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Everything posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Hunger Moon

    This is a soft citrus blend along the lines of an LE Dracul with a hint of Snow White's soft powderiness. I'm a lover of both sandalwood and lime notes and this has both in equal measure so...I really like this blend a lot and will probably hunt down some more!
  2. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This is a very gentle furry clean musk smell, and I can see where others are coming from in their reviews that find it to be snuggly and warm and cozy. It's a very sweet gentle comfy scent, though perhaps a bit more suited to winter weather. In any case, I like this one a lot and am glad I got to try it!
  3. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Metal Phoenix

    This one is a bit of an enigma! I get that cool metallic note, and the musk and honeysuckle...Being such a woodsy/spicy/herbal junkie this is quite the change of pace for me. It's lovely, however, and I could see myself wearing it if I were in the right kind of cold and hard, kicking ass and taking names kind of mood. Like, I'd wear this if I had to go to the mall and get gawked at by dumbasses or something. It just feels like the kind of blend to wear when in need of a bit of psychic armor!
  4. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Candy Phoenix

    OMFG, this is Pink Moon 05 cracked out on a hardcore sugar rush! It might not work but for the lovely fizzy note, like it's made out of liquid Pop Rocks or something. I wonder if my arm will explode if I spill some Coke on it. I am surprised by how much I like this! It's fun and pink and girly and makes me feel...well, like a kid in a candy shop! Love this!
  5. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Smells like clean linen, soft and unobtrusive white florals, over a background of snake oil. Not really my bag in the beginning, but lovely nonetheless! Like most of the other snakes, the SO elements emerge more and more the longer it stays on the skin. I'm happiest with the later drydown period of mostly snake oil with a dusting of crisp floral top notes! Good stuff for sure, and I'm glad to have this!
  6. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Banded Sea Snake (2006)

    Mmmmm...at first this is all incensy and austere...plus green olive leafy elements and moss. Sounds a bit weird, but I actually really like it and find it quite unique and refreshing! I love love love how after a few minutes all the snake oil spices start emerging from underneath the other notes adding another layer of really interesting complexity. I'm rapidly falling for the Banded Sea Snake. Green and cool with simmering snake oil spices underneath!
  7. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    This one is doing the strangest things with my skin chemistry. At first when I put it on, all I smelled was peanut butter and honey sandwiches for like five minutes. Then, it turned into my roommate's Garnier Fructis shampoo. Now, it's an oddly spicy, tart berryish shampoo fragrance, that just keeps making me think about that one Garnier hair product commercial with that Australian ginger model...Australian Copperhead.
  8. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Windward Passage

    Ugh, the seaweed in this blend is so lovely and unique that I really want to love it, but the strong "fresh" aquatics are pushing this blend into men's sports deodorant territory for me, unfortunately.
  9. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Black Forest

    This is the captured scent of a cold, moonless night, lost deep within the darkest wood. Haunting and desolate, this scent evokes images of fairy tale tragedy and half-remembered nightmares. Thick, viscous pine with ambergris, black musk, juniper and cypress. Every time I smell this all I can think about is the 90's TV series Twin Peaks...I can hear the musical score and see the super dramatic slow mo nighttime shots of wind whipping through the evergreen trees. I grew up in the Northwest, so pine smells don't instantly make me think of Christmas. And besides, this is most certainly a dark and mysterious forest (it has seeecrets! lol) I'm definitely keeping this. I love pine scents and this is an incredibly evocative one for me.
  10. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Slobbering Pine

    I love me some pine notes, so I had to try this. It is a gorgeous pine, but an overtly masculine one...sort of like the GC counterpart to Geek, minus the leather. This went straight into my man's BPAL collection, and damn it smells good on him!
  11. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I have been having such a hard time wrapping my nose around this one...I've had it for a while now, and I still can't decide quite how I feel about it, though I'm leaning towards loving it, mostly. Erm, firstly, unlike the experiences of previous reviewers, this baby last forEVER on me, and has throw like whoa! I've put it on my wrist in the morning, and still been able to catch whiffs of it coming from my arm the next day. It's STRONG! I also don't get any Love's Philosophy comparisons, aside from the fact that it's predominantly vanilla based...but the vanilla in Opuhi is radically different from the foody vanilla cream of LP. This is vanilla flower, not baking vanilla, so for those out there who have problems with regular ol' vanilla notes going plastic with their skin chemistry, this blend might be a holy grail. The ginger is also really different than I had anticipated. Again, like the non-foody vanilla orchid this is not a gourmand, spicy ginger root, but rather the ginger flower. I love HOT spicy ginger root, so I guess I felt a little bummed by that when I smelled this, but the ginger flower is such a gorgeous compliment to the softly floral vanilla that it's hard to hold a grudge. Sometimes I feel as though this is a touch too sweet, and sometimes it seems just right...I often struggle to understand how this is tropical, and wonder if maybe I'm just dumb about this stuff because I grew up in a perpetual rain cloud. I will say that when I smell it I instantly think of simmering heat and blinding sunlight bouncing off of ocean waves. I've never been anywhere tropical in my life, though, so this could just be the power of suggestion at work! Overall, I think I'm going to hang onto this...it seems totally wearable for lots of different occasions and my boyfriend LOVES it! I'm not a floral girl, yet this is totally wearable for me, probably due to the fact that it doesn't read strictly as flowers, and walks an ambiguous line between food and flowers, like a delectable, edible flower garnish. I like it a lot, even though it confuses the hell out of my nose!
  12. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    King Cobra (2006)

