giant Vulva craze entirely and never looked back...I already have the Glowing variety and can't see how it could be improved upon in the arena of vulva perfume, but...*ahem* I digress. This is lemony and sweet. It's...okay. Just okay. I fail to see what's nude or sexy about it, though. I'm sorry, I just don't get it. Lemony sugar water...*not* mind you, lemonade. Just luke warm tepid water with a vague essence of lemon and a ton of sugar dissolved into it...and I LOVE lemon perfume so...*shrugs*
  5. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Tiger

    When I went to smell this wet, I was not prepared and I literally almost puked. So of course, I ran and found my boyfriend and made him smell it unwarned , and he had pretty much the same reaction...which was to gag. Look, okay, wet this smells like unadulterated vetiver, but it gets better. I promise you, if you try it on it will be totally worth getting through that initial yucky stage! Dry, the vetiver burns off almost entirely leaving a wisp of an earthy background behind bright, tangy mandarin and dusty, spicy cinnamon. Such a lovely combo. Plus, that tiger is totally rad! Count me in!!!
  6. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Pink Kitty

    Nummy pink candy and gin! I like this a lot and have no criticism for it...it's just that...there's such a wealth of pink candy-ish scents floating about nowadays that I have no idea how to decide between them cuz I unfortunately can't get them all! This has a similar pink candy vibe to Velvet Unicorn, but with added citrus and a big ol' splash o' gin! Refreshing! Delightful! In essence, this is one drunk and sugar high pink kitty cat! Watch out!
  7. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Panther

    This smells kind of like a watered down Lunar Eclipse on me...I definitely need more time to bond with this one. Every time I sniff it I have a different opinion. I detest the way it smells wet, but the longer I keep it on my skin, the more it starts to grow on me. Hmmmmm... A distinct lime note that I'm getting is really whats reeling me in for the kill, here. It's delectable. Overall, though, I think I'd like to smell this on my boyfriend more than on myself, so off it goes on its merry way to its new home in the happy lil' BPAL for boys box!
  8. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Unicorn

    Oh. My. Underpants! This is a strawberry Monsterbait: Underpants with cotton candy on the side! I was sniffing this going, "Mmmmm! Now what does this remind me of...so familiar...CANDIED UNDERPANTS!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!" and then my head exploded with glee and glitter and confetti came out!
  9. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Tiki

    I totally agree with Molls' review directly above mine. This started out AWESOME with scrumptious pineapple in the forefront, a touch of papaya and orchids, but dried down to floral blah. Meh. I'll hang onto the decant for summer, but I have to say I'm really disappointed that the loveliest tropical scent evah that was there in the beginning of application couldn't stick around for longer than five minutes.
  10. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Cthulhu

    Green and fresh with spicy wasabi! Awesome on both me and my boyfriend...We both love Cthulhu mythos and I think we are going to have to share this one!
  11. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    MVJBA: Spring Training 2008

    Cracker jacks!!! Yay!! This is so surprisingly wearable for some reason...I can't put my finger on it. It's like, when I hold it up to my nose and sniff (and everybody else's since I just finished running around my house all "Cracker Jacks anyone?" and making everyone smell me and agree that I reek of Cracker Jack-y goodness!) it's totally foody, but there's something else in it that prevents the blend from reading as just "food" the way that some blends like Cockaigne, for example, do. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of baseball and think it's ridiculously boring for the most part...I like all the ritualistic shit that goes along with it, and I love the idea of it, but in reality the game itself usually bores me to tears. In any case, this fragrance is making me want to don my hippest baseball shirt and blue jeans and go be outside and run around in this beauteous spring weather...Alas, I have to finish writing a dumb ol' paper. This blend is a grand slam, or a home run, or whateverthe*&$# you callit in that game thing with the bat, and the pitcher dude with the hand signs and cracker jacks and hot dogs and stuff, like, when good stuff happens or something...Cuz, uhhh, I mean, it's really good...good enough to make me nostalgic for a sport that I'm not particularly interested in. Well done!
  12. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast

    Well, just as a disclaimer, I'm reviewing this right now because I want to procrastinate from writing my academic paper, though this is against my better judgment because 1) the bottles that just arrived still have travel shock, and 2) I'm on this spring detox cleanse diet thingamajig where I'm mainly eating fruits and veggies, so really sweet things smell super weird and a bit off putting right now. Anyhoo , at first I was so scared that this was going to turn into straight cloying sugar, but amazingly it managed to become quite the opposite: sweet, foody, and rich without any hint of cloying sugariness. Hurrah! Also, at first I wasn't sure if this really smelled like pancakes, so I ran around my house asking the guys I live with, "Does this smell like pancakes? Pancakes, anyone?" They all agreed that it smelled like soggy pancakes with too much syrup on them (just how I like em !) I think I'm going to need some bonding time with this one for it to really grow on me, but I have confidence that it will. I'm definitely going to hang onto it and test again in a few days! I think this may become my lazy Sunday morning fragrance, because that is what syrupy pancakes remind me of most!
  13. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    OMFG!!! Spicy carnation almond honey cookies! Throw for days and lasts for-evah! Gahhh! Another ultra-rare obsession begins! Time to go edit the ol' top ten list...
  14. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji

