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Everything posted by Finny

  1. Finny


    Wine, and a dry herby smell form the imp. This is genius, of course I usually think this about Beth's blends but... It conjures up thoughts of vampirism, loneliness and eternal longing for the sunlight. I smell red wine, herbs, smoky dark, seductive, and dangerous, it blends together into one fragrance. It is eerie and wonderful.
  2. Finny


    This one smells sweet and delicious out of the imp. It is nutty, sweet, and rich... like a cake with buttercream frosting, smothered in caramel sauce, toasted nuts scattered over it. It mellows down to a rich, creamy sweet scent. Very enticing. It also makes a glorious room scent.
  3. Finny


    Out of the imp... spicy almonds. On though, the almond is only there for a moment, then I get a wonderful spicy and warm scent. The amber is wonderful, I get a dry powdery warmth holding all the spices together from it. The lotus is very subtle, it doesn't really show itself, except for keeping this blend from being foody. This scent blends together so well it is hard to pick out individual components. I like this one, it is warm, spicy and rich. Lovely.
  4. Finny


    Milky, spicy, floral. At last, a floral I love! This is a sweet little girl smell, sugar and spice and everything nice. The carnation adds a spicy smell, the rose is gentle, and the milk, honey and bergamot smell of sweetened earl grey tea with cream. These notes combined make a fabulous perfume, and it captures Alice completely. Perfect.
  5. Finny

    Lex Talionis

    Patchouli, violet, cedar and spice. Out of the imp, I smell a woody scent and citrus, but on the violet sweetens it, the cedar and patchouli give it depth, and I can smell the spices. I don't smell the grapefruit at all. The spices are wonderful, pepper and cardamom. The pepper tickles my nose and the cardamom has that wonderful cinnamon-gingery scent. Violet has a sweet candied flower smell on me, I love what it does on my skin, this one is no exception. I'm keeping the imp, and this may be going on my 5ml list. Great way to wear patchouli, if you want the grounding of patchouli, but not the head-shop scent.
  6. Finny


    Sniffing from the imp, I smell rose, frankincense, and myrrh. On though, the frankincense and myrrh fade to the background. Rose, and a soapy smell, lily? with the resins softening everything together. The soapy smell disappears after a bit. It has a lot of throw on me, I dabbed a tiny amount on my wrist and my whole room smells of this. I like it, as it dries down it becomes soft and resiny. I can still smell the rose, but the soapy smell is gone, and the resins keep it from screaming floral. I have a hard time finding florals I can wear, the floral notes usually drown out everything else in the blend. I'm not sure what olibanum or labdanum smell like, and I'm not picking up anything but soft rose, frankincense and myrrh.
  7. Finny

    Wolf Moon 2004

    Sniffing out of the bottle, buttery, and almost sweet, very much like Harvest Moon. The buttery note fades away on application, leaving a clear crystal floral. It is lemony sweet to my nose, with a faint undercurrent of an icy aquatic note. Aquatics and I do not mix well, they give me a head-ache, so I am hoping that it won't start to amp up in the drydown. This is drying down to a lemony scented floral on me, it is very interesting, but not really my style. I will try it again in a few days, and see if it changes. It's aquatic note is not giving me a head-ache, but I can smell it, and I am not sure I can be comfortable wearing it. I don't get any of the pine or green smells, that others have commented on. It is a beautiful smelling scent, but I am all about leather, incense, and spice. And this is a very beautiful, crystal, floral.
  8. Finny


    Mmm, vetiver, gardenia, and leather. The leather is keeping this from going floral, while letting the floral peek out now and then. I can smell the spiciness of the cinnamon, but it has almost a woody cinnamon quality. I like the herbally smell, vetiver? It smells green and fresh, keeps those flowers in the background where I can enjoy them. I'm not a huge floral fan, as they usually go crazy and give me a headache, but this has just a wisp of floral, like a spring wind. I like this, it is an interesting blend, the leather gives it warmth, the vetiver is green and fresh. The floral very light. It may not be a bottle purchase, but I'm keeping the imp.
  9. Finny


    Ah, this is what I imagined Hearth would smell like. Smoky, leather, and a subtle sweetness from the tobbaco. As it dries down the musk starts to come out a bit, and it softens the leather note. This is wonderful, I need to update the top ten list. It's a richer De Sade, a less sweet Hearth, and definitely a keeper.
  10. Finny

    Black Forest

    I loved the description for this one. Smelling the imp, it smells like pine, but once I put it on, Wow! The pine is there, but it is very soft. There is a soft powdery scent, I think it must be the amber. It pulls the scent together, I can smell the trees, the darkness swirling around, and the musky scent of something hiding in the bushes. There is a coolness to this too, it tickles my nose when I inhale deeply. I really like this one a lot, I think I am going to have to change my top ten list now.
  11. Finny

    Red Moon 2004

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Velvet. In the bottle, sweet and fruity, almost wine-like, with something that tickles the back of my nose as I sniff. Wearing, wet I get cherry wine, but as it dries... The dragon's blood is wonderful, spicy and sweet. The orange peel adds a fruity, yet bitter quality, and the herbs, mmm... I can smell the chamomille, it is apple sweet, and the other herbs are adding a depth of green to this. I can smell a floral hinting in the background but it is very subtle, heliotrope or marigold? I think it is the heliotrope, as it doesn't smell of marigolds to me. I'm not sure if the soft note I smell is amber, as I haven't smelled amber in anything yet. It is powdery and gentle, a wisp of a scent bringing everything together. Love this one, why is it a LE? (Is there a hands wringing in despair smiley?)
  12. Finny


