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Everything posted by harlequin

  1. harlequin

    Job Interview Recommendations

    Of those, I would pick: Skadi, Cheshire Cat, Snake Oil, or Midwinter's Eve (perhaps all saints?) But as a note, I haven't smelled: Belladonna, Hamadryad, Old Kyoto, Old Madrid, Hellfire, The Red Queen, The Caterpiller, Seraglio I would probably stay away from scents that are overly recognizeable as something.. (Like gingerbread poppet, eggnog, bliss), and definitely nono on boozy smells (bon vivant).. and definitely go light, yes! -------------------------------- also.. I had an interview on Monday night. I wore Crucible of Courage, cuz I definitely need it. I get so nervous about these things, and this was my first interview for a job actually in my field, sooo.. (haven't heard anything back yet, but he said it wouldn't be til the end of this week/beginning of next)
  2. harlequin


    In the imp: Strongest on the mead and rum, but still has hints of the nutty hazelnut/almond in the background. I'm glad that the hazelnut seems to be the stronger of the two. On: I do get a hint of maraschino cherry when this is still wet, but it still smells pretty good. Definitely has a bite! After a bit: The bite turns into more of a nibble and the buttercream is definitely prominant now.. mmm. me likes it. ETA: Okay. I changed my mind. Way too much almond ends up coming out on me..
  3. harlequin


    I got a 5ml of this from jj_j before I ever smelled it, and I'm so glad I did. This has more of the crisp sharpness i was kind of expecting from Frost Moon, just as I thought it would. In the bottle it's a crisp, sweet mint.. very delicious. (If I keep breating it in from the bottle, I can see where the spicy juicy fruit reference Lina made came from, but it's not super strong). On: Thankfully, the champagne doesn't get slightly sour on me like bon vivant did. The scent stays pretty much the same, but it doesn't last very long. I believe I'm destined to have mint evaporate or eaten by my skin quickly for all time. It's such a gorgeous scent, though, that I'll keep reapplying it all day to keep it around. Verdict: Love it! This will be a fabulous scent for when it's all hot and sticky out in the summer. It's so cool smelling, light, and fresh..!
  4. harlequin


    In the bottle: Very lemony fruity with a hint of herbal.. not too shabby at all. On: still lemony, but after a few minutes, something else starts to come out, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. It's still slightly herbal with a touch of light floral, but it's *something* else, too. grrr. damn my nose. Mmm.. this one smells lovely! It's not overwhelmingly fruity or floral or citrusy (once the lemon fades). it's just soft, not too sweet, and very pretty. quite nice on a gal, but i can see it working well for a guy, too. I'd be sniffing him constantly.. hopefully he won't mind.
  5. harlequin


    First Sniff: Leather and a vague vanilla-scent. Now i can kind of get an idea of the difference between Tonka bean and vanilla.. not as sugary. quite nice. On: The same scents are still there, but a little stronger than I thought.. This is not a bad thing at all.. verra nice! I can smell the connection to Tintagel, which I thought was bubble-gummy.. there's a hint of that here, but only if i'm really concentrating on it. A couple minutes later: ooh, I can kinda smell the tobacco a bit now.. I'm not a fan of cigarettes, cigars, and the like, but I've been really digging these tobacco scents beth comes up with! A while later: not much change from the last, really. A very wicked moderatly deep scent. Really nice for wintertime, this one is! Verdict: Yum!
  6. harlequin


    I got this one for my boy for christmas since it's his sign (also Sept. 20 ).. and I made him wear it yesterday.. literally made him. I even put it on him myself. hehe. In the bottle: definitely an earthy patchouli... and a pretty strong one at that.. On, the apple came out to play for a very brief moment and then after a few minutes on him, the patchouli turns very sharp and peppery. It was very deep and butch-guy smelling, I thought. I say this because it was even more masculine than most of the masculine ones I've smelled thus far.. I'm not a big fan of patchouli, especially in such high concentrations, so I probably wouldn't like wearing this one myself, but I decided to give it a few minutes now to see what it does on me compared to him. Oh wow. completely different! It's so amazing just how different. On me, the white musk is much more prevalent and the patchouli fades out rather quickly. It's still there, but it's much softer (good for me, that) and overall it's a bit more sweet smelling on me than it was on him. It's probably not something I'd wear more than rarely now that I've found so many beautiful smellies, but if this was one of the first scents i had, it wouldn't be a bad thing to have.
  7. harlequin

