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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by surf-tormented

  1. It's a lot like B. Sith or E. Fluid. I don't know if tea based oils all end up smelling the same on me or what. I got Embalming Fluid first, so I suppose I like it best.


    B&BW has a soap called White Tea and Ginger that smells a lot like this. If you like that, you will like this oil.

  2. The first time I tried this, it smelled really good. I should have done a review then, because this tricky kitty is gone too quickly and I can't barely smell a thing.


    Something smelling of dry grasses and fur remains...but not much. Drat.


    ADDED April 5:


    This is my favorite voodoo oil. I recommend everyone buy at least one 5ml in honor of my dead cat BlackJack who gave me the power of peace of mind and the grace to accept what is given me.


    It is like a tribute to the feline spirit and works great as a voodoo oil as well.

  3. Smells really spicy and strangely familiar. I was going to say B&BW's Ylang Ylang Myrrh pulse point lotion at first, but the patchouli came in and that idea is gone. Now the Ylang Ylang is way to the back, as is the Myrrh, leaving clove and patchouli, which I enjoy.


    Oh, I got it! It smells just like Tisiphone on me. I sampled that one yesterday. Except I like Malice a lot more. The clove comes out nicely in this one, though if I want a patchouli/clove combo, I would be more likely to grab for Nocturnal by Goth Rosary than this one, since it has Nag Champa in it and I enjoy all three in one scent.


    But this would be great for someone who wants a patchouli oil with spice. The spice evens out the patchouli and doesn't make it so much "hello patchouli!"

  4. I love this one. It is like standing in a big field of heather. It smells fresh and inviting, calming. Then the berry kicks in just a little, like a wind bringing the scent along the heather. I have been in Scotland and the northern Midwest and the oil gives me the memories of berry picking time.


    If I ever want a heather based oil, I will get this. Might be a good oil before bed, to give one wonderful dreams. If I ever get another Wanderlust scent, it will be this one.

  5. This on goes flat on me very fast. Maybe it is my chemical makeup. Smelled plum-y when first applied then turned flowerly and very light. I can hardly smell it now.


    It that changes I will post here. I don't think it is though. I can sense a little spice now, what I expect Queen of Spades to smell like, but it isn't strong enough to win me over yet.



    I will give this one some time and see if it changes on my skin.

  6. I get cold pizza from this...am I crazy?


    It smells a bit like cold tomato pizza sauce with herbs, maybe basil? Spicy undertone?


    Very interest. Will have to try it again and compare notes. This went on really sweet. One wonders why it is now a pizza pie on my wrists.

  7. Oleander with black patchouli, ylang ylang, and neroli.

    This smells strangely comforting to me, though it is inspired by an avenger. But perhaps it is because the murder has been avenged and everything is right with the world once again.

    It smells warm and fresh, but not like a woodsy or resin-y smell. I can't place it yet, but it's yummy. I can't smell single notes here, but I like the blend. Can't believe there is patchouli in this. I can hardly smell it. Which is good that it doesn't overpower.

  8. Once upon a time a girl named Nyx had some great Dragon's Blood from a place called Nuit Unlimited. She loved it and wore it often, but the little bottle lasted her a few years, so when she finally needed another bottle, none was to be had. Nuit Unlimited has disappeared like a tear in the ocean.


    So she went without and was very cross.


    Enter BPAL to the rescue! This smells like the Dragon's Blood I remember. I had tried other Dragon's Blood oils and they smell like bubblegum, like they are using a type of Dragon's Blood I am not used to. Found out today there are so many kinds of Dragon Blood trees and plants...never knew.


    But BPAL is something special. Ah, the memories come back. When I first put it on, it sorta disappeared and I sighed. Then, it came back with a vengence. I have been wearing it for 5 hours and it shows no signs of stopping.


    Ordered a bottle of this tonight and have to thank dreamwalkblue again for getting me the imp quickly so I could sample it.


    Oh, the scent? Pure love! At once, fruit, woods, resin, herbs...they combine in a symphonic manner to tickle the senses and make the wrist a truly sensual experience. Powerful unique stuff! :P

  9. Used liberally in love magick to ensure tranquility, calm quarrels, and rekindle faltering flames of attraction, sensuality and romance. Used also to put an end to infidelity, and in this aspect, it can be used not only on your mate, but on your self to keep your own eyes from wandering and hands from straying.

    It has that hot weed smell like Has No Hanna. Slight sassafras scent, but it is way underneath. I don't think I like the voodoo oils very much, they all begin to smell the same to me.

    Ok, it probably the fennel and cumin in this one. I love them in food, just not on me.

    Trying it in a burner mixed with Block Buster.

  10. No, my mom used to say a person smelled like a "French whorehouse" and we lived in Michigan, so it isn't just a Southern thing!


