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Everything posted by Finny

  1. A very red scent? or a non-existant one?
  2. Fin, I'll take free cheese over free chonies any day of the week. But what if they are the devil's panties? :twisted On second thought, the devil probably doesn't wear panties. Okay, I have to agree, free cheese is better. Especially if it is really good cheese.
  3. Sorry, but I want free panties.... I have always had great customer service from the lab. I love getting frimps, they are like extra frosting on your cupcake. And I have had one order out of all the orders I have made with the lab come without, and I didn't care. I didn't feel any less loved by the labbies because of it. I mean most companies do not give you stuff just for shopping with them. I do wish the gas station attendent would pump me an extra gallon of gas though... And I always figure at least 48 hours for any customer service to get back to me before I start to become concerned. And if I e-mail on the weekend? 48 hours after the new week starts.
  4. Finny


    Smells like The Hamptons, without the berry note. And sadly it misbehaves on my skin in exactly the same way. Juniper, green and harsh.
  5. Finny

    The Hamptons

    Sparkling gin. It smells so good wet, but it dries down to juniper trees on me. Very rough and green, almost herbal. And not for me.
  6. Finny

    Black Lotus

    Rich resinuos myrrh, and lotus. Do I have any doubts that I will love this? Now to hope the amber behaves. Mmm, spicy, sweet, lightly floral... then powder. But a richly scented spiced powder. Well, amber has once again decided to turn a scent into a powder version of the components. Sometimes this good, sometimes not so good, sometimes heart breaking. This one is heart breaking as I have now sneezed 15 times in a row.
  7. Finny

    Black Hellebore

    Definitely a pale scent when applied. I don't smell anything at first, then... A light dusky floral aroma comes up, it is sweet and watery. Peony, perhaps? I like it. And there is a green under layer, reminds me of earth when it is damp. As it dries down, it becomes a wonderful light floral blend, with a earthy base. Lovely. I don't know if I would wear it a lot, but I am holding on to it, as it smells like spring to me.
  8. Finny


    Wet? Pez candies. And in a fantastically good way. A bit of herbal and berry fruitiness. Sweet and light at first. But as it dries down there is a darker note coming out, almost resinous. It becomes sweet, powdery, and really tickles my nose, maybe a hint of mint in here? Delicious. I am going to hoard my imp, and will probably need to order a bottle for spring time. At the very least I need to hunt down another imp...
  9. Finny

    Blood Moon 2005

    Love, love, love this blend. A touch of dragons blood, vanilla, and a spicy woodsy note, maybe sandalwood? it is creamy and delicious smelling. It dries down to a soft musk, with a hint of spicy sweetness. And for those of you getting the soda? It smells to me a lot like the holiday Pepsi they had out last year? Pepsi Spice.
  10. Finny

    Pumpkin Patch II (2005, 2006)

    Cocoa dusted pumpkin, with roasting nuts in the background. This is the blend of an autumn evening. Sitting around carving pumpkins on the porch. Eating roasted pumpkin seeds and drinking hot cocoa. The pumpkin in this blend reminds me the most of the pumpkin in Jack. It isn't as buttery as Jack though. Gorgeous blend, cozy and comforting.
  11. Finny

    Pumpkin Patch III (2005, 2006)

    This is the blend I was least interested in... And of course it is gorgeous. The fruit is sweet, tart, pomegranate. The pumpkin is the squashy earth smell of fresh carved pumpkin. Together? Blissful, sweet, tangy, earthy pumpkin. I get almost a wine note from the pomegranate, and the pumpkin balances it nicely. Lovely, early autumn scent. It is perfect for those indian summer days.
  12. Finny

    Pumpkin Patch IV (2005, 2006)

    This is my second favorite, if one can have favorites when they are all so damn good! Smoky sandalwood, over a warm pumpkin base, and the orris sweetens it a touch as it dries down. It has a buttery feel, without being buttery, a very rich smell. It is the most incensy of the pumpkin scents. Mmm, pumpkin.
  13. Finny

    Pumpkin Patch I (2005, 2006)

