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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by GingerGunlock

  1. GingerGunlock


    Wrath was in the very first imp pack I got, and I received my 5ml of it from the Lab on Monday. I'm a nut for clove scents (and the spice in cooking, and clove gum....), I dig cinnamon, have a good relationship with pepper, and had no idea what Dragon's blood was. In the bottle (or vial), Wrath is a smoldery, peppery scent with a vague clove background. Not smoldering as though it's going to catch fire (I really keep thinking that should say "smouldering", but I'm not British, and I think that's the distinction), but in a seething anger kind of way, and so on first whiff, and even now, it's a perfect representation of said Deadly Sin. On me, it's all of a sudden sweet red lilies like woah, with the pepper thumping up behind it. It lasts all day long, though the throw gets closer and closer to my personal space as the time goes by. Unfortunately, the clove note doesn't really show on my skin at all, unless I put my wrist against my nose and take a really deep sniff, and then I can get the barest whiff at it right at the end, when I run out of breath. But that's all right, I forgive it; Wrath is lovely and certainly one of my favorite scents from my narrow encounters. Also, because my perfume is angry, it somehow seems to help me be more patient throughout the day. Go figure.
  2. GingerGunlock

    Cheshire Cat

    So this morning, I thought "well, I just got my big bottle of Cheshire Cat, I'll use up this itty bitty amount left in the imp here." There was not an itty bitty amount left in the imp Since it's the first imp I've used up (!) and I've been swimming in it all day (and still love it), I suppose it's time to review. I'm very bad with picking out individual notes, but I can say pretty certainly that the grapefruit is nearly nonexistant on my skin, and what show I do have from it is just kind of a crispness added to the creamy-musky-tea thing I get going on, and the lavender seems to add some depth to it on me, making it a bouncy, lovely, kind of wonky scent. It stays for quite a long time in a very fresh and clean sort of way, and doesn't have a whole lot of throw for me. It's very multipurpose: a good mood scent, a need a pick-me-up scent, a going-to-bed-now scent, a relax and comfort me when I have a headache scent. <3
  3. GingerGunlock

    Penny Dreadful

    I'd been so excited to try this one, that I didn't really bother to smell it in the imp. I swiped my nose at it, then wanded some onto my right wrist (the other wrist was housing Snake Oil at the time). To begin with, I got a lot of the almondy cakey scent that a lot of people have mentioned, with a little bit of rained-upon earthiness popping up periodically. Marzipan cupcakes at the playground? Cake at a picnic? Whichever. When this wore off, however, all I smelled was perfume. Not particular florals or notes, but the kind of alcohol-y perfume scent you get after walking through that section of a department store. A couple hours after drydown, it got slightly sweetly almondy again, but overall, on my skin, there was little of the depth and variation of scent that I've sort of become used to expecting. For now, this will go into the little box that I just emptied out to put my imps in, as I have nobody to swap with, and perhaps in a couple months, I'll go back to it and it shall be the things I've just described and more. If I've learned nothing else from reading reviews and stuff, it's that I shouldn't judge a scent at first sampling, but wait and try it again later.
  4. GingerGunlock

    The Jersey Devil

    Holy smokes, the first time I put this on, when it was still wet and imp-fresh, all I could smell was pine. Pine-Sol Pine. Little cardboard car air freshener pine. I was kind of worried, and thinking "this isn't what the Pine Barrens smell like!" But I waited (okay, so maybe I was frozen in fear and dismay). And it mellowed and somehow the blackberry leaf and tomato leaf and cranberry crept up and slid up from beneath and I was left with a scent that was so evocative of walking through the pines to the resevoir that nobody was supposed to go to (oops) to go fishing with my dad. There were blackberry bushes there, after you got out from under the trees. Before BPAL, I'd never had the slightest notion of a "morphing scent", but that's certainly what this one does on me, and I love it.