    Old books... Books, paper, libraries

    Shadow, talking about Seance and Archana "This one is so strange on me. Right out of the vial, it's sharp and biting, almost like cinnamon, but it isn't red or brown, it's like a really sharp dark green. Slowly that fades and I get the old, dusty soft smell that I got from Arcana, the one that reminds me of old books, wood chests and dusty attics. I really love this one and will definitely wear it more. Oh, this one is more feminine than Arcana - that one is more like a wizard's tower and this one is more like a Victorian lady's attic. " actually a lot of ones for seance mention smelling like "old *something*"
  8. harlequin


    To me, this one is definitely a clean white floral. Wearing it, at first, there's a bit of something citrus I can pick up that is only really characterized by it's sharp citrusy-ness. It wasn't particularly descernable as grapefruit, or lime, or lemon, or... whatever. just.. citrus. That lasts for a few minutes and then fades away leaving a lovely blend of flowers. I don't pick out any rose from it, but then again, I can't pick out any single kind of flower from it at all. And happily, this one didn't give me a headache! *squee!* Now, about 9 hours after I put it on, there's still a vague clean linen smell floating around, and even that's quite nice.
  9. harlequin

    Crucible of Courage

    In the bottle, this one smells like herbal roses to me.. It's kind of sharp, yet kind of soft at the same time. very interesting. On, this one starts out as roses with a fine dusting of powder. I'm assuming it's something of the herbs that turned a tad bit powdery, but with this scent, it actually really works... and the rose is still definitely dominant to me. I was driving in the car to work about 10 minutes after putting this on, and it actually smelled like I had a dozen on the seat next to me. After a while the powder even fades more than the already lightness it had to begin with and the rose softens out.. this is really lovely.. I'm so glad I got a bottle of it when the discontinuation was announced even though I hadn't smelled it at all yet. Not sure how the courage giving aspect works out, but I can imagine definitely get a "I am woman, hear me roar" vibe out of it.. To me, it definitely smells more feminine than anything.. perhaps I'll have to slap some on the boy to see if it does the same thing on him. hehe.
  10. harlequin


    Okay.. I totally changed my mind, kinda. I thought mistletoe was the ultimate pine scent for me... but I was wrong. THIS is perfect! It's not as powerful-pine as mistletoe. The berries/snow scent softens down the pine to a lovely point where it's deliscious and beautiful.. Mind you, Mistletoe is still nice.. this is just so much more "me", though. self- .. Here I went and swapped an imp of this and half an imp of sugar cookie with someone because I thought I would wear sugar cookie more.. that was before I really got around to trying either of them on my skin, though. Boy was I wrong. Sugar Cookie was Altoid-strength Red Hots one it was on me.. this, which I was so-so about in the bottle, is beautiful!
  11. harlequin

    Recs for those who can't do sweet perfumes?

    Personally, I don't think O or Dragon's Milk when I think 13 year old boy.. Dragon's milk was very sweet on me, at least.. but maybe on others it's not. I haven't tried it, but if he likes Sandalwood, perhaps Dragon's Bone might be a better option? The Lion does sound like it might be good.. White Rabbit might actually be as well. Other random one that just sounded good: Zephyr (I guess it's light, clean, and has sandalwood)
  12. harlequin


    This is interesting. From this one, I get a sort of creamy/slightly-vanilla tobacco scent.. It's a bit spicier in the bottle than it is on.. I know a lot of people like this blend, but I can't recall anyone ever mentioning tobacco.. If I had noticded, I probably would've been very nervous about trying it out.. If someone had described the way that this smells on me, I probably wouldn't have chosen to try it, but I actually am digging it.. It's a bit darker of a scent that I normally wear, but it's not too dark, if that makes sense. In any case, it's perfect for a day like today that is pretty grey and dreary, with snow returning again after being gone for a couple weeks.. It's very warm and cozy.. makes me want to curl up in a blanket next to a fireplace with a worn leather book (too bad I don't have a fireplace, though). Honestly, this is much closer to what I was expecting Hearth to smell like than what it actually was.
  13. I haven't actually tried it, but I believe I've heard Juliet mentioned in that context.
  14. harlequin

    Recs for those who can't do sweet perfumes?

