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Everything posted by wl552

  1. wl552


    Samhain '09 In the vial and fresh on skin: OooooooooooooWeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This badboy is Strong! Dark, bleak smokey wood. Woah. Almost too much, but hey I'm willing to stick this out. Shortly after drying and later: The harshness of the smoke has calmed down and now it has a lovely sweetness, (I think coming from the apple), with the wood smoke behaving within tolerable levels. It's actually quite nice and YAY! not sourish! lol I was hoping for more of the spices, especially the clove since I love that note, but it's pretty much staying true to a sweet smoke. Thankfully, I get no fir or damp woods, either, though. It's appealing to me and though not a definite bottle purchase, it's on the list of scents to consider.
  2. wl552


    Awwwww. I was all geared up to love Boo, since I adore Sticky Pillowcase, while that one was super sticky sweet and delish, Boo is sort of like last year's Milk Duds that have been run through the wash and then left out. I don't know why so many of these new scents I'm testing have this sourish tang to them. Again, it's not rancid and unbearable, but just off. I'm beginning to wonder if something is wrong with my nose. Other opinions: my kids seemed to think it was okay... my older son says, "baby powder" lots of help he is! And my youngest just says, "it smells good! excellent!!". Not much help there either. My daughter says, "powdered sugar with a hint of caramel." It has to be my nose being off.
  3. wl552

    Dia de los Muertos

    This one got randomly picked for this evening. ('09 version) At first is was 100% florals, which is fine, I like florals. After it dried, though, it turned into this weird fake-y, wanna-be expensive cologne which was very sharp floral.... I don't know how else to describe it. Now, it's mellowed beautifully into a faint, but warm cocoa-y succulent floral with the barest whisper of greenishness to it (the greenishness isn't sharp like grass, but more of a fresh vibrancy). I quite like it. I'm going to reserve bottle judgment until later, but it's definitely up for consideration. I also want to note that this might not be the best time of the month to test scents, if you know what I mean. I've not really noticed my body chemistry changing whilst entertaining the "visitor", but with new scents, I can't say for sure. I'll retest all the ones I've tried this week and update my thoughts on them if necessary.
  4. wl552


    Azaroles, nuts, and apple blossoms with red apple pulp, mulberry, blackberry, and pomegranate juice. I tested this last night before turning in. At first it was it was a lovely light fruit, but then like a Halloween nightmare, it changed into this rotten fruit, nut thing. This was a last minute decant tack on, as I can't remember ever trying a scent with a nut note, so I was happy to give it a go, but YIKES!!! Something somewhere went very wrong and overall it was just all kinds of ways OFF on me.
  5. wl552

    Pumpkin I (2009)

    First sniff and wet, I was like Pumpkin III '07 remix here! I'm diggin' it, 'cause that is my all time favorite pumpkin... in my top twenty scents, in fact. I have a little over a half bottle left and thought to myself, I could get this one as sort of a replacement. BUT!!! Imagine my vast disappointment when this one did a 180 on me. I don't know who the culprit is... the almond or the honey, (I'm going to guess it's the honey, 'cause I've had this problem in the past), but it's gone all sourish on me. It's not disgusting or anything, but I'm definitely not diggin' it any more. I'm sad, but my wallet is happy to be saved once more.
  6. wl552

    Devil's Night

    Mmmm! Testing my '09 Devil's Night today. When I first put it on, I would've sworn it had cinnamon in it, but right quick it turned into a more generic spiciness which is dampened by the smokiness of a campfire burning sweet wood started by pouring the booze du soir on the wood. There is a vague muskiness to it that lends the teeniest sourness in the distance, but mostly I'm getting a sweetish, smoky spice. It's quite nice and right up my alley. I'm not sure I'll need a bottle, but I'll definitely enjoy my decant for as long as it lasts.
  7. wl552


    Today is a Creepy '09 day. Definitely getting the butterscotch caramel apple... that's pretty much it. My skin, I've found, doesn't like coconut too much, so I think that is making this tend the tiniest little bit toward the fake-y side. The apple is fresh from the orchard; crisp and cold. The caramel is warm and buttery. Not a whole lot of throw on me; my skin must be eating it... well, it is pretty delicious smelling. Overall, a nice fall apple orchard scent. I'm delighted to have a decant; a bottle isn't necessary.
  8. wl552

    The Girl

    OMG! The lab nailed this one right on the head. "Seductive", "elusive" and "spellbinding" describe The Girl perfectly. This is could easily be someone's signature scent; it's so beautiful. At first all I could smell were the florals and I was 'meh', but after it dried, The Girl blossomed into this rich, warm musky amber. The description says "crystalline" - I'm picturing a deep, glowing, golden citrine. I'm going through my decants, testing one a day, I picked The Girl first; it's going to be hard for the others to live up to her. I'm going to have to scrape to find the money for a bottle. I can't get over how captivating this is. Edit: Through dishes, laundry, supper prep... The Girl has lasted through it all. Faded, but still there. Awesome staying power!
  9. wl552