    Ah vanilla, I love the smell of it, but not as much as my skin does... I could only wear this a short while, it is beautiful though while it is wet. I can smell the patchouli, neroli, and musk. It is woody, musky and delightful. On my hubby it is wonderful. But on me, my rotten skin chemistry says "Vanilla, do I smell vanilla here?" Skin answers back, "Yes, and we love vanilla, please skin chemistry, take the vanilla note and amp it up by 1000!" Skin chemistry adds, "Yeah, great idea, we will smell like vanilla, and nothing else!" And I have to go wash it off...
  13. Finny


    Sniffing the imp of this I smell vanilla. But it isn't vanilla, it is nuttier and less sweet? On though, the leather and tobacco jump out at me. I like this one, it is sweet, creamy, but also very grown-up. It creates a wonderful feel and smell, of sweet naivety that has been tempered by the wisdom of age. This one was one of my first, don't judge a blend by the imp. I almost did not try it, as I was not having any luck with the sweet scents I had tried. Vanilla may not agree with me, but Tonka does.
  14. Finny


    I love this one. I am finding that I like dragon's blood a lot. In this blend the dragon's blood is what I smell the strongest, but the clove and myrhh add a soft and spicy dimension to it. The cherry complements the dragon's blood and keeps it sweet, instead of going flowery. It dries down to a wonderful spicy, fruity, and deep smell.
  15. Finny


    Green and bitter in the imp, I like this though. It has a fresh and sharp feeling to it. I think it will be a wonderful springtime scent. Its scent reminds me off when the ground is beginning to thaw out and the first shoots are coming up again. I am going to hold on to the imp for springtime and see how I like it then.
  16. Finny


    In the bottle it smells sweet, but on... the woods are the strongest note I smell. The fig, cocoa, and palm just add a subtle sweetness to this blend. After wearing for hours, it is soft, sweet and woodsy. I really like this one at all stages. It is subtle and not over-powering. I may have to add this one to my list of top ten favorites.
  17. Finny


    I love this when I first put it on, it is woods and cinnamon. Very lovely and delicious. But as it dries the florals crowd out the wood and cinnamon, and all I smell is florals. They are beautiful, but I am not a floral person. Stupid skin chenmistry. Off it goes to someone who will appreciate it more that me, I have so many scents I love there is no sense in keeping one that I only like for the first half hour.
  18. Finny


    Spicy buttered rum. Mmm, can I drink this? The smell from the imp is sweet and candy like. On application I smell butterscotch lifesavers. Then the spices start to peek out, and it starts to mellow into a spicy, sweet, heavenly smell. I like this one, it smells how I wish Hellcat had smelled. I think I might need a 5ml of this.
  19. Finny


    Mmmm... cranberry. On first application I smell cranberry, tart, juicy cranberries. As it dries the musk softens the berry. The ginger, musk, and floral in the background really make this so beautiful. It smells sweet and tart, with an underlying grounding spiciness. Love this one, I have to have a big bottle of this for next fall.
  20. Finny

    Mata Hari

    Out of the imp this smelled of coffee, I work with coffee all-day, I don't want to smell any more like it than I already do! On the coffee almost disappears, yeah! The florals are very soft on me, I can pick up the rose but the fig and tonka soften it, so that I can't really tell what flower I am smelling. It turns into a soft sweet smell, with a hint of floral. The coffee adds a nutty smell? I don't get a strong coffee aroma or a stale coffee aroma. Very nice.
  21. Finny


    Thus started my love affair with dragon's blood. It is a spicy, tingly, smell. I get dragon's blood at first, spicy and fruity. As it dries the leather, wine, and juniper come into play. I sniff my arm compulsively when I wear this, I can't help it, it smells so good. I wear this everyday, even if only to bed. I just ordered a 5ml and I am already wishing I had gotten a 10ml instead. Next order 10ml!
  22. Finny

    The Red Queen

    I love the Red Queen, in the bottle it smells of cherries, but it morphs into such a beautiful scent on me. I smell currants- the black variety, cherry- sweet and tart, and the wood smell is so deep and rich, like a wood dining table- unfinished but polished with oils and beeswax until it shines. On my "big" bottle list!
  23. Finny

    Harvest Moon 2004

    Buttery, sweet scent comes out of the imp I have. When I put it on, it smells like candy corn for a bit, then it turns into a buttery floral. I can smell hints of smoke, wine and pumpkin. It is a beautiful scent and I wish I had more, so I hoard my imp like the precious it is. ETA: And now I have a 5ml, thanks to Attalia. Thank you Attalia!
  24. Finny


    I wanted to smell the juniper and dragon's blood (where is the stomping up and down tantrum smilie?) I get roses. And a hint of something spicy that tickles my nose. This one goes soapy on me, a rose spice soap, not what I was hoping for. Bah! stupid skin chemistry It is a beautiful scent in the bottle and I bet someone with the right skin chemistry would make this smell beautiful.
  25. Finny

    Mabon 2004

    This was my first full-size bottle. Cherry, almost syrupy? It is very thick cherry, after it dries down some of the other elements come out. I get a wift of apple cider and blackberry wine, but mostly cherry. My skin is turning something here into a cherry-like smell, maybe the blackberry wine? While it smells delicious, it does not suit me. So off it goes to a new home...