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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    ... A chilly, tempestuous whirlwind of clear, airy notes, slashing rain, and a thin undercurrent of white flowers. This is nice...very fresh, ozone-y aquatic. I'm not averse to ozone (love Midnight on the Midway) or aquatics (big Thalassa fan) but something here is just not doing it for me for some reason I can't put my finger on. I think it's that the florals end up a bit too bright and overbearing on me. Ah well, you can't win em all (and thankfully, because if I could I'd be livin' in a cardboard box!)
  2. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    All Souls

    Oh man, this is goood! I had no idea what I was missing with this one. It didn't really wow me at first, though it was great to start off...offertory cakes and incense, yeah, yeah. Pretty standard fare for BPAL, right? But something about this blend makes it really exceptional for me, and that becomes increasingly apparent as it dries and stands up to the test of time. The cake note is completely non-cloying and blends magnificently with the incense. The incense as well is really unique...more of a sweet haze of soft and welcoming red sandalwood than anything hippy shop-ish or nag champa-eque. All I can say is: "Gimme!" I need more of this, definitely. I haven't been this in love with a BPAL in, oh...about five minutes! No, seriously, I love this more than anything I've tried in quite some time. Totally wearable, signature scent status kind of a blend for me! :love!:
  3. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Bat of Virtue

    Thank you so much to LiquidDakini for her incredible kindness in picking me up a bottle of this from Bat's Day! I'm ecstatic to have this bottle and absolutely bowled over by the beauty of this blend. Bat of Virtue is a heavenly berry blend - tangy huckleberries and sweet strawberries with a background of ecclesiastical incense and a barely detectable undercurrent of soft floral notes. The strawberry note is far more understated than in a lot of other strawberry-centric BPAL blends I've tried, probably because it is tempered by the tangy huckleberry and hazy incense. This is very innocent smelling, and conjures memories for me of peaceful times spent in the park during the summertime when I was a child, after a really hot day maybe an hour or two before the sun goes down, and surrounded by bramble bushes and ripened berries. The anise in this blend is extremely subdued...I have to concentrate to pick it out, and the violet and roses are also present but well folded into the entirety of the blend and stay in their supporting roles. This is going to be in heavy rotation all this summer for me, for sure! Gorgeous!
  4. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This is nice...kinda sorta Garden Path with Chickens-y, but more on the powdery florals side...Ummm, no, in the end the violets just eff this one up for me with their powdery doom. Sad.
  5. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Oh dear god, this blend is a total nightmare for me...patchouli and vetiver...together...alone! I want to run away screaming into the night and never look back. I can't pull this one off. Sorry.
  6. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Wow, I had never heard of this until a lovely forumite frimped it to me. I guess I just overlooked it because the scent description doesn't sound like something I would like, and yet it is made of so much win! Woodsy and sweet - my favorite combination! The addition of juniper adds something really unique, too. I love this!
  7. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This smells just like this rose perfume that came with this doll that I had when I was a little girl. It's not that real juicy rose I'm used to from BPAL, and I was expecting a light pink rose, but this is straight "little girl's perfume." Maybe it has lotus in it or something like that...it is very sweet, and a touch watery, too. Definitely appropriate for Venus, and I'll hang onto the decant, but it's not something I would necessarily wear outside of ritual use...it's just too girly and flowery!
  8. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this! It's that lemony fragrance I've been searching for forever! This is going to get tons of wear this spring and summer. Bright and tangy but sweet. I get sparklingly bright lemony heliotrope sweetened up by lotus and grapey white wine, rounded out by pear. This is Hollywood sunshine in a bottle! So glad I managed to acquire some of this!!
  9. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Wet, this is like, "Smut? Is that you?" It even has the same exact coloration and viscosity as Smut oil, but I lurves Smut, so I'm ready for the skin test! Still so Smutty...but like Smut mixed with Scherezade...hmmm...Scherezade with less champa and a dash o' Smut + currant, methinks! I like both of those blends a lot, and I like this one as well, so I'll be hanging onto my decant for sure!
  10. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Premature Burial