    Wow, this one was SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET out of the vial! Icky sweet. The sweet that put diabetes patients into a coma.


    But it does settle into a New Orelans Lady of the Night scent. Girl in the Big Easy. I like the violet in this but the rose tries its best to overpower it. Wow, this is really unabashed.


    Smells like Magdalene in Sacred Whore Mode. Hang onto your husbands, girls!


    It's a little too juicy pink for me. On the right person, this could be fab.

  11. Smells like a blend of patchouli and sandalwood, almost a bit like Delight, but different. It must have some kind of floral in there.


    Yes, sandalwood, can smell it strong now. Very woody.


    I don't know if this works for meditation any more than straight sandalwood or patchouli would. Maybe I need to trade this. It smells rather typical of the stuff I have been wearing for the last 15 years.


    It does remind me of Cathedral, if it was mixed with Delight. I get a floral minty faint tone on the bottom of this one.

  12. Reminds me of Sacred Whore of Babylon a little bit. Sacred Whore of Hollywood Babylon?


    I could see Elizabeth Short wearing this. Mysterious, alluring, yet doomed.


    More to come as this scent awakens on my wrist. I hope it doesn't give me a disturbing scent story like Peversion did. Tragic murder and all.


    I should be happy it doesn't smell of grass, dead body and extreme violence coupled with extreme sadness. Probably not a good oil before going to bed, like I am doing.


    Smelling it some more, it reminds me of the Night Elf oil, Morbid Mistress.

  13. What if Ice Queen and Midwinter's Eve had a child?


    Cold Moon would be it.


    Icy, but not too much so, fruity but not too much so, it is the porridge that Goldilocks chose.


    It isn't long lasting. Neither is the full moon. :D


    I like Ice Queen because it is very chilly and the fruits weren't very strong. Midwinter's Eve had a nice plummy thing going on, but I find it works only now and then. Cold Moon has some of the same fruity qualities. It has yet to bring me to its side.


    I'll trade it before it does. A lot of the Yule oils turn to a icy fruity powder on my wrist very quickly. Shameful! :P

  14. This is a femme Djinn! :P


    Smoky darkness gives in to a strong spice...what you would get if you mixed Morocco and Djinn. I detect no almonds or honey in this at all. Just darkness, smoke, spice and commanding grace.


    Still going strong after 3+ hours.


    I would recommend this to anyone who wants something like Djinn, but doesn't want to smell like they are on fire. The spices really take the edge off the smoke.

  15. I put this on at 11:30pm and it is still going strong.


    It smells like pure Dragon's Blood except for a tiny bit of salt water which escapes and then I am left with great smelling Dragon's Blood oil.


    I like Dragon's Bone better, but this isn't that bad. I was hoping for more of an ocean scent though.

  16. Smells great, but reminds me a lot of Embalming Fluid. The notes act about the same way. High citrus herbal notes in the beginning, mellowing out to middle notes of tea and musk. Baobhan Sith goes from high grapefruit and apple in the beginning to middle notes of tea and ginger. I can't smell the ginger very well though.


    I like Embalming Fluid better. Green tea makes for a better scent for me. I had high hopes for this one and if I hadn't tried Embalming Fluid first, I might have a bottle of Baobhan Sith. But they are too alike to have two bottles. I like variety. If the ginger was a bit stronger, I might have to eat those words, but it wasn't.

  17. Is this supposed to smell "doggy"?


    That is what I get from this oil...warm dog fur. Maybe a freshly washed dog?


    The idea is crazy, yet delightful in concept.


    After the dog like smell, it turns into a loud nut and fig scent on me. I don't like fig or nut scents and it kept getting stronger within the first hour I wore it, like I was being chased by a large fruitcake.


    Then it became a beautiful chocolate scent. Bliss. Shortlived, because it faded within minutes to nothing.


    Three hours later, it is all gone. Farewell, little three headed doggie.


    I loved experiencing this, but the first notes are a bit too doggy for me to wear and the middle notes are too foody for my tastes. The last, base notes are wonderful, yet they come to late and disappear too fast on me. A bit disappointing. Glad I didn't buy a bottle of it unsmelled. My imp is going to be traded to.


    I would suggest trying in though, if only for the doggy scent in the beginning. Or if you love foody/chocolate light scents with a little doggy in them.

  18. This is what I expected Black Rose to be like, dark and repentive, with a sense of hazy sensuality and regret.


    Magalene is the one rose based oil I would consider buying. It's wonderful, the thickness of the labdanum devours the sweetness of the rose, letting the orchid slink in. It lasts most of the day, about 5-6 hours or so.


    I have never thought of getting a labdanum noted oil. This or Gaueko seem good choices, since I remember the same great notes in it, woody, almost fruity, minty and leathery all at once.


    Lovely. :P