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    Each bottle of Chaos Theory is truly unique, a fragrant fractal, and exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty! Each is a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim, mood and gut instinct. MCCXCV Sniffing the bottle all the way through to dry-down, it's nothing but roses, Roses, in your face ROSES!! Very pretty if you like roses, but unfortunately it's not quite my thing.
  10. CDLI In bottle: Holy purple lavender, Batman!!! Lavender with the teeniest, tiniest wisp of SO. Wet on skin: More lavender. I was wishing that I liked lavender better at this point and hoping that it settled down. Dry on skin: Patience is paying off. Lavender is settling way down, which is a relief. At this stage, I'd swear to god it was Lilith Victoria all over again. Not bad, but not a top favorite either. Later: Surprise!! Lavender has all but disappeared into something very soft and snuggle-y. Like clean new baby smell with the barest whisper of SO tucked in. It's become very pretty. I wish I knew how to describe it better. Overall: Soft like a fuzzy baby blanket warmed in the glow of SO. I really like this once it gets past the lavender stage. Other opinions: I asked my boys to sniff it. The youngest declared it to be honey. My older boy described it as baby powder. Both in their turn smiled and tried to keep my arm and hand to sleep with.
  11. CCXC In bottle: honeyed florals Wet on skin: mostly florals... can't pin down exactly what kind. Maybe soft lily with the barest hint of white rose? Not overly sweet, there's a bit of sharpness on the backside, but not unpleasantly so. Drydown: florals are mellowing and I'm getting a bit more of the honey with some creaminess. Beeswax maybe? Later: hmmm... sometimes when I huff, I get sweet flower honey, other times I get just soft flowers. It seems to be fading pretty fast - this scent's only downside. Overall: very lovely light scent, perfect for spring or summer. I'll dilute in an atomizer so I can spray like crazy. ^^ With the Chaos Theories, one always risks getting something that doesn't jive; fortunately, I am very happy with this one... it suits me perfectly.
  12. wl552

    The Sea Foams Blood

    Received a frimp with my order. This was on my wishlist, so I'm very happy to have gotten it. in vial: dragon's blood, sea salt and bright pretty florals. wet on skin: bright red, sweet flowers in salt water with the dragon's blood base. drying: pretty much stays true to form. later: getting much more of the metallic tang over the sweetness of the florals now. It's turned a bit sharp. overall: I adore dragon's blood. I love all but one of the ars draconis, so I'm going to be a bit partial anyway. I went and sniffed Dragon's Tears and gave myself a little test dot. Sea Foams Blood is in this same category, but whereas Dragon's Tears is a bit more salty and turns sweet, the Sea Foams Blood starts very sweet and turns very salty with an almost shiny metallic zing. Very glad to have tried this. Bottle worthy? Perhaps, but not right this instant.
  13. wl552

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1

    CCII in bottle: fresh and vibrant... a tad soapish maybe. wet on skin: very fresh and happy. It's a green and yellow scent... late Spring feeling. Is that mint down in there? Not a store bought mint, more like a wild, deep forest mint. There's a sharpness to it. drying: seems to be mellowing out and not as sharp, thank goodness. later: still a sharp almost astringent smell to it. I wouldn't call this pretty, but it is interesting. I can't really smell anything really resembling a "perfume". No florals, no fruit, no food... I just can't put my finger on this scent... it reminds me of a bar of soap. I don't hate it, but I really don't see myself wearing this as it's just not my thing. I'll let this hang out for a month or two and try it again later. Overall: Interesting, but it's not something I can ever love.
  14. CCLIII in bottle: snake oil with a bit of smokey wood smell. I'm scared. wet on skin: the horror!! The unadulterated HORROR! I only really hate a handful of notes... just a few really. And of course I would get that in my CT. Disappointment is putting it mildly. drying: I'm really trying to give this a shot and as much as I hate smokey wood smell, I'm huffing deeply trying to pick out some redeemable notes. My eyes are watering. I'm smelling snake oil and charred wood still. later: it's mellowed somewhat and isn't making my eyes water anymore, so I can huff deeply. There is maybe the wee tiniest bit of incense-y smell in there, barely worth noting... the snake oil really would like to dominate, but it has a fight on it's hands with the charred wood smell and now a very, VERY sharp rusty metallic smell. I don't think I really could've custom ordered an anti-scent and nailed it this good. I'm actually thinking this has to go, but I'll let it sit around for a few months and retest it. Overall: This is my perfect anti-scent. EDIT: I've let my bottle rest a bit and diluted it into an atomizer. OMG! What a complete 180! The smokey wood smell stays neatly in the back, grounding it nicely... making it sexy. There's a sweetness that's neither floral nor foodie that wisps delicately to the fore. This has become indescribably beautiful. I wish it wasn't a CT, 'cause I'd order another bottle of this in a New York minute.
  15. wl552