    Oppressive darkness, expressed through black orchid and patchouli, smothered by wet soil, a coffin’s teakwood, and the funereal gloom of cypress. I usually hate dirty blends, but this is just pure sex. There's the earthy note from Death Cap, but there are other notes (super soft florals, trees) that add complexity and keep this from being dirt single note. I had no idea how much I would love this. It's so peaceful and comforting and earthy, without making me smell remotely like a dirty hippy. I loves it! Definitely getting more!
  11. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Old Moon

    Ugh. Damn, I hate myself right now. I've seen SO MANY bottles of this slip past me in the past couple months for ridick cheap sale prices and of course now that I know that I love it, I'll only be able to find bottles for insane marked up prices - just watch. It's the curse of BPAL LE's past! Anyway, did I say that I love this? I LUUURRVES it so very, very much! I want to run away with it to Mexico (swine flu be damned!) and have its illegitimate children..... *ahem* Look, this smells like everything I wanted Skadi to be but wasn't. I wanted so much to love Skadi, and I hunted and hunted her down for months, until one day I woke up buried under a pile of Skadi impage, only to realize that it didn't really work on me. I got no snow at all, and, I'm gonna be honest, on my skin it started to exude this weird "barf" note that was really disconcerting. This, this is snowy pine trees, frost rimmed berries and hot Viking sex. I can hear the Norwegian black metal. I need eighty million bottles of this to wear for next winter! :love!:
  12. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Garden Path With Chickens

    Yes! This is everything I wanted it to be and more! I was hoping for a sorta Host of Air-ish clovery vibe, but minus the tinge of "Irish Spring" that HOA turned into on my skin, and this is it! Yummy green clover, grass, and ivy with super soft unobtrusive and natural smelling floral notes...this is a warm sunlit path, in the summer at dawn perhaps, when the morning dew is still covering the grass and the leaves of the wildflowers. So evocative of the painting...so anti-stress and just what I was hoping for really! I love this! SO glad I snagged a bottle!!!
  13. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The King of Hearts

    Hmmm, if this is anything like Queen of Hearts, then I'mma hafta go try that one STAT, cuz when I first smelled this it wowed the pants off of me, but after 30 seconds on my skin it turned to cologne. I'm going to make my boyfriend wear this one...He definitely won't complain, though, and will probably be ecstatic because not only does he love BPAL already, but he has a King of Hearts tattoo on his arm! <3
  14. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Green Phoenix

    Okay, I had to SLATHER myself in this to smell it, and I'm usually a dabbing sorta gal, so that's not great right outta the gate, but the initial smell seems to indicate that this blend will be worth it! Lime, grass, a TON O' PAPAYA, cucumber, and occasionally I get these gorgeous whiffs of sage, and I can't help but wish that note were more prominently featured here, because when I do randomly catch myself noting its ephemeral presence I am bowled over by its gorgeousness! Overall this is nice...it threatens to come off a touch generic at times, perhaps only because the whole grassy cucumber papaya thing has been explored so frequently in so many popular mainstream fragrances, but this blend is better than everything else I've ever smelled in its scent category and that saves it in the end. Gonna see how I feel wearing this come summer. Kinda sorta on the fence with it still.
  15. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    White Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Coconut

    This is the blend from the Box of Chocolates line that I was initially interested in the least...BUT, after experiencing some disappointment with the dark chocolate blends that I thought would love my skin, and after experiencing the scrumptiousness that is White Chocolate with Sugared Violets, I began to think that maybe I should give some of these other White Chocolate blends a try. Oh wow, and this baby did not let me down one bit! This has that same fluffy marshmallow note from TKO, drenched in rich luscious chocolate and rolled in coconut flakes. The smell is a dead wringer for these bulk coconut haystacks they have at my food co-op that I've actually been craving BAD lately, that are made from mounds of chocolate mixed up with coconut flakes. I feel like making that Homer Simpson donut noise when I smell this: "Mmmmm, White Chocolate Marshmallow...rrrgghhhhrghhhummmnnnhhhh!" Total keeper! ETA: Oh my god! Do you know what this one turned into? After about fifteen minutes of sitting here moving on to reviewing other blends I kept catching wafts of perfume going, "I don't remember putting Midway on today, but I must have!" This turns into Midway, minus the burnt butter plasticky note, and with throw like mad. Wow! I love this even more now, but yeah...why so buttery all of a sudden?!?
  16. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Apple of Sodom