    Vicomte and Villian sound like good choices.. I'm actually wearing/smelling Morocco for the first time, and I actually get a tobacco/vanilla vibe from it, even though there's none of either of those listed in it. hehe. it doesn't have the citrus thing, but it might be worth a shot.
  15. harlequin

    Sugar Cookie

    In the bottle: I don't get any "sugar" outta this sugar cookie.. smells vaguely cookie-ish, but more like a spicy cookie than a sugar one.. On: Oh dear goodness, it instantly turns into giant, super-strength Red Hots/Big Red Gum... (like, if Altoids made red-hots, this might be close) Totally overbearing, actually. If I wasn't in the car, I probably would've washed it off ASAP. By the time I got to work, it wasn't quite as strong, so I decided to leave it on and see what it did... unfortunately, it didn't do nothing except get weaker over the next couple hours.. I'm so glad that the cinnamon in Gingerbread Poppet didn't do the same thing on me.. I would've cried if they both went Red Hot.. So sad.. I wanted to smell like sugar cookies.
  16. harlequin

    Hollywood Babylon

    In the bottle: kind of reminds me of a non-menthol cherry cough drop.. er, actually, more like a throat lozenge, with a bit of a bite.. On: the fruit scents kind of fade down pretty quickly and it takes on a much more incense-y smell than I was expecting, but it's a soft and somewhat sweet sort, at least.. I think between this one and O, I can now pick out what Amber generally smells like.. I was curious about that. I do like this one, and I'm not a big fan of incense-y smells (again, the headache thing).. I was expecting it to be a bit fruitier a bit longer, but it turns out to be a bit more mature than it starts out as... therefore, I'd say that the "The essence of innocence shattered" part of the description is very apt, actually.
  17. harlequin

    Snow White

    One Acronym: OMG!. (which stands for: Oh My Gorgeous!) I know most people went on about how wonderful this one was when people were discussing what LE's they wanted to come back, but the whole "night blooming flowers" had me nervous when I ordered this one.. That was absolutely needless. This stuff is absolutely amazing. In the bottle, I can smell what i can imagine other people were thinking was the almond, but to me, it isn't so nutty as all that. Other than that, it's fabulous, creamy, snowy goodness! Wet and wearing it, it hasn't really changed on me at all, only gotten fainter. I'm certainly not going to complain about that! All in all, I'd have to say this in the next best thing to Snowblind, if we can't ever get ahold of that one! (I say that mostly because I actually smelled Snowblind before this one. To my nose, they smell similar, but I'm there's probably something in Snowblind that wore off before the holiday card scented with it got to me, so I'm sure there's something different about them.) And actually, now that I've been writing this, it seems to me that the "creamy" part is somewhat similar to the "creamy" part in Egg Nog, too, but I could be hallucinating.
  18. harlequin


    Oh my goodnes, I am absolutely going to cry. ..I was just opening this one up to smell it and it slipped out of my hand and I just lost more than half the bottle to the desk and carpet here at work. This is sad because this is the first Green scent I've tried that I've actually liked! It totally smells like a deliscious christmas tree! So what little I managed to soak up from the desk (most of it went to the carpet, alas) has replaced the bit of snake oil I stole from the bottle I have my mom for christmas in my locket. (along with some of the brown paint that came up with it.. holy wow, batman!) Why, oh why couldn't you have been yuletide that went bye-bye?! *woes* ETA: I'm working at my mom's Suncapsule place now and the woman who was just leaving asked if I was burning a pine candle because it smelled so good.. and she was about 10 feet away when she said that. *wry chuckle*
  19. harlequin


