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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. 5. Cello... but they also play BEAUTIFULLY. And I need to stop clogging people's feeds and take some painkillers and sleep. I love you all!!

  2. ahahahah... unconsciousness, sleep, why have you abandoned me at 3 AM on a Saturday morning? Come back, please. You are needed!

  3. After I got back to sleep I slept most of the day. Because every time I woke up I felt like death warmed over. Just like at work Friday.

  4. Playing games on my DS again... Now that I've finally remembered to charge it. Work's busy and okay, but I've been so sleepy lately!

  5. Wonderful. Let's leave the application's buttons for commonly used functions alone, okay? Stop moving them to the menu that NO ONE looks at!

  6. I am kind of awful but kind of awesome. The heck kind of week is this, anyway? Also. My Grandma baked me cookies. Like, only-for-me!cookies.

  7. We are going to awesome place of awesome tomorrow. I like it, it's good. Also, the early days and nights have apparently made me incoherent.

  8. Guess who gets to be 22 tomorrow? Yay me. Another year older, another reason to wonder what's in store before the next advance in age.

  9. Why is it that EVERY TIME there's been an update, my iPod will freak out at least once? Now I have to wait til charge runs out & try again.

  10. Ahahahah. Not to be showing me the Blue Screen of Death, please. Not cool at all. Don't die, computer! I'll have to resurrect you if you do.

  11. Internet access at the House, I has it! Also, it's not freezing in my room here today. Weird. How am I supposed to tell it's not home now??

  12. Ugh... well, I'm off to try to sleep. Think I will be spending my weekend internet-free since I feel really horrid. Again. Still?

  13. Well, at least it was sunny for a bit today. That was nice. But... I totally feel hibernation mode looming on the horizon.

  14. Today is so full of fail that I can't even begin to explain it.

  15. Knitting: Exercise in Intentional Knots combined with Exercise in Not Putting Out an Eye. See also: Sewing, attaching, detaching, injury.

  16. Okay, so once in a while I get to have a moment where I feel awesome. This would be now, folks. Also- Hah. I can't remember what "also" was.

  17. Noooo, shoulder, I don't want to turn into Sephiroth! I'll never be able to fit a gigantic wing under my winter coat! Stop torturing me...!

  18. That "random mental voice narrates every move" thing happened today. Narrator? "Incredibly Bored Nt'lGeo Guy Narrates Lions Eating Zebras."

  19. It is really really cold. :( Everything hurts if I move too fast-- A sure sign I did not get my coat zipped fast enough this morning.Owww...

  20. Work is closed today - meaning I had oatmeal for breakfast and that I get to stay here and NOT play in the very chilly snow and wind combo.

  21. Something is knocking, knocking at my chamber door... What could it be, I wonder? ...Hah. It's Thor (the dog), trying to get into the room.

  22. I really need to figure out what I did with the Christmas presents. I know I put them somewhere safe so they wouldn't get lost, but...

  23. I think I am all done getting ready for Christmas. For a certain value of done. Let's be optimistic & call it 85 percent, okay?

  24. I think that all I can really say about this week is that the "I'm drowning!" checkbox on my "HELP!" userpic is way way too small.

  25. The ink in my fountain pen here froze while I was at home. $^&%^&*****!
