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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ifinena

  1. ifinena


    Lemon verbena, straight up. It is the exact scent of a utility shampoo for lice prevention. Not a keeper for me
  2. ifinena


    For all that I have sniffed and re-sniffed and sparingly tested my one and only decant of this glorious scent (thank you wikkidraven ) , I can't pick out any more of the notes that make it up but the smell of walking through wheat fields in July, ripe and golden, being cut under the hot blazing Greek summer. This is a scent of my childhood, of summer and freedom, before allergies and asthma had come to stay and grandma would take me walking around in the fields, when the area I live in still had a few fields where you could run wild and not be afraid of being run over by SUVs. This is what Lughnasadh is for me : summer, school-free, vacations, running wild in the fields and grandma laughing by my side. Lughnasadh is not a scent to entice, to provoke, ensnare or please others. This is a scent for me and myself, a trip down memory lane. I really, really, really love it. Don't we all?
  3. ifinena

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    Oh.My.Goddess! What a glorious drydown stage! I hated the way it smelled out of the decant, so I didn't even want to test. But thankfully I did today. When the wet stage disappears, it leaves me with the most wonderful bpal blend I've tested in the last couple of months. I always apply a bit of bpal in between the girls. So as I moved my head during the day, I was getting wafts of something wonderful, a little bit musky, a little bit woody, a little creamy (not milky which makes me choke) and oh so darned sexy! Sorry I can't come up with notes, but this is one glorious scent. I can't wait to put this on, while my S.O. is around
  4. ifinena

    Leo 2007

    Leo is an interesting blend but somehow I can't see myself wearing it. I get a soft bed of "foody" smell with a kind of "green" and dry sharpness. This combination is not something that I would like to smell of. I know I don't like the way chamomile smells maybe this is what ruins it for me, although I cannot detect it in the blend. After about an hour, the "green" sharp overtone has disappeared and now it is a soft warm blend. Alas, still not something I can wear.
  5. ifinena


    Umm sorry that I don't have a concrete suggestion to add to this. Bengal is a good start but you need a bit of butter (good baklava has loads of butter in it) along the nuts-scent. Chanukkiyah doesn't smell like baklava at all, imho. Alternatively, I can send you some real baklava
  6. ifinena


    Osmanthus, honey, golden musk, vanilla flower, and ginger. This is a very sweet floral on me. My initial sniff gave a very sweet note that reminded me strongly of Milk Moon 2007. It still smells like that, about an hour after application. I know that there is no milk note mentioned in this but to my nose it seems like it could be. The "milk" notes make me choke and I had this reaction with Harikata, too (thankfully milder though). All the honey blends I've tried, including SN, have not had any similar effects on me, thankfully. So I think it can't be the honey. Understandably, it's not a blend for me. Although I can see how it could work beautifully with people with different chemistry. Especially the dry stage with that hint of glorious spiciness.
  7. ifinena

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Oh thank you merivelle for your suggestion! I *think* she has tried Antique Lace but I will suggest that again. Thank you for doing a more thorough check for me, ivyandpeony! I will suggest both those blends. I never would have associated Tresor with sandalwood, not "my" type of sandalwood in any event. Umm about "O" is it what I *think* it is? :D Yes, maybe something else, will come up, too.
  8. ifinena

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Hi there! I have a friend, newbie to bpal, who loves Tresor by Lancome (but won't buy it for whatever reason). I did a search in the thread for it but nothing came up. Anyone has any recommendations on bpal scents that might run in a similar vein? Thank you!
  9. ifinena


    The Heroines were my first love (and hunt-for) in bpal fandom. I was decanting a bit to send to a forumite and I just "discovered" this, after acquiring a partial (and forgetting about it) half a year ago. This is not a bitter scent on me. It's not sweet either, but rather a green, herbal, lush blend with something airy/aquatic. Something very very familiar is in there, but I can't place it. Maybe the Greek sage or the chamomile? Also, I don't know why, but this beautiful scent screams "guy" to me. Probably a childhood memory. This overlooked blend will be getting my love in the springtime ahead for days that are full of meetings-presentations etc and I don't want to be too girly.
  10. ifinena

    Coffee Bean

    I don't drink coffee. The aroma of coffee brewing in the house somewhere, makes me exceedingly hungry, instantly. This perfume oil made my stomach contract from hunger as soon as I sniffed it. When I tested it on, it was all I could do, to not go ravage the fridge. YES it's coffee. Expensive, high quality, slightly bitter, wake-me-up coffee. If I were to close my eyes and sniff this burning in an oil-burner I would be fooled probably. I would love to test it on my guy, or layer it with something a bit sweet . This is my first SN. If Coffee Bean SN is so gorgeous I can only imagine what the musk single notes would be.
  11. ifinena

    Forbidden Fruit

    Forbidden Fruit is a sweet floral bubblegum of a scent (on me). A jasminebubblegum It reminds me of something I can't place, something out of my childhood. A nice blend, but not something that is "me".
  12. ifinena

    The Oval Portrait

    In the bottle and wet on, it's a creamy floral. As it dries down there's something very intensely floral coming up, can't be the honeysuckle as I know what this smells and I love it. It's not the carnation either, because, sadly, it doesn't make an appearance at all (on me). Dry on my skin it's still a strong floral. There's something soapy in the dry stage. I am glad I got to try it but I think this is going to my swaps post.
  13. ifinena


