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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by megank4

  1. After five years of trying, finally pregnant!

  2. Can't believe I missed passing my test by 3 points...

  3. Can't believe I missed passing my test by 3 points...

  4. Day off from work! Too bad it has rained three days straight.

  5. Exhausted... probably coming down with the flu.

  6. feeling tired and sad... like everything I do at work is wrong

  7. forgot to turn off the alarm at my work- I am the first one to arrive every morning, and this time I just forgot. Whoops.

  8. Found out that painting a 10 year old's fingernails makes me the awesomest person ever

  9. hoping my husband doesn't realize I ate the remaining half of the candy bar we were going to split

  10. Irritated with a so-called friend- she said she wanted to come see me (visiting from the US), then canceled last minute and pretty much indicated she preferred to go to the beach than visit me. Um, why did you bother contacting me?

  11. Just asked the pizzeria on the ground floor to reduce the volume of their music- at 10am on Sunday morning.

  12. Just asked the pizzeria on the ground floor to reduce the volume of their music- at 10am on Sunday morning.

  13. Just bought round-trip tickets for my husband and me to go to Thailand for Christmas for two weeks! (feeling rather poor now)

  14. Just got a fallopian tube removed... IVF, here we come!

  15. Just quit my job- looking forward to a fresh start.

  16. Just reserved plane tickets to go to the US for two weeks in March!

  17. Man, am I ever fed up with exams

  18. pizza and a movie night with a cute Frenchman...

  19. Should be doing: Studying Actually doing: looking at purses on the internet and BPAL

  20. thanks witch for the birthday ecard!

  21. well, I did it. I finally gave in and signed up for facebook
