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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I was downright scared to try this. Why, you ask? My mother is from Prague, along with half of my family, who are all Czech as far back as I've been able to trace it. I have never even been there, but for obvious reasons, it is my number one ideal travel destination! Pressure much? I rreeeeeeeaaaaaaallllly wanted this to work, and to be lovely, and evocative of the city it is based upon...a city I have never been to, and yet I already love. Well, guess what - Prague did not disappoint me in the least! I'm scared of florals as I usually hate them...that is, before BPAL. This was the first floral of theirs that I tried, and I'm glad that I did, because it showed me I can actually wear florals - that is, as long as they come from my favorite lab! On to the review: Wet this is a very sweet, white, pure floral. Smells like I imagine Prague to smell in the very beginnings of spring - a time which is very fondly remembered and famous in Czech history ("The Prague Spring"), a time period which I am actually named after. It smells sort of like thawing snow, and flowers beginning to bloom, perhaps some aquatics in the background...I can almost smell the cobblestone! It's a very innocent and delicate, classic smell, full of hope. I think it suits me well, in every sense. This will be delightful to wear once springime rolls around. Undoubtedly, I will burn through my imp very rapidly and require a big bottle (or ten) of this one. This scent means a lot to me, and I am so happy that it loves me as much as I wanted to love it! This is my floral signature scent. I'm ecstatic about this one! 5/5!!!!!!!
  2. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Deep, luscious green and berry scents that evoke images of woodland witchcraft and the raw power of nature: blackberry, sage, green tea, wild berries and dark musk. This one definitely captures the description. At first, it's a tad astringent...I have to wait a couple secs for it to mellow. Then the blackberry starts coming out...perhaps some other berries, and the musk gives it depth and softness. The green tea and sage don't really come out until the drydown progresses a little further for me. This scent really evokes it's namesake for me! Craftfully blended. Sweet, musky, sage and berries.... This, to me, is a summery scent. Reminds me of forests in the summertime...with the fragrant blackberries. Well, and I wish we had fragrant sage outside here in the summer...but that just makes me think of some of my best summer cross-country roadtrips of yesteryears, a very pleasant memory and something I'm definitely ecstatic to capture in a perfume. I love this! I am usually a fruity perfume hater, but this is delicious! It's nice to have a fruity scent that I adore...this is my ultimate fruity default fragrance. Also, this sounds weird, but I have to say it, and I mean this in the most complimentary sense possible, but...I think this smells like Wicca! Yeah, I didn't know Wicca had a specific smell, either...but this is it! Either that or this smell is just bewitching me. Anyway, I think it deserves 5/5 for showing me that a fruity scent can be a complex and beautiful thing!
  3. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This definitely has single note milk chocolate written all over it (and I ain't complaining!!) However, this is not your average Hershey's chocolate bar - to my nose it smells like really rich and/or melted chocolate...Like a chocolate chip on a cookie just out of the oven, or perhaps a slice of rich chocolate cake, or maybe even a fresh baked brownie (ok, now I'm making myself hungry for sweets!) In short, this is completely delicious...way better than any department store foody stuff! This is a great scent for cold rainy miserable weather, when you just want to be warm and comfy and comforted. Fortunately, I live in just such a place, and this one is going to get tons of wear this winter. Plus, this is one to get the guys to stand at attention...I used to have this brownie perfume, and every time I'd walk by a group of guys, they'd all spin their heads saying, "Do you smell fresh baked brownies?....or cookies, or something? That smells gooooood." At that time I worked around predominantly men and they were always trying to smell me. It's that foody comfort thing. So, in short, my theory after multiple experiments is that chocolate fragrance turns you into a walking man-trap. This smells a million times better than that perfume did, so I can't wait to see what this will do for me out and about! 5/5 (edited for an idiotic grammatical slip up)
  4. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Carnaval Diabolique