    I don't think I really have any idea what holly berries smell like, but I don't think this is what i imagined they'd be like. Then again, I know they're not really berry-like.. the only way for me to describe this in the bottle is to call it Green. Definitely reminds me of some kind of needled tree, but i couldn't say which kind in particular. If my uncle were still alive, he'd probably be able to tell me which it was in a heartbeat. On, It mellows out a bit and isn't so strongly tree-like, but after a bit something comes out that reminds me of a much lighter/fainter version of the overwhelming smell of Serpent's Kiss. They both give me a Dill pickle vibe, but SK is waaaay stronger than this one is (this is a good thing, for me)... So i have to wonder if there's vetiver deep down in this one somewhere.. *shrug*
  20. harlequin

    Frost Moon

    In the bottle: Minty delisciousness with some eucalyptus (not and overpowering amount), and a very faint hint of floral. VERY lovely! Not quite as sharp as I was expecting, but it's beautiful. On: Sadly, the mint runs away very quickly. i'm talking within a minute, here. the eucalyptus sticks around a bit longer, but not by much.. then the aquatics take over the playing field. They've got a slight hint of a soapy vibe on me, I think, but it's not entirely unpleasant. I'm sad that mint seems to vanish on me, because i LOVE mint.. but then again, the only things I think I've tried with mint in them are this and Black Cat, which did the same thing. I just did a search for mint and I realized I've got quite a few other scents with it in there that I haven't worn yet (Banshee, Dracul, Undertow, Gemini, Absinthe, Calliope, and Melpomene), but none of those have particularly jumped out as having mint in them, from sniffing the imps.. Shattered, Ultraviolet, and Envy are definitely going on the wishlist.. Vicomte De Valmont, possibly, but it's got some scary other stuff in there. Edited cuz my smilie needed much more dramatic tears.
  21. harlequin


    In the bottle, this was a whole bunch of cherry, and either the tobacco or wood smoke.. I'm not quite sure which one it is, but whichever it is along with the cherry are really strong. On.. well, it's still VERY strong.. something in it seems to slightly burn my nose/make my throat itch if i get to close to it.. It did seem to mellow down a bit after awhile, but I still had to wash some of it off. Now that it's not so overwhelming, there's something in it that reminds me of gluttony and sacred whore, but not nearly as strongly.. I dunno. It's a very... interesting... scent. Not sure how I feel about it on it's own, but I can totally see wearing a small bit of it along with something like O to spice it up a bit. In fact, I think I'll try layering some of that on right now!
  22. harlequin

    Midwinter's Eve

    In the bottle this one is wonderful juicy delisciousness that is just swoonerific.. I'm not really sure I can say much more than that, though. I put this one on just before I left my parents house on christmas day.. by the time i got to my boyfriend's aunt's house (15-20 minute drive) and hung out for a couple minutes, I couldn't smell it at all. *sniffles* I will definitely be giving this one a few more goes, because I absolutely LOVE the scent of it.. hopefully it'll last longer in future trials. perhaps if i don't go mucking about in the cold a few minutes after putting it on....
  23. harlequin

    Gingerbread Poppet

    ohmygoodness! this stuff is SO fabulous! I opened the bottle to sniff and was overwhelmed with yummy gingerbread goodness! as mentioned in the "for what it's worth" thread... putting this stuff on 5-10 minutes after taking a shower is a baaaaaad idea, though. my poor neck! this is one potent scent and it lasted for ages wearing it.. i think i got a good 6-7 hours at full strength, and then it faded into a more generic sort of cookie scent that was still quite yummy. Tabitha gives it 2 thumbs up!
  24. harlequin


    the only leather one i've tried so far is Tintagel, and i love it (as evidenced in my signature. ). It reminds me of jailbait, but without being so sugary-sweet. Actually, I think I just got an imp of Perversion I'll have to try out when i get home if my yule order didn't show up today, to compare it.
  25. harlequin

    Which Tarot fragrance is for me?

    Awww. no lovin' for The Lovers.... the only other one i've tried was Temperence.. it was lemon and herbal, to me.. something in it gave me a headache, though, so i swapped it away.