    Fresh pumpkin, and apple cider. No whimpy apple juice smell here, it is bursting with apples, sweet with the pulp, and that back of the throat tickle of real apple cider. There is a sprinkling of spice on the top. It is sweet, and delightful. The smell of Halloween parties, spiced cider and carved pumpkins.
  14. Finny

    Pumpkin Patch V (2005, 2006)

    This one is lonely and desolate, dry leaves, green ivy climbing up the trees in a deciduous wood. There is no pine in here. It is a walk through haunted autumnal woods. This is a wonderful, it brings to mind all the lonely and scary parts of Halloween. It makes me think of the Headless Horseman story, Ichabod's eerie ride home after the party at Katrina's house when he meets the horseman. Of Snow White running through the forest after the woodsman lets her go. Of Hansel and Gretel, and the walk through the woods, when the trail is gone. Of the goblins and ghouls, that you knew were lurking behind every tree on All Hallow's Eve. It isn't a scary blend to me though, it is a walk through childhood memories of haunts and spooks. And for me, what has always been one of my favorite holidays, has now been captured in a bottle. Absolutely, the best of the pumpkin blends.
  15. Finny

    Sugar Skull

    Candied, rum soaked fruit, and sugar. I know this is a Halloween scent, but to me this is Yule, it is Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol, the flaming pudding, after the Cratchit's holiday meal. Wonderful, rich, sugary and liquor soaked fruit. A bit smoky as it dries down. And utterly delightful.
  16. Finny


    2005 version. This is less spicy than the 2004 version on me. It is woodsy, damp leaves, and a hint of pumpkin and apple. It is fall captured in a bottle. Absolutely gorgeous. A keeper!
  17. Finny

    Devil's Night

    Mmm, this is wonderful. Chill air, with a hint of smoke. Boozy snd sweet. As it dries, it keeps the smoky coolness. At the end the musk is very soft, the smoke is faint, and the leaves come out. Definitely a keeper.
  18. Finny


    Love this one. I tried it as Shelldoo, and Penance both said it reminds them of F54. I don't even want to try to hunt down a sniff, as I am sure I would love it and then... So I figured I would try this and be satisfied! And, this is heavenly. The wine is juicy and potent, the myrrh adds a spicy dry note. The musk gives me a your skin but better scent. I don't smell any rose in this blend, which is good for me as more often than not, rose is bad, very bad. I am going to use up the imp, and probably have to get a bottle of this one. Wonderful.
  19. Finny


    Almonds, spice, and rum! It is a wonderful summer evening scent. Warm and sweet, with a mellow rum. I love it!
  20. Finny

    Dragon's Musk

    Dominant, passionate, devastating. Dragon’s blood and five deep musks. I loved this one for the first couple of hours, but it dries down to a dusty, dry, scent. It reminds me of "Aquanet" hairspray, from the 80's? It is the first Dragon's Blood blend that doesn't agree with me, it must be one of the musks that does it.
  21. Finny


    Light minty violet. I like it when it first goes on, and for the first half hour or so, but then it turns into bably shampoo? I have tried a couple of times, and each time it does the same thing. I'm not sure what is causing it, but...
  22. Finny


    Citrusy floral? I don't know why, but this becomes a sharp floral on me. it has an airy feel to it too. It almost smells cold? It would make a great summer scent for the right person, but for me the sharpness is too much.
  23. Finny


    Light and sweet in the imp. On the floral takes over inthe beginning, drowning the resins. But as it dries down the resins deepen the blend. Bright and lively floral over a incensy base. If I loved florals I would keep this, but I am amblivient to them, except for certain ,"Wow, I love it scents", so off to the swap pile it goes.
  24. Finny


    Delightful. Sparkling fresh ginger jumps out from the bottle. This is gorgeous. A bit of lemony ginger at first, then it dries down and the ginger, and other spices turn into spicy ginger cookies. The resins give it a deep smokiness on my skin, it gives a fantastic darkness to the blend. These are the cookies the witch in Hansel and Gretel made her house of... I am so glad I got a bottle, and I am keeping it!
  25. Finny


    Ever since finding out I love Rose Red, I have been on the search for rose scents. This one is it for me. The pomegranate is almost non-existent, I just get the same glorious rose of Rose Red. No green stage, no icy stage, but the rose is heavenly. This will do nicely when I run out of Rose Red.