    Oh, heavenly! At first all I can smell is coconut (but not cloying, suntan lotion coconut), and lemons (but not lemon pledge, real juicy lemons), and some flowers! More exotic flowers, and some opium incensey smells come into play...This is a swirling, otherworldly scent - destined for my top ten, evar!! The vanilla, apricot flower, and black musk are there...swirling around in this complex scent, adding sweetness and depth. I love this one! A dark, sleek, unforgettable evening scent. Places I would wear this: sexy date, art gallery opening, punk rock/goth show, bar crawl, hip restaurant....It just makes me think of neon, exciting nightlife, the city, subculture, and total infatuation...wear this anywhere that is to see and be seen. I smell like the sexy subculture goddess of the world! This one will get tons of nighttime scene wear from moi. This is a big bottle purchase for sure. I never want to run out!! 5/5
  5. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Holy @#%*!!!! This one sexy, romantic blend! Roses and spice! I wouldn't waste this blend on anyone I wasn't in love...or at least extremely infatuated with. Classic and uber romantic, a hot date scent, for sure! I am in love with this smell...The spice pushes this scent beyond any conventional rose perfume into something really special. A keeper most definitely!
  6. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    All Night Long

    OMG! I'm so glad I got this one. Cinnamon-spicey delicious! I smell the cinnamon first and foremost, but there are definitely some other notes hiding in here behind the cinnamon...I just can't pick them out! I'm too blinded by the cinnamon goodness! Oh wow, this is good! Thank goddess I can wear cinnamon without any adverse reaction, because this is deeelish! CAN'T. STOP. SNIFFING. THE. ARM!!!! This scent it hot! I likey! Now, I just have to see if it really works ETA: Sandalwood!?!?! Is that...Sandalwood!!!! Either Mysore or Red Sandalwood??!!!! Is it....dare I say, the uber expensive, coveted, heavenly love of my life Mysore????!!!??? (It's a little hard to differentiate with the strong spice on top! But it smells like mysore, and I can hardly believe my ecstatic nose!) Wow, this blend just got like a million times better, as if that were even possible! Ok, so now this is a favorite....going on my top five list, for sure! 5/5!! Now I'm reeeeaaaallly smitten. Cinnamon and mysore (or maybe red) sandalwood, does it get any better than that? I think not! All Night Long, I lub yoooouuu! Thanks, Beth! Thank you, thank you, thank yooooouuu! I will definitely require a big bottle purchase in the near future - like my life depends on it! <3 <3 <3 <3
  7. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Caterpillar

    This is a swirling, complex, incensy, super-heady fragrance and I LOVE IT! I can't really pick out any individual notes, just ...florals, incense, musk. Smells like an occult bookstore, and that is good news to me! Good throw, long lasting. I give it a 4.5 out of 5. I would get a big bottle of this, for sure!
  8. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Lightning splits the sky, illuminating the skeletal skyline of the carnival rides: sugared incense and night-blooming flowers. Oh my, this is fresh and clean and also heady and incensey! I adore this one! Smells like fresh nightime air, very sweet light incense wafting on the breeze, and some night blooming flowers nearby. The incense prevents this one from becoming excessively soapy. This is my new fav daytime/mellow night/Sunday/hot summer night scent. I would also wear this on a nice evening walk, especially with the boy. This one is very pretty, soft, a bit mysterious, and overall very magnetic! Just what I wanted from Midnight one the Midway! Lovely! Big bottle please!!!!
  9. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Queen Mab