    Thirteen (13): March 2009

    in bottle: cocoa and cherry liqueur wet on skin: Ooo! Same as in bottle- a sweet cherry liqueur with a swirl of cocoa drying: the spices are floating lightly to the top of this scent and I like it. It's staying on the sweet side, but isn't overly foodie. So digging this right now. later: CHERRIES!!!!!! I love cherries. Spices are mostly gone and the cocoa is playing nice. It's a zippy scent that really makes me happy. It's sweet without being sickening.... perfectly balanced between sweet and tart. Awesome. Overall: After my heartbreaking trials with 13's travelmates, CT:SO and CT:Dorian, March 13 has put a smile back on my face and a spring back in my step. *hugs bottle tightly* This one isn't going anywhere but on me!
  16. wl552

    Thirteen (13): February 2009

    In bottle: spice, Spice, SPICE!! Not the nice, calm, sweet kind either. This is bite your face off, mean spice! Wet: I did mention spice, right? lol Instead of me wanting to nom nom nom my arm. The spices are nom nom noming my arm off while assaulting my nose with their angry chewing. Dry down: Aha!!! My arm is winning this battle! Spiciness has calmed down, but still maintains its bravado of no sweetness here!! Chocolate? Oh yeah, that guy... we ate him during shipping. Later: Oooooooooo! Lovely, sweet Feb. 13. I've tamed you at last! Now the big baddie spices are settled and What's this?? A soft creaminess is timidly peeking out around the sleeping spice. So very lovely of you to join us, chocolate. Overall: I like it! At first, I wasn't too sure of such hot spice with no sweetness; I wasn't too fond. But I've grown to really enjoy this scent. And since I don't really care for chocolate scents too much anyway, it's actually quite perfect. I think when it starts to age it will be absolutely gorgeous. Definitely a keeper.
  17. wl552


    Just received my bottle. Under the lid is a luscious, rich creamy fruit 'n thick cream, (or maybe homemade vanilla ice cream!), smell that makes me wish for late summer's bounty. It's very delicious without being sticky sweet - like fresh fruit and cream should be. On skin, the fruit... it has to be the apple - a super tart green apple like I like... really steps up. No, it leaps up off my skin. The creaminess is just there in the background to keep me from smelling like an orchard stand in fall. If I huff, I can pick up the lovely florals dancing merrily amongst the fruit. It's a very cheerful scent that is making me happy. Drying down a bit, all of the above have swirled together in lovely bowl of fresh fruit on a table graced with a spring bouquet... the homemade ice cream machine is churning out a super rich vanilla treat to dollop on the vibrant fruit. The vanilla keeps the fruit from being too juicy, while the fruit keeps the vanilla from being too sweet. I am completely enamored of this scent. I think I feel another bottle coming on, because wow! I can really see myself indulging in Agapē quite frequently and I would be very sad if I ran out.
  18. wl552


    An OMG scent! What can I say? Pure unadulterated chocolate. And not the kiddie kind of chocolate either. This is very much a grown up chocolate; the kind one might melt down and drizzle over a lover to be licked off. I'm guessing it's the golden amber that gives it that sensuality. I'm not normally one for chocolate scents at all and almost didn't get a decant; that would've been a terrible shame because Gelt has most assuredly seduced me and I must have a bottle. Definitely!
  19. wl552

    Snow White

    I have to wonder if aliens came down and switched my decant of Snow White for something else. hmmm lol At first sniff in the imp and newly dabbed on my skin, I thought, this is pretty okay... it was a soft, almost musky, and in no way masculine scent. But a little later... that's when things turned evil. It morphed into something foul and rank on me. I got nothing of snow and if there were any flowers they smelled like how flowers might if left rotting in the hot summer sun. I kept sniffing my arm, hoping and wanting to like this since it seems to be so very popular, but alas, it remained smelling like pungent animal musk mixed with rotten flowers. I'm kind of sad and a little disappointed, 'cause I really wanted to like this and thought for sure I would with the notes listed. It had been sitting around for over a week before I tested, but I will go ahead and retest this in a month or so to give it another chance. Maybe the aliens will switch it back? Edit: I dabbed some on my daughter's wrist last night to sniff and got the same thing. She liked it quite well. I dunno. I would almost think my sniffer isn't working correctly except my youngest son made a really scrunched up face when he sniffed it; we do seem to have similar scent preferences, though. I guess my daughter will be gifted my decant of Snow White, since my nose refuses to like it. *sigh*
  20. wl552

