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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by surf-tormented

  1. Fresh city smell...wet sidewalks and cherries. More wild cherry than cherry blossom though. It smells like sidewalk after the rain. If Beth could mix this scent, minus the cherries with a strong non-citrus ozone, I would buy a gallon of it...but the cherry becomes too strong on me and overpowers what I enjoy about it. Pity.

  2. Stinks of hairspray like that other oil I tried and can't remember its name. If I put in hairspray into the BPAL supercomputer, I am sure it would give me the answer...Darkness, it was Darkness...both smell very gross on me.


    So I think opium (the common note between them) goes hairspray happy on my wrist. That is all I can smell and it is strong and unpleasant.

  3. Ok, the description alone got me to try this one. Who can't resist a Victorian all-round-the-spirit-board get together with tea and gloom? I tried it even though rose, by any other name, still gives me a headache.


    And yup...a little too strong on the rose. It is rose-rif-ic, rose-tac-u-al, of a rose-mark-able nature. It is taking over and know I smell like I dove into a pool of rosewater.



  4. Belladonna brings to mind a forest green...more so to me than Black Forest does...but it fades. It reminds me of a forest with a lot of herbal tomato-ish smelling plants, I think people who have grown up in the country would know this smell...it is weedy forest smell, and it is great, despite the weird terminology.

  5. Sweet oakmoss, not too sweet with a bit of apple thrown in, like The Hesperides after they have left and the forest is still. The apples are left, cooked and spiced as the animals come out to eat them.

  6. It smelled very nice at first, watery, minty, a touch of floral and then became very mannish on me. Too mannish. I wish the boy would wear this, it would be great on him, but not on me, unless I wanted to attract a lot of women.

  7. This oils stinks to me. It reminds me of another oil I used to own and has some properties of Ultraviolet. Off to swaps.


    I'll return if I can remember the oil or why it reminded me of Ultraviolet.


    I didn't wear it to sleep in, if anyone wants to know. It would have kept me up.

  8. Three words: Peach lip gloss.




    It's a very, very light fruit scent and disappears as quick as it arrives. Not my thing.


    ADDED 2/8/10:


    This is very fruity on me, very pear and sweet grape. It gave me a headache when I first applied it and I almost thought of washing it off. The fruit smells very fake too, like a candle.


    It's more calm now, but doesn't have much of a scent after the 30 minute "headache" period.


    This is really not for me at all. Way too sweet and fruity.

  9. At first, this really reminded me of Kostnice, minus the lily note.


    But all the other times I've worn it, it has reminded me of candy cigarettes and I love candy cigarettes. :P


    Boy says it smells like a candy necklace to him.


    It does mellow to a sweet sandalwood, but this wasn't what I was expecting.


    My bf's nickname for me is Kathmandu, so I couldn't resist getting a 10ml from the much loved Penance. Thanks! :D

  10. in the vial, it smells exactly like yarrow oil. Bubblegumy.


    Wet on my skin, I got a strong "my garbage is going bad" from this.


    It smells sweet and decaying, like tea bags in the garbage...like rotting something. Whatever is in my garbage right now...banana peels, the aforementioned chai tea bags, bit of lettuce, eggshells, a wrapper from a brie cheese container...you get the picture...decay those and you got Delphi.


    As it dries, it smells better, but it still has that rotting quality. I can sense a little bay in this and a little honey yet I don't think either of them is making the rank note.


    Later, it is almost rotten tomato smelling...ok, that is enough for me, thanks, I am full.


    I notice this one isn't my body chemistry because I tried it on my skin and then on a shirt without my skin and woo, horrid rank decaying garbage scent. Do people really like this? I keep smelling it and smelling it, hoping it will turn into something beautiful, but it keeps on keeping on the rancid tip. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!


    It's just so rank. It's icky. Ok, I will smell the shirt one more time. Yes, it is disgusting. It's strong, rotten garbage sweet...oh I wish I could explain the smell...rotting fruit?...it's just rotten garbage smell...I need to wash that shirt because I have a feeling Delphi is going to last into next week and not smell any better.


    Oh, Jack is not the worst BPAL scent I have ever smelled, this one is. Thank the God rubbing this into the skin makes it smell a bit like incense and then it disappears, I don't think I could take the rank smell any longer.

  11. Smells like Snake Oil without the spice.


    I get no crotch scent from this, pleasant of not. :D


    Just honeyed vanilla, it's nice, but I like Snake Oil much better, there's a bit more going on in that oil notewise.


    It doesn't remind me of sex, innocence or anything more than vanilla sugar.


    Why doesn't my sexual activity smell like vanilla and sugar...is there something wrong with me? :P In fact, I really want to meet the couple whose love making smells like this. Mine usually smells like latex in the ocean.

  12. "What smells like maple syrup in here?"


    This is what my trickster boyfriend said when he smelled it. I wasn't like he said it smelled good or bad, only that it smelled like maple syrup.


    But I don't like the fact other people might think I smell like maple syrup, that definately isn't what I was going for. :P Especially to a party that evening. I had already put a good amount of it on and it wasn't coming off...hope my friends like pancakes! Ooh, sexy!


    To me, it smells like either burnt cherry flavored coffee or after hours of wear, a light almost cherry chocolate flavoring smell. I wouldn't say straight chocolate covered cherries because it isn't that good, more like cherry chocolate liquor used in coffee.


    This one LASTS. But the thing is, I don't know if I like the way it smells or not. It smells a lot like what Anubis smelled like on me, so I wonder if there is myrrh in this. Myrrh comes off as very sweet or me and honeyish.


    I would have to say after 18 hours of wear, I can still smell Hearth. I am still unsure whether that is a good or bad thing.


    I did want to point out this oil burned my skin after I put in on. I noticed another person said the same thing so if you have sensitive skin you may want to try this out either on your clothes or in small drops before putting a lot on.

  13. Reminds me a lot of Magdeline and Lucy's Kiss. A floral that has a dark base to it. These never last on me so I am swapping it. It does smell great for a oil with rose, even primrose, in it though. Rose tends to overpower all notes in an oil once it reaches my skin. This one doesn't. i like the smell of the rosewood very much.

  14. Nice mossy mint. If it wasn't so minty, it would remind me of Goth Rosary's Crypt.


    It isn't good enough to break my top 22, but I do enjoy it. It's only fault is that it just doesn't last on me. Bummer.


    Actually it really reminds me of Energy oil by Escential Essenses.

  15. Interesting floral with a cedarwood base. It is my next favorite Illryia oil after Lear, which is also a cedar based oil. Flowers are too strong, cedarwood isn't either, they blend together quite well.


    If I didn't just buy a bottle of Lear, I would buy this. :P


    ADDED April 5:


    A complex floral with sandalwood. I like it. I don't like floral normally, so I would say this is a floral with a difference and if you normally don't like florals, you will like this one. Very strong unlike a lot of the more docile Illyria women oils.