    This is delicious, and so incredibly complimentary with my body chemistry. I can't pick out a single note in it, it is beautifully blended, and it is indeed a scent fit for the Queen of the Faeries! A dark, lush, and rich nightime floral. Delicious orchid, blooming jasmine and, my love, sandalwood in the background. This one is going to get a ton of wear. Big bottle will be necessary! I agree with previous posters, the color of this scent is dark, regal purple, and the scent is evocative of an early summer eve...in a scenic meadow, with the gorgeous multicolored late sunset streaking the sky, the temperature would be just perfect. I looooove this. Mmmmm!
  10. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    In the vial: smells like my Mom's Yves Saint Laurent Opium perfume. On the skin: OOOOOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssss! This smells AMAZING! To my nose it resembles nag champa crossed with Vixen and the tiniest dribble of snake oil...it's sleek, it's sexy, dark, mysterious, incensey...in short, it's perfect! You'd have to pry this one from my cold dead hands to get it from me. I'm in love! This is my number #1. Hands down. Incredible...genius!
  11. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I love Bastet and, more importantly, my Mom is OBSESSED with Bastet. I reeeeaaaaally want for this one to work so I can give it to her as a gift. Please work, Bastet. Lub U! Wet and first on the skin: Cherries, cherry popsicle, cherry chapstick, cherry candy...why? 30 seconds later: Ok, this situation is improving second by second. The cherry is turning into almonds. 30 Seconds Later: Ohhhhhhhhhh yesssssssssssssssss! This is exquisite! Egyptian incense and almonds and some other notes I can't pick out. This is exotic and decadent. PUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! This is magnifiscent! I don't know what else to say, because I cannot pick out a single note indepent of the others. This is craftfully blended. Incensey and evocative of the sacred and the divine. Now I only hope my Mommy loves it as much as I do (but if she doesn't then I get to keep it! Muahahaha!). Needless to say, this scent does not disappoint me in the least!
  12. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I love this one, but it smells comically strange in the imp: Like cedar, bazooka bubblegum, bengay, and/or mint toothpaste!?! On the skin: Wait for it...it takes a sec to mellow out. Be patient, I guarantee you it does, and will morph into something much more gorgeous, and is totally worth it! Ok, sixty seconds in and it's right where I want it to be. Just like it's description, the image I get in my mind when I smell this on is of climbing (or maybe prostrating )up steep wooden steps on a mountain side towards a sacred place with incense burning and other sacred offerings. The saffron and Nepalese spices are heady and rich. The mountain smells freshly of fragrant cedar trees. I am not sure what "miraculous lotus of the Buddha" nor chiuri bark smell like, but I am sure that they along with (my favorite single note ever) sandalwood, add depth and complexity to this blend keeping me sniffing at my own wrist addictively and forever coming back for more!!! This scent is definitely on my desert island top five best scents ever! It's sweet and spicy, fresh and woodsy, exotic and heady with incense and, of course, sandalwood. This just might be my #1. I pray this never becomes dc'ed because I would spend the rest of my entire life seeking and searching for something, anything that smells even remotely as wonderful as this. Also, Kathmandu is like my #1 place I want to travel (aside from Prague) and if it actually smells like this, then I doubt I would ever leave! Thank you, Beth! Sincerely, a million billion times, thank you! This one is indescribably gorgeous! I am madly in love with it! This is my one, my signature! I can't praise it highly enough!
  13. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    New Orleans

    Oh WOW! This one is DELISH! A gorgeous heady floral, which totally captures the description: ripe and touched with decay. These hothouse flowers are in full bloom, so heavy they are about to drop from the branch, and the honeysuckle in this one is just delectable. This is one of my favorites! In fact, I'm wearing it today. There's a windstorm outside and we haven't had power in 50% of the city all day. I took my dog for a long walk and the breeze kept wafting this exquisite fragrance up to my nose, and I felt totally content and happy! I love this! Big bottle please! PS - I've been wearing this for 6 hours already and it is still going really nice and strong! I rate this a 5 out of 5!
  14. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Jazz Funeral

    Oh Yay! My FAVORITE!!! I love this scent. Love, love, love, let me count the ways... In the imp: Bay leaves, spice, moss, rum! On the skin: Oh smoky, spicy, boozy Heaven! I had never tried a scent with tobacco or booze before this one and was a tad apprehensive about it, but this scent made me LOVE the smell of both. Thisi s delectable, delicious, it is evocative of the exact concept of its namesake. This smells exactly like I imagine a Jazz Funeral would!! The tobacco, the booze, the smells of New Orleans, and dare I say, the captured essence of the fragrance of Jazz music itself! I never want to wash my arm, ever!!!! As this mellows, the sweet spice, the smoke, the booziness all amplifies...I can't get enough of this smell. It reminds me of the scent machine Maude creates in the movie Harold and Maude - it is that realistic and true to it's intention! I could wear this anywhere, and will. I can NEVER run out of this now!! It has become vital to my very existence. Thank you, Beth! You are a genius!!!! ETA: My father's side of the family are all from New Orleans, and LA in general, and this takes me back there. This scent just feels like - home! <3
  15. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    In the imp: lemons, lemons, lemons! Lemonade, lemon merengue, lemon tart.... On the skin: Herbs...rosemary, lemony sunlight...a magical forest with sun streaming through the branches of trees is the image that comes to mind. Yumness! Drydown: The lemon starts mellowing, the herbs come out more. Sweet, sweet herbs, and floral notes. This is exquisite! It reminds me of faeries for some reason. It smells magical, in that white magic, fae sort of way. Some creaaaamy luscious scent I can't quite identify comes into play here, and it is very welcome in this blend! This scent is a faerytale, an herb garden at twighlight or dawn in the full bloom of spring, a delicious forest at sunset, bathed in halflight, full of magic! I adore this one! It will get a lot of wear!!! A+
  16. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    In the imp: a little sharp, a little cleaning fluid-ish, like Windex. I'm feeling a bit apprehensive - my family is from Prague and so I really want this one to work!! On the skin: Ok, ok, here we go! Begins morphing into something else...something that's still quite sharp but developing some incense and some somber notes.....this ain't my mother's window cleaning solution anymore. Drydown: Some florals are coming out...but not big juicy blooming flowers, no. These are of the dried crushed and burning variety...floral incense wafting through a dark dank underground place. This is interesting...I love the incense and floral notes coming out...I'm just not altogether sure about the sharp note... Wait, it's not windex anymore, now it's suntan lotion!?! Alright, here we go! As it mellows more on my skin, the sharpish note disappears to the faar background and is replaced by more creaminess and flowers. NOW, this smells lovely and like something I can wear. It indeed smells like a cathedral now...this has become very nice! Just gotta remember my patience through that trying beginning part to get to the drydown and the somber incense and pretty flowers! There's still something a little sharp in the background, but it gives this scent depth and darkness - the impression of a dark cavernous eviiil location. This is good!
  17. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Love Me

