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Posts posted by Honeygirl

  1. Thoroughly corrupted: amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon.


    Bottle: Spicy amber


    Wet: Amber and patchouli with some herbiness that I guess is sandalwood. Oh, there's the cinnamon.


    Drydown: I can smell all the notes and it is lovely spiciness. I love this and it will def. be on my big bottles list.

    3.5 outta 5

  2. Bottle: Green banana


    Wet: Banana, and other fruits with greenness at the forefront. At the back there's a touch of pepper. It's very odd.


    Drydown: The greenness stays at the forefront which I did not expect. May have to try this another time to see if I like it, I'm hormonal.

    3.0 outta 5

  3. Bottle: Lots of fruit


    Wet: Guava, pear, orange, citrus, things that you would put in a cocktail. It's definitely yummy and fruity!


    Drydown: Thankfully my skin does well with fruits. This stays the same on me, it's lovely!

    Might buy a bottle when that moon comes along.

    3.5 outta 5

  4. Bottle: Fruity chocolate


    Wet: Chocolate and pomegranite possible cherries?


    Drydown: Hmm, the patchouli has come out, and while I'm not a fan of patchouli, it works well with this because it's a later note. I like this blend, if it had been a GC I would have eventually bought a big bottle.

    3.0 outta 5

  5. Bottle: Sweet flowers


    Wet: Someone on the Lush forum said that this smelled like the refridgerated section of a floral shop, kind of like Baby's breath, and they are so right on! It is floral, but there's something muted about it. It's not sharp and it's a little sweet. I love it!


    Drydown: It stays the same, I'm so happy!

    Love it! 4.0 outta 5!

  6. Bottle: Egg Nog!


    Wet: Egg Nog with a sharp note that must be the booze.


    Drydown: Unfortunately, my skin ate all the good parts of this scent and left me with booze.

    3.0 outta 5

  7. Bottle: Coffee


    Wet: Coffee and chocolate with some sweet and spiciness.


    Drydown: This is the best coffee scent I've ever smelled. It's not overpowering at all and it's not bitter, which is how coffee usually smells and tastes to me.

    3.5 outta 5

  8. Bottle: Pure ginger


    Wet: OMG! :P That is the best gingerbread I have ever smelled. I might need another bottle of this. I could eat myself.


    Drydown: This is a beautiful foody scent. If you like the smell of gingerbread cookies, this was made for you, because it is perfect!

    4.5 outta 5

  9. I got a tester of this as a frimp in a swap!


    Bottle: Fresh


    Wet: Cold and fresh, sweet and juicy.


    Drydown: Sweet and cold is the best way I know how to describe this. It's lovely and I want a bottle!

    4.0 outta 5

  10. Bottle: Rum and flowers


    Wet: Tobacco, rum and flowers. Maybe the tiniest hint of salt.


    Drydown: It's sharp still, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The tobacco is the most prevelent, and I'd hoped the rum would be.

    3.0 outta 5

  11. Bottle: spicy cherry


    Wet: Cherry and almonds, with some spice and smoke.


    Drydown: It goes a little fake plastic on me. Which is too bad. Smells like lotion bottle.

    I might like this scent a little more if it didn't remind me of one of my mom's ex boyfriends. Ew.

    3.0 outta 5

  12. Bottle: mint and lime


    Wet: Mm, light lime, tea and a bit of mint. Verbena also.


    Drydown: This is yummy. It's so light it feels like a summer scent. It stays the same on me, which is great.

    4.0 outta 5

  13. Bottle: Spicy lillies


    Wet: I get a really nice lily smell, it's very natural and not fake at all. It gets a bit spicy on me.


    Drydown: I think this would be better in my hair. I think I'm taking away the spiciness and I want it back!

    3.5 outta 5

  14. Bottle: warm vanilla


    Wet: Amber and vanilla, maybe a touch of something else. Can't put my finger on it. It's comforting and sexy.


    Drydown: Mmm, it stays exactly the same. Amber, vanilla and what I think is honey. I don't dig the honey note, but I can ignore it because the rest of it is so good.

    4.0 outta 5

  15. A gentlemen's blend, possessed of dignity, charm and refinement, but in truth masking a corrupted, hideous, soulless core. White musk, lime, lilac and citron.

    I put this on my husband and sniffed his neck all night.

    Bottle: Powdery citrussy

    Wet: I smell the musk, which translates to powder for me. I smell the yummy citrus and mmm, yum!

    Drydown: The powder gets a bit more pronounced on my husband than I'd like, but it's a very nice unisex scent.
    3.5 outta 5

  16. Bottle: Sexy dirt


    Wet: Oh my god, this is the oddest scent. I smell dirt and flowers. It almost turns my stomach.


    Drydown: I couldn't let this drydown. It makes me feel like dead or dying. Alone. I quickly washed it off grapefruit soap. This is a haunting beautiful blend, but I don't like to think about death, not after what I've been through.


  17. Bottle: Butterscotch


    Wet: Butterscotch shnapps, which is one of my favorite mixers. It smells exactly like it, it's amazing!


    Drydown: Another one that makes me wanna chomp on my arm. That's what I get for liking foodies. There might be a hint of citrus, but I can't pick it up well enough, it's elusive.

    3.5 outta 5
