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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. Okay, sleep now since I am going for work/moving goods with mom later in the day. Plus dad's coming home from Canada this evening. :)

  2. Okay, so once in a while I get to have a moment where I feel awesome. This would be now, folks. Also- Hah. I can't remember what "also" was.

  3. Okay, this would be easier if I hadn't cleaned recently. Seriously, I can't find anything in this room anymore.

  4. OMG!!!!!!!!! Guess who's going to see Dir en Grey & Apocalyptica in September...?! With @ftngrave & @MitsukiNori ! Yeah, that's right. :)

    1. cyanidenoir


      I saw Dir en Grey in Vegas maybe a year ago? It was awesome ^_^ Congrats to you.

    2. HighPriestessIce


      Lucky! I'd kill to see Apocalyptica!

      And Dir en Grey is awesome live :D

  5. OMG. I am soooo happy! Also, today is awesome. You are all awesome. What am I saying? Everything in the universe is awesome! I GOT THE JOB!!

  6. OMG. I was RIGHT. kid!Edgeworth and Conan do have the same fashion sense. Or, well, Edgeworth and Shinichi's parents did. Heeh...

  7. Ordered my ORCA pass, almost done packing work clothes. Waiting to bring my computer to the house til I can stay in my room there, though.

  8. Playing games on my DS again... Now that I've finally remembered to charge it. Work's busy and okay, but I've been so sleepy lately!

  9. Saw #FrightNight today. Oh, man. I laughed at completely inappropriate times, because I am sometimes too geeky for my own good.

  10. Should have nixed the chili mangos (ugh) and gotten more of the dried tomatoes, which are super delish. Yummy!

  11. Sleeeep, since that interview is tomorrow and I really think being conscious at the time would help. Good night!

  12. So sleepy, but if I go to bed now I'll be up again by midnight.

  13. So, yeah, after tonight I will be out of touch until next Saturday. Training & first week of work!

  14. So, Yoake in interview clothes? = people referring to her as "ma'am" instead of "miss/Ms." So now Nice Yoake = Respectful teenagers. WTF?!!

  15. So. Naruto. Either it'll be a bittersweet ending or everyone's going to end up dead. That's right. No sunshine and unicorns for these folks.

  16. Something is knocking, knocking at my chamber door... What could it be, I wonder? ...Hah. It's Thor (the dog), trying to get into the room.

  17. Sometimes I get distracted when my hair actually behaves. Like today. It's all shiny and silky and just... ugh if it had a face I'd hate it.

  18. Sometimes the only cute for a headache is propping your head against a gigantic teddy bear.

  19. Still not up to much today. Got up, wandered around for a couple hours in the house, then promptly collapsed into bed again. Exhausted.

  20. Still not very good but marginally less miserable. The lack of oxygen makes the random dizziness make sense. Also makes me sleepy.

  21. Still trying to balance this week's fail/no fail factor. Not looking particularly great. And my favorite anime shop? Might close in 2011.

  22. That "random mental voice narrates every move" thing happened today. Narrator? "Incredibly Bored Nt'lGeo Guy Narrates Lions Eating Zebras."

  23. The HR director sent me all my training info, but not information on what time to arrive for work on Tuesday. I'll give her a call for it.

  24. The ink in my fountain pen here froze while I was at home. $^&%^&*****!

  25. The new IS hire in our PDX office has the same name as Spock's mum. I kid you not. I don't know if that's a good sign or not. #StarTrek #wtf
