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Posts posted by Kimiko

  1. imp: no wood at all. I smell orchid and something fuity.


    on my: it doesn't get much better sadly. I like the scent, just not on me. It smells like a cherry/lilac to me. :P


    I want to keep this, but I really just can't.

  2. I didn't smell the rose at all in the ump, which was interesting because rose pops up on me very quickly. I wanted to see what it would do on my skin!

    In the imp my boyfriend cringed and said it smelled like medicine. lol. I decided it was better than some of the others he had turned down.

    I basically smelled Jasmine all night, the oil stayed smelly on my wrist for most of the night too.

    I like it. Not as much as others but it's an imp keeper at least.

    I'm planning on trying it once or twice before making a final decision of bottle or not.

  3. This was a quick toss on before dinner-


    Bottled it smelled good, I was looking forward to trying it on.

    The moment it touched my skin though- Hello lemon and PINESOL. Overwhelmingly so.

    The cedar became more prominent about 20 minutes afterward. I washed some off at the restaurant.

    Now, half on it smells good. Rather sandalwood and patchouli smelling. I wish it wasn't so strong out of the imp. :P

  4. I knew that I wanted to try this one because I have a large fancy for rose scents. So last night before going out I slathered a bit on each wrist.


    First smell: Tea Rose- YAY! It was strong at first but really calmed as it dried against my skin.

    Through the night I would smell rose then amber then rose.. etc etc. My boy kept proclaiming "you smell pretty" lol.

    This morning (yes, it's still on my skin and smelly) I smell nothing but the amber, and I love it.


    I think this might be another bottle in the making for me. :P

  5. Upon opening my imp I squished up my nose, doesn't smell good at all.

    I managed to spill a bit on my thumb though, and after a bit of smelling it I realized that it reminds me of an ex-boyfriends house.

    Not in a bad way either.... I'm not sure I'll wear it, as I'm afraid that it's going to go bad on my skin- but I know I'll keep the imp.

    Very much cedar and a touch of sage, it makes me feel warm, safe... The bay doesn't seem to come out at all as far as I can tell.

  6. Oberon caught my attention for the name, upon receiving it in the mail I took a quick sniff, LOVED it! Very sweet, flowery...


    So after putting it on... the orchid came out like crazy.

    It was ok there for a bit but reduced to making me smell like strong dryer sheets. Also ended up giving me a massive headache.

    By the end of the night I smelled like a mix of dryer sheet and baby powder.


    Maybe I'll get my boy to try it, but I think he's going to say it's too flowery and sweet.