    Hmmm...this is really nice! A really tart green apple gone bad. I think I like the beginning stages of this blend better, when the apple is more prominent. As it dries, it gets more smoky and muddled, but some lovely spices just barely come out to play. A lovely blend overall, and a great addition to my roster of BPAL apple scents.
  17. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Champagne, Chocolate, and Cheap Sex

    Umm...I really couldn't imagine how champagne and chocolate notes were going to work together in one blend, and that's why I wanted to try this one. The truth is, though, that on me at least, they don't. It smells like I dropped my Hershey's bar into my glass of Sprite.
  18. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Snow Angel

    This smells very similar to Snow Maiden to me, but minus the loud daffodil note. I love the soft, sparkling background of lemon and peach. The snow note is definitely present, but this reads like more of an early spring thaw blend to me with all of its cheery brightness! That, or perhaps, a late season bright, sunny day of snowboarding. Quite delightful, and I'm ecstatic to be able to add this to my collection!
  19. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Pink Moon 2007

    Sugary candied effervescence...a little bit floral, a touch powdery, very pink, soft, and verrry girly! I love the bottle design of this one, too, but I'd probably never need that much of it, though I'll definitely hang on to the decant.
  20. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Uuuunnnggghhh! I knew this would be good, but I had no idea just how good! Is this stuff even legal? It's like some kind of narcotic...Seriously, just sniffing it in the imp is almost enough to knock me out cold. On, it smells so gorgeous...Fluffy, marshmallowy, herbal lavender heaven! I'm going to start wearing this to bed every night. I love it so much! How have I survived for so long without this?
  21. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice

    Mmmm...fresh rain with sugared Midnight on the Midway-esque incense and a background of dustiness. My boyfriend says that it smells like when it rains after a long drought. I was born during just such a welcomed downpour after a very long Southern Cali drought, and since that day it always rains wherever I go (seriously!) so I feel very close to the rain. Plus, I live in the Northwest now, so I know my rain, and this smells just like fresh rain. Gorgeous. So glad that I finally tracked some of this down, but I already need more!
  22. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Wood Phoenix

    Flexibility, cooperation, expansiveness, and altruism: Chinese musk and five woods with newly budding bamboo shoots, hyssop, chamomile, pink clove, magnolia, walnut, and fig. Ugh, I am *so* kicking myself that I just let a bottle of this slip through my fingers...I love, love, love this one! Did I say love? YES! Woodsy soft snuggly, mulchy cedar sandalwood that's been sugared and lightly brushed with cloves. Guh...this is SO me! I'll be tracking down a bottle or ten real soon. :love!: (eta: scent description)
  23. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This is a fantastic sleepy-time blend, it knocks me straight out and smells fantastic. I did have all kinds of crazy dreams when I wore it, too. This is pure, fresh lavender fields, calming mugwort...aaaand, some other stuff. LOL. Very herbal and fresh. Maybe not something I'd wear out for a night on the town, but wonderful for slathering on around bedtime!
  24. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    On me this smells really traditionally perfume-y, like a higher end version of a magazine perfume sample. Ack, I've been procrastinating writing this review, as well...I hate writing negative reviews, but this is not working on me. It's not horrible, it's just kinda sharp and generic and not great.
  25. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I've been procrastinating writing this review, mostly because after smelling this in the imp I really did not want to put it on. That's never happened to me before, and I hate writing negative reviews, but this...this is screeching jasmine in your face! On my skin, conditions do not improve, unfortunately, and it turns into (sorry!) jasmine and cat pee.