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Everything posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Eat Me

    This really reminds me of Beaver Moon 07, but I could swear that there is a note in this blend that is shared with Illustrated Woman, and that makes me like it more! Yummy vanilla frosting, with a hint of berries, and cake. Nom nom nom. Glad I have a bottle of this baby, cuz it is one I like to slather, and it smells better and better the more I sniff it! Yay!
  2. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Mmmm, this is a very wintry scent, indeed! Pine needles and leather, the softest smidgen of cinnamon imaginable, something sweet lingering far in the background, the lightest wisp of patchouli. I agree that this is a fairly masculine scent and I think it would smell super hot on my boyfriend, so I might end up giving this partial bottle to him....or I might just keep it for me! lol. The pine is quite becoming! ETA: My man loved this scent and slathered himself in it, and...ZOMG Hott!!!!! Irresistible hotness of Geek on the male species confirmed....
  3. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Red Lantern

    I do not like the way this one smells in the imp. It's waaay too sweet caramel. On the skin, at first this just smells like a simpler version of all the other caramel blends I already have and love, like Arrival at the Sabbath, Odin, Lurid Library. After a minute or two, though, this blend really stands out with the black coconut and tobacco, making me think I may need to keep this one after all...
  4. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Nom nom nom. *eats arm* I feel a bit bloated just smelling this, but it is GOOD! On the skin this is cinnamon dusted, sugary, fried dough. Yup, an assortment of fresh doughnuts! Chocolate ones, cinnamon, maple bars, oh my! My boyfriend loves this one as much as I do, too. Pretty straightforward but effective! A foodie lovers dream come true! Bottle, please!
  5. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Okay, I'm concerned. I love sandalwood more than any other note, adore anise, but cherry blossoms...Sure, I have em tattooed all over my body, but the smell of cherry anything is not generally a welcome experience in my world. Here goes: In the imp, this is pretty enough...wish I was getting more sandalwood (for a change! lol) and I also at this point wish this smelled more, I don't know...Eastern! Anise + Sandalwood is promising, though. On the skin, hmmmmm....why hello, Anise! How do you do? The cherry blossom drops to the background adding sweetness (thank god). I like this...It doesn't make me think of Kyoto at all, though. It makes me think of Good & Plenty's...lol. Oh okay, now the white sandalwood is making an appearance. I would have been way more stoked had this been red or mysore sandalwood, but whatevs. Alright, now the anise is mellowing out a lot, allowing this blend to really develop like a beautiful photograph. This is quite pretty really, and now I can see the Kyoto connection. This is refined...polished wood and spring cherry blossoms with a wisp of white sandalwood incense. More experimentation is in order, but for now, this is a winner! ETA: The drydown of this is just mind-blowingly wonderful, IMO. This blend is fast becoming a favorite!
  6. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    Ooooohhh, I think I'm gonna like this one based off the first sniff. Smells like...twilight, violet-colored, serene, and other-worldly. Reminds me of the most beautiful azure sunrise I have ever seen in winter over the foothills of the Rockies in Boulder, CO. On the skin, Ohhh Purrrrrrrrrr! This just really bloomed on my skin and got EVEN BETTER than in the imp. Wow! I smell a heady floral, incense, and a hint of something peppery in the background. This is awfully perfumey for my tastes (I think I can pick out a smidge of my nemesis gardenia), but it is so gorgeous that I don't really care. Plus, that pepper element is keeping this from turning generic. Full disclosure: this blend has made me realize that I must love the mossy blends, because I also adore Jazz Funeral (it's always in my top three GC scents!) and a lot of folks can't take the mossy element. This blend shares a mossy note, and a vague peppery note with Jazz Funeral, but it is waaaay softer, prettier, and more girly. Either way, I am IN LOVE with Crossroads. I will definitely be getting a big bottle in the near future. Brava! Time to go amend the ol' top ten list again! 1-5 rating: 4.5
  7. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    My jury is still really out on this one. On the one hand, it is exactly what the lab description claims: "Luminescent...otherworldly" is the perfect way to describe this scent, and that is what I was hoping for. However, on me it does get a little bit too perfume-y...and I keep changing my mind about how I feel about that every time I sniff where I applied it. At the end of the day, it is a glowing, sweet, lime green fragrance, but I can't help but feel like a ladies magazine perfume insert has accidentally rubbed off on my arm. I see a lot of positive qualities about this fragrance, but it's just not me.
  8. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Two, Five & Seven