    Something in this really reminds me of a more incensey, powdery, and less chocolatey March 09 Thirteen. Since I have a bottle of that one I probably won't spring for a bottle of this one until I run out...They aren't the same fragrance at all, but I feel like they are closely enough related that I wouldn't wear both enough to warrant a bottle at this point. Definitely sweet cherry with a background of reedy bamboo and incense. A delightfully calm and comforting contemplative blend!
  15. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Sugared violets are nummy. I agree with the very first review of this blend - it smells just like a violet Antique Lace! This is very pretty, pretty princess perfume, and makes me feel like a proper girl when I wear it without being cloying or overly perfumey...I like it a lot and will probably get more!
  16. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This is exactly what I expected from the scent description, which I anticipated would be nice, but not, like, knock me on my ass fantastic, which is why I didn't pounce on it at the time. Soooo, yeah...pretty much! Bright, juicy green apple, guava, passionfruit, sweet pea, and a soft background of sweet cream. I get a lot of the apple and tropical fruit and just a tiny lil' hint o' vanilla cream. I was hoping that this blend would surprise me and be heavier on the cream note, like an apple and tropical version of Perilous Parlor, perhaps. Alas, no. But it is verah nice, indeed, and certainly a keeper. I will cherish my decant, though fortunately I don't think I'll have to go bottle hunting!
  17. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Poisson d'Avril

    I can totally see how this would be lovely and swoon worthy on the right girl, but I'm here to tell you that it just ain't me. This is just way too sugary sweet and innocent of a floral for me to wear. This is another one of those spring bottled flower blends that while I might love to catch a whiff of this fragrance on the breeze out on a leisurely walk this April, is just not something I can rock on my skin.
  18. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Butterflies and Plovers

    Juicy mandarin oranges tempered with patchouli. I like this...it's so straightforward and simple, yet satisfying. I'll definitely use this decant up come summertime!
  19. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    The truest BPAL carnation blend I've smelled yet. Glorious! If I concentrate I can pick out the Damask rose and white tea, but they blend together really well and seem to serve to amplify the spicy, pretty carnations! Spring incarnate!
  20. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I *had to* try this because everyone is always raving mad over how amazing it is and paying crazy prices for decants and what not. I can see how it could be mind-blowing on the right woman...it is a sultry, seductive incense blend that's soft and powdery and smoky with a bit of a raunchy edge. It's the raunchy edge that's killing me here, though...it's going a little bit too raunchy on my skin (though I think it smells better on than in the vial!) I am so incredibly grateful that I can knowingly pass on this one, fully aware that I'm not missing out on some holy grail, and never having to swap my future first born for a bottle of the fabled Storyville!
  21. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Thirteen (13): February 2009

    Oh, wow! I just got this a few hours ago and it is already one of my favorite BPALs of all time! It's like...Gingerbread Poppet + cookies + incense. I just instituted a "no backups" policy, but I might have to break it for this one and get a backup bottle! I am head over heels in love with this blend! It dries down a bit sugary for my tastes, but it's a really minor flaw in an otherwise otherworldly spectacular blend! :love!:
  22. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Singing Moon

    This was totally different from what I expected. I got Death Cap plus perfumey florals. It's okay, but I think I'll stick with Death Cap since I'm not much of a floral girl and it's GC.
  23. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    I Died For Beauty

    The Venusian splendor of ylang ylang and violet stirred by hyssop, frankincense, and grave loam. As I suspected, I like this but I am not in love with it. It's very reminiscent of one of my faves, Crossroads, but where that blend has some moss and earth and something a bit spicy grounding it, this blend has extra florals instead. It smells really nice, it's just way too floral for me since I'm not a big florals girl to begin with.
  24. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Lady Una

    This is delightful. It is...wow, I mean I thought I was going to like it a lot, but it has exceeded my expectations. It has managed to raise the bar for all BPAL to a higher level of excellency, because I can't remember the last time I was this utterly blown away by everything about a blend. There is seemingly nothing wrong with this blend, and everything about it is oh-so-right. To begin, it has throw for days and never seems to quit. It is sweet but not overly so...the delicious honey note is tempered by the other notes in the blend. The berry is juicy and ripe without dominating. The green notes are present without making me feel like I smell like I've just finished rolling around on the ground. The vanilla is fresh and organic smelling without even the slightest tendency towards going plastic or cloying. This smells like the most magnificently magical warm summer night feels. I'm hooked!
  25. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Fairy Wine

    Weird. This is not what I was expecting at all. I thought that the dandelion would be more prominent, maybe a hint of spice or something...This is reaaallly sugary sweet white or rose wine with a strong white rose note and an almost indiscernable breath of dandelion. It's almost candyish.... Further testing will be required.