    Blood Moon 2008

    This is my first time trying a Blood Moon. I'm really glad I went ahead and got this... very nice! In bottle - smells like a toss salad of herbs and freshly fallen leaves with a sprinkle of incense; a very pretty combo. Wet on skin - more of the musky dryness that others speak of, but after about 30 seconds a sweetness bubbles up from the background. Dry - a sweetish incense-y almost animalistic musk with a sparkle of the herb. Overall, I wouldn't call this a calming scent; I can almost feel the panic of the chase at night in the woods in the full grips of fall. It's not a warm scent, but more of the warmth felt from exertion on a cool day - I get a sense of both warm and cool; definitely very dry. A very complex scent I'm enjoying very much. I can't wait to dilute this down into an atomizer so that I may go spritz happy. ^__^ Edit: I was huffing my hand as I typed this and when I was finished, I took a drink of my coffee. When I resniffed my hand, I got sharp salty tang; I wonder if it was the coffee mixing in my nose. I'm rehuffing and am definitely getting more of a tangy herb now. Very strange! I am loving this even more now; I like scents that keep me on my toes. I'm keen to know how this will evolve with age and the flow and ebb of my skin chemistry.
  21. wl552

    Huesos De Santo

    The first time I tested this was actually on my youngest son, because when he sniffed the decant he got that glazed over look in his eyes like he was just given an entire bag of candy. lol My brief note when I sniffed his hand: "This one I actually tested on my son, because he asked. OMG! It smells like powdered sugar coated vanilla waffle cone. Very yummy." My son would really like a bottle of this and he's only nine years old. lol I tested it again on myself and wow does skin chemistry really play a huge role. Here's my brief thoughts when I self-tested: "At first, I could really catch the citrus of the orange; it was very tart on top of the warmer custard scent. I'm sniffing my arm now after several hours and the tartness of the citrus is gone and I'm left with the lovely warm custard cake. It's not super heavy on the food scent, the anise and flowers might be toning that down a bit? (Neither one is apparent at all, though, which is fine with me. ) At any rate, I really like this. I think it might be a keeper. I really hope I don't have to choose between it and Sticky Pillowcase for my super sweet Halloweenie foody pick. That would be a tough call. I may have to retest them at the same time to get a feel for them both; SP is candy whereas HdS is cake." A side note. This stuff has real staying power. I've not hit the shower yet today and I can STILL smell it in the test circle. WOW! Way faded, but definitely still there it has settled deep into my skin for a lovely sweet orange icing on a melt-in-your-mouth pound cake. Definitely confectionery heaven in a bottle.
  22. wl552

    Sticky Pillowcase

    My first review ever, but this one warranted stepping up and giving it a try. I received my Halloweenie decants this morning and as soon as I eased the lid off Sticky Pillowcase a huge involuntary grin spread over my face. This has NEVER happened when sniffing before. Not even paying attention to the notes, I immediately got that sticky sweet candy corn smell. On skin: I used to think I was not too much of a foody. Not too much of a foody? What the heck am I saying? I'm totally a foody. haha Sticky Pillowcase = yum!! After looking at the notes, I figure it must be the marshmallow or candy corn in there that is really standing out, 'cause on my skin it smells like buttery caramel corn and cotton candy's love child. So scrumptious I can feel the cavities forming just sniffing it and oh, I can't stop sniffing it!! 5ml want list for sure. mhmm. Maybe two!
  23. wl552

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Last year, all of the LE Yule bottles came with one of two labels: A brown scroll with script on it, and a picture label. It was about half and half from what I remember, and I think Krampus had 2 or 3 different picture labels. So it's not really unique... sorry! But as far as I know, that's the first time they did multiple label designs for the same scents. Ah! Thank you for replying! I had no idea and I've been so curious about that. ^^ I think it's very cool I could get both labels of one of my favorite scents, so that makes me pretty happy.
  24. wl552

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this, but I didn't want to start a new topic.... Something has been making me very curious for the last couple weeks: A while back I acquired a bottle of Midwinter's Eve '07. I loved it so much that I went about trying to acquire another bottle. I finally got my second bottle and the label is completely different. At first I thought I had made a mistake and gotten a different scent. I looked at both labels to make sure that yes, they both say Yuletide Midwinter's Eve 2007; and they both smell the same. The second bottle I acquired seems to have the more common label that I've seen listed and in my brief visit to the label gallery. My burning curiosity question is how often does this happen? Or do I have something unique? Thanks!