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Posts posted by surf-tormented

  1. This is a nice dark tea scent. It might be a touch too masculine for me, but you never know. It would be a good alternative to your regular green tea oil. The musk helps the tea scent IMHO.


    Reminds me of an afternoon tea. Black tea and sugar cookies (but not SUGAR here, this is quite a refined soft sugar scent) in a Victorian parlor, served on a table with a large fruit bowl on it. It kinda burns my nose when I smell it and it isn't very strong on my skin.


    I do like the black teaness of Dorian. Not great enough to make my top 20, but I might consider getting another imp of it for special events. :P

  2. Ok, this is gonna be weird, but this smells like hair perm solution on my wrist, except fruity...reminds me a little bit of my hair dye.


    It smells like Swank in the imp holder and as soon as it hits my skin then it takes that very bad turn. I am going to swap this to someone who will get a better scent from it when it mixes with their body chemistry!

  3. It reminds me of Ice Queen minus the fruit, which may make me like it better than Ice Queen.


    It isn't very strong on me, I just dabbed a little bit on.


    The comparison reviewers have made to Blue Moon holds true. It does have that vibe. It even smells a tiny bit like Arachne on me. I wish I got pine or cucumber like people are saying, but on my skin it comes out a watery herby floral without much strength. Not very wolfy.


    I was hoping this would be more dark and less floral, this is why I don't think I am going to buy any more LE's with a mysterious description lacking notes.

  4. Ok, this one is weird on me.


    Sometimes it smells so rank on me I feel like I may want to wash it off.


    Then, the next time I wear it, it smells divine.


    Are you confused? Well, I am!


    In the bottle it smells overpoweringly sweet, like maple syrup candy sweet, a deep brown carmel sugar sweet coupled with incense resin. It doesn't act like anything I would want to put on myself, but some days it works.


    Need to experiment more with this one.

  5. This is great! Leatherific. I was looking for a leather scent and thought I had found it in Hellfire, but no, this is the one. It makes Hellfire look like Masons driving little cars in a parade with fez tassles flapping.


    This can be pulled off by the right woman. That is me! :P It is strong and forceful. Very nicely done! It smells like a leather jacket yet a little smoky. Might be in my top 20 soon!

  6. Ok, where the citrus and melon everyone is smelling but me? :D


    Thunderbird smells clean on me, but very light. It doesn't have a scent on me which is the first time a BPAL scent has done this and I am baffled.


    I get no ozone, nothing. It does smell a bit like honeydew in the bottle, so I am trying in on cloth to see if my skin just drinks it up because I would like this in the bottle scent on me, somehow.


    I will get back to this review with the rest of my data! :P


    Wow, the second time I am review #13 and the second time something was too light on me. Uncanny!

  7. I was looking forward to this one, but Yggdrasil goes from smelling like nothing to me, to a lemony herby light scent back to a powdery next to nothingness...it is frustrating. And it is gone, quick. Where's the cedar everyone is raving about? I can't smell it in the bottle or on my skin. Whimper. I love cedar. I dislike having to be the first nay sayer on this at lucky 13, but oh well.


    It does smell like being outside, fresh like that, but all so brief.


    I guess this should be a lesson to me not to buy full bottles unsniffed. :P I am coming to a theory that less is more on my skin, that complex blends tend to go to powder on me while the ones with a few notes, such as Vice, stay for a long time.

  8. Smells VERY close to Snake Oil. If someone had an oil on and told me it was Dragon's Milk or Snake Oil and I had to guess, I would most likely guess wrong.


    It does have a more spicy bite in the beginning. My boyfriend said it smelled like nag champa to him.


    Snake Oil lasts longer on me than this one, so I would pick that as a honey vanilla type oil if I wanted one for a change. I usually don't like honey vanilla.

  9. Smells like fresh peach on me for a long time then settles into frankincense. I smell nothing else than peach and frankincense...am I losing my mind? I have tasted/smelled galangal and it smelled nothing like peach or mango, more like strong ginger. It anything it had a slight fruity/citrus taste, but nothing like peach.


    Lasts a long time. I am unsure if I would want a bottle of this, but I have thought about it. i can't pin down what it making the peach smell. It does get a bit overpowering. I swore for awhile BPAL had switched labels with the peach single note on this one. It has all I could smell until hours later and then it was all frankincense without peach.

  10. Maenad fades quickly on me, from a quick but interesting fruit combo scent to a grape Kool-Aid artificial scent. This is the same thing that happened to me with Midwinter's Eve and Lady MacBeth, but I didn't expect it with this one, since the notes are quite different than those two.


    But, grapes speak to me of Maenad more than the notes chosen for the oil do. They were followers of Dionysus, after all. This doesn't give me any sense of frenzy. It smells like a child's perfume and a timid one at that.


    Disappointing. I wanted something that rages and tears flesh, something that throws Orpheus' head into the river!

  11. Mmmm...brains!



    This one is intriguing when first put on. Spicy yet has no spicy notes listed. Almost tea like, but has no tea. Mysterious!


    It had a ginger like tea smell when first applied, but it was completely different from the usual tea smell, like in Embalming Fluid or Kumiho, etc. It was unique. Like spicy fruit tea. Fab!


    Then it faded super fast. I can't hardly smell it now. I wish it would have lasted. The combo of notes was wonderful.

  12. This smells like the essence of water to me. Crisp, wet and fresh.


    It isn't my favorite of the fresh scents, I leave that honor to Embalming Fluid or Tempest. But it reminds me of cool, clear water, as the song goes.