    I am a big rose fan. Love em, always have. I even used to wear just a single note rose essential oil sometimes when I was 12 or 13, and sometimes I'd mix it with other oils...In any case, I'm always on the lookout for interesting rose blends from BPAL. I haven't for the most part, been blown away by some of the ones I've tried so far, but Two, Five, and Seven like Kurukulla is changing all of that! Two, Five, and Seven is a veritable bouquet of various shades of roses. The slight diversity of roses adds a lot of depth and interest to this blend...I keep going back to see which ones I can pick out of the blend, because they're all just swirling around in there. This is a blend I'll be getting tons and tons of use out of this spring. It's bright and joyful and luscious and pretty! I'll probably end up getting a bottle of this when my finances allow!
  9. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This is so unbelievably gorgeous! I bought this mainly for the concept, because I am very much into Tibetan folklore and culture, but this blend did not disappoint! I love these soft juicy roses with sweet lotus. This is voluptuous and womanly and perfectly balanced. I have been looking high and low for a signature rose scent, because I have always loved roses, and I have found my holy grail rose perfume in Kurukulla. 1-5 rating: 5
  10. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    This is, as previous reviewers have suggested, juicy. In the imp, to me, it smells just like a grape nehi and brings back some pretty vivid drunky memories for me, since I distinctly remember the first time I had one of those when someone bought it for me right after I turned 21. It's extremely effervescent and very brightly fruity. On my skin, the pomegranate and rose finally make their appearance and then I really become enamored of this one. Sweet, bright, juicy, and bubbly. Good times...
  11. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    In the imp this smells like a more minty Gennivre. So minty, however, it's bordering on Certs territory. Hold me, I'm scared! Oh, okay, here we go: on my skin the menthol backs off a bit and the grapefruit note really comes out...It's totally reminding me of Shasta soda pop at this stage, and not in a bad way, but yeah...Shasta! I like it and I'll probably get a ton of wear out of this one when the weather warms up...After a while the mint completely vanishes to the background providing a vague freshness, the grapefruit mellows out, and now it's more like somewhere between ginger brew and carbonated grapefruit juice...effervescent and refreshing in any case! I likey!
  12. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Antique Lace

    OMFG!!! I did not think that I was really going to like this one - I just tried it because I had heard so many people swooning over it that I figured, "What the hey?" Well, this is unimaginably gorgeous, and I can instantly see why people hoard. This scent is SO true to its name...something about it reminds me of a smell that is so familiar from my past but that I cannot place. It is very lightly foody, but like a deliciously vanilla thrift shop smell. That sounds like it could be wrong, but trust me, it is oh so right! There's something a bit like ozone to it, too. Oh God, I'm going to eat my arm now! So this is what love at first sniff feels like, huh? Now excuse me while I go amend my top ten list accordingly... :love!: ETA: My boyfriend and I both agreed that the best way to describe this scent is "waffle cone in a second hand clothing store" - but NOT, he adds, a second-hand waffle cone! I still likey this one a lot...
  13. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Unicorn

    This here is everything that is right in the world! Fairy dust, sunbeams, dew drops, and rainbows galore! This smells to my nose somewhere in between Queen Mab and Bewitched with an extra little sparkle for good measure. I am won over times a million and I must acquire more! With all the stress lately and this *&%$# economy, this blend is a nice little refuge of unbridled joy. I'll be getting tons of wear out of this come springtime!
  14. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Stormclouds Over The Midway

    I love Midnight on the Midway, so obvs I just had to try Stormclouds. In the imp I detect an unusual though not unpleasant violet smell mixed with ozone and crystallized ginger...Perfumey, but promising. I can't wait and slather the oil on my left wrist, holding it up close to my nose...Ozone, some nag champa like smell that is shared by MoM and...I can clearly smell the Midway, the clouds about to burst, the incense...and a touch of something a bit hazy, otherworldly, and azure. I really like this one and will be hanging onto my decant! ETA - I keep coming back to this one to smell it again, because it is so complex. This one is growing on me more and more and I see a big bottle purchase in my future!
  15. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Temple Viper

    Smoky, resinous, incensed gorgeousness! I agree with some previous reviewers that there is a distant grape note in the mix somewhere, but it is strangely not problematic. Mostly I get sexy, dark incense from this blend. I see tantric temples with yoginis dancing with slithering vipers. I adore incense and this, to me, is one of BPAL's all-time best incense blends evah, next to Mme. Moriarty. This is a distant relative of Bastet, but where Bastet went all cherry on me, this remains mysteriously smoky and sweetly sensual with a heavy dose of snake oil's spices for good measure. More, please?
  16. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Asp Viper (2006)

    This one is uber-sexy, for which reason my boyfriend and I refer to it solely now as the "a$$ viper"! This is a richer, foodier almond than any I've smelled from BPAL before and I say this as a devoted connoisseur of BPAL's almond scents. The snake oil stays well in the background in this one adding sweetness and a breath of spice, and that is a-okay with me because this luscious almond deserves to be in the spotlight. It's just been a nightmare deciding which snake pits to get big bottles of, since my financial situation will only allow me to get one or two. This snakey is coming home with me for sure, though. Sexy spicy almond amaretto goodness! A$$ viper, indeed!
  17. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Green Tree Viper