    In the imp: this initially smells like cherry-or strawberry, or something. I'm scared. Hold me! On the skin: Morphs instantly into vanilla spice HEAVEN. Still something the tiniest touch fruity in the background - fruity in the way that snake oil is fruity, a subtly secondary dragon's blood-like incidental fruitiness. This is scrumptious, and has throw for days!!! Dry down: I understand the reviews that say this smells cola-y....like I understand the reviews that say some of my other favorite scents are reminiscent of play-doh, because I can vaguely see where they are coming from. However, if this is cola...this is sexy, expensive, spicy high-class cola, that would probably burn my throat. Instead, to me this smells like a spicy, warm, sexy, somehow classic, come hither scent for the ages. Also, it totally works...Peeps want to get up next to me whenever I wear this, leaning in close to smell me, sitting a little closer, lingering a bit longer in my general space...Guys were opening doors, buying me stuff, and generally behaving more gentlemanly than usual....let's not even get into what effect it had on my boyfriend This perfume's a hands down winner. During the drydown, the spices mellow, and some soft jasmine-like fragrance comes out, leaving this an entirely well-rounded scent. Very well-done!
  18. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    In the bottle and first on the skin, this smells spicy and a little Christmas-y as well. Then the dragon's blood and fire steps up, along with the musk - my, my, this here is one heckuva winning combination!! This is rapidly becoming one of my all-time favorite blends. It is hot, hot, hot, and sexy as all get out! Morphs into a lightly sweeter, more seductive version of the above, with some creaminess and a bit of smoke coming into play. Each individual note is miraculously blended, cinnamon and dragon's blood being the most prominent - but perhaps that is only because I have had the most experience with those two notes and thus explains why they leap out to my nose. I don't know what else to say, except that I love this blend with an unholy passion and it is headed straight to my top five list! Love, love, love this! ETA: After reading some other reviews I feel I should elaborate a bit more on the specifics of this scent. This is like redhots with the tiniest touch of patchouli, drowned in dragon's blood resin, and a healthy dribble of incense-y musk. It is hot, creamy, smoky, and sexy! Also, this is my boyfriend's #1 favorite BPAL scent for me to wear. He says it smells sexy and totally unique - that it stands out and above other blends he smelled on me (71 of them) in its excellence. That is all.
  19. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Hell's Belle

    I second this statement, "A thick, steamy scent, truly sinister in its voluptuous sexuality." That's EXACTLY what this is - sinister in its voluptuous sexuality. Ah, now I smell the spice...In the bottle and first on, all I get is flowers - sweet full-bodied flowers - the perfume of a hot Southern Belle. Then the spice steps up. And the smoke. Now, this is Hell's Belle!! This is VERY sweet, and VERY floral, even though it is nearly equal parts floral, smoke, and spice. It's also super creamy. This reminds me of the perfect perfume for a pinup rockabilly/psychobilly babe it's smokin hot and sinister with a lot of southern charm! I will wear this on those days I feel like going for a pinup girl vibe! ETA: This turns totally incensey on the far end of the drydown. I love incense scents, so that only makes this on that much more attractive to me!
  20. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Dia de los Muertos