    ... A deep, rumbling scent, warm, soft and as cozy as a dog by a hearthfire, but with a fierce and feral soul: deep chocolate, deeper musks, with a dash of fig, bittersweet walnut, and the wild essences of juniper berry, cubeb and rum. I am so happy to have gotten a bit of this blend. In the imp and first few minutes wet on the skin it gives off an intense lemon-y sort of smell. Not unpleasant. Drying down I think it's the fig that takes over. I don't know what juniper berry smells like but I suspect it may be what gives it a bit of added sweetnes in this stage. I can't get any chocolate unless it's the dark bitter type that keeps the fig and the berry from being too sweet? Dry stage: It gets sweeter and more grounded. Cerberus is a very unique blend. It didn't make me swoon, but I've tested it again and again and I've come to like it a lot. I will be reaching for it more and I need to try to get some more. ETA: Maybe I should have my S.O. try it, too. It may be even better on him
  14. ifinena

    Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal

    This is sweet, too sweet, and cloying on me. It's sort of bubblegum-y and reminds me strongly of BiggerCritters. I was hoping it would be good on me, but so far have had mixed results with the DD blends. Off to the swaps, hoping to find a more loving home for my bottle.
  15. ifinena

    La Befana

    I was given a decant of this and didn't even want to test it. Someone had mentioned a similarity to Faith which was not "me" at all. Charcoal and violets? Wet and dry on me, it is some sort of smokey caramel! Totally that and nothing else. I can't get even a whiff of any of the other listed ingredients. It's delicious, but completely different from what I expected. I think I may even hunt down a bit more to scent my hair products with. I would love my hair to give off a faint scent of this but not what I would like on my skin.
  16. ifinena

    Egg'd Mailbox

    This one was pure "creme brulee" on me (sorry I don't know how to do the French accents on the words). Exactly how this sweet smelled when I tasted it in Parisian cafes. After a couple of hours I could sniff the spiciness (carnation?) that others mentioned. A nice blend for lovers of foody scents. Quite sweet.
  17. ifinena

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    Let me say first that I tried very hard to get my greedy little paws on a bottle of this and I really really wanted to like it. Why, then, did it have to disappoint me so much? This scent is pure headache for me. Sniffing the bottle : smokey incense and headache in the making Trying it on wet: more smokey incense and headache gripping my temples Drying down (see, I persevered..) : blinding raging headache. WTH??? I feel as if I am reviewing a totally different scent than everybody else.
  18. ifinena


    This is a pleasant floral blend. Dominant note in the imp and when wet on my skin is jasmine. I can't smell the lime but maybe it's this that keeps the jasmine from becoming heady? I like it, but I don't think I'll get a big bottle of this.
  19. ifinena

    White Phoenix

    When I saw "crystal musk" in the description, I was done for. The art on the bottle is lovely too, it's as if the phoenix is made of pieces of crystal. In the bottle and wet on my skin, this is a very floral, clean floral smell. A bit heady, a bit soapy clean. Where's my musk?? After half an hour or a bit more, the heady floral aspect has calmed down and then the glorious musk makes its appearance. Oh how I love this phase. The throw is not too strong and I have to put my wrist to my nose, but the musk is wonderful. It's soft, elegant, gorgeous! The drydown of the scent reminds me quite a bit of Buck Moon. This is a scent that I will have to remember to wear before arriving on a date/at work, as I love its' second and final stages more than the wet stage. I will be keeping my bottle and maybe I will order one more before it is pulled down. ETA: grammar
  20. ifinena

    Apple Blossom

    I got an imp of this from djnevermore and it's my first SN. Thank you! At first I was a bit surprised, I think I was expecting something more apple-ish, but this is the scent of the apple tree flower, after all. This is a very heady and strong white floral. It has intense throw and it lasts and lasts, even after attempting to take it off with alcohol. Moderation is the key. It strongly reminds me of some english guest soaps.
  21. ifinena

    Snow White

    Snow White 2007 Wonderful, wonderful, fantabulous!! It works with my chemistry and it's light and soft, just a touch creamy, barely cold (not getting any mint, thankfully), just the barest breath of something fruity, a gorgeous blend. Doesn't have too strong throw. So this one, not only needs but actually deserves slathering!!! Such a wearable, feel-good scent, for me. I can see a multiple bottle purchase in the very near future
  22. ifinena

    Ice Queen

    This was extremely hard to acquire. It's a lovely blend, mostly icy cold winter air, like what you smell on a really cold day, after days of snowing just before you enter a forest. I don't get any of the sweetness other people mentioned or the musks (I sooo wanted the musks!) This one is wonderfully blended perfect for people who love cold,icy scents. Alas, I have this problem with icy scents (as with coffee): they make me feel ravenously hungry, so I am afraid I won't be wearing this much. Maybe during a heat wave in the summer only... It really deserves better than that! ETA: grammar
  23. ifinena


    A legendary warrior bard from Irish lore and a renowned member of the Fianna. His saga is detailed in two of the four great Cycles of Celtic legend: the Fenian and Ossianic Cycles. A lyric, wistful blend of summertime Irish blossoms and herbs, glistening with vibrant white musk. I was very happy to get this on an Ebay auction. It's a gentle blend, staying close to the skin. I get mostly musk. Gentle musk. Also a soft herbal tone with the tiniest bit of spice. I love this on me but I think it may be great on my SO, too. I'll have him test it.
  24. ifinena


    This is a clean, ozon-y scent. I don't know the individual notes, but I would say that this is a scent one can wear during warm/hot weather. A bit floral, a bit soapy -like you just washed your hands. While I do love clean scents, I had to swap this away for other external reasons. points: 3/5
  25. ifinena

    Ace of Hearts

    I got a bottle of this off ebay, unsniffed, I really liked the sound and image of this. In the bottle and wet on my skin: Freesia and gardenia. Oh where are the roses that I wanted? I like freesia, gardenia too, but they are not too suited to my body chemistry. Later on: It's still a softer version of the same freesia-gardenia blend on me. A lovely white floral scent, soft and sweet and lovable, but not one that I will be reaching for often enough. Propably off to the swap pile. ifinena