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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by surf-tormented

  1. It has a very berry scent, like Midwinter's Eve without the breeze. Goes a bit plum on me. Smells great, but something I would wear only once in a Blue Moon. It seems anything with a fruit base like this soaks into my skin and smells like grape soda. Not really what I am looking for. It does seem to change either or develop other notes than the grape/plum one.

  2. I am a hard sell when it comes to long lasting, so it has to be powerful. The ones that are strongest on me (both as first put on and lasting) are:




    Sacred Whore of Babylon


    The Lampades

    Dragon's Bone


    Note: I am a dabber and these are the ones where a drop or two and you are good for most the day.

  3. Graveyard grass, freshly cut. Reminds me of Goth Rosary's Graveyard but a little higher on the grass smell, which I love. It lasts a long time on me, put some behind my ears last night and it was still strong when I got up.


    It has a bit of sweet floral and earth to keep it from being overpowering. If I didn't have some Graveyard stuff from Antisally I would definately buy this. Those in the market for a good wash/oil combo should buy this and then Goth Rosary's Graveyard. They would go together wonderfully.

  4. Ooh, this one stinks a bit on me. Not in a horrible wash off way, but more of being out on a really hot day when the dryness of the grass and woods turns a bit stinky and sun-drowned, like goldenrod, dried corn plants, and other grasses that have a really overpowering smell to them. I can't describe it more than that, but it doesn't take away my depression. :D


    Even when it dies down a little, it still retains that dying dry plant sort of scent. I need to trade this. It just isn't me. I think the horehound with witch hazel was the description I can agree with the most, but for me, it was a little too "weedy" for me, with a scent like strong weeds like ones you would find growing in a ditch if you walked along a backroad in the country. Especially in summer where the warmth makes those weeds all the more pungent.


    Maybe I will dot a couple ritual candles with it. Wouldn't hurt. :P

  5. In ancient India it was believed that a specific combination of flower petals, when strewn across a couple’s bed, would amplify desire and sexual pleasure. This blend is a blend of the same floral essences, refined into a gloriously sinful perfume blend. Frangipani, with rose, tuberose, and jasmine.





    What else can I say? This one smells fantastic!

    The frangipani overpowers the flowers on this one, making it very nice. I think I might be in love with my wrist. I am so glad the jasmine stayed to the back of this one. I can sense the floral, but I like it. It is to the back. I will worship the imp, oh yes I will.


  6. Not bad. My boyfriend says it smells like fruit punch with a spicy kick. I like it too, the fresh pomegranate is very strong on my skin, but I don't know if it is worth a bottle or not. The base notes remind me of Bon Vivant, like maybe the sophisticated cousin to the oil about town. I'll have to try it again to add to this review.

  7. This IS Juliet from the Shakespeare play...classic, young, carefree, light...well, until she oh happy daggered. The joy of love and the hopes of the plan she had made...all in a bottle.


    It smells on the skin at first of fresh pear. I love the beginning note that dances into a light floral...lily perhaps? Then into honeysuckle...an innocent play of flowers.


    This is very pretty. I could see a teenage girl wearing this, but only if she is timid to the sarcasm of the world. Lovely as white lace and Mary Jane shoes.


    You guessed it, 180 degrees from me. I cannot say that it is bad. It is sweet and very girly. A girls' girl perfume. Pink, light ivory and robin's egg blue.


    This would be perfect for Gothic Lolitas out there!

  8. Ah, the agony and the ecstasy.


    The ecstasy: Oh, the root beer flavor. Oh, the sassafras tingle. It smells so strong, so fresh, so joyous. I could bathe in this stuff! Could this be a bottle sale? The wood is coming in and it is sassafras and cedar...hooray.


    (1 hour later)


    The agony: Tombstone has turned into a woody Snake Oil on me. It has the spicy scent of that oil or Morocco with vanilla and wood on top of it. The vanilla is getting really strong. I don't like vanilla at all and was hoping through luck the vanilla was to the back of this one.

    Where is my beloved sassafras? It's gone! :D


    Verdict: Tombstone is great if you love Snake Oil and wish to have a woodier version of it. The root beer gives it a nice kick in the beginning. Unfortunately, this one smells a little too close to Morocco for me and the vanilla is way too strong for me to handle. But I loved the sassafras while it lasted. Must look other oils with sassafras in them!