    This is amazing!!!!! The first thing that I smell is sweet cactus and smoke, in the bottle and first on the skin. I don't think that this scent combo should ever be underestimated as it is seriously enjoyable. During the drydown all of the dried leaves, incense, funereal bouquets, and desert smells come into play...and let me tell you, this really reminds me of the desert, and the southwest in general. This is unbelievably enjoyable for me as I live in a totally opposite climate - one where the rain and moss never end, and this scent manages to magically transport me to drier, sunnier climes. This is a definite favorite BPAL fragrance of mine - one which I will be wearing, and sniffing at my wrists wistfully, all winter long! In fact, this smell isn't specifically hot or cold, and I could see myself wearing it as a fall reminder in the summertime as well, or wearing festively in the fall, too! Well done! Me likey
  21. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This is easily one of my favorite BPAL blends! All of the elements here combine masterfully to create a warm super spicy fragrance like no other. Sandalwood adds some woods and sweetness, cinnamon lends the spice, amber brings depth and richness, and patchouli keeps it all grounded. It's just so perfectly blended, and perfectly scrumptious. It's spicy enough to remind me of the holidays, but there is something just a little bit naughty in there to keep the fragrance from becoming too pedestrian overall. I can tell this is going to get a ton of wear! It could very easily be worn as a day or evening scent. I love this!
  22. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Three Brides

    The best few words to describe this blend are "beautiful", and "blushing". I agree with the first poster that in the bottle this does smell vaguely like a department store oriental blend, but on the skin it transforms into something entirely unique. I feel Beth has done an outstanding, nay, genius job of capturing the image upon which this blend relies as its basis and inspiration. This blend is so beautiful that it's something I could easily see myself wearing on my wedding day. It's a pretty spicy floral with tonka and rose, a very innocent smelling eastern blend...this is uber classy and I absolutely am in LOVE
  23. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil

    This is scrumptious! I was so excited to try this blend and it has not disappointed me in the least. In the bottle and first on the skin, the caramel smell is practically lurching out at me. However, even at this stage, I thoroughly disagree with those who assert that this smells like a single note caramel, because I can already detect some florals and smoke in the distance. As this scent dries down, the smokiness builds into a big ol bonfire with some smoky floral in the background. The caramel and benzoin vanilla still taking center stage. Ooooohhhh, I'll definitely wear this a lot - I only wish I had a bigger bottle! ETA: Over a year later, I finally have a big bottle of this and I still love it every bit as much as I always did. My one word review of this scent is a tie between "decadence" and "hedonism". This is pure orgiastic, hedonistic decadence in a bottle, and really captures both the feeling and the imagery (especially the colors) of the painting. Unbridled, luscious caramel indulgence! This blend is such an explosion of extreme hedonism that in that sense it really conveys a celebration of anti-morality. I just had to jump in here and back up my previous review of this brilliant artistic interpretation. This is not grog or gluttony or even cockaigne, okay...this is deep and dark and delicious!
  24. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    In the bottle and on the skin this is the sluttiest perfume I have ever smelled. It smells like....it smells like pornography. More specifically, I detect the gardenia right off the bat, then some other florals swarm in, which I am unable to identify - and then it happens. This thing, there's this baby powder note and then this note comes in right on top of it...this note says S-E-X. Dry down gets a bit muskier and mellowed out but the overall impression of sluttiness, and whatever note it is that's putting dirty thoughts in my mind or combination thereof persists. This is definitely a scent to wear when feeling naughty. I'm sure I can find some good uses to put it towards ETA: Okay, ok...after about 15-20 it completely morphs into its namesake (teaches me to try to rush a BPAL review!!)...mellowing into a gorgeous floral that mangages to be both evocative of the sacred as well as beautiful and sexy. This one's a keeper! A+++++++++
  25. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    I love Salome. To me it smells very oriental....Reminds me of my Mom's perfume (and trust that I mean this in the most complimentary way imaginable) which is Opium by Yves Saint Laurent. So, to me this smells like Opium but a billion times better. More natural and complex and....I want to say cleaner. There's less of this icky bite and cloyingly sweet overtone that Opium has that makes me want to sneeze - it's like Opium's more refined and smoother, classier Egyptian cousin. I dunno, I would never wear opium, but this, this I can wear. The thing is, though, that as much as I love it - my Mom would flippin' flip over this one, and so I am planning on gifting her with my imp. It's a scent up for consideration for future bottle purchases (I have 0 bottles right now, so this is not an expression of any reservations on my part just lack of funds) I think this is a beautiful, classy, exotic scent and I am thankful to be able to share it with my Moms.