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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. Things that are bad for your spinning wheel (but only caused mostly cosmetic damage this time) : 1. Tripping over it. 2. Dropping it.

  2. Things Yoake did today? She tripped over nothing. Fell out of bed. Tripped over something which was technically too big to trip over--Twice.

  3. This week was Not Good in an extremely not-good way. So exhausted.

  4. Tired and have a bad headache... Getting sick explains why I was so off-kilter and short-tempered on Friday. I should apologize for that

  5. Today is so full of fail that I can't even begin to explain it.

  6. Today wasn't a total loss, which was kind of awesome. Also I've just been gifted with this thingy coated in sugar. A contributing factor...?

  7. Trying to decide if it would be wholly inappropriate to name my new eBook reader Arsène Lupin. Yes? No? Weird with my ninja-named laptop?

  8. Trying to find my allergy meds before the dose lapses and my brain tries to explode. *flings dangerous looking stuff around haphazardly*

  9. Ugh... well, I'm off to try to sleep. Think I will be spending my weekend internet-free since I feel really horrid. Again. Still?

  10. Um. Apparently 1/5 of the stuff on my iPod is off of soundtracks. But that's only the ones labeled as such, so... actually more like 1/4.

  11. We are going to awesome place of awesome tomorrow. I like it, it's good. Also, the early days and nights have apparently made me incoherent.

  12. Well, apparently I don't get to sleep tonight. Thank you, allergies, for the amazing headache. And the sneezing. Can't forget the sneezing.

  13. Well, at least it was sunny for a bit today. That was nice. But... I totally feel hibernation mode looming on the horizon.

  14. Well, my day has improved a bit. Crow-colored yarn!!!! Also, a parcel full of awesome.

  15. Well, the fever certainly explains why I've felt like such utter crap all day. STFU, body, I know you hate me. At least we agree on that.

  16. What did I post earlier? That makes no sense at all... Totally my own fault, though, I forget I actually have a full-size keyboard on this.

  17. What have I accomplished today? Crocheted tribbles. Radioactive-looking crocheted tribbles, out of fun fur yarn. Shut up.

  18. Wherein I literally growled at the customer service rep during that call. I feel bad for the person, justified in relation to the company.

  19. Why do people call them "Original/Old!Trek" and "Nu!Trek"? In my head, they're differentiated as "Star Trek: TOS" & "Star Trek: Fangirl AU"

  20. Why is it that EVERY TIME there's been an update, my iPod will freak out at least once? Now I have to wait til charge runs out & try again.

  21. Why would anyone link from a grey-on-black mainpage to a pale-grey-on-white subdirectory? MY EYES, they weep real tears!

  22. Whyyyyy are all of of Ryoma's character songs "you can't beat me" or "i'm gonna be sweet now and make you feel wistful and melancholy," huh?

  23. Woke up again an hour ago and crocheted an octopus... Yeah, I know. WTF, brain, what's up with you this morning? Huh? Going back to sleep.

  24. Wonderful. Let's leave the application's buttons for commonly used functions alone, okay? Stop moving them to the menu that NO ONE looks at!

  25. Work is closed today - meaning I had oatmeal for breakfast and that I get to stay here and NOT play in the very chilly snow and wind combo.