    The lemon comes out to play for awhile, but I swear I cannot smell rose in this at all. I sense lemon, apple crispness and water, like freshly washed fruit or fruit trees after a rainstorm.

  13. Smells damn fine in the vial, like something I wore before and loved. Maybe it was a patchouli blend I once bought. I don't know.


    On the skin, it smells very earthy. But not only does it smell of rich earth, it also smells of flowers and grass. It smells fresh, like a walk through an open field in the spring before corn is planted.


    It's nice. A bit sweet, a bit earthy, a bit musky grass.


    I am sure someone will love this, but I am unsure if this is for me. Maybe it would make a better room spray or bath oil. Reminds me of a male hippie scent.


    I do get that slight money smell off of it too...so greed is money, right? :D


    Ooh, after about 15 minutes, I am getting a very strong sour lemon scent. Ok, sour lemon money dripping off a male hippie. Great picture! :P

  14. Smells really close to Embalming Fluid on me. The tea is a tiny bit stronger, but it is really close. A little spicer too. EF lasts much longer though, so I would buy that over this one.


    I have so many green tea products, it will be a while before I buy a BPAL oil with tea in it. I am hoping when I do I find something unique. I am hoping for a black tea minus any milky or sugary notes. A girl can dream, can't she?

  15. It smelled a bit like lemon flavored black tea on me then faded really quickly. I don't think I had it on 30 minutes and it was gone. Smells watery and nice when on though. Like iced tea. But weak iced tea with lots of lemon. Not really for me. I was hoping for more tea smell and less sweet lemon.

  16. Hellfire is a bit weak on me. What I smell -- smoke, leather, incense, tabacco, wood -- smells great. It reminded me of other smoky scents like Brimstone and Djinn when first applied, but that quickly turns to a less smoky leather incense scent. But it isn't strong enough for my tastes.


    I don't know if this is the new version or old. Any way to tell?

  17. I love spiders. I had a black widow living in my heater once. She was a beautiful creature. I had never seen an oil inspired by the Queen of Spiders before, so I knew this would be a very charming scent for me.


    It's soft and light, like a wind through a spiderweb. Truly fitting for Arachne. It's a little lighter than what I usually wear, but it smells sweet in a herbal spicy way and is unique amongst the oils I have tried so far. I don't think I have smelled another perfume oil like it anywhere.


    I can't make out much of the notes, it seems light green to me, like clouds and grasses blowing in a crisp wind. Then a slow scent of herbs and a tiny bit of spice comes into play. It's a very fun floral and I don't like florals as a rule. Great scent!

  18. Smelled rank on me the first time. It had a faint dying plant odor, like very stale lavender. Put it on today and it had a strong orchid/magnolia scent to it. Still felt like I was at the funeral of an older woman! :) It didn't give me any kind of connecting-with-the-gods dreams. In fact at night, much like Cairo, I couldn't smell it.

  19. Smelled like very light frangipani on me the first time I woke it to bed. The second time it was a little stronger. Again, like frangipani with a little church incense. I could barely smell it either way. I couldn't even smell it in the vial, so I don't know if it is my body chemistry or I got a bad batch or what. I don't know what Kyphi smells like so I don't know if I smelled it or not.

  20. This smells like Snake Oil without the notes I like in Snake Oil. It's creamy sweet on my skin and makes me want to wash my skin instead of kissing a mirror. Yuck.


    The almond, wine and sugar are really disagreeing with me. It seems full of notes I can't stand. At the end, it begins to sour somewhat, which I actually like, but the wait time is too long for that final nice note.


    I didn't get any of the cool tabacco or wood notes. I wish I did. I got vanilla cherry with a little tiny bit of spice and a buttery wine/nut smell.


    Icky. Sorry. I have to say it again. Icky. Not as icky as Jack, but in the same club.


    I would think their signature scent would be a lot darker than this.

  21. I like this, but the cherry is a bit too strong on my skin. It overpowers all the other elements.

    I do like the clove note, hoping it doesn't turn into cherry as well. It is making a quick appearance at the end. Now it's gone. :P


    This fades really quick on me. Probably in 15 mins. Very disappointing.

  22. A nice floral with a very foresty feel. Like flowers in the woods. I do like some violet based oils from BPAL better, but this one is nice...though doesn't last very long.


    I re-reviews this today, five years later to add:


    "Regal violet zing turning into a pear scented floral.


    If I didn't like Ultraviolet so much, I would really be into this perfume more.

    There isn't a fruit note in it, but upon dry down, it gets sweet.


    Not too sweet though. A fruity floral for those not into fruit or florals.


    The violets remind me of Victorian violet breath mints. "


    Yeah, it's about the same, like Ultraviolet better, doesn't stay for very long! Etc!

  23. Amber, heliotrope, golden sandalwood, peach blossom and vanilla bean.

    Lush regal floral. Being at a well to do funeral with expensive flowers. I could see a woman of power wearing this so it fits the character.

    Sweet but not heavy. Nice.

    But, in about an hour, turns into annoying gross old attic smell. Icky.

  24. Cherry cough drops. Then creamy cherry cough drops. I can't remember if it was Juju or Horn of Plenty, but one of those smelled exactly like this one.


    I like cherry cough drops but don't want to smell like one. I haven't had success with the Voodoo Oils line either as far as intent...maybe they just aren't for me.

  25. If purple had a smell, it would be this. Dark floral plum. It smells good, but like Blood Countess, Midwinter's Eve and every other plum oil I have tried. It goes grape candy on me.