    Trading the imp to someone I know will love this! :P

  9. I loved this when I first put it on. It was like no other floral by BPAL I have tried.


    But then my skin ate it up. I can hardly smell it now, so I put a few drops on again and TA-DUH, fields and fields of lilies, basking in the glow of the sun...




    Ok, maybe after I take a bath this will change. I hope so.


    (Note: I was going to write BAM! too, but didn't. Someone else did before me!)

  10. The smells almost plumeriaesque on me.


    I swapped for this item after seeing Guy Maddin's Twilight of the Ice Nymphs and one of the women in that movie was named Zephyr.


    It reminds me of the character, flowers in a gentle rainstorm. A bit like Tempest, but calmer and woodsy.


    It's good. I really like it. Not going to be a bottle purchase, but I will bask in its glory for awhile...the lemon, lemon verbena, musk, sandalwood and neroli are in good form, each playing a part, none taking over.


    This will be a good oil to sleep to. I'll probably have very sweet dreams.

  11. Sweaty citrus?


    It is a sensual citrus with bite. When I think rainstorm, I never think citrus. It is more of a swampy dirt tar like smell. When I think Ocean, I think of AIRS Ocean and its salty goodness. So, though it smells good to me, it doesn't bring up any rain or ocean memories to me.


    I do like this. I tend to want to sniff my wrist when it is on me. It smells like a lemon wedge with a little kick.

  12. When I first discovered BPAL, well AntiSally from Goth Rosary told me about it, before they were a curiosity I saw on Ebay here and there, thought they were a New Orleans voodoo shoppe, anyhoo...when I first discovered BPAL, I wanted to use it to find unique scents, ones that I can't find anywhere else.


    I have found those. At least 13 I want in bottle form, but Spellbound isn't one of them. I just reviewed Rapture and a lot of the elements are the same: rose and musk. I think I am being overpowered by rose and musk. I pretty much am resolved not to buy any oil with rose, musk, coconut or vanilla in it. I need serious change.


    Saying that, I think Spellbound is fine. Blindfold me, put me in front of Rapture and Spellbound imp and wave them under my nose and I probably won't know the difference.


    (Of course, I have to do that now. Must find Boy to blindfold me.)


    Ok, Spellbound is a little darker, but both smell rose musky to me. They wear about the same, with the roses overpowering the other notes, except the musk.


    Someone can use this and love it. I am trading it. I need more inventive blends, like Cheshire Cat and Thanatopsis and less of this.

  13. Even though I love rose, jasmine and musk, this one is just ok. Not bad, not great.


    I think in blends like this, the rose comes out more on me and drowns out the rest of the notes, which I can still smell, but they are faint.


    I would recommend this to my local harem. It would be a good oil to put on when one goes to bed.

  14. Mmm...grape soda in the vial. I used to love grape, well, Welch's Grape Soda. Do they even make that anymore?


    Powdery grape goodness. Very berry. The scent is layers of berry, grape, maybe red wine, something darker under it to stop it from being too sweet.


    I normally don't like real fruity scents, but this one might, like Bon Vivant and The Red Queen, win me over to the fruity side.


    I want to lick my hand!


    I am not really sure if I have the old version or the new version.


    I am trading the imp, but enjoyed the experience of Lady MacBeth a lot! :P

  15. "Exit signs, burning red

    Paying fines, move ahead


    Oh, I am the wicked one"


    Can't use Wicked without thinking of that Switchblade Symphony song. Wicked brings up thoughts of my wicked stepmom, Disney villains and trip-hopped goth tunes.


    This is as close to an actual mainstream perfume as BPAL gets. Very matrony. I could imagine an old proper bordello madame wearing this. It's thick and unwaivering. I smell resins and rose, perhaps more.


    (Note: I never look at other people's reviews or the Lab description before I sample, so my outlook is not tainted by words.)


    Incense and rose, royal and worn by a woman not afraid to use a whip when needed. Yeah, this is the oil the Evil Queen in Snow White wears as she talks to her mirror. This is the fairest in the land, don't let Snow White fool you.


    I like the imp, but getting a bottle of this wouldn't be my thing. I don't like floral enough to buy too many of them.

  16. This is nice. If I didn't like Sacred Whore of Babylon so much, I would love this. Reminds me of a funeral, perhaps in the deep South in the late 1800's. A double funeral where someone has died from an accident and then their lover killed themselves in grief.