    Oh wow, I was not expecting to love this based on the smell in the vial, but it just goes to show that you always have to skin test before passing judgment on these blends. On my skin, this blooms into the most heavenly incense blend. Why have I overlooked this snake for so long? This is quite possibly my favorite snake next to Saw Scaled Viper. It's almost a marshmallowy incense blend over snake oil spice and vanilla...sweet, creamy, hazy incense!
  13. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Hmmmm, this blend is a simmering autumnal potpourri of leaves and twigs and apples and nuts...almost smells like some tart cranberry in there as well. Very cozy blend that is wearable and also extremely evocative of the season it represents. Sweet fig, tart fruits, and dried leaves. Gorgeous - a keeper!
  14. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Velvet Bandito

    First impressions in the bottle: smells like when I use Lush's 13 Rabbit's shower gel, get out of the shower and immediately put on Potion Lotion. Rich and spicy with top notes of carnation. On the skin: Come to Butthead...this is all gooey marzipan with spicy clove flavored awesome sauce! Heavy throw & lasting power. Love this! Amazing! Need a bottle ASAP!!!
  15. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Black Dahlia

    This is too floral for me. I just...no...I can't. I'm just not enough of a floral girl to pull this one off. Jasmine, magnolia, and orchid represent the floral trifecta of death on my skin and this blend contains all three. My chemistry is just not amenable to this blend unfortunately.
  16. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    #20 Love Oil

    This is clove like whoa! Smells like Anbesol over a foundation of marzipan, carnations, and baking spices...it's almost like there's some Hod in the distant background, which makes me want to love this, but the clove is the top note and it is really overbearing on me!
  17. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Pool of Tears

    This is a very softly subdued clean aquatic over a touch of carnation. I would have love a bit more creamy carnation to aquatic ratio...like, I want to put a dab of Alice on top, or else layer this over some Lush Potion Lotion to really emphasize the Alice part of this blend, but overall this is quite nice if perhaps not exactly right for me.
  18. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Hmmm, this is an interesting combination. The woods are more of the cedar versus the sandalwood variety, the cocoa is dusty and subdued, the coconut is meaty, the fig is sweet, and it's overall a warm and dry scent. As it dries, a bit of sandalwood starts to appear, and I really like this stage most of all.
  19. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Horn of Plenty

    This smells like cherries and...cherries and...some amber, and some more cherries, with something in the background that is unfortunately turning a bit burnt plastic like on my skin. If it weren't for the plastic note that my chemistry is bringing out I would love this...so sad.
  20. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Hymn to Proserpine

    In the imp, this has a lot of promise, and actually smells like a dead wringer for L'Estate. It took a few minutes to really bloom on my skin, but once it did it was really gorgeous...golden amber, a bit perfumey, with some warm peachy fruit in the background. I like this, it is reminiscent of L'Estate with more amber and a bit of a new twist. I'll be keeping the imp for now, but as I have a truckload of L'Estate right now I probably don't need a bottle. If I ever run out, though, I'll be turning to Hymn to Proserpine.
  21. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    First impression: Gummy bears! Yay!!! On the skin: Fruity gummy bears...specifically, the elusive white gummy bear! I love it! But yeah...gummy bears.
  22. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Litha 2006

    Mmmmm, lemony honeyed mead with fresh herbs, carnations, and a background of summer blooms. This is really, really fantastic on me, and I might have to snag a bottle of it before the new update goes down (even though the new edition is slightly altered. Whatevs!) This smells like sweet summery heaven! Great throw, long lasting. The florals smell realistic and don't overpower the other notes. On my skin the honeyed mead and herbs predominate. Love it!
  23. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Mmmmmm, this smells awesome, and provides so very many welcomed opportunities for immature, juvenile humor - my favorite kind, since I'm secretly a thirteen year old boy, apparently! Spicy cinnamon and clove over a soft, woodsy background with a sweet vanilla base. I had to try this because I am an Aquarius and I love spicy hot scents. This is foody and delicious and right up my alley!! I'm going to get out of this thread NOW before I turn into Beavis and embarrass myself...
  24. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Yeah, this is exactly like the scent description says...to a t! Butterscotch tinged caramel apples with a splash o' coconut rum. Stays true on my skin. Awesome throw, lasts forever. What's not to love?
  25. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Schwarzer Mond

    Oooooohhh la la! I likeeeyyy this right away! In the bottle it smells a bit cola-ish, but like most BPAL, becomes instantly transformed into complex gorgeousity the second it hits my skin. This has all those heavy resins that I really love, but without the dominant masculine qualities of alot of other resin-centric blends I've tried. This is soft, voluptuous, feminine, but also strong and dark and mysterious. Keeper of secrets, indeed! More, please!!!