    This is so amazingly good! Minty-mintness that's sweet and not artificial smelling, snake oil's spices underneath with what I think is chocolate in the imp, but on my skin I get more green tea that's sweet and spicy with mint. This is a great everyday fragrance for me and smells like everything that I love. This has pretty good throw and a slooow dry down. On me it lasts and lasts. I lurves it!
  18. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Western Diamondback

    Gah, this is delicious! In the imp I mostly get leather with spices...a hint of sage. I smell western saddles and sagebrush....it is REALLY an evocative smell for me! It reminds me of my best memories of horse camp (and not in the stables, lol) of galloping through a large field on my awesome horse, Scooter, in August with the smell of sage on the wind. On my skin it sweetens up a bit, and I get a little whiff of something that smells almost like almond, but I think it's the combo of leather, red sandalwood, and snake oil. The leather scent comes back to the forefront, backed up by snake oil's sweetness, with the sage falling to the background...I can't pick out the red sandalwood, but I believe it is in there adding to my love of this blend (I am a big sandalwood fan.) I am won over. This has top ten and possibly top five material written all over it. I'm gonna need a big bottle of this one as well!
  19. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Coral Snake (2006)

    I love all of the applelicious BPAL scents I've tried so far, but this one is king. It starts off as mostly strong apple cider, but on my skin it develops into a complex stunner with non-flowery florals, non-tangy citrus, (lol) and a real mellow warm apple with a dribble of gorgeous snake oil underneath - in other words, blended to perfection. I agree with a previous reviewer that the dry down seems to have an almost tropical mango note. This is my favorite floral/fruit BPAL evah! Gorgeous!
  20. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Perilous Parlor

    Baked pear tart with vanilla soy ice cream. Yummers! Doesn't morph much, the throw is light but there, and this baby has magic lasting powers. I must get my mitts on more immediately!!!!
  21. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    The Lurid Library

    Oh, I knew I would LOVE this one, and I do. I really do. But then again, I am a girl who actively lists "used book smell" as one of my interests, and this captures that fragrance in the best imaginable light. In addition to the used book aroma, there is a deeelishus glowing caramel note that is shared by blends like Odin. In fact, to my nose, this smells almost exactly like Odin, but with the addition of something dusty in the distant background. Yum. This is top ten potential for sure! Bottle, please!
  22. TheOneTheyCallLuna


    No doubt about it - Boomslang is scrumptious through and through. Rich creamy chocolate mousse with enough kick to keep a spice-lover like myself satisfied, plus the addition of snake oil's sexiness. I thought for sure this was going to be my number one Snake Pit, being a total chocolate fragrance freak, and it is slightly spicy chocolate snake oil - what more could a girl ask for? But at the end of the day, I'm not a total snake oil groupie, and this one is just a little too heavy on the snake oil side for my preferences, me thinks. You still won't see my swapping this one away any time soon!
  23. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Sugar Skull

    Sugar Skull is divinely delicious. It smells of carmelized brown sugar with a hint of some unidentified hot spice...enough to keep a spice-junkie like me coming back for more. This ain't Demeter's sugar cookie, yo! This is Sugar Skull. Recognize! This blend has depth and originality and is now on my permanent top five!
  24. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Beaver Moon 2007

    Well, let me just start by saying, "Nom nom nom nom!" I am a total foody fragrance person, but oftentimes cupcake and cheesecake type scents just end up being way too sickly sweet for me. Not Beaver Moon. This baby is blended to perfection, perfectly captures frosted cupcakes and cherry cheesecake in the most delectable, gourmand, and least artificial way possible. This is absolutely orgasmic! It makes me feel really girly and silly and happy. It doesn't morph very much, though, and stays its course for hour after hour of continuous wear. It has medium to light throw and is a definite keeper! The only problem is that it makes me hungry! 1-5 rating: 5
  25. TheOneTheyCallLuna

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    I really loved the whole idea of this blend and carnaval character. It's one I've been just dying to try since day one. In the bottle, Gennivre smells exactly like this tea drink that I make using either Moroccan mint green tea or Yogi mint Ginko tea, lemon, and agave syrup. This blend is a dead wringer for that smell. On my skin this doesn't morph too much, though it picks up a little bit more of a sugared-honey element. I can pick out the green tea smell, and the mint floats around in subtle wisps. I really love this one...it smells like my favorite tea (which I probably smell like anyways since I am always carrying it around with me, and consume so much of it I probably sweat it out of my pores...) In any case, I contemplated buying a bottle, but the problem is that this is a little too close to the skin, and that is coming from someone who avoids overly loud and strong fragrance blends. I mean, I consider a long throw on a fragrance to generally be a negative quality, but if I can barely smell it on my own wrist then that is a problem! It also disappears quite quickly. Though I loved the smell, over the course of a few hours I reapplied a few times just so I could enjoy the scent some more. In addition, while this is the best and classiest 'green tea' perfume I have ever smelled, it's not unique enough to warrant a bottle purchase for me, though you will pry my decant from my cold dead hands! ETA: Yeah, I totes bought a bottle after writing this, and I don't regret it!