    In death, they are buried above ground, in the same crypt to live the life in death that didn't have in the mortal coil. Their ghost selfs hold each other at night and people report seeing their visages on the graveyard's lawn.


    Yup. That is what it smells like. Weeping and then joy of reuniting.

  17. When first applied, it smells just like red Twizzlers . Cherry licorice. Then it dips into a seductive blend of spices. Maybe a little cinnamon?


    Wow, autumny. I'm getting a different vibe from other that have tried this. No bubblegum at all...just ripe cherry licorice, fall spices, and musk.


    It smells Halloweeny on me! :P Spices and candy. Great. I don't think I would get a bottle of this, but the imp will serve me well.

  18. I don't think my skin likes honey. There must be honey in Follow Me Boy, because I sampled that last night and it turned a bit nasty of me, into a mapley sugared honey. This has a little more floral to it, but I don't like it much.


    I did smell a little apple when I first put it on and that was nice, but I have no idea what it is doing now, other than it smells rank on me.


    I would say if you like sugar, honey and apple/floral mixed together, you'll love this!

  19. This one wowed me in two seconds. It screamed on in. My wrist was alive with scent.


    Then five seconds later it died down. Pity.


    I can't find the single notes in this one. It smells like passion if passion had a smell.


    Flowers on fire, maybe?

  20. This review is in two parts because I got two very different Vixens. The first one was very light and clear in the imp, the second one was almost a brown black. Are they the same? Seems unlikely, but here are my reviews:


    Light yellow, almost clear version (review one):


    This oil smelled soapy on me. I could smell the orange blossom, but it was hard to detect any ginger or patchouli. The orange blossom smells really good though, with a tiny bit of spices, like a expensive soap.


    I could see a teenage girl wearing this. It smells young.


    Dark, almost brown-black version (review two):


    Smells like a spicy patchouli. This one is on the other end of the dial. Loud ginger, popping dark thick resins. Can't hardly smell the orange in this, except when first put on. It almost when into a Darkness/Torment almost hairspray type scent and then goes back into the spicy patchouli.


    Wow, this version I like. It's very dark.


    Of course the only thing I can think of went I think of this oil is:


    " I been living on the edge of a broken heart

    I don't wanna fall, I don't wanna crawl "




    Note: Got another imp of this in a trade and Vixen is definately the second one and not the clear one. I have no idea what oil the first one was.

  21. Smells very sweet and sugary on me. Almost maple syrupy. It's a bit gross. I don't know who would be seduced by it, except maybe a hungry rat.


    I find a lot of voodoo oils smell like this. Overly sweet and maple. I was going to try this out, but I will trade it. Boy hasn't responded to Come to Me and he most likely will stand 100 feet away from me if I wear this one.

  22. The sandalwood, violet and ylang ylang tones of this one came out wonderfully on me. Each one disappearing into the next, like if they were dancing and then came back for the final curtain all together.


    Hmm...curtain, seems fitting. :P


    This is a lovely resin based floral. It wouldn't be the violet scent I would choose, because I like Ultraviolet much better, but the violet is strong enough in this to turn my head and hold my interest.

  23. This perfume oil is potent. The vetivert takes over the dragon's blood and overpowers it. I didn't smell much spice in it at all. The loud tone does mix with the dragon's blood after a while, but I think I like Dragon's Bone better than this.


    I can see this being a man's scent. It's a little too much for me.


    ADDED 2/24/10:


    Note: This is now Feb 2010 and I got another frimp of this and I really like it. I might get a bottle of it. If you like strong, this is definitely where to go!

  24. It's very male. I just reviewed Jolly Roger and I probably can't wear this one for another reason: It makes me smell like my dad and that is damned creepy for me.


    It smells great. Lavender, tonka bean and bergamot surround my nose in Victorian decadence. Then moss and patchouli show up with just a faint breath of floral.


    I love this. I just don't like it on me. I want to bathe Boy in this and sizzle. Or I could see this being worn by a girl dressed in a tux and top hat or as a dandy.


    Actually, as I wear it, it is getting too strong on me. I hope it dies down soon. It is a little too much. Very manly and commanding!


    It is giving me a headache now. Wow, if you like strong oils, Wilde is your man!

  25. Wow, manly.




    A oil for a men's man. A pirate. Shiver me timbers, matey. Where's me parrot?


    It smells great but as a woman, I could never pull this off.


    The ocean breeze, the spice, the rum, the leather. I would love to put this on Boy. He'd probably go wash it off though. :P
